1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)build.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  10: /*
  11:  * parse tree building routines
  12:  *
  13:  * Semantics is not checked here, this is done by the "treetype" routine
  14:  * in the SYM directory which returns the type of the newly built tree.
  15:  */
  17: #include "defs.h"
  18: #include "tree.h"
  19: #include "sym.h"
  20: #include "source.h"
  21: #include "tree.rep"
  23: /*
  24:  * header for using routines with unknown number and types of arguments
  25:  * I didn't like the looks of the standard varargs.h.
  26:  */
  28: typedef char *ARGLIST;
  30: #define nextarg(arglist, type)  ((type *) (arglist += sizeof(type)))[-1]
  32: /*
  33:  * build a tree
  34:  */
  36: /*VARARGS1*/
  37: NODE *build(op, args)
  38: OP op;
  39: {
  40:     register NODE *p;
  41:     NODE *p1, *p2;
  42:     register ARGLIST ap;
  43:     SYM *s;
  45:     p = alloc(1, NODE);
  46:     p->op = op;
  47:     ap = (ARGLIST) &args;
  48:     switch(degree(op)) {
  49:         case BINARY:
  50:             p->left = p1 = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
  51:             p->right = p2 = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
  52:             break;
  54:         case UNARY:
  55:             p->left = p1 = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
  56:             p->right = NIL;
  57:             break;
  59:     }
  60:     switch(op) {
  61:         case O_NAME:
  62:         case O_WHICH:
  63:             p->nameval = nextarg(ap, SYM *);
  64:             break;
  66:         case O_LCON:
  67:             p->lconval = nextarg(ap, long);
  68:             break;
  70:         case O_FCON:
  71:             p->fconval = nextarg(ap, double);
  72:             break;
  74:         case O_SCON:
  75:             p->sconval = nextarg(ap, char *);
  76:             break;
  78:         case O_CALL:
  79:             p->left = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
  80:             p->right = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
  81:             break;
  83:         case O_CHFILE:
  84:             p->sconval = nextarg(ap, char *);
  85:             break;
  87:         case O_EDIT:
  88:             p->sconval = nextarg(ap, char *);
  89:             if (p->sconval == NIL) {
  90:                 p->sconval = cursource;
  91:             }
  92:             break;
  94:         case O_SOURCE:
  95:             p->sconval = nextarg(ap, char *);
  96:             break;
  98:         case O_PRINT:
  99:         case O_WHATIS:
 100:         case O_LIST:
 101:         case O_XI:
 102:         case O_XD:
 103:             p->left = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
 104:             break;
 106:         case O_TRACE:
 107:         case O_TRACEI:
 108:         case O_STOP:
 109:         case O_STOPI:
 110:             p->what = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
 111:             p->where = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
 112:             p->cond = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
 113:             break;
 115:         case O_DELETE:
 116:             p->left = build(O_LCON, nextarg(ap, long));
 117:             break;
 119:         case O_QLINE: {
 120:             char *s;
 122:             s = nextarg(ap, char *);
 123:             p->left = alloc(1, NODE);
 124:             p->left->op = O_SCON;
 125:             if (s != cursource) {
 126:                 p->left->sconval = s;
 127:                 s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0';
 128:             } else {
 129:                 p->left->sconval = strdup(s);
 130:             }
 131:             p->right = nextarg(ap, NODE *);
 132:             break;
 133:         }
 135:         case O_ALIAS:
 136:             p->left = alloc(1, NODE);
 137:             p->left->op = O_SCON;
 138:             p->left->sconval = nextarg(ap, char *);
 139:             p->right = alloc(1, NODE);
 140:             p->right->op = O_SCON;
 141:             p->right->sconval = nextarg(ap, char *);
 142:             break;
 144:         default:
 145:             if (op < O_NOP || op > O_LASTOP) {
 146:                 panic("build: bad op %d", op);
 147:             }
 148:             break;
 149:     }
 150:     p->nodetype = treetype(p, (ARGLIST) &args);
 151:     return(p);
 152: }

Defined functions

build defined in line 37; used 1 times

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 8; never used

Defined typedef's

ARGLIST defined in line 28; used 3 times

Defined macros

nextarg defined in line 30; used 21 times
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