1: #include "parms.h"
   2: #include "structs.h"
   3: #include "newsgate.h"
   5: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   6: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: parsepath.c,v 85/11/29 12:18:43 notes Rel $";
   7: #endif	RCSIDENT
   9: /*
  10:  *	Parse the supplied path and from lines to determine the
  11:  *	address of the sender.  Look at the "from" line first
  12:  *	to see if it contains a pure domain-style address. If so,
  13:  *	use that for origsys and authname. Otherwise, fall into
  14:  *	intuiting it from the "newspath" argument.
  15:  *
  16:  *	newsinput calls this with header.path and header.from as
  17:  *	args.  nfmail calls it with from and (null) as args.
  18:  *
  19:  *
  20:  * fromsys:	contains system that sent us the article.
  21:  *		this helps us avoid sending unnecessary copies
  22:  *		of the article over the net.
  23:  *
  24:  * origsys:	contains the system name of the author.  Note
  25:  *		that for mailing lists gatewayed to news, this
  26:  *		is not the same as the host in the article-ID.
  27:  *
  28:  *	Thanks to Lou Salkind for this code.
  29:  */
  31: char    fromsys[SYSSZ + 1];             /* gave it to us */
  32: char    origsys[SYSSZ + 1];             /* started here */
  33: char    authname[NAMESZ + 1];               /* author */
  35: parsepath (newspath, fromline)
  36: char   *newspath;
  37: char   *fromline;
  38: {
  39:     register int    i,
  40:                     j,
  41:                     c;
  42:     register char  *p,
  43:                    *q;
  44:     char    line[CMDLEN];
  45:     char    strippedline[CMDLEN];
  46:     int     gotname = 0;                /* not yet */
  48:     if (fromline != (char *) NULL && fromline[0] != '\0')
  49:     {                           /* pure domain exists */
  50:     strcpy (line, fromline);            /* hackable copy */
  51:     if ((p = index (line, '<')) != (char *) NULL)   /* get it */
  52:     {
  53:         if ((q = index (p, '>')) == (char *) NULL)  /* malformed */
  54:         goto usepath;
  55:         *q = '\0';                  /* truncate */
  56:         strcpy (strippedline, ++p);         /* and save */
  57:     }
  58:     else
  59:     {
  60:         int     incomment;
  62:         p = line;                   /* from start */
  63:         while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
  64:         p++;                    /* leading trash */
  66:         incomment = 0;
  67:         q = p;
  68:         p = strippedline;
  69:         while (*q != '\0')
  70:         {
  71:         if (incomment > 0 && *q == ')')     /* end comment */
  72:         {
  73:             incomment--;
  74:             q++;
  75:             continue;
  76:         }
  77:         if (incomment > 0)          /* ignore char */
  78:         {
  79:             q++;
  80:             continue;
  81:         }
  82:         if (*q == '(')              /* start comment */
  83:         {
  84:             incomment++;
  85:             ++q;
  86:             continue;
  87:         }
  88:         if (*q == ' ' || *q == '\n' || *q == '\t')/* end of addr */
  89:             break;
  90:         *p++ = *q++;                /* on to next */
  91:         }
  92:         *p = '\0';                  /* terminate */
  94:     }
  95:     if ((p = index (strippedline, '@')) == (char *) NULL)
  96:         goto usepath;
  97:     *p++ = '\0';                    /* split them */
  98:     strncpy (authname, strippedline, NAMESZ);
  99:     authname[NAMESZ - 1] = '\0';            /* truncate */
 100:     strncpy (origsys, p, HOMESYSSZ);
 101:     origsys[HOMESYSSZ - 1] = '\0';          /* truncate */
 102:     /*
 103: 	 * check to see we got something
 104: 	 */
 105:     if (strlen (authname) > 0)          /* could be null */
 106:         gotname++;                  /* mark as plucked */
 107:     }
 108:     /*
 109:      * Determine user and the real originating system.
 110:      * Tuned for B news 2.10
 111:      */
 112: usepath:                        /* fall through from above */
 113:     strcpy (line, newspath);
 114:     for (i = 0; line[i]; i++)               /* find string end */
 115:     if (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == '\n')
 116:     {
 117:         line[i] = '\0';
 118:         break;
 119:     }
 120:     i--;
 122:     /*
 123:      * Try and parse an author if we don't already have one
