1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)net_copy.s	1.1 (2.10BSD Berkeley) 4/10/88
   7:  */
   9: #include "DEFS.h"
  10: #include "../machine/mch_iopage.h"
  13: /*
  14:  * Fetch and set user byte routines:
  15:  *	fubyte(addr):		fetch user data space byte
  16:  *	subyte(addr, byte):	set user data space byte
  17:  *		caddr_t addr;
  18:  *		u_char byte;
  19:  *
  20:  * The fetch routines return the requested byte or -1 on fault.  The set
  21:  * routines return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
  22:  */
  23: ENTRY(fubyte)
  24:         jsr     pc,fssetup              / r1 = addr, previous mode = user
  25:         bic     $1,r1                   / r1 = addr&~1
  26:         mfpd    (r1)                    / tmp = user data word at (addr&~1)
  27:         mov     (sp)+,r0
  28:         cmp     r1,6(sp)                / if (addr&1)
  29:         beq     1f                      /   tmp >>= 8
  30:         swab    r0
  31: 1:
  32:         bic     $!377,r0                / return((u_char)tmp)
  33:         br      fscleanup               / restore fault trap and PS, and return
  35: ENTRY(subyte)
  36:         jsr     pc,fssetup              / r1 = addr, previous mode = user
  37:         bic     $1,r1                   / r1 = addr&~1
  38:         mfpd    (r1)                    / tmp = user data word at (addr&~1)
  39:         cmp     r1,10(sp)               / if (addr&1)
  40:         beq     1f
  41:         movb    12(sp),1(sp)            /   *((char *)tmp + 1) = byte
  42:         br      2f
  43: 1:                                      / else
  44:         movb    12(sp),(sp)             /   *((char *)tmp) = byte
  45: 2:
  46:         mtpd    (r1)                    / user data word (addr&~1) = tmp
  47:         clr     r0                      / return success
  48:         br      fscleanup               / restore fault trap and PS, and return
  51: /*
  52:  * Fetch and set user word routines:
  53:  *	fuword(addr):		fetch user data space word
  54:  *	suword(addr, word):	set user data space word
  55:  *		caddr_t addr;
  56:  *		u_short word;
  57:  *
  58:  * The fetch routines return the requested word or -1 on fault.  The set
  59:  * routines return 0 on success, -1 on failure.  Addr must be even.  The data
  60:  * space routines are really the corresponding instruction space routines if
  61:  * NONSEPARATE is defined.
  62:  */
  63: ENTRY(fuword)
  64:         jsr     pc,fssetup              / r1 = addr, previous mode = user
  65:         mfpd    (r1)                    / r0 = user data word at addr
  66:         mov     (sp)+,r0
  67:         br      fscleanup               / restore fault trap and PS, and return
  69: ENTRY(suword)
  70:         jsr     pc,fssetup              / r1 = addr, previous mode = user
  71:         mov     10(sp),-(sp)            / user data word at addr = word
  72:         mtpd    (r1)
  73:         clr     r0                      / resturn success
  74:         br      fscleanup               / restore fault trap and PS, and return
  77: /*
  78:  * Common set up code for the [fs]u(byte|word) routines.  Sets up fault
  79:  * trap, sets previous mode to user, and loads addr into r1.  Leaves old
  80:  * values of PS and nofault on stack.
  81:  */
  82: fssetup:
  83:         mov     (sp)+,r0                / snag return address
  84:         mov     PS,-(sp)                / save current PS,
  85:         bic     $30000,PS               /   set previous mode kernel
  86:         mfpd    *$nofault               / grab current value of nofault
  87:         mov     $fsfault,-(sp)          / and set new fault trap
  88:         mtpd    *$nofault
  89:         bis     $30000,PS               / leave previous mode set to user
  90:         mov     6(sp),r1                / r1 = addr
  91:         jmp     (r0)                    / return to f/s routine
  93: /*
  94:  * Common fault trap for fetch/set user byte/word routines.  Returns -1 to
  95:  * indicate fault.  Stack contains saved fault trap followed by return
  96:  * address.
  97:  */
  98: fsfault:
  99:         mov     $-1,r0                  / return failure (-1)
 100:         /*FALLTHROUGH*/
 102: /*
 103:  * Common clean up code for the [fs]u(byte|word) routines.
