1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1987 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)mch_backup.s	1.2 (2.11BSD GTE) 12/26/92
   7:  */
   9: #include "DEFS.h"
  11: SPACE(GLOBAL, ssr, 3*2)                 / contents of MM registers SSR0-2
  12:                                         /   after trap
  14: /*
  15:  * unwind(ar0::r0, mod::r1)
  16:  *	caddr_t ar0;
  17:  *	u_char mod;
  18:  *
  19:  * Unwind a register modification from a partially completed aborted
  20:  * instruction.  Ar0 is the address of the user's register r0 as saved in
  21:  * the stack (_regloc contains the relative indexes of the the user's
  22:  * registers from ar0).  Mod contains a register modification recorded as:
  23:  *
  24:  *	 7		3 2	0
  25:  *	+------------------------+
  26:  *	|  displacement	 |  reg	 |
  27:  *	+------------------------+
  28:  *
  29:  * where "reg" is the index of the modified register and displacement is
  30:  * the 2's complement displacement of the modification.
  31:  */
  32: unwind:
  33:         mov     r1,-(sp)                / grab displacement
  34:         asr     (sp)                    /   tmp = mod >> 3 { signed shift }
  35:         asr     (sp)
  36:         asr     (sp)
  37:         bic     $!7,r1                  / mod = _regloc[mod&7] * sizeof(int)
  38:         movb    _regloc(r1),r1
  39:         asl     r1
  40:         add     r0,r1                   / ar0[mod] -= tmp
  41:         sub     (sp)+,(r1)
  42:         rts     pc
  44: /*
  45:  * backup(ar0)
  46:  *	caddr_t ar0;
  47:  *
  48:  * Back up user CPU state after aborted instruction.  Called from trap when
  49:  * attempting an automatic stack grow to restore the user's state prior to
  50:  * a stack fault.  Returns zero if successful.
  51:  */
  52: #ifndef KERN_NONSEP
  53: /*
  54:  * Backup routine for use with machines with SSR1 and SSR2 (saved in ssr+2
  55:  * and ssr+4 by trap).  SSR1 records any auto-increments and/or decrements
  56:  * that were already performed for the aborted instruction.  SSR2 holds
  57:  * the adddress of the instruction which faulted.
  58:  */
  59: ENTRY(backup)
  60:         mov     2(sp),r0                / r0 = ar0
  61:         movb    ssr+2,r1                / undo first register modification from
  62:         jsr     pc,unwind               /   saved SSR1
  63:         movb    ssr+3,r1                /   and second ...
  64:         jsr     pc,unwind
  65:         movb    _regloc+7,r1            / ar0[_regloc[PC] * sizeof(int)]
  66:         asl     r1                      /   = saved SSR2
  67:         add     r0,r1
  68:         mov     ssr+4,(r1)
  69:         clr     r0                      / and return success
  70:         rts     pc
  72: #else KERN_NONSEP
  73: /*
  74:  * 11/40 version of backup, for use with no SSR1 and SSR2.  Actually SSR1
  75:  * usually exists for all processors except the '34 and '40 but always
  76:  * reads as zero on those without separate I&D ...
  77:  */
  79: .bss
  80: bflg:   .=.+1
  81: jflg:   .=.+1
  82: fflg:   .=.+1
  83: .text
  85: ENTRY(backup)
  86:         mov     2(sp),ssr+2             / pass ar0 to the real backup routine
  87:         mov     r2,-(sp)                / backup needs an extra register
  88:         jsr     pc,backup
  89:         mov     r2,ssr+2                / save computed register modification
  90:         mov     (sp)+,r2                /   mask and restore r2
  91:         movb    jflg,r0                 / if backup failed, return failure
  92:         bne     1f
  93:         mov     2(sp),r0                / r0 = ar0
  94:         movb    ssr+2,r1                / undo register modifications
  95:         jsr     pc,unwind
  96:         movb    ssr+3,r1
  97:         jsr     pc,unwind
  98:         movb    _regloc+7,r1            / ar0[_regloc[PC] * sizeof(int)] =
  99:         asl     r1                      /   computed fault pc
 100:         add     r0,r1
 101:         mov     ssr+4,(r1)
 102:         clr     r0                      / and indicate success
 103: 2:
 104:         rts     pc
 106: /*
 107:  * Hard part: simulate the ssr2 register missing on 11/40 and similar
 108:  * processors.
