1: / April 9, 2000 - modified to probe for the TOY clock rather than checking
   2: /	the cpu type for 93 or 94.
   4: / the notes say that the TOY clock uses 24 hour time, but then later on
   5: / mention flags dealing with AM/PM...  So, code is present but disabled
   6: / to handle 12 hour time.  If this code is needed change the 0 below to
   7: / a 1.
   9: toy24=0
  11: / extraneous flag bit possible in the day field.  this "should never
  12: / happen", but if it does change the 0 to a 1 below.
  14: dayflags=0
  16:         .globl  TOYCSR
  17: TOYCSR  = 177526
  19:         .globl  _toyclk, nofault
  20:         .text
  21: _toyclk:
  22:         jsr     r5,csv                  / callable from C, save regs
  23:         sub     $8.,sp                  / need 8 byte scratch area
  24: tdata = -20
  25:         clr     -(sp)
  26:         mov     $1f, nofault            / catch trap if no toy clock
  27:         tst     *$TOYCSR
  28:         inc     (sp)
  29: 1:
  30:         clr     nofault                 / done with trap catcher
  31:         tst     (sp)+                   / did we see a toy clock?
  32:         beq     err                     / no, go return "error"
  33:         jsr     pc,initoy               / initialize the clock for reading
  34:         mov     r5,(sp)
  35:         add     $tdata,(sp)             / pointer to scratch area
  36:         jsr     pc,_gettoy              / read the toy clock
  37:         mov     (sp),r2                 / pointer to scratch area
  38:         mov     $8.,r3                  / number of bytes of clock data
  39: 2:
  40:         clr     r1
  41:         bisb    (r2),r1                 / fetch byte of clock data (!sign ext)
  42: .if     toy24
  43:         cmp     r3,$5                   / are we on the hours field?
  44:         bne     3f                      / no - br
  45:         bic     $240,r1                 / clear am/pm flags
  46: 3:
  47: .endif
  48:         jsr     pc,bcd                  / convert 2 nybbles bcd to binary
  49: .if     toy24
  50:         cmp     r3,$5                   / hours field?
  51:         bne     4f                      / no - skip am/pm stuff
  52:         tstb    (r2)                    / $200 = am/pm in use
  53:         bpl     4f                      / not am/pm, skip it
  54:         cmp     r1,$12.                 / exactly 12?
  55:         bne     5f                      / no - br
  56:         clr     r1                      / make midnight
  57: 5:
  58:         bitb    $40,(r2)                / PM?
  59:         beq     4f                      / no  - br
  60:         add     $12.,r1                 / convert to 24 hour time
  61: .endif
  62: 4:
  63:         movb    r1,(r2)+                / store converted/correct binary value
  64:         sob     r3,2b                   / continue on for rest of the bytes
  65:         sub     $7,r2                   / back up to seconds field
  66: .if     dayflags
  67:         bicb    $177770,4(r2)           / clear possible excess bits in day
  68: .endif
  69:         mov     $bounds,r3              / do bounds checking now, not 100ths
  70: 1:
  71:         movb    (r2)+,r1                / get byte of clock data
  72:         cmpb    r1,(r3)+                / below lo bound?
  73:         blo     err                     / yes - br
  74:         cmpb    r1,(r3)+                / above hi bound
  75:         bhi     err                     / yes - br
  76:         cmp     r3,$bounds+14.          / at end (7 limits * 2 bytes per = 14)?
  77:         blo     1b                      / no - br
  78:         sub     $8.,r2                  / back to seconds field
  79:         movb    7(r2),r0                / fetch the year of century
  80:         cmp     r0,$90.                 / are we a "90s" system?
  81:         bhis    1f                      / yep - br
  82:         add     $100.,r0                / next century for years 00 - 89
  83: 1:
  84:         movb    r0,7(r2)                / store fixed up year
  85:         decb    6(r2)                   / convert 1-12 month to 0-11
  86:         mov     r2,(sp)                 / pointer to the toy clock data
  87:         jsr     pc,_tm2t                / convert to a 32bit # of seconds time
  88:         br      ret
  89: err:
  90:         clr     r0                      / a double precision value
  91:         clr     r1                      / of 0 signals an error
  92: ret:
  93:         jmp     cret                    / return
  94:         .data
  95: bounds:
  96:         .byte   0,59.                   / seconds lo,hi
  97:         .byte   0,59.                   / minutes lo,hi
  98:         .byte   0,23.                   / hours lo,hi
  99:         .byte   0,7                     / day of week lo,hi
 100:         .byte   1,31.                   / day of month lo,hi
 101:         .byte   1,12.                   / month of year lo,hi
 102:         .byte   0,99.                   / year of century lo,hi
 103:         .text
 104: initoy:
 105:         tst     *$TOYCSR                / strobe the clock register
 106:         clr     -(sp)                   / save previous high byte of register
 107:         movb    *$TOYCSR+1,(sp)         / only bit 8 belongs to TOY!
 108:         bic     $1,(sp)                 / make sure bit 8 (TOY bit) is clear
 109:         mov     $2,r2                   / number of double words to send clock
 110: 1:
 111:         mov     $35305,r0               / first word of recognition code
 112:         jsr     pc,toyload              / send it to clock
 113:         mov     $56243,r0               / second word
 114:         jsr     pc,toyload              / send it
 115:         sob     r2,1b                   / do the whole thing twice
 116:         tst     (sp)+                   / clean stack
