1: /*
   2:  * macro-11 cross reference generator
   3:  * Jim Reeds for use with Harvard m11.
   4:  *
   5:  * Usage:
   6:  *	macxrf -[olsmpcer] infile [outfile]
   7:  *
   8:  *	-l	spool output to lpr
   9:  *	-o	if specified, send output to stdout.  else to av[2]
  10:  *	-s	make a user-defined symbol cross reference
  11:  * 	-m	make a macro cross reference
  12:  *	-p	make a permanent symbol cross reference
  13:  *	-c	make a .pcsect cross reference. ['c' is holdover from rt-11,
  14:  *					where the only .psects are .csects]
  15:  *	-e	make an error cross reference. [keyed by one-letter codes]
  16:  *	-r	make a register use cross reference
  17:  *
  18:  *	If none of [smpcer] are specified the default of "sme" is used.
  19:  *
  20:  *	Effciency bug: should take input ('infile') from a pipe.
  21:  */
  23: #include    <stdio.h>
  24: #define LPR "/usr/ucb/bin/lpr"
  25: #define NCOLS   8
  27: /*
  28:  * Codes emitted by m11
  29:  */
  31: #define PAGE    02
  32: #define LINE    03
  34: #include    <ctype.h>
  35: char    *lets = "smpcer";
  36: int want[6];
  38: char    *desire;
  39: int outflag;
  40: int lprflag;
  41: int debug;
  42: char    *Roll[] = {
  43:     "Symbols",
  44:     "Macros",
  45:     "Permanent symbols",
  46:     "Psects",
  47:     "Errors",
  48:     "Registers"
  49: };
  50: /*
  51:  * # means a definition reference
  52:  * * means a destructive reference
  53:  */
  54: char    *Code[] = {"  ", "# ", "* ", "#*"};
  55: long    tcount[6];      /* keep track of how many of each type */
  56: int tany  = 0;
  58: /*
  59:  *	Structure to store a reference.
  60:  */
  62: struct item {
  63:     char    *i_name;
  64:     int i_code;
  65:     int i_page;
  66:     int i_line;
  67:     struct item *i_left, *i_right;
  68: } *ihead = NULL;
  70: /*
  71:  *	Text strings are stored in a tree.  This way
  72:  *	duplicate references to the same string use the same core.
  73:  *	This whole scheme is of doubtful cost-effectiveness.
  74:  */
  75:  struct string {
  76:     char *s_data;
  77:     struct string *s_left, *s_right;
  78: } *shead = NULL;
  80: int Maxpage;
  81: char    *symnam;
  83: main(ac, av)
  84:     char **av;
  85: {
  86:     char *s;
  87:     int i;
  88:     char    symbol[7];
  89:     int code;
  90:     int page, line, c;
  91:     FILE    *x = fopen(av[2], "r");
  92:     int Type;
  93:     if(x == NULL)
  94:         perror(av[2]),exit(1);
  95:     lprflag = any('l', av[1]);
  96:     outflag = any('o', av[1]);
  97:     debug = any('x', av[1]);
  98:     if(join(lets, av[1]))
  99:         desire = av[1];
 100:     else
 101:         desire = "sme";     /* default cref request */
 103:     for(i=0;i<6;i++)
 104:         want[i] = any(lets[i], desire);
 106:     if(!outflag)
 107:         freopen(av[3], "a", stdout), fseek(stdout, 0L, 2);
 109:     unlink(av[2]);
 110:     line = 0;
 111:     page = 0;
 112:     while((c = getc(x)) != EOF)
 113:     {
 114:         if (c==0)
 115:             break;
 116:         else if(c == PAGE)
 117:             line = 0, page++;
 118:         else if(c == LINE)
 119:             line++;
 120:         else if (c<040 && (c >= 020))
 121:         {
 122:             Type = c - 020;
 123:             if(Type>5)
 124:                 fprintf(stderr, "*** CREF TYPE %o ***\n", c);
 125:         }
 126:         else if (c >= 040)
 127:         {
 128:             ungetc(c, x);
 129:             s = symbol;
 130:             while( (c = getc(x)) >= 040)
 131:             {
 132:                 if(isupper(c))
 133:                     c =tolower(c);
 134:                 *s++ = c;
 135:             }
 136:             *s = 0;
 138:             if(c <020 || c > 023 )
 139:                 fprintf(stderr, "*** CREF CODE %o ***\n", c);
 140:             process(Type, symbol, c & 3, page, line);
 141:         }
 142:     }
 146:     if(debug)
 147:         dump(ihead);
 148:     if(debug)
 149:     {
 150:         fprintf(stderr, "tany=%d\n", tany);
 151:         for(i=0; i<ac; i++)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", av[i]);
 152:         for(i=0; i<6; i++) fprintf(stderr, "want = %d, tcount = %D\n",
 153:                     want[i], tcount[i]);
 154:     }
 155:     if(tany) {
 156:         printf("\nMacro-11 Cross Reference Listing.\n");
 157:         for(i=0; i<6; i++) {
 158:             if(tcount[i] == 0L) continue;
 159:             if(want[i] == 0) continue;
 160:             printf("\n%s:\n", Roll[i]);
 161:             symnam = 0;
 162:             crprint(ihead, i);
 163:             printf("\n");