 109:  */
 110: backup:
 111:         clr     r2                      / backup register ssr1
 112:         mov     $1,bflg                 / clrs jflg
 113:         clrb    fflg
 114:         mov     ssr+4,r0
 115:         jsr     pc,fetch
 116:         mov     r0,r1
 117:         ash     $-11.,r0
 118:         bic     $!36,r0
 119:         jmp     *0f(r0)
 120: 0:              t00; t01; t02; t03; t04; t05; t06; t07
 121:                 t10; t11; t12; t13; t14; t15; t16; t17
 123: t00:
 124:         clrb    bflg
 126: t10:
 127:         mov     r1,r0
 128:         swab    r0
 129:         bic     $!16,r0
 130:         jmp     *0f(r0)
 131: 0:              u0; u1; u2; u3; u4; u5; u6; u7
 133: u6:                                     / single op, m[tf]pi, sxt, illegal
 134:         bit     $400,r1
 135:         beq     u5                      / all but m[tf], sxt
 136:         bit     $200,r1
 137:         beq     1f                      / mfpi
 138:         bit     $100,r1
 139:         bne     u5                      / sxt
 141:         / Simulate mtpi with double (sp)+,dd.
 142:         bic     $4000,r1                / turn instr into (sp)+
 143:         br      t01
 145:         / Simulate mfpi with double ss,-(sp).
 146: 1:
 147:         ash     $6,r1
 148:         bis     $46,r1                  / -(sp)
 149:         br      t01
 151: u4:                                     / jsr
 152:         mov     r1,r0
 153:         jsr     pc,setreg               / assume no fault
 154:         bis     $173000,r2              / -2 from sp
 155:         rts     pc
 157: t07:                                    / EIS
 158:         clrb    bflg
 160: u0:                                     / jmp, swab
 161: u5:                                     / single op
 162: f5:                                     / movei, movfi
 163: ff1:                                    / ldfps
 164: ff2:                                    / stfps
 165: ff3:                                    / stst
 166:         mov     r1,r0
 167:         br      setreg
 169: t01:                                    / mov
 170: t02:                                    / cmp
 171: t03:                                    / bit
 172: t04:                                    / bic
 173: t05:                                    / bis
 174: t06:                                    / add
 175: t16:                                    / sub
 176:         clrb    bflg
 178: t11:                                    / movb
 179: t12:                                    / cmpb
 180: t13:                                    / bitb
 181: t14:                                    / bicb
 182: t15:                                    / bisb
 183:         mov     r1,r0
 184:         ash     $-6,r0
 185:         jsr     pc,setreg
 186:         swab    r2
 187:         mov     r1,r0
 188:         jsr     pc,setreg
 190:         / If delta(dest) is zero, no need to fetch source.
 191:         bit     $370,r2
 192:         beq     1f
 194:         / If mode(source) is R, no fault is possible.
 195:         bit     $7000,r1
 196:         beq     1f
 198:         / If reg(source) is reg(dest), too bad.
 199:         mov     r2,-(sp)
 200:         bic     $174370,(sp)
 201:         cmpb    1(sp),(sp)+
 202:         beq     u7
 204:         / Start source cycle.  Pick up value of reg.
 205:         mov     r1,r0
 206:         ash     $-6,r0
 207:         bic     $!7,r0
 208:         movb    _regloc(r0),r0
 209:         asl     r0
 210:         add     ssr+2,r0
 211:         mov     (r0),r0
 213:         / If reg has been incremented, must decrement it before fetch.
 214:         bit     $174000,r2
 215:         ble     2f
 216:         dec     r0
 217:         bit     $10000,r2
 218:         beq     2f
 219:         dec     r0
 220: 2:
 222:         / If mode is 6,7 fetch and add X(R) to R.
 223:         bit     $4000,r1
 224:         beq     2f
 225:         bit     $2000,r1
 226:         beq     2f
 227:         mov     r0,-(sp)
 228:         mov     ssr+4,r0
 229:         add     $2,r0
 230:         jsr     pc,fetch
 231:         add     (sp)+,r0
 232: 2:
 234:         / Fetch operand.  If mode is 3, 5, or 7, fetch *.
