1:         .title  getl
   2:         .list   me
   4:         .ident  /03apr4/
   7:         .mcall  (at)always,ch.mne,st.flg
   8:         .globl  ..z, sdebug
   9:         .mcall  (at)zap
  10:         always
  11:         ch.mne
  12:         st.flg
  14: .mcall  (at)sdebug,ndebug
  15:         .mcall  (at)xmit,param,error
  16:         .mcall  (at)genedt,gencnd,setnz
  17:         .mcall  (at)search,scanw
  20:         .globl  lcbegl, linend, lcendl
  21:         .globl  cdrsav
  23:         .globl  linnum, seqend, pagnum, pagext, ffcnt
  24:         .globl  lppcnt
  26:         .globl  stmnt
  28:         .globl  cndwrd, lsybas, lc.cnd, lsbset
  29:         .globl  xctlin
  30:         .globl  secrol, cndrol, lsyrol, symrol
  32:         .globl  srcchn, smlchn
  33:         .globl  crfdef, crfref
  35:         .globl  clcfgs, clcloc, clcmax
  36:         .globl  clcnam, clcsec, cpopj
  37:         .globl  flags,  getchr, getnb,  getsym
  38:         .globl  lsrch,  mode
  39:         .globl  sector, setnb
  40:         .globl  setsec, setxpr
  41:         .globl  symbol, tstarg, value
  42:         .globl  smllvl, msbmrp, getmch
  43:         .globl  edmask, ed.cdr, ed.lc,  ed.lsb
  45: ;globals defined in assembler
  47:         .if ndf xswit
  48:         .globl  absexp, chrpnt, pass
  49:         .endc
  51:         .globl  savreg, xmit0
  52:         .globl  linbuf
  53:         .globl  gsarg
  55: ;globals defined in mcexec
  57:         .globl  getic,  io.eof, io.eoi, io.err
  58:         .globl  argcnt, cndmex
  59:         .globl  endflg
  60:         .globl  getlin, lblend, lcendl, lcflag
  61:         .globl  lcmask, lsgbas
  62:         .globl  u.flag , mac.er, macdfn
  64:         xitsec                  ;start in default sector
  66: getlin:                         ;get an input line
  67:         call    savreg
  68: getl01: call    xctlin          ;init line-oriented variables
  69:         mov     ffcnt,r0        ;any reserved ff's?
  70:         beq     2$              ;  no
  71:         add     r0,pagnum       ;yes, update page number
  72:         mov     #-1,pagext
  73:         clr     ffcnt
  74:         .if ndf xlcseq
  75:         clr     linnum          ;init new cref sequence
  76:         clr     seqend
  77:         .endc
  78:         tst     pass
  79:         beq     2$
  80:         clr     lppcnt
  81: 2$:     .if ndf xsml
  82:         mov     #-1,r4          ;assume in sysmac
  83:         mov     #smlchn,r0
  84:         tst     smllvl          ;true?
  85:         bne     4$              ;  yes
  86:         .endc
  87:         clr     r4              ;no, assume physical input
  88:         mov     #srcchn,r0
  89:         .if ndf xmacro
  90:         mov     msbmrp,r1       ;fetch pointer
  91:         beq     4$              ;zero means not in macro
  92:         inc     r4              ;make it a one
  93: 4$:     asl     r4              ;double for indexing
  94:         .endc
  95:         mov     #linbuf,r2
  96:         mov     r2,lcbegl       ;set up beginning
  97:         mov     r2,chrpnt
  98:         mov     #linend,lcendl  ;  and end of line markers
  99:                                 ;fall through
 101: getl10:                         ;char loop
 102:         call    @getltb(r4)     ;call proper routine
 103:         bic     #200,r5         ;clear sign bit
 104:         beq     getl10          ;ignore if null
 105:         bmi     25$             ;special if sign bit set
 106:         cmp     r5,#40          ;less than space?
 107:         blo     20$             ;  yes
 108:         cmp     r5,#140         ;good guy as is?
 109:         blo     14$             ;  yes
 110:         beq     22$             ;illegal
 111:         cmp     r5,#172         ;lower case?
 112:         bhi     22$             ;  no, probably illegal
 113:         .if ndf xedlc
 114:         bit     #ed.lc,edmask   ;lower case enabled?
 115:         beq     14$             ;  yes, leave alone
 116:         .endc
 117:         sub     #40,r5          ;convert lower to upper case
 118: 14$:    movb    r5,(r2)+        ;store in linbuf
 119:         cmp     r2,#linend      ;overflow?
