#include "defs" #include "string_defs" /* * Note: an addition has been made to the intrinsic * function tables to support the fortran bit * functions: * igetbt, iand, ieor, inot, ior, ishft, iputbt * * mod is selected by '#define BITFUNC' * wfj and jlh 8 august 1979 USGS Menlo Park. */ /* INTRINSIC FUNCTIONS: The compiler needs to recognize the name of an intrinsic function, decide on which C routine to call depending on the type of the arguement, then call that routine and tell the compiler the type of the result. The structure intrblock is the intrinsic function table. Each line of the table contains the intrinsic function name (intrtab[i].intrfname) and three numbers that are actually packed into one long word with the structure intrbits. The first number (intrtab.intrval.f1) tells how the type is to be checked and converted if necessary. The second number (intrtab.intrval.f2) tells either the type of the argument required or in the case of INTRGEN tells how many lines of the spectable to search. The third number (intrtab.intrval.f3) tells which line of the spectable to go to or to begin at. The spectable is the structure specblock and contains four columns: the type of argument(s) required, the type of result returned, the number of arguments required, and the name of the C routine to be called. INTRCONV, INTRBOOL, INTRMAX, and INTRMIN are all done internally with no subroutine call necessary. INTRSPEC requires that the argument be of the type specified. INTRGEN requires that the argument be of one of the types specified in the spectable beginning at line intrtab.intrval. f3 and going for intrtab.intrval.f2 lines. PLWard, Menlo 4/8/80 */ #define BITFUNC union { int ijunk; struct intrpacked bits; } packed; struct intrbits { int intrgroup /* :3 */; int intrstuff /* result type or number of generics */; int intrno /* :7 */; }; LOCAL struct intrblock { char intrfname[VL]; struct intrbits intrval; } intrtab[ ] = { "int", { INTRCONV, TYLONG }, "real", { INTRCONV, TYREAL }, "dble", { INTRCONV, TYDREAL }, "dreal", { INTRCONV, TYDREAL }, "cmplx", { INTRCONV, TYCOMPLEX }, "dcmplx", { INTRCONV, TYDCOMPLEX }, "ifix", { INTRCONV, TYLONG }, "idint", { INTRCONV, TYLONG }, "float", { INTRCONV, TYREAL }, "dfloat", { INTRCONV, TYDREAL }, "sngl", { INTRCONV, TYREAL }, "ichar", { INTRCONV, TYLONG }, "char", { INTRCONV, TYCHAR }, "max", { INTRMAX, TYUNKNOWN }, "max0", { INTRMAX, TYLONG }, "amax0", { INTRMAX, TYREAL }, "max1", { INTRMAX, TYLONG }, "amax1", { INTRMAX, TYREAL }, "dmax1", { INTRMAX, TYDREAL }, "and", { INTRBOOL, TYUNKNOWN, OPBITAND }, "or", { INTRBOOL, TYUNKNOWN, OPBITOR }, "xor", { INTRBOOL, TYUNKNOWN, OPBITXOR }, "not", { INTRBOOL, TYUNKNOWN, OPBITNOT }, "lshift", { INTRBOOL, TYUNKNOWN, OPLSHIFT }, "rshift", { INTRBOOL, TYUNKNOWN, OPRSHIFT }, "min", { INTRMIN, TYUNKNOWN }, "min0", { INTRMIN, TYLONG }, "amin0", { INTRMIN, TYREAL }, "min1", { INTRMIN, TYLONG }, "amin1", { INTRMIN, TYREAL }, "dmin1", { INTRMIN, TYDREAL }, "aint", { INTRGEN, 2, 0 }, "dint", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 1 }, "anint", { INTRGEN, 2, 2 }, "dnint", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 3 }, "nint", { INTRGEN, 4, 4 }, "idnint", { INTRGEN, 2, 6 }, "abs", { INTRGEN, 6, 8 }, "iabs", { INTRGEN, 2, 9 }, "dabs", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 11 }, "cabs", { INTRSPEC, TYREAL, 12 }, "zabs", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 13 }, "mod", { INTRGEN, 4, 14 }, "amod", { INTRSPEC, TYREAL, 16 }, "dmod", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 17 }, "sign", { INTRGEN, 4, 18 }, "isign", { INTRGEN, 2, 19 }, "dsign", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 21 }, "dim", { INTRGEN, 4, 22 }, "idim", { INTRGEN, 2, 23 }, "ddim", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 25 }, "dprod", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 26 }, "len", { INTRSPEC, TYLONG, 27 }, "index", { INTRSPEC, TYLONG, 29 }, "imag", { INTRGEN, 2, 31 }, "aimag", { INTRSPEC, TYREAL, 31 }, "dimag", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 