/* * The canonical form of a note looks like this: * * N::: * * <authorname>:<author uid> * <year of note written>:<month>:<day>:<hour>:<minute> * <status>:<length of text> * <text> * * the canonical form of a response looks like: * * R:<note system>:<note id>:<response system>:<response id>:<resp #> * <authorname>:<author id> * <year of response written>:<month>:<day>:<hour>:<minute> * <status>:<length of text> * <text> * * the file containing these forms will usually look like this: * * <NOTE> * <resp 1> * <resp 2> * ... * <resp n> * <NOTE> * <NOTE> (previous note had no responses) * <resp 1> * ... * <resp m> * * For network transmissions, the file of notes/responses * to be transmitted will be built * locally, and then we will use someone elses packet mechanisms * to transmit the data to the remote site. The remote will take * care of checking to see if they already have copies of things. * * The format of an ALMOST generic note, sent to news as text: * * #N:uicsovax:10100072:000:251 * uicsovax!essick Apr 5 15:51:00 1982 * * This is a silly little note that I shall dump to the * news program. I hope that things work all correctly because I do not * wish to bother much more with them. * I still have to worry about bringing this stuff back into notesfiles! * This is the last line. * * * The format of an ALMOST generic response, sent as text to news: * * #R:uicsovax:10100068:uicsovax:10100070:004:331 * uicsovax!essick Apr 5 15:47:00 1982 * * This is a test note to see how well things are going with the news dumping * back into the notesfile stuff. * * The previous line should have been blank. THis will be the last line * ---------- * This is another response to the note. The first got lost somewhere. * THis is the last line. * * The #R fields, in order, are: * base note system and id, response system and id, resp status and * number of bytes in the text. * The note is similiar but has only the basenote system and id. * * second is author and date, almost in ctime(3) format. * third is always blank, no characters on it. * there is always a newline at the end of the text, even if it * was not in the stored note/response. This keeps others happy * */