#if defined(REFCLOCK) && defined(PSTI) #ifndef lint static char *rcsid = "$Header: /usr/users/louie/ntp/RCS/read_psti.c,v 89/05/18 18:36:45 louie Exp Locker: louie $"; static char *sccsid = "@(#)read_psti.c 1.1 MS/ACF 89/02/17"; #endif lint #define ERR_RATE 60 /* Repeat errors once an hour */ /* * read_psti.c * January 1988 -- orignal by Jeffrey I. Schiller * January 1989 -- QU version by Doug Kingston * * This module facilitates reading a Precision Time Standard, Inc. * WWV radio clock. We assume that clock is configured for 9600 baud, * no parity. Output is accepted in either 24 or 12 hour format. * Time is requested and processed in GMT. * * This version is designed to make use of the QU command due to * additional information it provides (like date and flags). * Select is used to prevent hanging in a read when there are * no characters to read. The line is run in cooked mode to * reduce overhead. * * This requires a PSTI ROM revision later 4.01.000 or later. * * Routines defined: * init_clock_psti(): Open the tty associated with the clock and * set its tty mode bits. Returns fd on success * and -1 on failure. * read_clock_psti(): Reads the clock and returns either 0 on success * or non-zero on error. On success, pointers are * provided to the reference and local time. */ #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(sun) #include #endif #ifdef DEBUG extern int debug; #endif DEBUG static int nerrors = 0; static char clockdata[32]; #define MIN_READ 13 /* for Rev 4.01.001 */ static double reltime(); #ifdef STANDALONE #ifndef CLOCKDEV #define CLOCKDEV "/dev/radioclock" #endif #define DEBUG 1 int debug = 1; main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { struct timeval *tvp, *otvp; debug = argc; if (openclock(CLOCKDEV)) do { (void)readclock(&tvp, &otvp); sleep(1); } while (debug>1); exit(0); } #endif STANDALONE init_clock_psti(timesource) char *timesource; { int cfd; #ifdef TCSETA struct termio tty; #else struct sgttyb tty; #endif if ((cfd = open(timesource, 2)) < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) perror(timesource); else #endif DEBUG syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't open %s: %m", timesource); return(-1); } if (ioctl(cfd, TIOCEXCL, 0) < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) perror("TIOCEXCL on radioclock failed"); else #endif DEBUG syslog(LOG_ERR, "TIOCEXCL on %s failed: %m", timesource); return(-1); } #ifdef TCSETA if (ioctl(cfd, TCGETA, &tty) < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) perror("ioctl on radioclock failed"); else #endif DEBUG syslog(LOG_ERR, "ioctl on %s failed: %m", timesource); return(-1); } tty.c_cflag = (B9600<<16)|B9600|CS8|CLOCAL|CREAD; tty.c_iflag = ICRNL; tty.c_oflag = 0; tty.c_lflag = 0; bzero((char *)tty.c_cc, sizeof tty.c_cc); tty.c_cc[VMIN] = MIN_READ; tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (ioctl(cfd, TCSETA, &tty) < 0) { #else TCSETA /* Use older Berkeley style IOCTL's */ bzero((char *)&tty, sizeof tty); tty.sg_ispeed = tty.sg_ospeed = B9600; tty.sg_flags = ANYP|CRMOD; tty.sg_erase = tty.sg_kill = '\0'; if (ioctl(cfd, TIOCSETP, &tty) < 0) { #endif TCSETA #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) perror("ioctl on radioclock failed"); else #endif DEBUG syslog(LOG_ERR, "ioctl on %s failed: %m", timesource); return(-1); } if (write(cfd, "xxxxxxsn\r", 9) != 9) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) perror("init write to radioclock failed"); else #endif DEBUG syslog(LOG_ERR, "init write to %s failed: %m", timesource); return(-1); } return(cfd); /* Succeeded in opening the clock */ } /* * read_clock_psti() -- Read the PSTI Radio Clock. */ read_clock_psti(cfd, tvpp, otvpp) int cfd; struct timeval **tvpp, **otvpp; { static struct timeval radiotime; static struct timeval mytime; struct timeval timeout; struct tm *mtm; struct tm radio_tm, *rtm = &radio_tm; register int i; register int millis; register double diff; int stat1, stat2; fd_set readfds; char message[256]; #ifndef TCSETA register char *cp; int need; #endif TCSETA FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(cfd, &readfds); timeout.tv_sec = 2; timeout.tv_usec = 0; (void) ioctl(cfd, TIOCFLUSH, 0); /* scrap the I/O queues */ /* BEGIN TIME CRITICAL CODE SECTION!!!!!! */ /* EVERY CYCLE FROM THIS POINT OUT ADDS TO THE INACCURACY OF THE READ CLOCK VALUE!!!!! */ if (write(cfd, "\003qu0000", 7) != 7) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) printf("radioclock write failed\n"); else #endif DEBUG if ((nerrors++%ERR_RATE) == 0) syslog(LOG_ERR, "write to radioclock failed: %m"); return(1); } if(select(cfd+1, &readfds, 0, 0, &timeout) != 1) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) printf("radioclock poll timed out\n"); else #endif DEBUG if ((nerrors++%ERR_RATE) == 0) syslog(LOG_ERR, "poll of radioclock failed: %m"); return(1); } if ((i = read(cfd, clockdata, sizeof clockdata)) < MIN_READ) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) printf("radioclock read error (%d)\n", i); else #endif DEBUG if ((nerrors++%ERR_RATE) == 0) syslog(LOG_ERR, "radioclock read error (%d!=13): %m", i); return(1); } (void) gettimeofday(&mytime, (struct timezone *)0); /* END OF TIME CRITICAL CODE SECTION!!!! */ if (clockdata[i-1] != '\n') { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) printf("radioclock format error1 (%.12s)(0x%x)\n", clockdata, clockdata[12]); else #endif DEBUG if ((nerrors++%ERR_RATE) == 0) syslog(LOG_ERR, "radioclock format error1 (%.12s)(0x%x)", clockdata, clockdata[12]); return(1); } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (clockdata[i] < '0' || clockdata[i] > 'o') { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) printf("radioclock format error2\n"); else #endif DEBUG if ((nerrors++%ERR_RATE) == 0) syslog(LOG_ERR, "radioclock format error2\n"); return(1); } } stat1 = clockdata[0]-'0'; stat2 = clockdata[1]-'0'; millis = ((clockdata[2]-'0')*64)+(clockdata[3]-'0'); rtm->tm_sec = (clockdata[4]-'0'); rtm->tm_min = (clockdata[5]-'0'); rtm->tm_hour = (clockdata[6]-'0'); rtm->tm_yday = ((clockdata[7]-'0')*64)+(clockdata[8]-'0')-1; rtm->tm_year = 86+(clockdata[9]-'0'); /* byte 10 and 11 reserved */ /* * Correct "hours" based on whether or not AM/PM mode is enabled. * If clock is in 24 hour (military) mode then no correction is * needed. */ if(stat2&0x10) { /* Map AM/PM time to Military */ if (stat2&0x8) { if (rtm->tm_hour != 12) rtm->tm_hour += 12; } else { if (rtm->tm_hour == 12) rtm->tm_hour = 0; } } if (stat1 != 0x4 && (nerrors++%ERR_RATE)==0) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) printf("radioclock fault #%d 0x%x:%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", nerrors, stat1, stat1&0x20?" Out of Spec,":"", stat1&0x10?" Hardware