32 }, "conjg", { INTRGEN, 2, 33 }, "dconjg", { INTRSPEC, TYDCOMPLEX, 34 }, "sqrt", { INTRGEN, 4, 35 }, "dsqrt", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 36 }, "csqrt", { INTRSPEC, TYCOMPLEX, 37 }, "zsqrt", { INTRSPEC, TYDCOMPLEX, 38 }, "exp", { INTRGEN, 4, 39 }, "dexp", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 40 }, "cexp", { INTRSPEC, TYCOMPLEX, 41 }, "zexp", { INTRSPEC, TYDCOMPLEX, 42 }, "cdexp", { INTRSPEC, TYDCOMPLEX, 42 }, "log", { INTRGEN, 4, 43 }, "alog", { INTRSPEC, TYREAL, 43 }, "dlog", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 44 }, "clog", { INTRSPEC, TYCOMPLEX, 45 }, "zlog", { INTRSPEC, TYDCOMPLEX, 46 }, "log10", { INTRGEN, 2, 47 }, "alog10", { INTRSPEC, TYREAL, 47 }, "dlog10", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 48 }, "sin", { INTRGEN, 4, 49 }, "dsin", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 50 }, "csin", { INTRSPEC, TYCOMPLEX, 51 }, "zsin", { INTRSPEC, TYDCOMPLEX, 52 }, "cos", { INTRGEN, 4, 53 }, "dcos", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 54 }, "ccos", { INTRSPEC, TYCOMPLEX, 55 }, "zcos", { INTRSPEC, TYDCOMPLEX, 56 }, "tan", { INTRGEN, 2, 57 }, "dtan", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 58 }, "asin", { INTRGEN, 2, 59 }, "dasin", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 60 }, "acos", { INTRGEN, 2, 61 }, "dacos", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 62 }, "atan", { INTRGEN, 2, 63 }, "datan", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 64 }, "atan2", { INTRGEN, 2, 65 }, "datan2", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 66 }, "sinh", { INTRGEN, 2, 67 }, "dsinh", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 68 }, "cosh", { INTRGEN, 2, 69 }, "dcosh", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 70 }, "tanh", { INTRGEN, 2, 71 }, "dtanh", { INTRSPEC, TYDREAL, 72 }, "lge", { INTRSPEC, TYLOGICAL, 73}, "lgt", { INTRSPEC, TYLOGICAL, 75}, "lle", { INTRSPEC, TYLOGICAL, 77}, "llt", { INTRSPEC, TYLOGICAL, 79}, #ifdef BITFUNC "igetbt", { INTRGEN,2, 81}, "iand", { INTRGEN, 2, 83}, "ieor", { INTRGEN, 2, 85}, "inot", { INTRGEN, 2, 87}, "ior", { INTRGEN, 2, 89}, "ishft", { INTRGEN, 2, 91}, "iputbt", { INTRGEN, 2, 93}, #endif "" }; LOCAL struct specblock { char atype; char rtype; char nargs; char spxname[XL]; char othername; /* index into callbyvalue table */ } spectab[ ] = { { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_int" }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_int" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_nint" }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_nint" }, { TYREAL,TYSHORT,1,"h_nint" }, { TYREAL,TYLONG,1,"i_nint" }, { TYDREAL,TYSHORT,1,"h_dnnt" }, { TYDREAL,TYLONG,1,"i_dnnt" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_abs" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,1,"h_abs" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,1,"i_abs" }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_abs" }, { TYCOMPLEX,TYREAL,1,"c_abs" }, { TYDCOMPLEX,TYDREAL,1,"z_abs" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,2,"h_mod" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,2,"i_mod" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,2,"r_mod" }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,2,"d_mod" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,2,"r_sign" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,2,"h_sign" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,2,"i_sign" }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,2,"d_sign" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,2,"r_dim" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,2,"h_dim" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,2,"i_dim" }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,2,"d_dim" }, { TYREAL,TYDREAL,2,"d_prod" }, { TYCHAR,TYSHORT,1,"h_len" }, { TYCHAR,TYLONG,1,"i_len" }, { TYCHAR,TYSHORT,2,"h_indx" }, { TYCHAR,TYLONG,2,"i_indx" }, { TYCOMPLEX,TYREAL,1,"r_imag" }, { TYDCOMPLEX,TYDREAL,1,"d_imag" }, { TYCOMPLEX,TYCOMPLEX,1,"r_cnjg" }, { TYDCOMPLEX,TYDCOMPLEX,1,"d_cnjg" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_sqrt", 