SYSLOG INFO If LOG is defined, the following informational messages are logged at LOG_INFO. All messages are preceded by the host name executing the command. host connect "host" connected to the server. host refused connection "host" tried to connect, but was denied. host unrecognized %s "host" gave an unknown command, %s. host group newsgroup "host" isssued GROUP to "newsgroup". host post rejected "host" tried to POST, but was denied. host post succeeded "host" tried to POST, inews worked. host post failed "host" tried to POST, inews failed. host timeout "host" didn't issue a command for TIMEOUT seconds (#defined in common/conf.h), so nntpd closed the connection. host transfer_timeout "host" hasn't sent any lines of data during article transmission for XFER_TIMEOUT seconds, so nntpd closed the connection. host ihave_stats accepted %d rejected %d failed %d "host" quit, having offered news articles to us for transfer. We accepted %d, rejected %d (having already seem them), and %d failed (inews exited non-zero). host newnews %s %s %s GMT|local %s "host" issued NEWNEWS in group %s, from date %s time %s. Timezone was either GMT or local. <%s> distributions. host newnews_stats told %d took %d "host" asked for new news (see above). We told it about %d articles, and it subsequently issued %d ARTICLE commands, presumably to retrieve the asked about msgs. host exit %d aritcles %d groups "host" quit, having read a total of %d articles and %d groups. host times user %f system %f elapsed %f "host" quit, having used %f user seconds, %f system seconds, and %f real-time elapsed seconds. The following messages are logged at priority LOG_DEBUG if IHAVE_DEBUG is #defined in common/conf.h: host ihave artid rejected "host" offered "artid", we already had it. host ihave artid accepted failed "host" offered "artid", we didn't host ihave artid accepted succeeded have it, and the rnews worked or not. The following error message is logged at LOG_ERR: host spawn: EOF before period on a line by itself