/* * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ns_sort.c 4.3 (Berkeley) 2/17/88"; #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ns.h" #include "db.h" extern char *p_type(), *p_class(); extern int debug; extern FILE *ddt; struct netinfo* local(from) struct sockaddr_in *from; { extern struct netinfo *nettab, netloop; struct netinfo *ntp; if (from->sin_addr.s_addr == netloop.my_addr.s_addr) return( &netloop); for (ntp = nettab; ntp != NULL; ntp = ntp->next) { if (ntp->net == (from->sin_addr.s_addr & ntp->mask)) return(ntp); } return(NULL); } sort_response(cp, ancount, lp, eom) register char *cp; register int ancount; struct netinfo *lp; u_char *eom; { register struct netinfo *ntp; extern struct netinfo *nettab; #ifdef DEBUG if (debug > 2) fprintf(ddt,"sort_response(%d)\n", ancount); #endif DEBUG if (ancount > 1) { if (sort_rr(cp, ancount, lp, eom)) return; for (ntp = nettab; ntp != NULL; ntp = ntp->next) { if ((ntp->net == lp->net) && (ntp->mask == lp->mask)) continue; if (sort_rr(cp, ancount, ntp, eom)) break; } } } int sort_rr(cp, count, ntp, eom) register u_char *cp; int count; register struct netinfo *ntp; u_char *eom; { int type, class, dlen, n, c; struct in_addr inaddr; u_char *rr1; #ifdef DEBUG if (debug > 2) { inaddr.s_addr = ntp->net; fprintf(ddt,"sort_rr( x%x, %d, %s)\n",cp, count, inet_ntoa(inaddr)); } #endif DEBUG rr1 = NULL; for (c = count; c > 0; --c) { n = dn_skipname(cp, eom); if (n < 0) return (1); /* bogus, stop processing */ cp += n; if (cp + QFIXEDSZ > eom) return (1); GETSHORT(type, cp); GETSHORT(class, cp); cp += sizeof(u_long); GETSHORT(dlen, cp); if (dlen > eom - cp) return (1); /* bogus, stop processing */ switch (type) { case T_A: switch (class) { case C_IN: bcopy(cp, (char *)&inaddr, sizeof(inaddr)); if (rr1 == NULL) rr1 = cp; if ((ntp->mask & inaddr.s_addr) == ntp->net) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug > 1) { fprintf(ddt,"net %s best choice\n", inet_ntoa(inaddr)); } #endif DEBUG if (rr1 != cp) { bcopy(rr1, cp, sizeof(inaddr)); bcopy((char *)&inaddr, rr1, sizeof(inaddr)); } return(1); } break; } break; } cp += dlen; } return(0); } #ifdef notdef dump_namebuf(np) register struct namebuf *np; { register struct databuf *dp; long n; u_long addr; u_short i; int j; char *cp; char *proto; FILE *fp; extern char *inet_ntoa(), *p_protocal(), *p_service(); int found_data; gettime(&tt); if ((fp = fopen("/usr/tmp/namebuf", "a")) == NULL) return; found_data = 0; for (dp = np->n_data; dp != NULL; dp = dp->d_next) { if (dp->d_ttl <= tt.tv_sec) continue; /* Stale */ if (!found_data) { fprintf(fp, "%s\t", np->n_dname); if (strlen(np->n_dname) < 8) (void) putc('\t', fp); found_data++; } else fprintf(fp, "\t\t"); if (dp->d_zone == 0) fprintf(fp, "%ld\t", dp->d_ttl - tt.tv_sec); else if (dp->d_ttl > zones[dp->d_zone].z_minimum) fprintf(fp, "%ld\t", dp->d_ttl); fprintf(fp, "%s\t%s\t", p_class(dp->d_class), p_type(dp->d_type)); cp = dp->d_data; /* * Print type specific data */ switch (dp->d_type) { case T_A: switch (dp->d_class) { case C_IN: n = htonl(_getlong(cp)); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&n)); break; } break; case T_CNAME: case T_MB: case T_MG: case T_MR: case T_PTR: if (cp[0] == '\0') fprintf(fp, ".\n"); else fprintf(fp, "%s.\n", cp); break; case T_NS: cp = dp->d_data; if (cp[0] == '\0') fprintf(fp, ".\t"); else fprintf(fp, "%s.", cp); if (dp->d_nstime) fprintf(fp, "\t; %ld", dp->d_nstime); fprintf(fp, "\n"); break; case T_HINFO: if (n = *cp++) { fprintf(fp, "\"%.*s\"", n, cp); cp += n; } else fprintf(fp, "\"\""); if (n = *cp++) fprintf(fp, " \"%.*s\"", n, cp); else fprintf(fp, "\"\""); (void) putc('\n', fp); break; case T_SOA: fprintf(fp, "%s.", cp); cp += strlen(cp) + 1; fprintf(fp, " %s. (\n", cp); cp += strlen(cp) + 1; fprintf(fp, "\t\t%ld", _getlong(cp)); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(fp, " %ld", _getlong(cp)); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(fp, " %ld", _getlong(cp)); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(fp, " %ld", _getlong(cp)); cp += sizeof(u_long); fprintf(fp, " %ld )\n", _getlong(cp)); break; case T_MX: fprintf(fp,"%d", _getshort(cp)); cp += sizeof(u_short); fprintf(fp," %s.\n", cp); break; case T_UINFO: fprintf(fp, "\"%s\"\n", cp); break; case T_UID: case T_GID: if (dp->d_size == sizeof(u_long)) { fprintf(fp, "%ld\n", _getlong(cp)); cp += sizeof(u_long); } break; case T_WKS: addr = htonl(_getlong(cp)); fprintf(fp,"%s ", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&addr)); cp += sizeof(u_long); proto = p_protocal(*cp); /* protocal */ cp += sizeof(char); fprintf(fp, "%s ", proto); i = 0; while(cp < dp->d_data + dp->d_size) { j = *cp++; do { if(j & 0200) fprintf(fp," %s", p_service(i, proto)); j <<= 1; } while(++i & 07); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); break; default: fprintf(fp, "???\n"); } } (void) fclose(fp); } #endif notdef