1 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_sqrt", 1 }, { TYCOMPLEX,TYCOMPLEX,1,"c_sqrt" }, { TYDCOMPLEX,TYDCOMPLEX,1,"z_sqrt" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_exp", 2 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_exp", 2 }, { TYCOMPLEX,TYCOMPLEX,1,"c_exp" }, { TYDCOMPLEX,TYDCOMPLEX,1,"z_exp" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_log", 3 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_log", 3 }, { TYCOMPLEX,TYCOMPLEX,1,"c_log" }, { TYDCOMPLEX,TYDCOMPLEX,1,"z_log" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_lg10" }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_lg10" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_sin", 4 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_sin", 4 }, { TYCOMPLEX,TYCOMPLEX,1,"c_sin" }, { TYDCOMPLEX,TYDCOMPLEX,1,"z_sin" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_cos", 5 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_cos", 5 }, { TYCOMPLEX,TYCOMPLEX,1,"c_cos" }, { TYDCOMPLEX,TYDCOMPLEX,1,"z_cos" }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_tan", 6 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_tan", 6 }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_asin", 7 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_asin", 7 }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_acos", 8 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_acos", 8 }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_atan", 9 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_atan", 9 }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,2,"r_atn2", 10 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,2,"d_atn2", 10 }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_sinh", 11 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_sinh", 11 }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_cosh", 12 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_cosh", 12 }, { TYREAL,TYREAL,1,"r_tanh", 13 }, { TYDREAL,TYDREAL,1,"d_tanh", 13 }, { TYCHAR,TYLOGICAL,2,"hl_ge" }, { TYCHAR,TYLOGICAL,2,"l_ge" }, { TYCHAR,TYLOGICAL,2,"hl_gt" }, { TYCHAR,TYLOGICAL,2,"l_gt" }, { TYCHAR,TYLOGICAL,2,"hl_le" }, { TYCHAR,TYLOGICAL,2,"l_le" }, { TYCHAR,TYLOGICAL,2,"hl_lt" }, { TYCHAR,TYLOGICAL,2,"l_lt" } #ifdef BITFUNC , { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,3,"h_getbit" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,3,"i_getbit" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,2,"h_iand" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,2,"i_iand" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,2,"h_ieor" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,2,"i_ieor" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,1,"h_not" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,1,"i_not" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,2,"h_ior" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,2,"i_ior" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,2,"h_ishft" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,2,"i_ishft" }, { TYSHORT,TYSHORT,4,"h_putbit" }, { TYLONG,TYLONG,4,"i_putbit" } #endif } ; char callbyvalue[ ][XL] = { "sqrt", "exp", "log", "sin", "cos", "tan", "asin", "acos", "atan", "atan2", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh" }; struct exprblock *intrcall(np, argsp, nargs) struct nameblock *np; struct listblock *argsp; int nargs; { int i, rettype; struct addrblock *ap; register struct specblock *sp; struct exprblock *q, *inline(); register chainp cp; struct constblock *mkcxcon(); expptr ep; int mtype; int op; packed.ijunk = np->vardesc.varno; if(nargs == 0) goto badnargs; mtype = 0; for(cp = argsp->listp ; cp ; cp = cp->nextp) { /* TEMPORARY */ ep = cp->datap; /* TEMPORARY */ if( ISCONST(ep) && ep->vtype==TYSHORT ) /* TEMPORARY */ cp->datap = mkconv(tyint, ep); mtype = maxtype(mtype, ep->vtype); } switch(packed.bits.f1) { case INTRBOOL: op = packed.bits.f3; if( ! ONEOF(mtype, MSKINT|MSKLOGICAL) ) goto