 120:         blo     getl10          ;  no
 121:         tstb    -(r2)           ;yes, move back one
 122: 16$:                            ;flag line error
 123:         error   12,l,<line too long>
 124:         br      getl10
 126: 20$:    cmp     r5,#tab         ;<40, check specials
 127:         beq     14$             ;ok as is
 128:         cmp     r5,#lf
 129:         beq     getl40          ;eol
 130:         cmp     r5,#vt          ;vertical tab?
 131:         beq     32$             ;  yes (special)
 132:         cmp     r5,#ff
 133:         bne     23$
 134:         tst     u.flag
 135:         beq     30$             ; -u flag not in effect: pay heed to form feeds
 136:         mov     #40,r5          ; flag in effect: convert ^L into space
 137:         br      14$
 138: 23$:
 139:         cmp     r5,#cr
 140:         beq     getl10          ;ignore carriage returns
 141: 22$:    cmp     r5,#177         ;rubout?
 142:         beq     getl10          ;  yes, ignore
 143: 24$:
 144:         ; error	13,i,<illegal character>
 145:         bis     #200,r5         ;flag for qm on listing
 146:         br      14$
 148: 25$:    bit     r5,#io.eoi      ;end of input?
 149:         bne     34$             ;  yes
 150:         bit     r5,#io.err      ;error?
 151:         bne     16$             ;  yes
 152:                                 ;no, assume eof and fall through
 153: 30$:    .if ndf xmacro
 154:         tst     r4              ;reading from source?
 155:         bne     32$             ;  no
 156:         inc     ffcnt           ;yes, bump page count
 157:         add     pagnum,ffcnt+2
 158:         .endc
 159: 32$:    cmp     r2,#linbuf      ;first char?
 160:         bne     getl40          ;  no
 161:         jmp     getl01          ;yes, reprocess line
 163: 34$:    tst     macdfn
 164:         bne     35$
 165:         error   14,e,<.end not found>   ;end of input,
 166:         br      36$
 167: 35$:    error   140,e,<end of input while macro or repeat in progress>
 168: 36$:
 169:         inc     endflg          ;  missed .end statement
 171: getl40: clrb    (r2)
 172:         mov     #linbuf,..z
 173:         call    sdebug
 174:         .if ndf xmacro
 175:         tst     r4
 176:         bne     41$
 177:         .endc
 178:         .if ndf xlcseq
 179:         inc     linnum          ;bump line number
 180:         .globl  fileln
 181:         inc     fileln          ;bump true line number
 182:         .endc
 183: 41$:    .if ndf xedcdr
 184:         movb    linbuf+72.,cdrsav       ;save column 73
 185:         bit     #ed.cdr,edmask  ;card reader type?
 186:         bne     42$             ;  no
 187:         clrb    linbuf+72.      ;yes, force eol
 188: 42$:    .endc
 189:         mov     endflg,r0       ;return with "endflg" as argument
 190:         jmp     setnb           ;return pointing at first non-blank
 192:         entsec  dpure           ;input mode jump table
 193:         .if ndf xsml
 194:         .word   getic           ;sysmac same as regular source
 195:         .endc
 196: getltb: .word   getic           ;get input character
 197:         .if ndf xmacro
 198:         .word   getmch          ;get macro character
 199:         .endc
 201:         entsec  imppas
 202: endflg: .blkw                   ;set non-zero on end
 203: lppcnt: .blkw   1               ;force new page when negative
 204: ffcnt:  .blkw   2               ;unprocessed ff count
 205: pagext: .blkw   1               ;page number extension
 206:         .if ndf xlcseq
 207: seqend: .blkw   1
 208:         .endc
 210:         xitsec
 212:         .iif ndf xedlc, genedt  lc      ;lower case
 213: setsec:
 214:         clr     r0
 215:         bisb    sector,r0
 216: ;	imuli	rs.sec*2,r0	;multiply by bytes/block
 217:         mov     r0,-(sp)
 218:         asl     r0
 219:         asl     r0
 220:         add     (sp)+,r0
 221:         asl     r0
 222:         add     <^pl rolbas>+secrol,r0  ;compute base of sector roll
 223:         mov     (r0)+,symbol    ;xfer sector name to symbol
 224:         mov     (r0)+,symbol+2
 225:         return
 226:         .sbttl  conditionals
 228:         .globl  iif
 233: iif:                            ;immediate handlers
 234:         call    tcon            ;test argument
 235:         tst     r3
 236:         bmi     3$              ;  branch if unsatisfied
 237:         cmp     #ch.com,r5      ;comma?
