/* * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)ufs_syscalls.c 1.14 (2.11BSD) 2000/2/20 */ #include "param.h" #include "systm.h" #include "user.h" #include "inode.h" #include "namei.h" #include "fs.h" #include "file.h" #include "stat.h" #include "kernel.h" #ifdef QUOTA #include "quota.h" #endif static int copen(); /* * Change current working directory (``.''). */ chdir() { chdirec(&u.u_cdir); } fchdir() { register struct a { int fd; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip; if ((ip = getinode(uap->fd)) == NULL) return; ilock(ip); if ((ip->i_mode & IFMT) != IFDIR) { u.u_error = ENOTDIR; goto bad; } if (access(ip, IEXEC)) goto bad; iunlock(ip); ip->i_count++; irele(u.u_cdir); u.u_cdir = ip; return; bad: iunlock(ip); return; } /* * Change notion of root (``/'') directory. */ chroot() { if (suser()) chdirec(&u.u_rdir); } /* * Common routine for chroot and chdir. */ chdirec(ipp) register struct inode **ipp; { register struct inode *ip; struct a { char *fname; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->fname); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT) != IFDIR) { u.u_error = ENOTDIR; goto bad; } if (access(ip, IEXEC)) goto bad; iunlock(ip); if (*ipp) irele(*ipp); *ipp = ip; return; bad: iput(ip); } /* * Open system call. */ open() { register struct a { char *fname; int mode; int crtmode; } *uap = (struct a *) u.u_ap; u.u_error = copen(uap->mode, uap->crtmode, uap->fname); } /* * Check permissions, allocate an open file structure, * and call the device open routine if any. */ static int copen(mode, arg, fname) int mode; int arg; caddr_t fname; { register struct inode *ip; register struct file *fp; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; int indx, type, flags, cmode, error; fp = falloc(); if (fp == NULL) return(u.u_error); /* XXX */ flags = FFLAGS(mode); /* convert from open to kernel flags */ fp->f_flag = flags & FMASK; fp->f_type = DTYPE_INODE; cmode = (arg & 077777) & ~ISVTX; indx = u.u_r.r_val1; u.u_dupfd = -indx - 1; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, fname); /* * ENODEV is returned by the 'fdopen()' routine - see the comments in that * routine for details about the hack being used. * * ENXIO only comes out of the 'portal fs' code (which 2.11BSD does not have). * It probably should have been removed during the port of the 'file descriptor * driver' since it's a "can not happen" event. * * u.u_dupfd is used because there the space in the proc structure is at a * premium in 2.11 while space in the u structure is relatively free. Also * there were more unused (pad) fields available in 'u' as compared to 'proc'. */ if (error = vn_open(ndp, flags, cmode)) { fp->f_count = 0; if ((error == ENODEV || error == ENXIO) && u.u_dupfd >= 0 && (error = dupfdopen(indx,u.u_dupfd,flags,error) == 0)) { u.u_r.r_val1 = indx; return(0); } u.u_ofile[indx] = NULL; return(error); } ip = ndp->ni_ip; u.u_dupfd = 0; fp->f_data = (caddr_t)ip; if (flags & (O_EXLOCK | O_SHLOCK)) { if (flags & O_EXLOCK) type = LOCK_EX; else type = LOCK_SH; if (flags & FNONBLOCK) type |= LOCK_NB; error = ino_lock(fp, type); if (error) { closef(fp); u.u_ofile[indx] = NULL; } } return(error); } /* * Mknod system call */ mknod() { register struct inode *ip; register struct a { char *fname; int fmode; int dev; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; if (!suser()) return; NDINIT(ndp, CREATE, NOFOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->fname); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip != NULL) { u.u_error = EEXIST; goto out; } if (u.u_error) return; ip = maknode(uap->fmode, ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; switch (ip->i_mode & IFMT) { case IFMT: /* used by badsect to flag bad sectors */ case IFCHR: case IFBLK: