#!/bin/sh : '/********************************************************************* uucp.daily Sccsid=@(#)uucp.daily 1.1.1 (2.11BSD) 1996/10/25 usage: Called from cron in the wee early hours of the morning arguments: none. history: long time ago original version 07/02/82 revisions to month change handling *********************************************************************/' : 'daily UUCP cleanup' : 'called in the morning' spool=/usr/spool/uucp olddir="$spool/OLD" PATH="/usr/new:/usr/ucb:/usr/local:/bin:/usr/bin" ; export PATH /usr/bin/uulog /usr/sbin/uuclean -m -p LCK. -p X. -p D. -p C. -p TM. /usr/sbin/uuclean -p STST. -n 12 set `date` day=$1 month=$2 daymon=$3 : '************************************************************ Old spool/log files are kept by the naming scheme: LOGFILE.${day}${daymon} where ${day} is the day of the week (Sun-Sat), and ${daymon} is the numerical day of the month. SYSLOG files are kept by the scheme: SYSLOG.week: the current weeks: totals; SYSLOG.month: the current months totals; SYSLOG.${month} where ${month} is the first three letters of the month: the totals for that month. ************************************************************' cd $spool mv LOGFILE $olddir/LOGFILE.${day}${daymon} mv SYSLOG SYSLOG.$$ cat SYSLOG.$$ >>$olddir/SYSLOG.week rm -f SYSLOG.$$ : 'clean up UUCP logfiles' cd $olddir : 'save the current SYSLOG in a monthly summary each Monday. ' case $day in Mon) cat SYSLOG.week >>SYSLOG.month rm -f SYSLOG.week ;; esac : 'Create monthly name file if necessary' if [ ! -f logmonth ] then echo $month >logmonth curmonth=$month else curmonth=`cat logmonth` fi : 'If the month has wrapped around, save the monthly summary by the name of the month ' if [ $month != $curmonth ] then if [ -f SYSLOG.week ] then cat SYSLOG.week >>SYSLOG.month rm -f SYSLOG.week fi mv SYSLOG.month SYSLOG.$curmonth echo $month >logmonth uuusage $curmonth >UUUSAGE.${curmonth} fi : 'Remove LOGFILEs older than three days; save SYSLOG files forever (remove manually) ' find . -name 'LOGFILE.*' -mtime +3 -exec rm -f {} \;