 238:         bne     1$              ;  no
 239:         call    getchr          ;yes, bypass
 240: 1$:     mov     chrpnt,r1       ;save current location
 243:         call    setnb           ;set to nom-blank
 244:         bit     #lc.cnd,lcmask  ;conditional suppression?
 245:         beq     2$              ;  no
 246:         mov     r1,lcbegl       ;yes, suppress all up to comma
 247: 2$:     clr     argcnt
 248:         jmp     stmnt           ;back to statement
 250: 3$:     clr     r5              ;false, but no "q" error
 251:         br      endcx
 254:                                 ;concatenated conditionals
 255:         .irp    arg,    <eq,ge,gt,le,lt,ne,g,l,nz,z,df,ndf>
 256:         .globl  if'arg
 257: if'arg:
 258:         .endm
 260:         mov     symbol+2,symbol ;treat second half as argument
 261:         call    tconf           ;examine it
 262:         br      if1             ;into the main stream
 265:         .globl  if,     ift,    iff,    iftf,   endc
 267: if:                             ;micro-programmmed conditional
 268:         call    tcon            ;test argument
 269: if1:    mov     #cndlvl,r1      ;point to level
 270:         cmp     (r1),#15.       ;room for another?
 271:         bgt     ifoer1          ;  no, error
 272:         inc     (r1)            ;yes, bump level
 273:         asl     r3              ;set carry to true (0) or false (1)
 274:         ror     -(r1)           ;rotate into cndmsk
 275:         asl     r3
 276:         ror     -(r1)           ;ditto for cndwrd
 277:         br      endcx
 278: ift:                            ;if true sub-conditional
 279:         mov     cndmsk,r3       ;get current
 280:         br      iftf            ;  and branch
 282: iff:                            ;if false sub-conditional
 283:         mov     cndmsk,r3       ;get current condition
 284:         com     r3              ;use complement and fall through
 286: iftf:                           ;unconditional sub-conditional
 287:                                 ;(r3=0 when called directly)
 288:         tst     cndlvl          ;conditional in progress?
 289:         ble     ifoerr          ;  no, error
 290:         asl     cndwrd          ;move off current flag
 291:         asl     r3              ;set carry
 292:         ror     cndwrd          ;mov on
 293:         br      endcx
 295: endc:                           ;end of conditional
 296:         mov     #cndlvl,r1      ;point to level
 297:         tst     (r1)            ;in conditional?
 298:         ble     ifoerr          ;  no, error
 299:         dec     (r1)            ;yes, decrement
 300:         asl     -(r1)           ;reduce mask
 301:         asl     -(r1)           ;  and test word
 302: endcx:
 303:         bit     #lc.cnd,lcmask  ;suppression requested?
 304:         beq     2$              ;  no
 305:         mov     lblend,r0       ;yes, any label?
 306:         beq     1$              ;  no, suppress whole line
 307:         mov     r0,lcendl       ;yes, list only label
 308:         br      2$
 310: 1$:     bis     #lc.cnd,lcflag  ;mark conditional
 311: 2$:     return
 313: ifoerr: error   15,o,<conditional not in progress>      ;condition error
 314:         return
 315: ifoer1: error   16,o,<too many nested conditionals>
 316:         return
 317: tcon:                           ;test condition
 318:         call    gsarg           ;get a symbol
 319: tconf:  scanw   cndrol          ;scan for argument
 320:         beq     7$              ;  error if not found
 321:         mov     symbol+2,r1     ;get address
 322:         asr     r1              ;low bit used for toggle flag
 323:         sbc     r3              ;r3 goes to -1 if odd
 324:         asl     r1              ;back to normal (and even)
 325:         tst     cndwrd          ;already unsat?
