/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint char copyright[] = "@(#) Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.\n\ All rights reserved.\n"; #endif not lint #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rain.c 5.2 (Berkeley) 7/15/85"; #endif not lint #define BSD #include #ifdef USG #include #else #include #endif #include /* rain 11/3/1980 EPS/CITHEP */ /* cc rain.c -o rain -O -ltermlib */ #define cursor(col,row) tputs(tgoto(CM,col,row),1,fputchar) extern char *UP; extern short ospeed; #ifdef USG struct termio old_tty; #else struct sgttyb old_tty; #endif char *LL, *TE, *TI; main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { extern fputchar(); char *malloc(); char *getenv(); char *tgetstr(), *tgoto(); float ranf(); int onsig(); register int x, y, j; static int xpos[5], ypos[5]; register char *CM, *BC, *DN, *ND; int CO, LI; char *tcp; register char *term; char tcb[100]; #ifdef USG struct termio sg; #else struct sgttyb sg; #endif float cols, lines; setbuf(stdout,malloc(BUFSIZ)); if (!(term=getenv("TERM"))) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: TERM: parameter not set\n",*argv); exit(1); } if (tgetent(malloc(1024),term)<=0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: unknown terminal type\n",*argv,term); exit(1); } tcp=tcb; if (!(CM=tgetstr("cm",&tcp))) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: terminal not capable of cursor motion\n",*argv); exit(1); } if (!(BC=tgetstr("bc",&tcp))) BC="\b"; if (!(DN=tgetstr("dn",&tcp))) DN="\n"; if (!(ND=tgetstr("nd",&tcp))) ND=" "; if ((CO = tgetnum("co")) == -1) CO = 80; if ((LI = tgetnum("li")) == -1) LI = 24; cols = CO - 4; lines = LI - 4; TE=tgetstr("te",&tcp); TI=tgetstr("ti",&tcp); UP=tgetstr("up",&tcp); if (!(LL=tgetstr("ll",&tcp))) strcpy(LL=malloc(10),tgoto(CM,0,23)); #ifdef USG ioctl(1, TCGETA, &sg); ospeed=sg.c_cflag&CBAUD; #else gtty(1, &sg); ospeed=sg.sg_ospeed; #endif for (j=SIGHUP;j<=SIGTERM;j++) if (signal(j,SIG_IGN)!=SIG_IGN) signal(j,onsig); #ifdef USG ioctl(1, TCGETA, &old_tty); /* save tty bits for exit */ ioctl(1, TCGETA, &sg); sg.c_iflag&=~ICRNL; sg.c_oflag&=~ONLCR; sg.c_lflag&=~ECHO; ioctl(1, TCSETAW, &sg); #else gtty(1, &old_tty); /* save tty bits for exit */ gtty(1, &sg); sg.sg_flags&=~(CRMOD|ECHO); stty(1, &sg); #endif if (TI) tputs(TI,1,fputchar); tputs(tgetstr("cl",&tcp),1,fputchar); fflush(stdout); for (j=5;--j>=0;) { xpos[j]=(int)(cols*ranf())+2; ypos[j]=(int)(lines*ranf())+2; } for (j=0;;) { x=(int)(cols*ranf())+2; y=(int)(lines*ranf())+2; cursor(x,y); fputchar('.'); cursor(xpos[j],ypos[j]); fputchar('o'); if (j==0) j=4; else --j; cursor(xpos[j],ypos[j]); fputchar('O'); if (j==0) j=4; else --j; cursor(xpos[j],ypos[j]-1); fputchar('-'); tputs(DN,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); fputs("|.|",stdout); tputs(DN,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); fputchar('-'); if (j==0) j=4; else --j; cursor(xpos[j],ypos[j]-2); fputchar('-'); tputs(DN,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); fputs("/ \\",stdout); cursor(xpos[j]-2,ypos[j]); fputs("| O |",stdout); cursor(xpos[j]-1,ypos[j]+1); fputs("\\ /",stdout); tputs(DN,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); fputchar('-'); if (j==0) j=4; else --j; cursor(xpos[j],ypos[j]-2); fputchar(' '); tputs(DN,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); fputchar(' '); tputs(ND,1,fputchar); fputchar(' '); cursor(xpos[j]-2,ypos[j]); fputchar(' '); tputs(ND,1,fputchar); fputchar(' '); tputs(ND,1,fputchar); fputchar(' '); cursor(xpos[j]-1,ypos[j]+1); fputchar(' '); tputs(ND,1,fputchar); fputchar(' '); tputs(DN,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); tputs(BC,1,fputchar); fputchar(' '); xpos[j]=x; ypos[j]=y; fflush(stdout); } } onsig(n) int n; { #ifdef USG struct termio sg; #else struct sgttyb sg; #endif tputs(LL, 1, fputchar); if (TE) tputs(TE, 1, fputchar); fflush(stdout); #ifdef USG ioctl(1, TCSETAW, &old_tty); #else stty(1, &old_tty); #endif kill(getpid(),n); _exit(0); } fputchar(c) char c; { putchar(c); } float ranf() { #ifdef BSD return((float)rand()/2147483647.); #else return((float)rand()/32767.); #endif }