 117:         rts     pc
 119: / send contents of r0 to the TOY.  2(sp) has the old bits 9-15, bit 8
 120: / has been cleared.
 122: toyload:
 123:         mov     $16.,r1                 / number of bits to send
 124: 1:
 125:         mov     r0,r3                   / scratch copy
 126:         bic     $177776,r3              / clear all but bit being sent
 127:         bis     2(sp),r3                / merge in old_csr_bits
 128:         movb    r3,*$TOYCSR+1           / send bit to clock
 129:         asr     r0                      / shift pattern down
 130:         sob     r1,1b                   / do all 16 bits in the word
 131:         rts     pc
 133:         .globl  _gettoy
 134: _gettoy:                                / (void)gettoy(&char[8]);
 135:         jsr     r5,csv                  / C callable
 136:         mov     4(r5),r2                / buffer address
 137:         mov     $4,r3                   / number of words in buffer
 138: 1:
 139:         mov     $16.,r4                 / number of bits in word
 140: 2:
 141:         movb    *$TOYCSR+1,r0           / low bit of top byte is a clock bit
 142:         asr     r0                      / put it in carry
 143:         ror     r1                      / ripple in at top end of r1
 144:         sob     r4,2b                   / do all 16 bits
 145:         mov     r1,(r2)+                / store the word in the buffer
 146:         sob     r3,1b                   / do all 4 words
 147:         jmp     cret                    / and return
 149: bcd:
 150:         clr     r0
 151:         div     $16.,r0
 152:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 153:         mov     r0,r1
 154:         mul     $10.,r1
 155:         add     (sp)+,r1
 156:         rts     pc
 158:         .globl  _tm2t
 159: _tm2t:
 160:         jsr     r5,csv
 161:         mov     4(r5),r4
 162:         movb    1(r4),r1
 163:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 164:         clr     -(sp)
 165:         movb    2(r4),r0
 166:         mul     $74,r0
 167:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 168:         mov     r0,-(sp)
 169:         mov     $7020,-(sp)
 170:         sxt     -(sp)
 171:         movb    3(r4),r1
 172:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 173:         clr     -(sp)
 174:         jsr     pc,lmul
 175:         add     $10,sp
 176:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 177:         mov     r0,-(sp)
 178:         mov     $50600,-(sp)
 179:         mov     $1,-(sp)
 180:         mov     r4,-(sp)
 181:         jsr     pc,_ndays               / return value in r1
 182:         tst     (sp)+
 183:         dec     r1
 184:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 185:         sxt     -(sp)
 186:         jsr     pc,lmul
 187:         add     $10,sp
 188:         add     (sp)+,r0
 189:         add     (sp)+,r1
 190:         adc     r0
 191:         add     (sp)+,r0
 192:         add     (sp)+,r1
 193:         adc     r0
 194:         add     (sp)+,r0
 195:         add     (sp)+,r1
 196:         adc     r0
 197:         jmp     cret
 199: _leap:                          / r2 = year number, r1 clobbered
 200:         mov     r2,r1
 201:         add     $3554,r1
 202:         sxt     r0
 203:         div     $620,r0
 204:         tst     r1
 205:         bne     2f
 206:         br      3f
 207: 1:
 208:         clr     r0              / return false
 209:         br      4f
 210: 2:
 211:         mov     r2,r1
 212:         sxt     r0
 213:         div     $144,r0
 214:         tst     r1
 215:         jeq     1b
 216:         bit     $3,r2
 217:         jne     1b
 218: 3:
 219:         mov     $1,r0           / return true
 220: 4:
 221:         rts     pc
 222:         .data
 223: mdays:
 224:         .byte 37,34,37,36,37,36,37,37,36,37,36,37,0
 225:         .even
 226:         .text
 227: _ndays:
 228:         jsr     r5,csv
 229:         mov     4(r5),r0
 230:         movb    5(r0),r4
 231:         mov     $106,r2
 232:         jbr     3f
 233: 1:
 234:         add     $555,r4
 235:         jsr     pc,*$_leap              / r2 has year in it already
 236:         add     r0,r4
 237:         inc     r2
 238: 3:
 239:         mov     4(r5),r0
 240:         movb    7(r0),r0
 241:         cmp     r2,r0
 242:         jlt     1b
 243:         clr     r3
 244:         jbr     8f
 245: 4:
 246:         clr     r0
 247:         cmp     $1,r3
 248:         jne     5f
 249:         jsr     pc,*$_leap      / r2 has year
 250: 5:
 251:         movb    mdays(r3),r1
 252:         add     r1,r0
 253:         add     r0,r4
 254:         inc     r3
 255: 8:
 256:         mov     4(r5),r0
 257:         movb    6(r0),r0
 258:         cmp     r3,r0
 259:         jlt     4b
 260:         mov     r4,r1           / return value in r1 not r0
 261:         jmp     cret

Defined functions

TOYCSR declared in line 16; defined in line 17; used 6 times
_gettoy declared in line 133; defined in line 134; used 2 times
_leap defined in line 199; used 2 times
_ndays defined in line 227; used 1 times
_tm2t declared in line 158; defined in line 159; used 2 times
_toyclk declared in line 19; defined in line 21; used 3 times
bcd defined in line 149; used 1 times
  • in line 48
dayflags defined in line 14; used 1 times
  • in line 66
err defined in line 89; used 3 times
initoy defined in line 104; used 1 times
  • in line 33
ret defined in line 92; used 1 times
  • in line 88
tdata defined in line 24; used 1 times
  • in line 35
toy24 defined in line 9; used 2 times
toyload defined in line 122; used 2 times

Defined variables

bounds defined in line 95; used 2 times
mdays defined in line 223; used 1 times
Last modified: 2000-04-09
Generated: 2016-12-26
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