#include "parms.h" #include "structs.h" #include "net.h" #ifdef RCSIDENT static char rcsid[] = "$Header: getnet.c,v 86/01/17 23:49:54 notes Rel $"; #endif RCSIDENT /* * getnet(sys,nf, howp) * char *sys; * char *nf; * struct nethow_f *howp; * * This routine will scan the net.how file, looking for alternate * routes to the system specified. The xmit and reply pointers are * set appropriately. * (null if no entry found). * The routine returns -1 if the file is not there, otherwise * it returns the count of lines matched (0,1,2) * * Original Coding: Ray Essick April 1982 */ int GetNetDebug = 0; getnet (sys, nf, howp) char *sys; char *nf; struct nethow_f *howp; /* fill it in */ { FILE * nethow; char pathname[256]; /* probably ok */ char oneline[512]; char *p; int i, count; #define MAXFIELDS 5 char *field[MAXFIELDS]; /* field pointers */ count = 0; /* lines we have */ if (howp != (struct nethow_f *) NULL) /* init the sucker */ { howp -> nh_proto = 0; howp -> nh_system = howp -> nh_nf = (char *) NULL; howp -> nh_xmit = howp -> nh_rcv = (char *) NULL; } sprintf (pathname, "%s/%s/%s", Mstdir, UTILITY, NETHOW); if ((nethow = fopen (pathname, "r")) == NULL) return (-1); while (fgets (oneline, sizeof oneline, nethow) != NULL && count < 2) { if (GetNetDebug) fprintf (stderr, "getnet reads: %s", oneline); i = strlen (oneline); /* get end */ if (oneline[i - 1] != '\n') /* not entire line */ { fprintf (stderr, "%s: net.how line longer than %d characters", Invokedas, pathname, sizeof oneline); return (-2); /* line too long */ } else { oneline[i - 1] = '\0'; /* strip newline */ } if (oneline[0] == '#' || oneline[0] == '\0') continue; /* comment or empty */ for (i = 1; i < MAXFIELDS; i++) field[i] = NULL; /* zero them */ for (i = 1, p = field[0] = oneline; i < MAXFIELDS && *p != '\0';) { /* extract the field */ if (*p == '\0') /* end of string */ break; if (*p != ':') /* not end of a field */ { p++; continue; } *p = '\0'; /* end this field */ field[i++] = ++p; /* start next field */ } if (GetNetDebug > 3) { for (i = 0; i < MAXFIELDS; i++) fprintf (stderr, "field[%d] = %s\n", i, field[i]); } /* * see if it is what we want. if so, fill in the appropriate * structure elements and go away. */ if (strcmp (field[0], sys) != 0) /* match? */ continue; /* no */ /* * see if the nf matches. * BEEF THIS UP. MAKE A SUBROUTINE TO MATCH */ if (*field[3] != '\0') { char *lead = field[3], *trail = field[3]; int match = 0; extern int nfmatch (); while (1) { if (*lead == '\0' || *lead == ',') /* new pattern */ { if (*lead == ',') { *lead++ = '\0'; } /* terminate */ if (nfmatch (nf, trail) == 0) /* same? */ { match++; break; /* yes, get out */ } trail = lead; /* bring up the pointer */ if (*lead != '\0') /* get more */ continue; else break; /* get out */ } lead++; /* skip onward */ } if (match == 0) /* nothing matched */ continue; /* so get another line */ } if (howp -> nh_nf == (char *) NULL) { howp -> nh_nf = strsave (nf); /* nf name saved */ } /* * fill in the appropriate field */ if (*field[1] == 'x') /* transmit */ { if (howp -> nh_xmit == (char *) NULL) /* not yet */ { howp -> nh_xmit = strsave (field[4]); /* save it */ if (sscanf (field[2], "%d", &i) != 1) { if (*field[2] != '\0') /* message if non-empty */ fprintf (stderr, "protocol field '%s' should be an integer\n", field[2]); i = 0; } howp -> nh_proto = i; /* save protocol */ count++; /* filled another field */ if (GetNetDebug > 1) fprintf (stderr, "getnet: proto %d, how: %s\n", howp -> nh_proto, howp -> nh_xmit); } } else { /* force reply */ if (howp -> nh_rcv == (char *) NULL) { howp -> nh_rcv = strsave (field[4]); /* save it */ count++; /* filled a field */ if (GetNetDebug > 1) fprintf (stderr, "getnet: rcv: %s\n", howp -> nh_rcv); } } } /* * have both lknes (or exhausted input). close the file * and go back. */ fclose (nethow); return (count); } /* * quicky pattern matching routine. * * someday, make it do real pattern matching */ static int nfmatch (nf, pattern) char *nf; char *pattern; { char *p; int result; #ifdef HAS_REGEXP extern char *re_comp (); extern int re_exec (); #endif HAS_REGEXP if (GetNetDebug) fprintf (stderr, "nf = '%s', pattern = '%s'\n", nf, pattern); #ifdef HAS_REGEXP /* * regular expression routines from BSD -- don't know * if anyone else picked them up. */ p = re_comp (pattern); /* compile pattern */ if (p != NULL) /* error in pattern */ { fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", Invokedas, pattern, p); return (-1); /* no match */ } result = re_exec (nf); switch (result) /* fix return code */ { case 1: if (GetNetDebug > 1) fprintf (stderr, "Matched\n"); return 0; case 0: if (GetNetDebug > 1) fprintf (stderr, "NO Match\n"); return 1; default: if (GetNetDebug > 1) fprintf (stderr, "Regular Expresion Error\n"); return result; } #endif HAS_REGEXP /* * real cheap -- check exact matches */ result = strcmp (nf, pattern); switch (result) { case 0: if (GetNetDebug) fprintf (stderr, "strcmp match\n"); return (0); default: if (GetNetDebug) fprintf (stderr, "strcmp NO match\n"); return (result); } }