1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)vars.h	5.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/85
   7:  */
   9: #include <stdio.h>
  11: /*
  12:  * px - Berkeley Pascal interpreter
  13:  *
  14:  * Version 4.0, January 1981
  15:  *
  16:  * Original version by Ken Thompson
  17:  *
  18:  * Substantial revisions by Bill Joy and Chuck Haley
  19:  * November-December 1976
  20:  *
  21:  * Rewritten for VAX 11/780 by Kirk McKusick
  22:  * Fall 1978
  23:  *
  24:  * Rewritten in ``C'' using libpc by Kirk McKusick
  25:  * Winter 1981
  26:  *
  27:  * Px is described in detail in the "PX 4.0 Implementation Notes"
  28:  * The source code for px is in several major pieces:
  29:  *
  30:  *	int.c		C main program which reads in interpreter code
  31:  *	interp.c	Driver including main interpreter loop and
  32:  *			the interpreter instructions grouped by their
  33:  *			positions in the interpreter table.
  34:  *	utilities.c	Interpreter exit, backtrace, and runtime statistics.
  35:  *
  36:  * In addition there are several headers defining mappings for panic
  37:  * names into codes, and a definition of the interpreter transfer
  38:  * table. These are made by the script make.ed1 in this directory and
  39:  * the routine opc.c from ${PASCALDIR}. (see the makefile for details)
  40:  */
  41: #define PXPFILE     "pmon.out"
  42: #define BITSPERBYTE 8
  43: #define BITSPERLONG (BITSPERBYTE * sizeof(long))
  44: #define HZ      100
  45: #define NAMSIZ      76
  46: #define MAXFILES    32
  47: #define PREDEF      2
  48: #ifdef ADDR32
  49: #define STDLVL      ((struct iorec *)(0x7ffffff1))
  50: #define GLVL        ((struct iorec *)(0x7ffffff0))
  51: #endif ADDR32
  52: #ifdef ADDR16
  53: #define STDLVL      ((struct iorec *)(0xfff1))
  54: #define GLVL        ((struct iorec *)(0xfff0))
  55: #endif ADDR16
  56: #define FILNIL      ((struct iorec *)(0))
  57: #define INPUT       ((struct iorec *)(&input))
  58: #define OUTPUT      ((struct iorec *)(&output))
  59: #define ERR     ((struct iorec *)(&_err))
  60: #define PX  0   /* normal run of px */
  61: #define PIX 1   /* load and go */
  62: #define PIPE    2   /* bootstrap via a pipe */
  63: #define PDX 3   /* invoked by the debugger "pdx" */
  64: #define releq 0
  65: #define relne 2
  66: #define rellt 4
  67: #define relgt 6
  68: #define relle 8
  69: #define relge 10
  70: typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} bool;
  72: /*
  73:  * interrupt and allocation routines
  74:  */
  75: extern long createtime;
  76: extern char *PALLOC();
  77: extern char *malloc();
  78: extern long time();
  79: extern intr();
  80: extern memsize();
  81: extern syserr();
  82: extern liberr();
  84: /*
  85:  * stack routines and structures
  86:  */
  87: struct sze8 {
  88:     char element[8];
  89: };
  90: extern short pop2();
  91: extern long pop4();
  92: extern double pop8();
  93: extern struct sze8 popsze8();
  94: extern char *pushsp();
  96: /*
  97:  * emulated pc types
  98:  */
  99: union progcntr {
 100:     char *cp;
 101:     unsigned char *ucp;
 102:     short *sp;
 103:     unsigned short *usp;
 104:     long *lp;
 105:     double *dbp;
 106:     struct hdr *hdrp;
 107: };
 109: /*
 111:  *
 112:  * The entries in the display point to the active static block marks.
 113:  * The first entry in the display is for the global variables,
 114:  * then the procedure or function at level one, etc.
 115:  * Each display entry points to a stack frame as shown:
 116:  *
 117:  *		base of stack frame
 118:  *		  ---------------
 119:  *		  |		|
 120:  *		  | block mark  |
 121:  *		  |		|
 122:  *		  ---------------  <-- display entry "stp" points here
 123:  *		  |             |  <-- display entry "locvars" points here
 124:  *		  |   local	|
 125:  *		  |  variables  |
 126:  *		  |		|
 127:  *		  ---------------
 128:  *		  |		|
 129:  *		  |  expression |
 130:  *		  |  temporary  |
 131:  *		  |  storage	|
 132:  *		  |		|
 133:  *		  - - - - - - - -
 134:  *
 135:  * The information in the block mark is thus at positive offsets from
 136:  * the display.stp pointer entries while the local variables are at negative
 137:  * offsets from display.locvars. The block mark actually consists of
 138:  * two parts. The first part is created at CALL and the second at entry,
 139:  * i.e. BEGIN. Thus:
 140:  *
 141:  *		-------------------------
 142:  *		|			|
 143:  *		|  Saved lino		|
 144:  *		|  Saved lc		|
 145:  *		|  Saved dp		|
 146:  *		|			|
 147:  *		-------------------------
 148:  *		|			|
 149:  *		|  Saved (dp)		|
 150:  *		|			|
 151:  *		|  Pointer to current 	|
 152:  *		|   routine header info	|
 153:  *		|			|
 154:  *		|  Saved value of	|
 155:  *		|   "curfile"		|
 156:  *		|			|
 157:  *		|  Empty tos value	|
 158:  *		|			|
 159:  *		-------------------------
 160:  */
 162: /*
 163:  * program variables
 164:  */
 165: extern union display    _display;   /* runtime display */
 166: extern struct dispsave  *_dp;       /* ptr to active frame */
 167: extern long     _lino;      /* current line number */
 168: extern int      _argc;      /* number of passed args */
 169: extern char     **_argv;    /* values of passed args */
 170: extern bool     _nodump;    /* TRUE => no post mortum dump */
 171: extern long     _runtst;    /* TRUE => runtime tests */
 172: extern long     _mode;      /* execl by PX, PIPE, or PIX */
 173: extern long     _stlim;     /* statement limit */
 174: extern long     _stcnt;     /* statement count */
 175: extern long     _seed;      /* random number seed */
 176: extern char     *_maxptr;   /* maximum valid pointer */
 177: extern char     *_minptr;   /* minimum valid pointer */
 178: extern long     *_pcpcount; /* pointer to pxp buffer */
 179: extern long     _cntrs;     /* number of counters */
 180: extern long     _rtns;      /* number of routine cntrs */
 182: /*
 183:  * The file i/o routines maintain a notion of a "current file".
 184:  * A pointer to this file structure is kept in "curfile".
 185:  *
 186:  * file structures
 187:  */
 188: struct iorechd {
 189:     char        *fileptr;   /* ptr to file window */
 190:     long        lcount;     /* number of lines printed */
 191:     long        llimit;     /* maximum number of text lines */
 192:     FILE        *fbuf;      /* FILE ptr */
 193:     struct iorec    *fchain;    /* chain to next file */
 194:     struct iorec    *flev;      /* ptr to associated file variable */
 195:     char        *pfname;    /* ptr to name of file */
 196:     short       funit;      /* file status flags */
 197:     short       fblk;       /* index into active file table */
 198:     long        fsize;      /* size of elements in the file */
 199:     char        fname[NAMSIZ];  /* name of associated UNIX file */
 200: };
 202: struct iorec {
 203:     char        *fileptr;   /* ptr to file window */
 204:     long        lcount;     /* number of lines printed */
 205:     long        llimit;     /* maximum number of text lines */
 206:     FILE        *fbuf;      /* FILE ptr */
 207:     struct iorec    *fchain;    /* chain to next file */
 208:     struct iorec    *flev;      /* ptr to associated file variable */
 209:     char        *pfname;    /* ptr to name of file */
 210:     short       funit;      /* file status flags */
 211:     short       fblk;       /* index into active file table */
 212:     long        fsize;      /* size of elements in the file */
 213:     char        fname[NAMSIZ];  /* name of associated UNIX file */
 214:     char        buf[BUFSIZ];    /* I/O buffer */
 215:     char        window[1];  /* file window element */
 216: };
 218: /*
 219:  * unit flags
 220:  */
 221: #define FDEF    0x80    /* 1 => reserved file name */
 222: #define FTEXT   0x40    /* 1 => text file, process EOLN */
 223: #define FWRITE  0x20    /* 1 => open for writing */
 224: #define FREAD   0x10    /* 1 => open for reading */
 225: #define TEMP    0x08    /* 1 => temporary file */
 226: #define SYNC    0x04    /* 1 => window is out of sync */
 227: #define EOLN    0x02    /* 1 => at end of line */
 228: #define EOFF    0x01    /* 1 => at end of file */
 230: /*
 231:  * file routines
 232:  */
 233: extern struct iorec *GETNAME();
 234: extern char     *MKTEMP();
 236: /*
 237:  * file record variables
 238:  */
 239: extern struct iorechd   _fchain;    /* head of active file chain */
 240: extern struct iorec *_actfile[];    /* table of active files */
 241: extern long     _filefre;   /* last used entry in _actfile */
 243: /*
 244:  * standard files
 245:  */
 246: extern struct iorechd   input;
 247: extern struct iorechd   output;
 248: extern struct iorechd   _err;
 250: /*
 251:  * Px execution profile array
 252:  */
 253: #ifdef PROFILE
 254: #define NUMOPS 256
 255: extern long _profcnts[NUMOPS];
 256: #endif PROFILE