if (uap->dev) { /* * Want to be able to use this to make badblock * inodes, so don't truncate the dev number. */ ip->i_rdev = uap->dev; ip->i_dummy = 0; ip->i_flag |= IACC|IUPD|ICHG; } } out: iput(ip); } /* * link system call */ link() { register struct inode *ip, *xp; register struct a { char *target; char *linkname; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->target); ip = namei(ndp); /* well, this routine is doomed anyhow */ if (ip == NULL) return; if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT) == IFDIR && !suser()) { iput(ip); return; } if (ip->i_flags & (IMMUTABLE|APPEND)) { u.u_error = EPERM; iput(ip); return; } ip->i_nlink++; ip->i_flag |= ICHG; iupdat(ip, &time, &time, 1); iunlock(ip); ndp->ni_nameiop = CREATE; ndp->ni_dirp = (caddr_t)uap->linkname; xp = namei(ndp); if (xp != NULL) { u.u_error = EEXIST; iput(xp); goto out; } if (u.u_error) goto out; if (ndp->ni_pdir->i_dev != ip->i_dev) { iput(ndp->ni_pdir); u.u_error = EXDEV; goto out; } u.u_error = direnter(ip, ndp); out: if (u.u_error) { ip->i_nlink--; ip->i_flag |= ICHG; } irele(ip); } /* * symlink -- make a symbolic link */ symlink() { register struct a { char *target; char *linkname; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip; char *tp; int c, nc; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; tp = uap->target; nc = 0; while (c = fubyte(tp)) { if (c < 0) { u.u_error = EFAULT; return; } tp++; nc++; } NDINIT(ndp, CREATE, NOFOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->linkname); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip) { iput(ip); u.u_error = EEXIST; return; } if (u.u_error) return; ip = maknode(IFLNK | 0777, ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; u.u_error = rdwri(UIO_WRITE, ip, uap->target, nc, (off_t)0, UIO_USERSPACE, IO_UNIT, (int *)0); /* handle u.u_error != 0 */ iput(ip); } /* * Unlink system call. * Hard to avoid races here, especially * in unlinking directories. */ unlink() { register struct a { char *fname; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip, *dp; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; NDINIT(ndp, DELETE, LOCKPARENT, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->fname); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; dp = ndp->ni_pdir; if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT) == IFDIR && !suser()) goto out; /* * Don't unlink a mounted file. */ if (ip->i_dev != dp->i_dev) { u.u_error = EBUSY; goto out; } if ((ip->i_flags & (IMMUTABLE|APPEND)) || (dp->i_flags & APPEND)) { u.u_error = EPERM; goto out; } if (ip->i_flag&ITEXT) xuntext(ip->i_text); /* try once to free text */ if (dirremove(ndp)) { ip->i_nlink--; ip->i_flag |= ICHG; } out: if (dp == ip) irele(ip); else iput(ip); iput(dp); } /* * Access system call */ saccess() { uid_t t_uid; gid_t t_gid; register struct inode *ip; register struct a { char *fname; int fmode; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; t_uid = u.u_uid; t_gid = u.u_groups[0]; u.u_uid = u.u_ruid; u.u_groups[0] = u.u_rgid; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->fname); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip != NULL) { if ((uap->fmode&R_OK) && access(ip, IREAD)) goto done; if ((uap->fmode&W_OK) && access(ip, IWRITE)) goto done; if ((uap->fmode&X_OK) && access(ip, IEXEC)) goto done; done: iput(ip); } u.u_uid = t_uid; u.u_groups[0] = t_gid; } /* * Stat system call. This version follows links. */ stat() { stat1(FOLLOW); } /* * Lstat system call. This version does not follow links. */ lstat() { stat1(NOFOLLOW); } stat1(follow) int follow; { register struct inode *ip; register struct a { char *fname; struct stat *ub; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; struct stat