 326:         bne     tcon8           ;  yes, just exit
 327:         call    tstarg          ;bypass comma
 328:         jmp     @r1             ;jump to handler
 330: 7$:     error   17,a,<conditional argument not specified>
 331: tcon8:  clr     r5              ;no "q" error
 332:         return
 336:         gencnd  eq,     tconeq
 337:         gencnd  ne,     tconeq, f
 338:         gencnd  z,      tconeq
 339:         gencnd  nz,     tconeq, f
 340:         gencnd  gt,     tcongt
 341:         gencnd  le,     tcongt, f
 342:         gencnd  g,      tcongt
 343:         gencnd  lt,     tconlt
 344:         gencnd  ge,     tconlt, f
 345:         gencnd  l,      tconlt
 346:         gencnd  df,     tcondf
 347:         gencnd  ndf,    tcondf, f
 350: tconeq: call    absexp          ;eq/ne, test expression
 351:         beq     tcontr          ;branch if sat
 352: tconfa: com     r3              ;  false, toggle
 353: tcontr: return                  ;true, just exit
 355: tcongt: call    absexp
 356:         bgt     tcontr
 357:         br      tconfa
 359: tconlt: call    absexp
 360:         blt     tcontr
 361:         br      tconfa
 363: tcondf:                         ;if/idf
 364:         mov     r3,r1           ;save initial condition
 365:         clr     r2              ;set "&"
 366:         clr     r3              ;start off true
 367: 1$:     call    getsym          ;get a symbol
 368:         beq     8$              ;  undefined if not a sym
 369:         search  symrol          ;search user symbol table
 370:         call    crfref
 371:         clr     r0              ;assume defined
 372:         bit     #defflg,mode    ;good guess?
 373:         bne     2$              ;  yes
 374: 8$:     com     r0              ;no, toggle
 375: 2$:     cmp     r0,r3           ;yes, match?
 376:         beq     3$              ;  yes, all set
 377:         mov     r2,r3           ;  no
 378:         com     r3
 379: 3$:     mov     r1,r2           ;assume "&"
 380:         cmp     r5,#ch.and      ; "&"
 381:         beq     4$              ;  branch if good guess
 382:         cmp     r5,#ch.ior      ;perhaps or?
 383:         bne     5$              ;  no
 384:         com     r2              ;yes, toggle mode
 385: 4$:     call    getnb           ;bypass op
 386:         br      1$              ;try again
 388: 5$:     tst     r1              ;ifdf?
 389:         beq     6$              ;  yes
 390:         com     r3              ;no, toggle
 391: 6$:     return
 393:         entsec  imppas
 394:                                 ;conditional storage (must be ordered)
 395: cndwrd: .blkw                   ;test word
 396: cndmsk: .blkw                   ;condition mask
 397: cndlvl: .blkw                   ;nesting level
 398: cndmex: .blkw                   ;mexit flag
 399:         xitsec
 401:         .sbttl  roll handlers
 403:         .if ndf xedlsb
 404: lsrch:                          ;local symbol search
 405:         tst     lsyflg          ;flag set?
 406:         beq     1$              ;  no
 407:         clr     lsyflg          ;yes, clear it
 408:         inc     lsybkn          ;bump block number
 409: 1$:     mov     #symbol,r0
 410:         mov     lsybkn,(r0)+    ;move into "symbol"
 411:         mov     value,(r0)
 412:         .if ndf rsx11d
 413:         beq     2$              ;error if zero
 414:         cmp     (r0),#^d127
 415:         blos    lsrch3
 416:         .iff
 417:         bne     lsrch3
 418:         .endc
 419: 2$:     error   18,t,<illegal local symbol>     ;yes, flag error
 420: lsrch3: search  lsyrol          ;search the roll
 421:         return
 422:         entsec  imppas
 423: lsyflg: .blkw                   ;bumped at "label:"
 424: lsybkn: .blkw                   ;block number
 425: lsybas: .blkw                   ;section base
 426: lsgbas: .blkw                   ;base for generated symbols
 427:         xitsec
 428:         genedt  lsb,lsbtst      ;local symbol block
 430:         .enabl  lsb
 431: lsbtst: bne     2$              ;bypass if /ds
 432:         br      1$
 434: lsbset: bit     #ed.lsb,edmask  ;in lsb over-ride?
 435:         beq     2$              ;  yes
 436: 1$:     inc     lsyflg          ;flag new block
 437:         mov     clcloc,lsybas   ;set new base
 438:         bic     #1,lsybas       ;be sure its even
 439:         clr     lsgbas          ;clear generated symbol base
 440: 2$:     return
 442:         .dsabl  lsb
 444:         .endc
 445:         .sbttl  utilities
 447: setxpr:                         ;set expression registers
 448:         mov     #symbol,r1
 449:         mov     #sector,r2
 450:         mov     #mode,r3
 451:         mov     #value,r4
 452:         return
 453:         .end
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