1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS)
   8: static char *sccsid = "@(#)ex_set.c	7.4 (Berkeley) 6/7/85";
   9: #endif
  11: #include "ex.h"
  12: #include "ex_temp.h"
  13: #include "ex_tty.h"
  15: /*
  16:  * Set command.
  17:  */
  18: char    optname[ONMSZ];
  20: set()
  21: {
  22:     register char *cp;
  23:     register struct option *op;
  24:     register int c;
  25:     bool no;
  26:     extern short ospeed;
  28:     setnoaddr();
  29:     if (skipend()) {
  30:         if (peekchar() != EOF)
  31:             ignchar();
  32:         propts();
  33:         return;
  34:     }
  35:     do {
  36:         cp = optname;
  37:         do {
  38:             if (cp < &optname[ONMSZ - 2])
  39:                 *cp++ = getchar();
  40:         } while (isalnum(peekchar()));
  41:         *cp = 0;
  42:         cp = optname;
  43:         if (eq("all", cp)) {
  44:             if (inopen)
  45:                 pofix();
  46:             prall();
  47:             goto next;
  48:         }
  49:         no = 0;
  50:         if (cp[0] == 'n' && cp[1] == 'o') {
  51:             cp += 2;
  52:             no++;
  53:         }
  54:         /* Implement w300, w1200, and w9600 specially */
  55:         if (eq(cp, "w300")) {
  56:             if (ospeed >= B1200) {
  57: dontset:
  58:                 ignore(getchar());  /* = */
  59:                 ignore(getnum());   /* value */
  60:                 continue;
  61:             }
  62:             cp = "window";
  63:         } else if (eq(cp, "w1200")) {
  64:             if (ospeed < B1200 || ospeed >= B2400)
  65:                 goto dontset;
  66:             cp = "window";
  67:         } else if (eq(cp, "w9600")) {
  68:             if (ospeed < B2400)
  69:                 goto dontset;
  70:             cp = "window";
  71:         }
  72:         for (op = options; op < &options[NOPTS]; op++)
  73:             if (eq(op->oname, cp) || op->oabbrev && eq(op->oabbrev, cp))
  74:                 break;
  75:         if (op->oname == 0)
  76:             serror("%s: No such option@- 'set all' gives all option values", cp);
  77:         c = skipwh();
  78:         if (peekchar() == '?') {
  79:             ignchar();
  80: printone:
  81:             propt(op);
  82:             noonl();
  83:             goto next;
  84:         }
  85:         if (op->otype == ONOFF) {
  86:             op->ovalue = 1 - no;
  87:             if (op == &options[PROMPT])
  88:                 oprompt = 1 - no;
  89:             goto next;
  90:         }
  91:         if (no)
  92:             serror("Option %s is not a toggle", op->oname);
  93:         if (c != 0 || setend())
  94:             goto printone;
  95:         if (getchar() != '=')
  96:             serror("Missing =@in assignment to option %s", op->oname);
  97:         switch (op->otype) {
  99:         case NUMERIC:
 100:             if (!isdigit(peekchar()))
 101:                 error("Digits required@after =");
 102:             op->ovalue = getnum();
 103:             if (value(TABSTOP) <= 0)
 104:                 value(TABSTOP) = TABS;
 105:             if (value(HARDTABS) <= 0)
 106:                 value(HARDTABS) = TABS;
 107:             if (op == &options[WINDOW]) {
 108:                 if (value(WINDOW) >= LINES)
 109:                     value(WINDOW) = LINES-1;
 110:                 vsetsiz(value(WINDOW));
 111:             }
 112:             break;
 114:         case STRING:
 115:         case OTERM:
 116:             cp = optname;
 117:             while (!setend()) {
 118:                 if (cp >= &optname[ONMSZ])
 119:                     error("String too long@in option assignment");
 120:                 /* adb change:  allow whitepace in strings */
 121:                 if( (*cp = getchar()) == '\\')
 122:                     if( peekchar() != EOF)
 123:                         *cp = getchar();
 124:                 cp++;
 125:             }
 126:             *cp = 0;
 127:             if (op->otype == OTERM) {
 128: /*
 129:  * At first glance it seems like we shouldn't care if the terminal type
 130:  * is changed inside visual mode, as long as we assume the screen is
 131:  * a mess and redraw it. However, it's a much harder problem than that.
 132:  * If you happen to change from 1 crt to another that both have the same
 133:  * size screen, it's OK. But if the screen size if different, the stuff
 134:  * that gets initialized in vop() will be wrong. This could be overcome
 135:  * by redoing the initialization, e.g. making the first 90% of vop into
 136:  * a subroutine. However, the most useful case is where you forgot to do
 137:  * a setenv before you went into the editor and it thinks you're on a dumb
 138:  * terminal. Ex treats this like hardcopy and goes into HARDOPEN mode.
 139:  * This loses because the first part of vop calls oop in this case.
 140:  * The problem is so hard I gave up. I'm not saying it can't be done,
 141:  * but I am saying it probably isn't worth the effort.
 142:  */
 143:                 if (inopen)
 144: error("Can't change type of terminal from within open/visual");
 145:                 setterm(optname);
 146:             } else {
 147:                 CP(op->osvalue, optname);
 148:                 op->odefault = 1;
 149:             }
 150:             break;
 151:         }
 152: next:
 153:         flush();
 154:     } while (!skipend());
 155:     eol();
 156: }
 158: setend()
 159: {
 161:     return (iswhite(peekchar()) || endcmd(peekchar()));
 162: }
 164: prall()
 165: {
 166:     register int incr = (NOPTS + 2) / 3;
 167:     register int rows = incr;
 168:     register struct option *op = options;
 170:     for (; rows; rows--, op++) {
 171:         propt(op);
 172:         tab(24);
 173:         propt(&op[incr]);
 174:         if (&op[2*incr] < &options[NOPTS]) {
 175:             tab(56);
 176:             propt(&op[2 * incr]);
 177:         }
 178:         putNFL();
 179:     }
 180: }
 182: propts()
 183: {
 184:     register struct option *op;
 186:     for (op = options; op < &options[NOPTS]; op++) {
 187: #ifdef V6
 188:         if (op == &options[TERM])
 189: #else
 190:         if (op == &options[TTYTYPE])
 191: #endif
 192:             continue;
 193:         switch (op->otype) {
 195:         case ONOFF:
 196:         case NUMERIC:
 197:             if (op->ovalue == op->odefault)
 198:                 continue;
 199:             break;
 201:         case STRING:
 202:             if (op->odefault == 0)
 203:                 continue;
 204:             break;
 205:         }
 206:         propt(op);
 207:         putchar(' ');
 208:     }
 209:     noonl();
 210:     flush();
 211: }
 213: propt(op)
 214:     register struct option *op;
 215: {
 216:     register char *name;
 218:     name = op->oname;
 220:     switch (op->otype) {
 222:     case ONOFF:
 223:         printf("%s%s", op->ovalue ? "" : "no", name);
 224:         break;
 226:     case NUMERIC:
 227:         printf("%s=%d", name, op->ovalue);
 228:         break;
 230:     case STRING:
 231:     case OTERM:
 232:         printf("%s=%s", name, op->osvalue);
 233:         break;
 234:     }
 235: }

Defined functions

prall defined in line 164; used 1 times
  • in line 46
propt defined in line 213; used 5 times
propts defined in line 182; used 1 times
  • in line 32
set defined in line 20; used 1 times
setend defined in line 158; used 2 times

Defined variables

optname defined in line 18; used 7 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
Last modified: 1991-09-08
Generated: 2016-12-26
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