/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)fsck.h 5.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/85 */ #define MAXDUP 10 /* limit on dup blks (per inode) */ #define MAXBAD 10 /* limit on bad blks (per inode) */ #define STEPSIZE 7 /* default step for freelist spacing */ #define CYLSIZE 400 /* default cyl size for spacing */ #define MAXCYL 500 /* maximum cylinder size */ typedef int (*SIG_TYP)(); #ifndef BUFSIZ #define BUFSIZ 1024 #endif #define USTATE 01 /* inode not allocated */ #define FSTATE 02 /* inode is file */ #define DSTATE 03 /* inode is directory */ #define DFOUND 04 /* directory found during descent */ #define DCLEAR 05 /* directory is to be cleared */ #define FCLEAR 06 /* file is to be cleared */ #define BITSPB 8 /* number bits per byte */ #define BITSHIFT 3 /* log2(BITSPB) */ #define BITMASK 07 /* BITSPB-1 */ #define LSTATE 4 /* bits per inode state */ #define STATEPB (BITSPB/LSTATE) /* inode states per byte */ #define SMASK 017 /* mask for inode state */ typedef struct dinode DINODE; typedef struct direct DIRECT; #define ALLOC(dip) (((dip)->di_mode & IFMT) != 0) #define DIRCT(dip) (((dip)->di_mode & IFMT) == IFDIR) #define SPECIAL(dip) \ (((dip)->di_mode & IFMT) == IFBLK || ((dip)->di_mode & IFMT) == IFCHR) #define MAXNINDIR (MAXBSIZE / sizeof (daddr_t)) #define MAXINOPB (MAXBSIZE / sizeof (struct dinode)) #define SPERB (MAXBSIZE / sizeof(short)) struct bufarea { struct bufarea *b_next; /* must be first */ daddr_t b_bno; int b_size; int b_errs; union { char b_buf[MAXBSIZE]; /* buffer space */ short b_lnks[SPERB]; /* link counts */ daddr_t b_indir[MAXNINDIR]; /* indirect block */ struct fs b_fs; /* super block */ struct fblk b_fb; /* free block */ struct dinode b_dinode[MAXINOPB]; /* inode block */ } b_un; char b_dirty; }; typedef struct bufarea BUFAREA; BUFAREA inoblk; /* inode blocks */ BUFAREA fileblk; /* other blks in filesys */ BUFAREA sblk; /* file system superblock */ BUFAREA *poolhead; /* ptr to first buffer in pool */ #define initbarea(x) (x)->b_dirty = 0;(x)->b_bno = (daddr_t)-1 #define dirty(x) (x)->b_dirty = 1 #define inodirty() inoblk.b_dirty = 1 #define fbdirty() fileblk.b_dirty = 1 #define sbdirty() sblk.b_dirty = 1 #define dirblk fileblk.b_un #define freeblk fileblk.b_un.b_fb #define sblock sblk.b_un.b_fs struct filecntl { int rfdes; int wfdes; int mod; } dfile, sfile; /* file descriptors for filesys/scratch files */ enum fixstate {DONTKNOW, NOFIX, FIX}; struct inodesc { enum fixstate id_fix; /* policy on fixing errors */ int (*id_func)(); /* function to be applied to blocks of inode */ ino_t id_number; /* inode number described */ ino_t id_parent; /* for DATA nodes, their parent */ daddr_t id_blkno; /* current block number being examined */ long id_filesize; /* for DATA nodes, the size of the directory */ off_t id_loc; /* for DATA nodes, current location in dir */ u_long id_entryno; /* for DATA nodes, current entry number */ DIRECT *id_dirp; /* for DATA nodes, ptr to current entry */ char *id_name; /* for DATA nodes, name to find or enter */ char id_type; /* type of descriptor, DATA or ADDR */ }; /* file types */ #define DATA 1 #define ADDR 2 /* * Linked list of duplicate blocks. * * The list is composed of two parts. The first part of the * list (from duplist through the node pointed to by muldup) * contains a single copy of each duplicate block that has been * found. The second part of the list (from muldup to the end) * contains duplicate blocks that have been found more than once. * To check if a block has been found as a duplicate it is only * necessary to search from duplist through muldup. To find the * total number of times that a block has been found as a duplicate * the entire list must be searched for occurences of the block * in question. The following diagram shows a sample list where * w (found twice), x (found once), y (found three times), and z * (found once) are duplicate block numbers: * * w -> y -> x -> z -> y -> w -> y * ^ ^ * | | * duplist muldup */ #define DUPTBLSIZE 100 daddr_t duplist[DUPTBLSIZE]; /* head of dup list */ daddr_t *enddup; /* next entry in dup table */ daddr_t *muldup; /* multiple dups part of table */ /* * List of inodes with zero link counts. */ #define MAXLNCNT 50 ino_t zlnlist[MAXLNCNT]; /* zero link count table */ ino_t *zlnp; #define MAXDATA ((unsigned)56 * 1024) #define MEMUNIT 64 #define NINOBLK 4 /* number of blocks of inodes to read at once */ char inobuf[NINOBLK*INOPB*sizeof (struct dinode)]; /* allocate now */ daddr_t startib; unsigned int memsize; char rawflg; char *devname; char nflag; /* assume a no response */ char yflag; /* assume a yes response */ char sflag; /* rebuild free list */ int debug; /* output debugging info */ char preen; /* just fix normal inconsistencies */ char hotroot; /* checking root device */ char fixfree; /* force rebuild of freelist */ char *membase; /* base of memory we get */ char *blockmap; /* ptr to primary blk allocation map */ char *freemap; /* ptr to secondary blk allocation map */ char *statemap; /* ptr to inode state table */ short *lncntp; /* ptr to link count table */ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN]; /* current pathname */ char scrfile[80]; /* scratchfile name */ int cylsize; /* num blocks per cylinder */ int stepsize; /* num blocks for spacing purposes */ char *pathp; /* pointer to pathname position */ char *endpathname; daddr_t fmin; /* block number of the first data block */ daddr_t fmax; /* number of blocks in the volume */ ino_t imax; /* number of inodes */ ino_t lastino; /* hiwater mark of inodes */ ino_t lfdir; /* lost & found directory inode number */ char *lfname; /* lost & found directory name */ off_t bmapsz; /* num chars in blockmap */ daddr_t bmapblk; /* starting blk of block map */ daddr_t smapblk; /* starting blk of state map */ daddr_t lncntblk; /* starting blk of link cnt table */ daddr_t fmapblk; /* starting blk of free map */ daddr_t n_blks; /* number of blocks used */ daddr_t n_files; /* number of files seen */ daddr_t n_free; /* number of free blocks */ int badblk, dupblk; #define outrange(x) (x < fmin || x >= fmax) #define zapino(x) (*(x) = zino) struct dinode zino; #define setlncnt(x,n) dolncnt(x,0,n) #define getlncnt(x) dolncnt(x,1,0) #define declncnt(x) dolncnt(x,2,0) #define inclncnt(x) dolncnt(x,3,0) #define setbmap(x) domap(x,0) #define getbmap(x) domap(x,1) #define clrbmap(x) domap(x,2) #define setfmap(x) domap(x,0+4) #define getfmap(x) domap(x,1+4) #define clrfmap(x) domap(x,2+4) #define setstate(x,y) dostate(x,y,0) #define getstate(x) dostate(x,0,1) #define ALTERED 010 #define KEEPON 04 #define SKIP 02 #define STOP 01 time_t time(); DINODE *ginode(); BUFAREA *getblk(); int findino(); daddr_t allocblk();