 235:         jsr     pc,fetch
 236:         bit     $1000,r1
 237:         beq     1f
 238:         bit     $6000,r1
 239:         bne     fetch
 240: 1:
 241:         rts     pc
 243: t17:                                    / floating point instructions
 245:         clrb    bflg
 246:         mov     r1,r0
 247:         swab    r0
 248:         bic     $!16,r0
 249:         jmp     *0f(r0)
 250: 0:              f0; f1; f2; f3; f4; f5; f6; f7
 252: f0:
 253:         mov     r1,r0
 254:         ash     $-5,r0
 255:         bic     $!16,r0
 256:         jmp     *0f(r0)
 257: 0:              ff0; ff1; ff2; ff3; ff4; ff5; ff6; ff7
 259: f1:                                     / mulf, modf
 260: f2:                                     / addf, movf
 261: f3:                                     / subf, cmpf
 262: f4:                                     / movf, divf
 263: ff4:                                    / clrf
 264: ff5:                                    / tstf
 265: ff6:                                    / absf
 266: ff7:                                    / negf
 267:         inc     fflg
 268:         mov     r1,r0
 269:         br      setreg
 271: f6:
 272:         bit     $400,r1
 273:         beq     f1                      / movfo
 274:         br      f5                      / movie
 276: f7:
 277:         bit     $400,r1
 278:         beq     f5                      / movif
 279:         br      f1                      / movof
 281: ff0:                                    / cfcc, setf, setd, seti, setl
 283: u1:                                     / br
 284: u2:                                     / br
 285: u3:                                     / br
 286: u7:                                     / illegal
 287:         incb    jflg
 288:         rts     pc
 290: setreg:
 291:         mov     r0,-(sp)
 292:         bic     $!7,r0
 293:         bis     r0,r2
 294:         mov     (sp)+,r0
 295:         ash     $-3,r0
 296:         bic     $!7,r0
 297:         movb    0f(r0),r0
 298:         tstb    bflg
 299:         beq     1f
 300:         bit     $2,r2
 301:         beq     2f
 302:         bit     $4,r2
 303:         beq     2f
 304: 1:
 305:         cmp     r0,$20
 306:         beq     2f
 307:         cmp     r0,$-20
 308:         beq     2f
 309:         asl     r0
 310: 2:
 312:         tstb    fflg
 313:         beq     3f
 314:         asl     r0
 315:         stfps   r1
 316:         bit     $200,r1
 317:         beq     3f
 318:         asl     r0
 319: 3:
 321:         bisb    r0,r2
 322:         rts     pc
 324: 0:      .byte   0,0,10,20,-10,-20,0,0
 326: fetch:
 327:         bic     $1,r0
 328:         mov     nofault,-(sp)
 329:         mov     $1f,nofault
 330:         mfpi    (r0)
 331:         mov     (sp)+,r0
 332:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
 333:         rts     pc
 335: 1:
 336:         mov     (sp)+,nofault
 337:         clrb    r2                      / clear out dest on fault
 338:         mov     $-1,r0
 339:         rts     pc
 340: #endif KERN_NONSEP

Defined functions

_backup defined in line 85; used 1 times
backup defined in line 110; used 1 times
  • in line 88
f0 defined in line 252; used 1 times
f1 defined in line 259; used 3 times
f2 defined in line 260; used 1 times
f3 defined in line 261; used 1 times
f4 defined in line 262; used 1 times
f5 defined in line 162; used 3 times
f6 defined in line 271; used 1 times
f7 defined in line 276; used 1 times
fetch defined in line 326; used 4 times
ff0 defined in line 281; used 1 times
ff1 defined in line 163; used 1 times
ff2 defined in line 164; used 1 times
ff3 defined in line 165; used 1 times
ff4 defined in line 263; used 1 times
ff5 defined in line 264; used 1 times
ff6 defined in line 265; used 1 times
ff7 defined in line 266; used 1 times
setreg defined in line 290; used 5 times
t00 defined in line 123; used 1 times
t01 defined in line 169; used 3 times
t02 defined in line 170; used 1 times
t03 defined in line 171; used 1 times
t04 defined in line 172; used 1 times
t05 defined in line 173; used 1 times
t06 defined in line 174; used 1 times
t07 defined in line 157; used 1 times
t10 defined in line 126; used 1 times
t11 defined in line 178; used 1 times
t12 defined in line 179; used 1 times
t13 defined in line 180; used 1 times
t14 defined in line 181; used 1 times
t15 defined in line 182; used 1 times
t16 defined in line 175; used 1 times
t17 defined in line 243; used 1 times
u0 defined in line 160; used 1 times
u1 defined in line 283; used 1 times
u2 defined in line 284; used 1 times
u3 defined in line 285; used 1 times
u4 defined in line 151; used 1 times
u5 defined in line 161; used 3 times
u6 defined in line 133; used 1 times
u7 defined in line 286; used 2 times
unwind defined in line 32; used 4 times

Defined variables

bflg defined in line 80; used 6 times
fflg defined in line 82; used 3 times
jflg defined in line 81; used 2 times
ssr defined in line 11; used 14 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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