sb; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, follow, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->fname); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; (void) ino_stat(ip, &sb); iput(ip); u.u_error = copyout((caddr_t)&sb, (caddr_t)uap->ub, sizeof (sb)); } /* * Return target name of a symbolic link */ readlink() { register struct inode *ip; register struct a { char *name; char *buf; int count; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; int resid; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, NOFOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->name); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT) != IFLNK) { u.u_error = EINVAL; goto out; } u.u_error = rdwri(UIO_READ, ip, uap->buf, uap->count, (off_t)0, UIO_USERSPACE, IO_UNIT, &resid); out: iput(ip); u.u_r.r_val1 = uap->count - resid; } /* * change flags of a file given pathname. */ chflags() { register struct inode *ip; register struct a { char *fname; u_short flags; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->fname); if ((ip = namei(ndp)) == NULL) return; u.u_error = chflags1(ip, uap->flags); iput(ip); } /* * change flags of a file given file descriptor. */ fchflags() { register struct a { int fd; u_short flags; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip; if ((ip = getinode(uap->fd)) == NULL) return; ilock(ip); u.u_error = chflags1(ip, uap->flags); iunlock(ip); } chflags1(ip, flags) register struct inode *ip; u_short flags; { struct vattr vattr; VATTR_NULL(&vattr); vattr.va_flags = flags; return(ufs_setattr(ip, &vattr)); } /* * Change mode of a file given path name. */ chmod() { register struct inode *ip; register struct a { char *fname; int fmode; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; struct vattr vattr; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->fname); ip = namei(ndp); if (!ip) return; VATTR_NULL(&vattr); vattr.va_mode = uap->fmode & 07777; u.u_error = ufs_setattr(ip, &vattr); iput(ip); } /* * Change mode of a file given a file descriptor. */ fchmod() { register struct a { int fd; int fmode; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip; struct vattr vattr; if ((ip = getinode(uap->fd)) == NULL) return; ilock(ip); VATTR_NULL(&vattr); vattr.va_mode = uap->fmode & 07777; u.u_error = ufs_setattr(ip, &vattr); iunlock(ip); } /* * Change the mode on a file. This routine is called from ufs_setattr. * Inode must be locked before calling. */ chmod1(ip, mode) register struct inode *ip; register int mode; { if (u.u_uid != ip->i_uid && !suser()) return(u.u_error); if (u.u_uid) { if ((ip->i_mode & IFMT) != IFDIR && (mode & ISVTX)) return(EFTYPE); if (!groupmember(ip->i_gid) && (mode & ISGID)) return(EPERM); } ip->i_mode &= ~07777; /* why? */ ip->i_mode |= mode&07777; ip->i_flag |= ICHG; if (ip->i_flag&ITEXT && (ip->i_mode&ISVTX)==0) xuntext(ip->i_text); return (0); } /* * Set ownership given a path name. */ chown() { register struct inode *ip; register struct a { char *fname; int uid; int gid; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; struct vattr vattr; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, NOFOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->fname); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; VATTR_NULL(&vattr); vattr.va_uid = uap->uid; vattr.va_gid = uap->gid; u.u_error = ufs_setattr(ip, &vattr); iput(ip); } /* * Set ownership given a file descriptor. */ fchown() { register struct a { int fd; int uid; int gid; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip; struct vattr vattr; if ((ip = getinode(uap->fd)) == NULL) return; ilock(ip); VATTR_NULL(&vattr); vattr.va_uid = uap->uid; vattr.va_gid = uap->gid; u.u_error = ufs_setattr(ip, &vattr); iunlock(ip); } /* * Perform chown operation on inode ip. This routine called from