 124:      */
 125:     if (!gotname)
 126:     {
 127:     for (j = i; j > 0; j--)             /* find delimiter */
 128:         if (line[j] == '@' || line[j] == '!' || line[j] == ':')
 129:         break;
 130:     if (j <= 0)
 131:     {                       /* user */
 132:         for (i = 0; i < (NAMESZ - 1); i++)
 133:         {
 134:         if ((c = line[i]) == '\0')
 135:             break;
 136:         authname[i] = c;
 137:         }
 138:         authname[i] = '\0';
 139:     }
 140:     else
 141:         if (line[j] == '@')
 142:         {                       /* user@host */
 143:         int     atcount = j;
 145:         line[atcount] = '\0';           /* drop uucp route */
 146:         for (i = atcount - 1; i > 0; i--)
 147:         {
 148:             if (line[i] == '!' || line[i] == ':')
 149:             {
 150:             i++;
 151:             break;
 152:             }
 153:         }
 154:         j = i;                  /* copy user */
 155:         for (i = 0; i < (NAMESZ - 1); i++)
 156:         {
 157:             if ((c = line[j + i]) == '\0')
 158:             break;
 159:             authname[i] = c;
 160:         }
 161:         authname[i] = '\0';
 162:         j = atcount + 1;            /* copy origsys */
 163:         for (i = 0; i < (SYSSZ - 1); i++)
 164:         {
 165:             if ((c = line[j + i]) == '\0')
 166:             break;
 167: #ifdef  notdef
 168:             /*
 169: 		     * (no longer needed....)
 170: 		     * TEMPORARY KLUDGE...
 171: 		     * throw out domain part until host
 172: 		     * name length increased
 173: 		     */
 174:             if (c == '.')
 175:             break;
 176: #endif	notdef
 177:             origsys[i] = c;
 178:         }
 179:         origsys[i] = '\0';
 180:         }
 181:         else
 182:         {                       /* host!user */
 183:         int     delim = j;
 184:         char    sepchar = line[delim];      /* save delimiter */
 186:         line[delim] = '\0';         /* drop uucp route */
 187:         for (i = delim - 1; i > 0; i--)
 188:         {
 189:             if (line[i] == '!' || line[i] == ':')
 190:             {
 191:             i++;
 192:             break;
 193:             }
 194:         }
 195:         j = i;                  /* copy host */
 196:         for (i = 0; i < (NAMESZ - 1); i++)
 197:         {
 198:             if ((c = line[j + i]) == '\0')
 199:             break;
 200:             origsys[i] = c;
 201:         }
 202:         origsys[i] = '\0';
 203: #ifdef  FULLDOMAIN
 204:         /*
 205: 		 * if the delimiter was a !, we can place the site in
 206: 		 * the "UUCP" domain.
 207: 		 *
 208: 		 * Exception:  if the site name contains "." [as it will once
 209: 		 * the USENIX/UUCP project gets going], we don't want to
 210: 		 * add a domain since it is probably already there.
 211: 		 */
 212:         if (sepchar == '!')         /* some UUCP site */
 213:         {
 214:             if (index (origsys, '.') == (char *) NULL)
 215:             {
 216:             strcat (origsys, ".UUCP");
 217:             }
 218:             else
 219:             {
 220:             /*
 221: 			 * already contains full domain spec
 222: 			 */
 223:             }
 224:         }
 225:         else
 226:         {
 227:             /*
 228: 		     * a BERKnet site. Don't have a handy domain for them.
 229: 		     */
 230:         }
 231: #endif	FULLDOMAIN
 232:         j = delim + 1;              /* copy user */
 233:         for (i = 0; i < (SYSSZ - 1); i++)
 234:         {
 235:             if ((c = line[j + i]) == '\0')
 236:             break;
 237:             authname[i] = c;
 238:         }
 239:         authname[i] = '\0';
 240:         }
 241:     }                           /* of if !gotname */
 243:     /*
 244:      * get fromsys, which is the first host in path
 245:      */
 247:     if (p = index (line, '!'))
 248:     {
 249:     *p = '\0';
 250:     strncpy (fromsys, line, SYSSZ - 1);
 251:     }
 252:     else
 253:     strcpy (fromsys, origsys);
 254: }

Defined functions

Defined variables

authname defined in line 33; used 14 times
fromsys defined in line 31; used 14 times
origsys defined in line 32; used 17 times
rcsid defined in line 6; never used
Last modified: 1985-11-29
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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