call tstil call tstch call tstrd call tstcmp end subroutine tstil c test integers and logicals integer ivec(8) logical lvec(6), l1, l2 namelist /nml/ key, ii, ivec, l1, l2, lvec data ii/-1/, ivec/8*2/, lvec/6*.false./, l1/.false./, l2/.false./ print '(//"test integers and logicals...")' 10 continue read(*,nml) print nml if( return go to 10 end subroutine tstch character ch, chvec(12), str*10, strv(-1:4)*5 namelist /nmc/ key, ch, chvec, str, strv data ch/'+'/, chvec/12*'-'/, str/'+..-..-..+'/, strv/6*':...:'/ print '(//"test characters and strings...")' 10 continue read(*,nmc) print nmc if( return go to 10 end subroutine tstrd real r, rvec(10) double precision d, darr(-10:-8, 0:1, 1:2) namelist /nmrd/ key, r,d, rvec, darr print '(//"test reals and doubles...")' 10 continue read(*,nmrd) print nmrd if( return go to 10 end subroutine tstcmp complex c, cvec(6) double complex z, zvec(6) namelist /nmcmp/ key, c,cvec,z,zvec print '(//"test complex and double complex...")' 10 continue read(*,nmcmp) print nmcmp if( return go to 10 end