#ifndef TARGET TARGET NOT DEFINED !!! #endif #if TARGET!=PDP11 Target= TARGET OUT OF RANGE!! #endif #ifndef FAMILY FAMILY NOT DEFINED!!! #endif #if FAMILY!=SCJ && FAMILY!=DMR Family = FAMILY OUT OF RANGE #endif #define TYLENG TYLONG #define TYINT TYSHORT #define SZADDR 2 #define SZSHORT 2 #define SZINT 2 #define SZLONG 4 #define SZLENG SZLONG #define ALIADDR SZADDR #define ALISHORT SZSHORT #define ALILONG 2 #define ALIDOUBLE 2 #define ALIINT ALILONG #define ALILENG ALILONG #define AUTOREG 5 #define ARGREG 4 #define SAVESPACE 6 #define FUDGEOFFSET 1 #define BITSPERCHAR 8 #define XL 8 #define USETEXT "\t.text" #define USECONST "\t.data" #define USEBSS "\t.bss" #define USEINIT "\t.data" #define BLANKCOMMON "_BLNK_" #define LABELFMT "%s:\n" #define MAXSHORT 32767 #define MAXREGVAR 2 #define TYIREG TYSHORT #define MSKIREG M(TYSHORT)