Defined struct's

iorec defined in line 202; used 24 times
iorechd defined in line 188; used 16 times
sze8 defined in line 87; used 12 times

Defined union's

progcntr defined in line 99; used 10 times

Defined macros

BITSPERBYTE defined in line 42; used 1 times
  • in line 43
BITSPERLONG defined in line 43; never used
EOFF defined in line 228; used 2 times
EOLN defined in line 227; used 1 times
ERR defined in line 59; used 3 times
FDEF defined in line 221; never used
FILNIL defined in line 56; used 2 times
FREAD defined in line 224; used 1 times
FTEXT defined in line 222; used 3 times
FWRITE defined in line 223; used 2 times
GLVL defined in line 54; never used
HZ defined in line 44; never used
INPUT defined in line 57; used 4 times
MAXFILES defined in line 46; used 2 times
NAMSIZ defined in line 45; used 2 times
NUMOPS defined in line 254; used 4 times
OUTPUT defined in line 58; used 4 times
PDX defined in line 63; used 2 times
PIPE defined in line 62; used 3 times
PREDEF defined in line 47; used 1 times
PX defined in line 60; used 2 times
PXPFILE defined in line 41; never used
STDLVL defined in line 53; used 3 times
SYNC defined in line 226; used 1 times
TEMP defined in line 225; never used
releq defined in line 64; never used
relge defined in line 69; never used
relgt defined in line 67; never used
relle defined in line 68; never used
rellt defined in line 66; never used
relne defined in line 65; never used

Usage of this include

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