#include "parms.h" #include "structs.h" #ifdef RCSIDENT static char rcsid[] = "$Header: pagemove.c,v 85/05/20 09:55:01 notes Rel $"; #endif RCSIDENT /* * pagemove(io,where,io2,where2,lockflag) * * Take the text pointed to by the (io,where) pair and stuff * it into the (io2) notesfile. Return the address in * (where2). * * Lock the io2 notesfile for the transfer if the lockflag * parameter is non-zero. * * Ray Essick, March 1985 */ pagemove (io, where, io2, where2, lockflag) struct io_f *io; struct daddr_f *where; struct io_f *io2; struct daddr_f *where2; int lockflag; { char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* for moving chunks */ register int bufchars; /* in buffer */ register long moved; /* actually moved */ register long total; register long need; struct daddr_f nwhere; if (where -> addr == 0 || where -> textlen == 0) { /* no text or empty */ where2 -> addr = 0; where2 -> textlen = 0; return; /* cheap move */ } if (lockflag) /* lock if wanted */ locknf (io2, TXTLOCK); /* * position the input and output files. * we have to grab the free pointer for the output file. */ x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, where -> addr, 0) != where -> addr, "pagemove: old seek"); x (lseek (io2 -> fidtxt, 0L, 0) != 0, "pagemove: io2 seek 0"); x (read (io2 -> fidtxt, where2, sizeof *where) != sizeof *where, "pagemove: read free"); x (lseek (io2 -> fidtxt, where2 -> addr, 0) != where2 -> addr, "pagemove: new seek"); moved = 0; total = where -> textlen; /* total to move */ bufchars = 0; where2 -> textlen = 0; /* start empty */ while (moved != total) /* more text */ { need = total - moved; /* how much wanted? */ if (need >= BUFSIZ) need = BUFSIZ; /* only so many at once */ bufchars = read (io -> fidtxt, buf, ((int) need));/* read them */ x (bufchars != need, "pagemove: bad read from old");/* check */ x (write (io2 -> fidtxt, buf, bufchars) != bufchars, "pagemove: bad write to new"); moved += bufchars; /* bump counts */ where2 -> textlen += bufchars; } x (where -> textlen != where2 -> textlen, "pagemove: moved wrong count"); /* * we now have shoved the text into the second notesfile. * We need to go back and update the free pointer. * and then we can return... */ nwhere.textlen = 0; nwhere.addr = where2 -> addr + where2 -> textlen; if (nwhere.addr & 1) /* odd? */ nwhere.addr++; /* round up */ x (lseek (io2 -> fidtxt, 0L, 0) != 0, "pagemove: bad reseek"); x (write (io2 -> fidtxt, &nwhere, sizeof nwhere) != sizeof nwhere, "pagemove: bad write free pointer"); if (lockflag) /* cleanup */ unlocknf (io2, TXTLOCK); }