ufs_setattr. * inode must be locked prior to call. */ chown1(ip, uid, gid) register struct inode *ip; register int uid, gid; { int ouid, ogid; #ifdef QUOTA struct dquot **xdq; long change; #endif if (uid == -1) uid = ip->i_uid; if (gid == -1) gid = ip->i_gid; /* * If we don't own the file, are trying to change the owner * of the file, or are not a member of the target group, * the caller must be superuser or the call fails. */ if ((u.u_uid != ip->i_uid || uid != ip->i_uid || !groupmember((gid_t)gid)) && !suser()) return (u.u_error); ouid = ip->i_uid; ogid = ip->i_gid; #ifdef QUOTA QUOTAMAP(); if (ip->i_uid == uid) change = 0; else change = ip->i_size; (void) chkdq(ip, -change, 1); (void) chkiq(ip->i_dev, ip, ip->i_uid, 1); xdq = &ix_dquot[ip - inode]; dqrele(*xdq); #endif ip->i_uid = uid; ip->i_gid = gid; #ifdef QUOTA *xdq = inoquota(ip); (void) chkdq(ip, change, 1); (void) chkiq(ip->i_dev, (struct inode *)NULL, (uid_t)uid, 1); QUOTAUNMAP(); #endif if (ouid != uid || ogid != gid) ip->i_flag |= ICHG; if (ouid != uid && u.u_uid != 0) ip->i_mode &= ~ISUID; if (ogid != gid && u.u_uid != 0) ip->i_mode &= ~ISGID; return (0); } /* * Truncate a file given its path name. */ truncate() { register struct a { char *fname; off_t length; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; struct vattr vattr; NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->fname); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; if (access(ip, IWRITE)) goto bad; VATTR_NULL(&vattr); vattr.va_size = uap->length; u.u_error = ufs_setattr(ip, &vattr); bad: iput(ip); } /* * Truncate a file given a file descriptor. */ ftruncate() { register struct a { int fd; off_t length; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip; register struct file *fp; struct vattr vattr; if ((fp = getf(uap->fd)) == NULL) return; if (!(fp->f_flag&FWRITE) || (fp->f_type != DTYPE_INODE)) { u.u_error = EINVAL; return; } ip = (struct inode *)fp->f_data; ilock(ip); VATTR_NULL(&vattr); vattr.va_size = uap->length; u.u_error = ufs_setattr(ip, &vattr); iunlock(ip); } /* * Rename system call. * rename("foo", "bar"); * is essentially * unlink("bar"); * link("foo", "bar"); * unlink("foo"); * but ``atomically''. Can't do full commit without saving state in the * inode on disk which isn't feasible at this time. Best we can do is * always guarantee the target exists. * * Basic algorithm is: * * 1) Bump link count on source while we're linking it to the * target. This also insure the inode won't be deleted out * from underneath us while we work (it may be truncated by * a concurrent `trunc' or `open' for creation). * 2) Link source to destination. If destination already exists, * delete it first. * 3) Unlink source reference to inode if still around. If a * directory was moved and the parent of the destination * is different from the source, patch the ".." entry in the * directory. * * Source and destination must either both be directories, or both * not be directories. If target is a directory, it must be empty. */ rename() { struct a { char *from; char *to; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip, *xp, *dp; struct dirtemplate dirbuf; int doingdirectory = 0, oldparent = 0, newparent = 0; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; int error = 0; NDINIT(ndp, DELETE, LOCKPARENT, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->from); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; dp = ndp->ni_pdir; /* * 'from' file can not be renamed if it is immutable/appendonly or if its * parent directory is append only. */ if ((ip->i_flags & (IMMUTABLE|APPEND)) || (dp->i_flags & APPEND)) { iput(dp); if (dp == ip) irele(ip); else iput(ip); u.u_error = EPERM; return; } if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT) == IFDIR) { register