 104:  */
 105: fscleanup:
 106:         bic     $30000,PS               / set previous more to kernel
 107:         mtpd    *$nofault               / restore fault trap,
 108:         mov     (sp)+,PS                /   PS,
 109:         rts     pc                      /   and return
 112: /*
 113:  * copyin(fromaddr, toaddr, length)
 114:  *	caddr_t fromaddr, toaddr;
 115:  *	u_int length;
 116:  *
 117:  * Copy length/2 words from user space fromaddr to kernel space address
 118:  * toaddr.  Fromaddr and toaddr must be even.  Returns zero on success,
 119:  * EFAULT on failure.
 120:  */
 121: ENTRY(copyin)
 122:         jsr     pc,copysetup            / r1 = fromaddr, r2 = toaddr,
 123: 1:                                      / r0 = length/2
 124:         mfpd    (r1)+                   / do
 125:         mov     (sp)+,(r2)+             /   *toaddr++ = *fromaddr++
 126:         sob     r0,1b                   / while (--length)
 127:         br      copycleanup
 130: /*
 131:  * copyout(fromaddr, toaddr, length)
 132:  *	caddr_t fromaddr, toaddr;
 133:  *	u_int length;
 134:  *
 135:  * Copy length/2 words from kernel space fromaddr to user space address
 136:  * toaddr.  Fromaddr and toaddr must be even.  Returns zero on success,
 137:  * EFAULT on failure.
 138:  */
 139: ENTRY(copyout)
 140:         jsr     pc,copysetup            / r1 = fromaddr, r2 = toaddr,
 141: 1:                                      / r0 = length/2
 142:         mov     (r1)+,-(sp)             / do
 143:         mtpd    (r2)+                   /   *toaddr++ = *fromaddr++
 144:         sob     r0,1b                   / while (--length)
 145:         br      copycleanup
 148: /*
 149:  * Common set up code for the copy(in|out) routines.  Performs zero length
 150:  * check, sets up fault trap, sets previous mode to user, and loads
 151:  * fromaddr, toaddr and length into the registers r1, r2 and r0
 152:  * respectively.  Leaves old values of r2, PS, and nofault on stack.
 153:  */
 154: copysetup:
 155:         mov     (sp)+,r0                / snag return address
 156:         mov     r2,-(sp)                / reserve r2 for our use,
 157:         mov     PS,-(sp)                / save current PS,
 158:         bic     $30000,PS               /   set previous mode kernel
 159:         mfpd    *$nofault               / grab current value of nofault
 160:         mov     r0,-(sp)                / push return address back
 161:         mov     $copyfault,-(sp)        / and set new fault trap
 162:         mtpd    *$nofault
 163:         bis     $30000,PS               / leave previous mode set to user
 164:         mov     16(sp),r0               / r0 = (unsigned)length/2
 165:         beq     1f                      /   (exit early if length equals zero)
 166:         asr     r0
 167:         bic     $100000,r0
 168:         mov     12(sp),r1               / r1 = fromaddr
 169:         mov     14(sp),r2               / r2 = toaddr
 170:         rts     pc
 172: 1:
 173:         tst     (sp)+                   / short circuit the copy for zero
 174:         br      copycleanup             /   length returning "success" ...
 176: copyfault:
 177:         mov     $EFAULT,r0              / we faulted out, return EFAULT
 178:         /*FALLTHROUGH*/
 180: /*
 181:  * Common clean up code for the copy(in|out) routines.  When copy routines
 182:  * finish successfully r0 has already been decremented to zero which is
 183:  * exactly what we want to return for success ...  Tricky, hhmmm?
 184:  */
 185: copycleanup:
 186:         bic     $30000,PS               / set previous mode to kernel
 187:         mtpd    *$nofault               / restore fault trap,
 188:         mov     (sp)+,PS                /   PS,
 189:         mov     (sp)+,r2                /   and reserved registers
 190:         rts     pc
 193: /*
 194:  * Kernel/Network copying routines.
 195:  *
 196:  * NOTE:
 197:  *	The cp(to|from)kern functions operate atomically, at high ipl.
 198:  *	This is done mostly out of paranoia.  If the cp(to|from)kern
 199:  *	routines start taking up too much time at high IPL, then this
 200:  *	parnoia should probably be reconsidered.
