@(#)README 3.2 1996/11/29 Please send comments or information to seismo!elsie!tz for forwarding to folks interested in time zone matters. Be sure to read the comments in "Makefile" and make any changes needed to make things right for your system. This version of the time zone software uses a new format (based on the work of Guy Harris, a.k.a guy@sun.UUCP) for the time zone information files. They are stored in a directory named "/usr/share/zoneinfo". If you've already compiled programs with older time zone software, you may need to make a copy of /usr/share/zoneinfo to the old location. For better compatability with other versions of time conversion functions, the time zone abbreviation to be used with localtime's return value is now pointed to by one of the two elements of the (char *) array tzname, rather than by the (char *) tz_abbr. If you have code that uses tz_abbr, add a -DTZA_COMPAT to the end of the CFLAGS= line in "Makefile". To use the new functions, use a "-lz" option when compiling or linking. Historical local time information has been included here not because it is particularly useful, but rather to: * give an idea of the variety of local time rules that have existed in the past and thus an idea of the variety that may be expected in the future; * provide a test of the generality of the local time rule description system. The information in the time zone data files is by no means authoritative; if you know that the rules are different from those in a file, by all means feel free to change file (and please send the changed version to seismo!elsie!tz for use in the future). Europeans take note!