struct direct *d; d = &ndp->ni_dent; /* * Avoid ".", "..", and aliases of "." for obvious reasons. */ if ((d->d_namlen == 1 && d->d_name[0] == '.') || (d->d_namlen == 2 && bcmp(d->d_name, "..", 2) == 0) || (dp == ip) || (ip->i_flag & IRENAME)) { iput(dp); if (dp == ip) irele(ip); else iput(ip); u.u_error = EINVAL; return; } ip->i_flag |= IRENAME; oldparent = dp->i_number; doingdirectory++; } iput(dp); /* * 1) Bump link count while we're moving stuff * around. If we crash somewhere before * completing our work, the link count * may be wrong, but correctable. */ ip->i_nlink++; ip->i_flag |= ICHG; iupdat(ip, &time, &time, 1); iunlock(ip); /* * When the target exists, both the directory * and target inodes are returned locked. */ ndp->ni_nameiop = CREATE | LOCKPARENT | NOCACHE; ndp->ni_dirp = (caddr_t)uap->to; xp = namei(ndp); if (u.u_error) { error = u.u_error; goto out; } dp = ndp->ni_pdir; /* * rename can not be done if 'to' file exists and is immutable/appendonly * or if the directory is append only (this is because an existing 'to' * has to be deleted first and that is illegal in an appendonly directory). */ if (xp && ((xp->i_flags & (IMMUTABLE|APPEND)) || (dp->i_flags & APPEND))) { error = EPERM; goto bad; } /* * If ".." must be changed (ie the directory gets a new * parent) then the source directory must not be in the * directory heirarchy above the target, as this would * orphan everything below the source directory. Also * the user must have write permission in the source so * as to be able to change "..". We must repeat the call * to namei, as the parent directory is unlocked by the * call to checkpath(). */ if (oldparent != dp->i_number) newparent = dp->i_number; if (doingdirectory && newparent) { if (access(ip, IWRITE)) goto bad; do { dp = ndp->ni_pdir; if (xp != NULL) iput(xp); u.u_error = checkpath(ip, dp); if (u.u_error) goto out; xp = namei(ndp); if (u.u_error) { error = u.u_error; goto out; } } while (dp != ndp->ni_pdir); } /* * 2) If target doesn't exist, link the target * to the source and unlink the source. * Otherwise, rewrite the target directory * entry to reference the source inode and * expunge the original entry's existence. */ if (xp == NULL) { if (dp->i_dev != ip->i_dev) { error = EXDEV; goto bad; } /* * Account for ".." in new directory. * When source and destination have the same * parent we don't fool with the link count. */ if (doingdirectory && newparent) { dp->i_nlink++; dp->i_flag |= ICHG; iupdat(dp, &time, &time, 1); } error = direnter(ip, ndp); if (error) goto out; } else { if (xp->i_dev != dp->i_dev || xp->i_dev != ip->i_dev) { error = EXDEV; goto bad; } /* * Short circuit rename(foo, foo). */ if (xp->i_number == ip->i_number) goto bad; /* * If the parent directory is "sticky", then the user must * own the parent directory, or the destination of the rename, * otherwise the destination may not be changed (except by * root). This implements append-only directories. */ if ((dp->i_mode & ISVTX) && u.u_uid != 0 && u.u_uid != dp->i_uid && xp->i_uid != u.u_uid) { error = EPERM; goto bad; } /* * Target must be empty if a directory * and have no links to it. * Also, insure source and target are * compatible (both directories, or both * not directories). */ if ((xp->i_mode&IFMT) == IFDIR) { if (!dirempty(xp, dp->i_number) || xp->i_nlink > 2) { error = ENOTEMPTY; goto bad; } if (!doingdirectory) { error = ENOTDIR; goto bad; } cacheinval(dp); } else if (doingdirectory) { error = EISDIR; goto bad; } dirrewrite(dp, ip, ndp); if (u.u_error) { error = u.u_error; goto bad1; } /* * Adjust the link count of the target to * reflect the dirrewrite above. If this is * a directory it is empty and there are * no links to it, so we can squash the inode and * any space