 164:         }
 165:     }
 166:     if(lprflag && outflag) {
 167:         execl(LPR, LPR, av[3], 0);
 168:         perror(LPR);
 169:         exit(1);
 170:     }
 171:     exit(0);
 172: }
 174: char *__s;
 176: int nocore = 0;
 177: process(t, s, c, page, l)
 178:     char *s;
 179: {
 180:     register struct item *p;
 181:     struct item *addtree();
 182:     char *calloc(), *stash();
 184:     if(page>Maxpage)
 185:         Maxpage = page;
 186:     if(debug)
 187:         fprintf(stderr, "process(%o, %s, %o, %d, %d)\n",
 188:                     t,  s,  c, page,l);
 189:     if(nocore)
 190:         return;
 191:     if(want[t] == 0) return;
 192:     p = (struct item *) calloc(1, sizeof (struct item));
 193:     if(p == NULL)
 194:     {
 195:         fprintf(stderr, "Cref: Ran out of core, page %d, line %d\n",p, l);
 196:         nocore++;
 197:         return;
 198:     }
 199:     tcount[t]++;
 200:     tany |= 1;
 201:     p->i_code = t | (c<<8);
 202:     p->i_name = stash(s);
 203:     p->i_page = page;
 204:     p->i_line = l;
 206:     ihead = addtree(ihead, p);
 207: }
 209: comp(p, q)
 210:     register struct item *p, *q;
 211: {
 212:     register x;
 214:     if(p->i_name != q->i_name)
 215:         x = strcmp(p->i_name, q->i_name);
 216:     else
 217:         x = 0;
 218:     if(x == 0) {
 219:         x = p->i_page - q->i_page;
 220:         if(x == 0)
 221:             x = p->i_line - q->i_line;
 222:         if(x == 0)
 223:             x= p->i_code - q->i_code;
 224:     }
 225:     return(x);
 226: }
 228: struct item *
 229: addtree(b, p)
 230:     struct item *b, *p;
 231: {
 232:     register c;
 234:     if(b == NULL)
 235:         return(b = p);
 236:     c = comp(b, p);
 237:     if(c < 0)
 238:         b->i_left = addtree(b->i_left, p);
 239:     else if (c>0)
 240:         b->i_right= addtree(b->i_right, p);
 241:     return(b);
 242: }
 244: char *stash(s)
 245:     register char *s;
 246: {
 247:     shead = store(shead, s);
 248:     return(__s);
 249: }
 250: store(b, s)
 251:     register struct string *b;
 252:     register char *s;
 253: {
 254:     register x;
 256:     if(b == 0) {
 257:         b = (struct string *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct string));
 258:         __s = b->s_data = strsave(s);
 259:     } else if((x=strcmp(b->s_data, s)) == 0)
 260:         __s = b->s_data;
 261:     else if(x<0)
 262:         b->s_left = store(b->s_left, s);
 263:     else
 264:         b->s_right= store(b->s_right,s);
 265:     return(b);
 266: }
 267: strsave(s)
 268:     register char *s;
 269: {
 270:     register char *t;
 271:     char  *calloc();
 273:     t = calloc(strlen(s)+1, 1);
 274:     strcpy(t, s);
 275:     return(t);
 276: }
 277: int crcol = 0;
 278: crprint(p, i)
 279:     register struct item *p;
 280: {
 281:     if(p == NULL) return;
 283:     crprint(p->i_right, i);
 284:     if ((p->i_code & 07) == i) {
 285:         char *code;
 286:         if (symnam != p->i_name)
 287:             crcol = 0, printf("\n%-6.6s\t", symnam = p->i_name);
 288:         if(crcol == NCOLS) {
 289:             crcol = 1;
 290:             printf("\n\t");
 291:         }
 292:         else crcol++;
 295:         if(i == 4 || i == 2)
 296:             code = 0;
 297:         else
 298:             code = Code[3 & (p->i_code >>8)];
 300:         prx(p->i_page, p->i_line, code, crcol);
 301:     }
 302:     crprint(p->i_left, i);
 303: }
 304: prx(page, line, code, col)
 305:     char *code;
 306: {
 307:     char buf[15];
 309:     if(Maxpage>1)
 310:         sprintf(buf, "%d-%d", page, line);
 311:     else
 312:         sprintf(buf, "%d", line);
 313:     if(code)
 314:         strcat(buf, code);
 315:     if(col == NCOLS)
 316:         printf("%s", buf);
 317:     else {
 318:         printf("%8s", buf);
 319:         if(strlen(buf) > 7) printf(" ");
 320:     }
 321: }
 322: join(s,t)
 323:     register char *s, *t;
 324: {
 325:     for(;*s;s++)
 326:         if(any(*s, t))
 327:             return(1);
 328:     return(0);
 329: }
 331: any(c, s)
 332:     register char c, *s;
 333: {
 334:     for(;*s;s++)
 335:         if(*s == c)
 336:             return(1);
 337:     return(0);
 338: }
 339: minuspr(x, y)
 340: {
 341:     char buf[30];
 342:     sprintf(buf,"%d-%d", x, y);
 343:     printf(" %4s", buf);
 344: }
 345: dump(p)
 346:     struct item *p;
 347: {
 348:     if(p==NULL)return;
 349:     dump(p->i_left);
 350:     fprintf(stderr, "%s: %o %d %d\n", p->i_name, p->i_code, p->i_page, p->i_line);
 351:     dump(p->i_right);
 352: }

