#include "parms.h" #include "structs.h" #ifdef RCSIDENT static char rcsid[] = "$Header: dsply.c,v 86/10/12 20:20:17 notes Rel $"; #endif RCSIDENT /* * dspnote(io,note) struct io_f *io; struct note_f *note; * * displays a completely formatted note on the screen. It calls * gettrec to get the text of the note. * * dspresp(io,note,resp,phys,logical) is a little trickier. * * it prints out the response to from response form * (at index of of ). is the logical number * of the note and is displayed. * * Original coding: Rob Kolstad Winter 1980 * Modified: Ray Essick December 1981 * - reordered display so went top to bottom, left to right * - to facilitate use on dumb terminals (or tty's) */ static char *Anon = "Anonymous"; static char *Fromnews = "(From News system)"; static char *Continued = "-- %2d%% [%ld/%ld] --"; dspnote (io, note, notenum) struct io_f *io; struct note_f *note; { int c, /* character temp */ Rotate; /* whether rotated */ long where; /* for seeking */ struct dsply_f dispbuf; long pagecnt[PAGESAV + 1]; int pagesout; Rotate = 0; /* default non-rotated */ io -> nnotread++; /* bump count of notes read */ pagesout = 0; pagecnt[pagesout] = 0; if (note -> n_addr.addr == 0) dispbuf.d_head.textlen = 0; /* empty text */ else { x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, note -> n_addr.addr, 0) != note -> n_addr.addr, "dsply: bad note seek"); dispbuf.d_head = note -> n_addr; /* get header info */ } dispbuf.outcount = dispbuf.optr = dispbuf.olim = 0; /* fix buffer */ do /* always show the first page */ /* display loop */ { erase (); /* write header crap */ at (1, 1); if (notenum != 0) { if (dispbuf.outcount) /* nth page */ printf ("[Continued] "); printf ("Note %d", notenum); } center (io -> descr.d_title, NNLEN, 1, 40 - NNLEN / 2); if (note -> n_nresp > 0) { at (1, 67); printf ("%d response", note -> n_nresp); if (note -> n_nresp > 1) printf ("s"); } at (2, 1); printf ("%s", note -> n_auth.aname); center (note -> ntitle, TITLEN, 2, 40 - TITLEN / 2); at (2, 59); prdate (¬e -> n_date); if (strcmp (Authsystem, note -> n_auth.asystem) && strcmp (Anon, note -> n_auth.aname)) { at (3, 1); printf ("(at %s)", note -> n_auth.asystem); /* print system name if not local */ } if (note -> n_stat & DIRMES) center (io -> descr.d_drmes, DMLEN, 3, 40 - DMLEN / 2); else if (note -> n_stat & ORPHND) { at (3, 29); printf ("-- (Foster Parent) --"); } else if (note -> n_stat & WRITONLY) { at (3, 31); printf ("-- (Write Only) --"); } if (note -> n_stat & FRMNEWS) { at (3, 59); printf ("%s", Fromnews); } if (dispbuf.d_head.textlen == 0) { c = (-1); break; /* header is it for empties */ } at (4, 1); putc ('\n', stdout); /* make sure soft-tabs work */ c = showit (io, &dispbuf, Rotate); switch (c) { case ' ': /* wants the next page */ if (pagesout < PAGESAV) pagecnt[++pagesout] = dispbuf.outcount; /* save new start */ break; case '-': /* go back to previous */ case '\b': /* backspace has same function */ if (pagesout-- == 0) return c; /* pass the buck */ goto replot; /* else fall into replot */ #ifdef ROTATE case 'R': /* rot-13 the text */ Rotate = !Rotate; /* toggle */ /* and fall into re-plot */ #endif ROTATE replot: /* nasty goto label */ case 'r': case '\014': /* control-L too */ dispbuf.optr = dispbuf.olim = 0; dispbuf.outcount = pagecnt[pagesout]; where = dispbuf.d_head.addr + dispbuf.outcount; x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, where, 0) < 0, "dspnote: bad seek"); break; /* are all set now */ default: /* pass the buck */ return c; } } while (dispbuf.outcount < dispbuf.d_head.textlen); return c; /* didn't field a command */ } /* * Code to print the header and manage the paging of a response * It calls the "showit" routine to print pages of text */ dspresp (io, note, resp, phys, logical, notenum) struct io_f *io; struct note_f *note; struct resp_f *resp; { int c; int Rotate; /* whether rotated */ struct dsply_f dispbuf; long where, pagecnt[PAGESAV + 1]; /* stack for backing up */ int pagesout; Rotate = 0; /* default non-rotated */ io -> nrspread++; /* bump count or responses read */ pagesout = 0; pagecnt[pagesout] = 0; if (resp -> r_addr[phys].addr == 0) dispbuf.d_head.textlen = 0; /* so can get a header */ else { x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, resp -> r_addr[phys].addr, 0) != resp -> r_addr[phys].addr, "dspresp: bad resp seek"); dispbuf.d_head = resp -> r_addr[phys]; /* get header info */ } dispbuf.outcount = dispbuf.optr = dispbuf.olim = 0; /* fix buffer */ do /* always make 1 pass */ { erase (); /* paint the header */ at (1, 1); if (dispbuf.outcount) /* nth page */ printf ("[Continued] "); printf ("Note %d", notenum); center (io -> descr.d_title, NNLEN, 1, 40 - NNLEN / 2); at (2, 1); printf ("%s", resp -> r_auth[phys].aname); at (2, 31); printf ("Response %2d of %2d", logical, note -> n_nresp); at (2, 59); prdate (&resp -> r_when[phys]); if (strcmp (Authsystem, resp -> r_auth[phys].asystem) != 0 && strcmp (Anon, resp -> r_auth[phys].aname) != 0) { at (3, 1); printf ("(at %s)", resp -> r_auth[phys].asystem);/* print sys name if not here */ } if (resp -> r_stat[phys] & DIRMES) center (io -> descr.d_drmes, DMLEN, 3, 40 - DMLEN / 2); if (resp -> r_stat[phys] & FRMNEWS) { at (3, 59); printf ("%s", Fromnews); } if (dispbuf.d_head.textlen == 0) { c = (-1); break; /* header is all for empties */ } at (4, 1); putc ('\n', stdout); /* make sure soft-tabs work */ c = showit (io, &dispbuf, Rotate); switch (c) { case ' ': /* wants the next page */ if (pagesout < PAGESAV) pagecnt[++pagesout] = dispbuf.outcount; /* save new start */ break; case '-': /* go back to previous */ case '\b': /* backspace does the same thing */ if (pagesout-- == 0) return c; /* pass the buck */ goto replot; /* else fall into replot */ #ifdef ROTATE case 'R': /* rot-13 the text */ Rotate = !Rotate; /* toggle */ /* and fall into re-plot */ #endif ROTATE replot: /* nasty goto label */ case 'r': case '\014': /* control-L too */ dispbuf.optr = dispbuf.olim = 0; dispbuf.outcount = pagecnt[pagesout]; where = dispbuf.d_head.addr + dispbuf.outcount; x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, where, 0) < 0, "dspnote: bad seek"); break; /* are all set now */ default: /* pass the buck */ return c; } } while (dispbuf.outcount < dispbuf.d_head.textlen); return c; /* didn't field a command */ } /* * showit * * accepts a pointer to a dsply_f and dumps text until runs out * or the screen is filled. * Counts things like lines, columns, and also prints a "more" line * * Ray Essick June 15, 1982 */ showit (io, dbuf, Rotate) struct io_f *io; struct dsply_f *dbuf; int Rotate; { int lines, wides; /* screen fill stuff */ int c; int onechar; lines = 4; /* header eats 4 */ wides = 0; /* start in col 1 */ while (lines < nrows - 1 && dbuf -> outcount < dbuf -> d_head.textlen) { if (intflag) /* user abort? */ { intflag = 0; return (-1); /* back to key processing */ } if (dbuf -> optr == dbuf -> olim) /* buffer is empty */ { x ((dbuf -> olim = read (io -> fidtxt, dbuf -> d_buf.txtbuf, BUFSIZE)) < 0, "dspnote: text read"); dbuf -> optr = 0; } #ifdef ROTATE if (Rotate) { register char cc; cc = dbuf -> d_buf.txtbuf[dbuf -> optr]; if ((cc >= 'a' && cc <= 'm') || (cc >= 'A' && cc <= 'M')) cc += ROTATE; else if ((cc >= 'n' && cc <= 'z') || (cc >= 'N' && cc <= 'Z')) cc -= ROTATE; onechar = cc; } else #endif ROTATE { onechar = dbuf -> d_buf.txtbuf[dbuf -> optr]; } /* show the character */ dbuf -> optr++; /* advance ptr */ dbuf -> outcount++; /* * look at the output character and do any massaging */ if (onechar != '\014') /* suppress ^l */ putc (onechar, stdout); switch (onechar) /* some special chars */ { case '\n': /* next line */ if (isinput ()) /* PLATO-brand erase-abort */ goto exisho; wides = 0; lines++; break; case '\014': /* force next page */ lines = nrows; /* forces loop exit */ break; case '\t': /* almost forgot tabs */ wides += (8 - (wides % 8)); /* tab stops */ break; case '\b': /* perverts using backspaces */ wides--; break; default: /* dull characters */ wides++; break; } if (wides >= ncols) /* test line overflow */ { lines++; wides = 0; } } exisho: /* typeahead exit */ if (dbuf -> outcount < dbuf -> d_head.textlen) { at (0, 52); printf (Continued, (int) ((long) (dbuf -> outcount * 100L) / (long) dbuf -> d_head.textlen), (long) dbuf -> outcount, (long) dbuf -> d_head.textlen); } at (0, 1); /* grab command */ #ifdef PROMPT printf ("%s", PROMPT); #endif c = gchar (); /* grab command */ printf ("\b \b"); return c; /* so let caller handle it */ }