 201:  *
 202:  *
 203:  * WARNING:
 204:  *	All functions assume that the segments in supervisor space
 205:  *	containing the source or target variables are never remapped.
 206:  */
 208: #ifdef notdef                           /* not currently used */
 209: /*
 210:  * void
 211:  * cptokern(nfrom, kto, len)
 212:  *	caddr_t nfrom;		source address in network space
 213:  *	caddr_t kto;		destination address in kernel space
 214:  *	int len;		number of bytes to copy
 215:  *
 216:  * Copy words from the network to the kernel.  Len must be even and both
 217:  * nfrom and kto must begin on an even word boundary.
 218:  */
 219: ENTRY(cptokern)
 220:         mov     r2,-(sp)
 221:         mov     PS,-(sp)
 222:         mov     $40340,PS               / set previous mode to kernel
 223:         mov     6(sp),r0                / nfrom
 224:         mov     10(sp),r1               / kto
 225:         mov     12(sp),r2               / len
 226:         asr     r2                      / len/2
 227: 1:
 228:         mov     (r0)+,-(sp)
 229:         mtpd    (r1)+
 230:         sob     r2,1b
 232:         mov     (sp)+,PS
 233:         mov     (sp)+,r2
 234:         rts     pc
 235: #endif /* notdef */
 237: /*
 238:  * void
 239:  * cpfromkern(kfrom, nto, len)
 240:  *	caddr_t kfrom;		source address in kernel space
 241:  *	caddr_t nto;		destination address in network space
 242:  *	int len;		number of bytes to copy
 243:  *
 244:  * Copy words from the kernel to the network.  Len must be even and both
 245:  * kfrom and nto must begin on an even word boundary.
 246:  */
 247: ENTRY(cpfromkern)
 248:         mov     r2,-(sp)
 249:         mov     PS,-(sp)
 250:         mov     $40340,PS               / set previous mode to kernel
 251:         mov     6(sp),r0                / kfrom
 252:         mov     10(sp),r1               / nto
 253:         mov     12(sp),r2               / len
 254:         asr     r2                      / len/2
 255: 1:
 256:         mfpd    (r0)+
 257:         mov     (sp)+,(r1)+
 258:         sob     r2,1b
 260:         mov     (sp)+,PS
 261:         mov     (sp)+,r2
 262:         rts     pc
 264: /*
 265:  * void
 266:  * mtkd(addr, word)
 267:  *	caddr addr;		destination address in kernel space
 268:  *	int word;		word to store
 269:  *
 270:  * Move To Kernel Data, simplified interface for the network to store
 271:  * single words in the kernel data space.
 272:  */
 273: ENTRY(mtkd)
 274:         mov     2(sp),r0                / get the destination address
 275:         mov     PS,-(sp)                / save psw
 276:         bic     $30000,PS               / previous kernel
 277:         mov     6(sp),-(sp)             / grab word
 278:         mtpd    (r0)                    /   and store it in kernel space
 279:         mov     (sp)+,PS                / restore psw
 280:         rts     pc                      / return
 282: /*
 283:  * int
 284:  * mfkd(addr)
 285:  *	caddr_t addr;		source address in kernel space
 286:  *
 287:  * Move From Kernel Data, simplified interface for the network to get
 288:  * single words from the kernel data space.
 289:  */
 290: ENTRY(mfkd)
 291:         mov     2(sp),r0                / get the address of the data
 292:         mov     PS,-(sp)                / save psw
 293:         bic     $30000,PS               / previous kernel
 294:         mfpd    (r0)                    / get the word
 295:         mov     (sp)+,r0                / return value
 296:         mov     (sp)+,PS                / restore psw
 297:         rts     pc                      / return

Defined functions

_copyin defined in line 121; never used
_copyout defined in line 139; never used
_cptokern defined in line 219; never used
_fubyte defined in line 23; never used
_fuword defined in line 63; never used
_subyte defined in line 35; never used
_suword defined in line 69; never used
copycleanup defined in line 185; used 3 times
copyfault defined in line 176; used 1 times
copysetup defined in line 154; used 2 times
fscleanup defined in line 105; used 4 times
fsfault defined in line 98; used 1 times
  • in line 87
fssetup defined in line 82; used 4 times
Last modified: 1988-05-02
Generated: 2016-12-26
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