Fault,":"", stat1&0x8?" Signal Fault,":"", stat1&0x4?" Time Avail,":"", stat1&0x2?" Year Mismatch,":"", stat1&0x1?" Clock Reset,":""); else { #endif DEBUG sprintf(message, "radioclock fault #%d 0x%x:%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", nerrors, stat1, stat1&0x20?" Out of Spec,":"", stat1&0x10?" Hardware Fault,":"", stat1&0x8?" Signal Fault,":"", stat1&0x4?" Time Avail,":"", stat1&0x2?" Year Mismatch,":"", stat1&0x1?" Clock Reset,":""); syslog(LOG_ERR, message); } } if (stat1&0x38) /* Out of Spec, Hardware Fault, Signal Fault */ return(1); if ((millis > 999 || rtm->tm_sec > 60 || rtm->tm_min > 60 || rtm->tm_hour > 23 || rtm->tm_yday > 365) && (nerrors++%ERR_RATE)==0) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) printf("radioclock bogon #%d: %dd %dh %dm %ds %dms\n", nerrors, rtm->tm_yday, rtm->tm_hour, rtm->tm_min, rtm->tm_sec, millis); else #endif DEBUG sprintf(message, "radioclock bogon #%d: %dd %dh %dm %ds %dms\n", nerrors, rtm->tm_yday, rtm->tm_hour, rtm->tm_min, rtm->tm_sec, millis); syslog(LOG_ERR, message); return(1); } mtm = gmtime(&mytime.tv_sec); diff = reltime(rtm, millis*1000) - reltime(mtm, mytime.tv_usec); #ifdef DEBUG if (debug > 1) printf("Clock time: 19%d day %03d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d diff %.3f\n", rtm->tm_year, rtm->tm_yday, rtm->tm_hour, rtm->tm_min, rtm->tm_sec, millis, diff); #endif DEBUG if (diff > (90*24*60*60.0) && (nerrors++%ERR_RATE)==0) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) printf("offset excessive (system 19%d/%d, clock 19%d/%d)\n", mtm->tm_year, mtm->tm_yday, rtm->tm_year, mtm->tm_yday); else #endif DEBUG syslog(LOG_ERR, "offset excessive (system 19%d/%d, clock 19%d/%d)\n", mtm->tm_year, mtm->tm_yday, rtm->tm_year, mtm->tm_yday); return(1); } diff += (double)mytime.tv_sec + ((double)mytime.tv_usec/1000000.0); radiotime.tv_sec = diff; radiotime.tv_usec = (diff - (double)radiotime.tv_sec) * 1000000; #ifdef DEBUG if (debug > 1) { printf("System time: 19%d day %03d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d\n", mtm->tm_year, mtm->tm_yday, mtm->tm_hour, mtm->tm_min, mtm->tm_sec, mytime.tv_usec/1000); printf("stat1 0%o, stat2 0%o: ", stat1, stat2); if (stat1 || stat2) printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", stat1&0x20?" Out of Spec,":"", stat1&0x10?" Hardware Fault,":"", stat1&0x8?" Signal Fault,":"", stat1&0x4?" Time Avail,":"", stat1&0x2?" Year Mismatch,":"", stat1&0x1?" Clock Reset,":"", stat2&0x20?" DST on,":"", stat2&0x10?" 12hr mode,":"", stat2&0x8?" PM,":"", stat2&0x4?" Spare?,":"", stat2&0x2?" DST??? +1,":"", stat2&0x1?" DST??? -1,":""); printf("\n"); } #endif DEBUG /* If necessary, acknowledge "Clock Reset" flag bit */ if (stat1 & 0x1) { if (write(cfd, "si0", 3) != 3) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug) printf("radioclock reset write failed\n"); else #endif DEBUG syslog(LOG_ERR, "reset write to radioclock failed: %m"); return(1); } } if (nerrors && stat1==0x4) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "radioclock OK (after %d errors)", nerrors); nerrors = 0; } *tvpp = &radiotime; *otvpp = &mytime; return(0); } static double reltime(tm, usec) register struct tm *tm; register int usec; { return(tm->tm_year*(366.0*24.0*60.0*60.0) + tm->tm_yday*(24.0*60.0*60.0) + tm->tm_hour*(60.0*60.0) + tm->tm_min*(60.0) + tm->tm_sec + usec/1000000.0); } #endif