/* * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)lpf.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 5/15/85"; #endif not lint /* * filter which reads the output of nroff and converts lines * with ^H's to overwritten lines. Thus this works like 'ul' * but is much better: it can handle more than 2 overwrites * and it is written with some style. * modified by kls to use register references instead of arrays * to try to gain a little speed. */ #include #include #define MAXWIDTH 132 #define MAXREP 10 char buf[MAXREP][MAXWIDTH]; int maxcol[MAXREP] = {-1}; int lineno; int width = 132; /* default line length */ int length = 66; /* page length */ int indent; /* indentation length */ int npages = 1; int literal; /* print control characters */ char *name; /* user's login name */ char *host; /* user's machine name */ char *acctfile; /* accounting information file */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { register FILE *p = stdin, *o = stdout; register int i, col; register char *cp; int done, linedone, maxrep; char ch, *limit; while (--argc) { if (*(cp = *++argv) == '-') { switch (cp[1]) { case 'n': argc--; name = *++argv; break; case 'h': argc--; host = *++argv; break; case 'w': if ((i = atoi(&cp[2])) > 0 && i <= MAXWIDTH) width = i; break; case 'l': length = atoi(&cp[2]); break; case 'i': indent = atoi(&cp[2]); break; case 'c': /* Print control chars */ literal++; break; } } else acctfile = cp; } for (cp = buf[0], limit = buf[MAXREP]; cp < limit; *cp++ = ' '); done = 0; while (!done) { col = indent; maxrep = -1; linedone = 0; while (!linedone) { switch (ch = getc(p)) { case EOF: linedone = done = 1; ch = '\n'; break; case '\f': lineno = length; case '\n': if (maxrep < 0) maxrep = 0; linedone = 1; break; case '\b': if (--col < indent) col = indent; break; case '\r': col = indent; break; case '\t': col = ((col - indent) | 07) + indent + 1; break; case '\031': /* * lpd needs to use a different filter to * print data so stop what we are doing and * wait for lpd to restart us. */ if ((ch = getchar()) == '\1') { fflush(stdout); kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP); break; } else { ungetc(ch, stdin); ch = '\031'; } default: if (col >= width || !literal && ch < ' ') { col++; break; } cp = &buf[0][col]; for (i = 0; i < MAXREP; i++) { if (i > maxrep) maxrep = i; if (*cp == ' ') { *cp = ch; if (col > maxcol[i]) maxcol[i] = col; break; } cp += MAXWIDTH; } col++; break; } } /* print out lines */ for (i = 0; i <= maxrep; i++) { for (cp = buf[i], limit = cp+maxcol[i]; cp <= limit;) { putc(*cp, o); *cp++ = ' '; } if (i < maxrep) putc('\r', o); else putc(ch, o); if (++lineno >= length) { fflush(o); npages++; lineno = 0; } maxcol[i] = -1; } } if (lineno) { /* be sure to end on a page boundary */ putchar('\f'); npages++; } if (name && acctfile && access(acctfile, 02) >= 0 && freopen(acctfile, "a", stdout) != NULL) { printf("%7.2f\t%s:%s\n", (float)npages, host, name); } exit(0); }