#include "defs" #include "string_defs" extern ftnint iarrlen(), lmin(), lmax(); /* ROUTINES RELATED TO EQUIVALENCE CLASS PROCESSING */ /* called at end of declarations section to process chains created by EQUIVALENCE statements */ doequiv() { register int i; int inequiv, comno, ovarno; ftnint comoffset, offset, leng; register struct equivblock *p; register struct eqvchain *q; struct primblock *itemp; register struct nameblock *np; expptr offp, suboffset(); int ns, nsubs(); chainp cp; for(i = 0 ; i < nequiv ; ++i) { p = &eqvclass[i]; p->eqvbottom = p->eqvtop = 0; comno = -1; for(q = p->equivs ; q ; q = q->nextp) { itemp = q->eqvitem; vardcl(np = itemp->namep); if(itemp->argsp || itemp->fcharp) { if(np->vdim!=NULL && np->vdim->ndim>1 && nsubs(itemp->argsp)==1 ) { if(! ftn66flag) error("1-dim subscript in EQUIVALENCE",0,0,WARN); cp = NULL; ns = np->vdim->ndim; while(--ns > 0) cp = mkchain( ICON(1), cp); itemp->argsp->listp->nextp = cp; } offp = suboffset(itemp); } else offp = ICON(0); if(ISICON(offp)) offset = q->eqvoffset = offp->const.ci; else { error("nonconstant subscript in equivalence ", np, 0, DCLERR); np = NULL; goto endit; } if( (leng = iarrlen(np)) < 0) { error("adjustable in equivalence", np, 0, DCLERR); np = NULL; goto endit; } p->eqvbottom = lmin(p->eqvbottom, -offset); p->eqvtop = lmax(p->eqvtop, leng-offset); switch(np->vstg) { case STGUNKNOWN: case STGBSS: case STGEQUIV: break; case STGCOMMON: comno = np->vardesc.varno; comoffset = np->voffset + offset; break; default: error("bad storage class in equivalence", np, 0, DCLERR); np = NULL; goto endit; } endit: frexpr(offp); q->eqvitem = np; } if(comno >= 0) eqvcommon(p, comno, comoffset); else for(q = p->equivs ; q ; q = q->nextp) { if(np = q->eqvitem) { inequiv = NO; if(np->vstg==STGEQUIV) if( (ovarno = np->vardesc.varno) == i) { if(np->voffset + q->eqvoffset != 0) error("inconsistent equivalence", np, 0, DCLERR); } else { offset = np->voffset; inequiv = YES; } np->vstg = STGEQUIV; np->vardesc.varno = i; np->voffset = - q->eqvoffset; if(inequiv) eqveqv(i, ovarno, q->eqvoffset + offset); } } } for(i = 0 ; i < nequiv ; ++i) { p = & eqvclass[i]; if(p->eqvbottom!=0 || p->eqvtop!=0) { for(q = p->equivs ; q; q = q->nextp) { np = q->eqvitem; np->voffset -= p->eqvbottom; if(np->voffset % typealign[np->vtype] != 0) error("bad alignment forced by equivalence", np, 0, DCLERR); } p->eqvtop -= p->eqvbottom; p->eqvbottom = 0; } freqchain(p); } } /* put equivalence chain p at common block comno + comoffset */ LOCAL eqvcommon(p, comno, comoffset) struct equivblock *p; int comno; ftnint comoffset; { int ovarno; ftnint k, offq; register struct nameblock *np; register struct eqvchain *q; if(comoffset + p->eqvbottom < 0) { error("attempt to extend common %s backward", nounder(XL, extsymtab[comno].extname) ,0,ERR1); freqchain(p); return; } if( (k = comoffset + p->eqvtop) > extsymtab[comno].extleng) extsymtab[comno].extleng = k; for(q = p->equivs ; q ; q = q->nextp) if(np = q->eqvitem) { switch(np->vstg) { case STGUNKNOWN: case STGBSS: np->vstg = STGCOMMON; np->vardesc.varno = comno; np->voffset = comoffset - q->eqvoffset; break; case STGEQUIV: ovarno = np->vardesc.varno; offq = comoffset - q->eqvoffset - np->voffset; np->vstg = STGCOMMON; np->vardesc.varno = comno; np->voffset = comoffset - q->eqvoffset; if(ovarno != (p - eqvclass)) eqvcommon(&eqvclass[ovarno], comno, offq); break; case STGCOMMON: if(comno != np->vardesc.varno || comoffset != np->voffset+q->eqvoffset) error("inconsistent common usage", np, 0, DCLERR); break; default: error("eqvcommon: impossible vstg %d", np->vstg,0,FATAL1); } } freqchain(p); p->eqvbottom = p->eqvtop = 0; } /* put all items on ovarno chain on front of nvarno chain * adjust offsets of ovarno elements and top and bottom of nvarno chain */ LOCAL eqveqv(nvarno, ovarno, delta) int ovarno, nvarno; ftnint delta; { register struct equivblock *p0, *p; register struct nameblock *np; struct eqvchain *q, *q1; p0 = eqvclass + nvarno; p = eqvclass + ovarno; p0->eqvbottom = lmin(p0->eqvbottom, p->eqvbottom - delta); p0->eqvtop = lmax(p0->eqvtop, p->eqvtop - delta); p->eqvbottom = p->eqvtop = 0; for(q = p->equivs ; q ; q = q1) { q1 = q->nextp; if( (np = q->eqvitem) && np->vardesc.varno==ovarno) { q->nextp = p0->equivs; p0->equivs = q; q->eqvoffset -= delta; np->vardesc.varno = nvarno; np->voffset -= delta; } else free(q); } p->equivs = NULL; } LOCAL freqchain(p) register struct equivblock *p; { register struct eqvchain *q, *oq; for(q = p->equivs ; q ; q = oq) { oq = q->nextp; free(q); } p->equivs = NULL; } LOCAL nsubs(p) register struct listblock *p; { register int n; register chainp q; n = 0; if(p) for(q = p->listp ; q ; q = q->nextp) ++n; return(n); }