Defined functions

addtree defined in line 228; used 4 times
any defined in line 331; used 5 times
comp defined in line 209; used 1 times
crprint defined in line 278; used 3 times
dump defined in line 345; used 3 times
join defined in line 322; used 1 times
  • in line 98
main defined in line 83; never used
minuspr defined in line 339; never used
process defined in line 177; used 1 times
prx defined in line 304; used 1 times
stash defined in line 244; used 2 times
store defined in line 250; used 3 times
strsave defined in line 267; used 1 times

Defined variables

Code defined in line 54; used 1 times
Maxpage defined in line 80; used 3 times
Roll defined in line 42; used 1 times
__s defined in line 174; used 3 times
crcol defined in line 277; used 5 times
debug defined in line 41; used 4 times
desire defined in line 38; used 3 times
ihead defined in line 68; used 4 times
lets defined in line 35; used 2 times
lprflag defined in line 40; used 2 times
nocore defined in line 176; used 2 times
outflag defined in line 39; used 3 times
shead defined in line 78; used 2 times
  • in line 247(2)
symnam defined in line 81; used 3 times
tany defined in line 56; used 3 times
tcount defined in line 55; used 3 times
want defined in line 36; used 4 times

Defined struct's

item defined in line 62; used 20 times
string defined in line 75; used 8 times

Defined macros

LINE defined in line 32; used 1 times
LPR defined in line 24; used 3 times
NCOLS defined in line 25; used 2 times
PAGE defined in line 31; used 1 times
Last modified: 1982-12-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
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