badtype; if(op == OPBITNOT) { if(nargs != 1) goto badnargs; q = mkexpr(OPBITNOT, argsp->listp->datap, NULL); } else { if(nargs != 2) goto badnargs; q = mkexpr(op, argsp->listp->datap, argsp->listp->nextp->datap); } frchain( &(argsp->listp) ); free(argsp); return(q); case INTRCONV: rettype = packed.bits.f2; if(rettype == TYLONG) rettype = tyint; if( ISCOMPLEX(rettype) && nargs==2) { expptr qr, qi; qr = argsp->listp->datap; qi = argsp->listp->nextp->datap; if(ISCONST(qr) && ISCONST(qi)) q = mkcxcon(qr,qi); else q = mkexpr(OPCONV,mkconv(rettype-2,qr), mkconv(rettype-2,qi)); } else if(nargs == 1) q = mkconv(rettype, argsp->listp->datap); else goto badnargs; q->vtype = rettype; frchain(&(argsp->listp)); free(argsp); return(q); case INTRGEN: sp = spectab + packed.bits.f3; for(i=0; iatype == mtype) goto specfunct; else ++sp; goto badtype; case INTRSPEC: sp = spectab + packed.bits.f3; if(tyint==TYLONG && sp->rtype==TYSHORT) ++sp; specfunct: if(nargs != sp->nargs) goto badnargs; if(mtype != sp->atype) goto badtype; fixargs(YES, argsp); if(q = inline(sp-spectab, mtype, argsp->listp)) { frchain( &(argsp->listp) ); free(argsp); } else if(sp->othername) { ap = builtin(sp->rtype, varstr(XL, callbyvalue[sp->othername-1]) ); q = fixexpr( mkexpr(OPCCALL, ap, argsp) ); } else { ap = builtin(sp->rtype, varstr(XL, sp->spxname) ); q = fixexpr( mkexpr(OPCALL, ap, argsp) ); } return(q); case INTRMIN: case INTRMAX: if(nargs < 2) goto badnargs; if( ! ONEOF(mtype, MSKINT|MSKREAL) ) goto badtype; argsp->vtype = mtype; q = mkexpr( (packed.bits.f1==INTRMIN ? OPMIN : OPMAX), argsp, NULL); q->vtype = mtype; rettype = packed.bits.f2; if(rettype == TYLONG) rettype = tyint; else if(rettype == TYUNKNOWN) rettype = mtype; return( mkconv(rettype, q) ); default: error("intrcall: bad intrgroup %d", packed.bits.f1,0,FATAL1); } badnargs: error("bad number of arguments to intrinsic %s", varstr(VL,np->varname),0,ERR1); goto bad; badtype: error("bad argument type to intrinsic %s", varstr(VL, np->varname), 0,ERR1); bad: return( errnode() ); } intrfunct(s) char s[VL]; { register struct intrblock *p; char nm[VL]; register int i; for(i = 0 ; iintrval.intrgroup!=INTREND ; ++p) { if( eqn(VL, nm, p->intrfname) ) { packed.bits.f1 = p->intrval.intrgroup; packed.bits.f2 = p->intrval.intrstuff; packed.bits.f3 = p->intrval.intrno; return(packed.ijunk); } } return(0); } struct addrblock *intraddr(np) struct nameblock *np; { struct addrblock *q; struct specblock *sp; if(np->vclass!=CLPROC || np->vprocclass!=PINTRINSIC) error("intraddr: %s is not intrinsic", varstr(VL,np->varname),0,FATAL1); packed.ijunk = np->vardesc.varno; switch(packed.bits.f1) { case INTRGEN: /* imag, log, and log10 arent specific functions */ if(packed.bits.f3==31 || packed.bits.f3==43 || packed.bits.f3==47) goto bad; case INTRSPEC: sp = spectab + packed.bits.f3; if(tyint==TYLONG && sp->rtype==TYSHORT) ++sp; q = builtin(sp->rtype, varstr(XL,sp->spxname) ); return(q); case INTRCONV: case INTRMIN: case INTRMAX: case INTRBOOL: bad: error("cannot pass %s as actual", varstr(VL,np->varname),0,ERR1); return( errnode() ); } error("intraddr: impossible f1=%d\n", packed.bits.f1,0,FATAL1); /* NOTREACHED */ } struct exprblock *inline(fno, type, args) int fno; int type; chainp args; { register struct exprblock *q, *t, *t1; switch(fno) { case 8: /* real abs */ case 9: /* short int abs */ case 10: /* long int abs */ case 11: /* double precision abs */ if( addressable(q = args->datap) ) { t = q; q = NULL; } else t = mktemp(type); t1 = mkexpr(OPQUEST, mkexpr(OPLE, mkconv(type,ICON(0)), cpexpr(t)), mkexpr(OPCOLON, cpexpr(t), mkexpr(OPNEG, cpexpr(t), NULL) )); if(q) t1 = mkexpr(OPCOMMA, mkexpr(OPASSIGN, cpexpr(t),q), t1); frexpr(t); return(t1); case 26: /* dprod */ q = mkexpr(OPSTAR, args->datap, args->nextp->datap); q->vtype = TYDREAL; return(q); case 27: /* len of character string */ q = cpexpr(args->datap->vleng); frexpr(args->datap); return(q); case 14: /* half-integer mod */ case 15: /* mod */ return( mkexpr(OPMOD, args->datap, args->nextp->datap) ); } return(NULL); }