associated with it. We disallowed * renaming over top of a directory with links to * it above, as the remaining link would point to * a directory without "." or ".." entries. */ xp->i_nlink--; if (doingdirectory) { if (--xp->i_nlink != 0) panic("rename: lnk dir"); itrunc(xp, (u_long)0, 0); /* IO_SYNC? */ } xp->i_flag |= ICHG; iput(xp); xp = NULL; } /* * 3) Unlink the source. */ NDINIT(ndp, DELETE, LOCKPARENT, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->from); xp = namei(ndp); if (xp != NULL) dp = ndp->ni_pdir; else dp = NULL; /* * Insure that the directory entry still exists and has not * changed while the new name has been entered. If the source is * a file then the entry may have been unlinked or renamed. In * either case there is no further work to be done. If the source * is a directory then it cannot have been rmdir'ed; its link * count of three would cause a rmdir to fail with ENOTEMPTY. * The IRENAME flag insures that it cannot be moved by another * rename. */ if (xp != ip) { if (doingdirectory) panic("rename: lost dir entry"); } else { /* * If the source is a directory with a * new parent, the link count of the old * parent directory must be decremented * and ".." set to point to the new parent. */ if (doingdirectory && newparent) { dp->i_nlink--; dp->i_flag |= ICHG; error = rdwri(UIO_READ, xp, (caddr_t)&dirbuf, sizeof(struct dirtemplate), (off_t)0, UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_UNIT, (int *)0); if (error == 0) { if (dirbuf.dotdot_namlen != 2 || dirbuf.dotdot_name[0] != '.' || dirbuf.dotdot_name[1] != '.') { printf("rename: mangled dir\n"); } else { dirbuf.dotdot_ino = newparent; (void) rdwri(UIO_WRITE, xp, (caddr_t)&dirbuf, sizeof(struct dirtemplate), (off_t)0, UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_UNIT|IO_SYNC, (int *)0); cacheinval(dp); } } } if (dirremove(ndp)) { xp->i_nlink--; xp->i_flag |= ICHG; } xp->i_flag &= ~IRENAME; if (error == 0) /* XXX conservative */ error = u.u_error; } if (dp) iput(dp); if (xp) iput(xp); irele(ip); if (error) u.u_error = error; return; bad: iput(dp); bad1: if (xp) iput(xp); out: ip->i_nlink--; ip->i_flag |= ICHG; irele(ip); if (error) u.u_error = error; } /* * Make a new file. */ struct inode * maknode(mode, ndp) int mode; register struct nameidata *ndp; { register struct inode *ip; register struct inode *pdir = ndp->ni_pdir; #ifdef QUOTA struct dquot **xdq; #endif ip = ialloc(pdir); if (ip == NULL) { iput(pdir); return (NULL); } #ifdef QUOTA QUOTAMAP(); xdq = &ix_dquot[ip - inode]; if (*xdq != NODQUOT) panic("maknode"); #endif ip->i_flag |= IACC|IUPD|ICHG; if ((mode & IFMT) == 0) mode |= IFREG; ip->i_mode = mode & ~u.u_cmask; ip->i_nlink = 1; ip->i_uid = u.u_uid; ip->i_gid = pdir->i_gid; if (ip->i_mode & ISGID && !groupmember(ip->i_gid)) ip->i_mode &= ~ISGID; #ifdef QUOTA *xdq = inoquota(ip); QUOTAUNMAP(); #endif /* * Make sure inode goes to disk before directory entry. */ iupdat(ip, &time, &time, 1); u.u_error = direnter(ip, ndp); if (u.u_error) { /* * Write error occurred trying to update directory * so must deallocate the inode. */ ip->i_nlink = 0; ip->i_flag |= ICHG; iput(ip); return (NULL); } ndp->ni_ip = ip; return (ip); } /* * A virgin directory (no blushing please). */ struct dirtemplate mastertemplate = { 0, 8, 1, ".", 0, DIRBLKSIZ - 8, 2, ".." }; /* * Mkdir system call */ mkdir() { register struct a { char *name; int dmode; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip, *dp; struct dirtemplate dirtemplate; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; #ifdef QUOTA struct dquot **xdq; #endif NDINIT(ndp, CREATE, NOFOLLOW, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->name); ip = namei(ndp); if (u.u_error) return; if (ip != NULL) { iput(ip); u.u_error = EEXIST; return; } dp = ndp->ni_pdir; uap->dmode &= 0777; uap->dmode |= IFDIR; /* * Must simulate part of maknode here * in order to acquire the inode, but * not have it entered in the parent * directory. The entry is made later * after writing "." and ".." entries out. */ ip = ialloc(dp); if (ip == NULL) { iput(dp); return; } #ifdef QUOTA QUOTAMAP(); xdq = &ix_dquot[ip - inode]; if (*xdq != NODQUOT) panic("mkdir"); #endif ip->i_flag |= IACC|IUPD|ICHG; ip->i_mode = uap->dmode & ~u.u_cmask; ip->i_nlink = 2; ip->i_uid = u.u_uid; ip->i_gid = dp->i_gid; #ifdef QUOTA *xdq = inoquota(ip); QUOTAUNMAP(); #endif iupdat(ip, &time, &time, 1); /* * Bump link count in parent directory * to reflect work done below. Should * be done before reference is created * so reparation is possible if we crash. */ dp->i_nlink++; dp->i_flag |= ICHG; iupdat(dp, &time, &time, 1); /* * Initialize directory with "." * and ".." from static template. */ dirtemplate = mastertemplate; dirtemplate.dot_ino = ip->i_number; dirtemplate.dotdot_ino = dp->i_number; u.u_error = rdwri(UIO_WRITE, ip, (caddr_t)&dirtemplate, sizeof (dirtemplate), (off_t)0, UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_UNIT|IO_SYNC, (int *)0); if (u.u_error) { dp->i_nlink--; dp->i_flag |= ICHG; goto bad; } ip->i_size = DIRBLKSIZ; /* * Directory all set up, now * install the entry for it in * the parent directory. */ u.u_error = direnter(ip, ndp); dp = NULL; if (u.u_error) { NDINIT(ndp, LOOKUP, NOCACHE, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->name); dp = namei(ndp); if (dp) { dp->i_nlink--; dp->i_flag |= ICHG; } } bad: /* * No need to do an explicit itrunc here, * irele will do this for us because we set * the link count to 0. */ if (u.u_error) { ip->i_nlink = 0; ip->i_flag |= ICHG; } if (dp) iput(dp); iput(ip); } /* * Rmdir system call. */ rmdir() { struct a { char *name; } *uap = (struct a *)u.u_ap; register struct inode *ip, *dp; struct nameidata nd; register struct nameidata *ndp = &nd; NDINIT(ndp, DELETE, LOCKPARENT, UIO_USERSPACE, uap->name); ip = namei(ndp); if (ip == NULL) return; dp = ndp->ni_pdir; /* * No rmdir "." please. */ if (dp == ip) { irele(dp); iput(ip); u.u_error = EINVAL; return; } if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT) != IFDIR) { u.u_error = ENOTDIR; goto out; } /* * Don't remove a mounted on directory. */ if (ip->i_dev != dp->i_dev) { u.u_error = EBUSY; goto out; } /* * Verify the directory is empty (and valid). * (Rmdir ".." won't be valid since * ".." will contain a reference to * the current directory and thus be * non-empty.) */ if (ip->i_nlink != 2 || !dirempty(ip, dp->i_number)) { u.u_error = ENOTEMPTY; goto out; } if ((dp->i_flags & APPEND) || (ip->i_flags & (IMMUTABLE|APPEND))) { u.u_error = EPERM; goto out; } /* * Delete reference to directory before purging * inode. If we crash in between, the directory * will be reattached to lost+found, */ if (dirremove(ndp) == 0) goto out; dp->i_nlink--; dp->i_flag |= ICHG; cacheinval(dp); iput(dp); dp = NULL; /* * Truncate inode. The only stuff left * in the directory is "." and "..". The * "." reference is inconsequential since * we're quashing it. The ".." reference * has already been adjusted above. We've * removed the "." reference and the reference * in the parent directory, but there may be * other hard links so decrement by 2 and * worry about them later. */ ip->i_nlink -= 2; itrunc(ip, (u_long)0, 0); /* IO_SYNC? */ cacheinval(ip); out: if (dp) iput(dp); iput(ip); } struct inode * getinode(fdes) int fdes; { register struct file *fp; if ((unsigned)fdes >= NOFILE || (fp = u.u_ofile[fdes]) == NULL) { u.u_error = EBADF; return ((struct inode *)0); } if (fp->f_type != DTYPE_INODE) { u.u_error = EINVAL; return ((struct inode *)0); } return((struct inode *)fp->f_data); }