1: /*  C K C F N 3  --  Packet buffer management for C-Kermit  */
   3: /* (plus assorted functions tacked on at the end) */
   5: /*
   6:   Author: Frank da Cruz (fdc@columbia.edu, FDCCU@CUVMA.BITNET),
   7:   Columbia University Center for Computing Activities.
   8:   First released January 1985.
   9:   Copyright (C) 1985, 1992, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New
  10:   York.  Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use this
  11:   software as long as it is not sold for profit.  This copyright notice must be
  12:   retained.  This software may not be included in commercial products without
  13:   written permission of Columbia University.
  14: */
  16: #include "ckcdeb.h"
  17: #include "ckcasc.h"
  18: #include "ckcker.h"
  19: #include "ckcxla.h"
  20: #include <errno.h>
  22: extern int unkcs, wmax, wcur, discard, bctu, bctl, local, fdispla;
  23: extern CHAR *data;
  24: extern char filnam[];
  25: #ifndef NOFRILLS
  26: extern int rprintf, rmailf;     /* REMOTE MAIL, PRINT */
  27: extern char optbuf[];           /* Options buffer for mail, print */
  28: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
  29: extern int wslots;
  30: extern int fblksiz, frecl, forg, frecfm, fncact, fcctrl, lf_opts;
  31: #ifdef DYNAMIC
  32:   extern CHAR *srvcmd;
  33: #else
  34:   extern CHAR srvcmd[];
  35: #endif
  37: extern int binary, spsiz;
  38: extern int pktnum, cxseen, czseen, bsave, bsavef, nfils, stdinf;
  39: extern int memstr, stdouf, keep, sndsrc, hcflg;
  40: extern int server, en_cwd;
  42: extern int
  43:   atenci, atenco, atdati, atdato, atleni, atleno, atblki, atblko,
  44:   attypi, attypo, atsidi, atsido, atsysi, atsyso, atdisi, atdiso;
  46: #ifdef datageneral
  47: extern int quiet;
  48: #endif /* datageneral */
  50: extern long fsize, filcnt, ffc, tfc;
  52: #ifndef NOCSETS
  53: extern int tcharset, fcharset;
  54: extern int ntcsets;
  55: extern struct csinfo tcsinfo[], fcsinfo[];
  57: /* Pointers to translation functions */
  58: #ifdef CK_ANSIC
  59: extern CHAR (*xls[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* Character set */
  60: extern CHAR (*xlr[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* translation functions */
  61: extern CHAR (*rx)(CHAR); /* Pointer to input character translation function */
  62: extern CHAR (*sx)(CHAR); /* Pointer to output character translation function */
  63: #else
  64: extern CHAR (*xls[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(); /* Character set */
  65: extern CHAR (*xlr[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(); /* translation functions. */
  66: extern CHAR (*rx)();    /* Pointer to input character translation function */
  67: extern CHAR (*sx)();    /* Pointer to output character translation function */
  68: #endif /* CK_ANSIC */
  69: #endif /* NOCSETS */
  71: /* Variables global to Kermit that are defined in this module */
  73: int winlo;              /* packet number at low window edge  */
  75: int sbufnum;                /* number of free buffers */
  76: int dum001 = 1234;          /* protection... */
  77: int sbufuse[MAXWS];         /* buffer in-use flag */
  78: int dum003 = 1111;
  79: int rbufnum;                /* number of free buffers */
  80: int dum002 = 4321;          /* more protection */
  81: int rbufuse[MAXWS];         /* buffer in-use flag */
  82: int sseqtbl[64];            /* sequence # to buffer # table */
  83: int rseqtbl[64];            /* sequence # to buffer # table */
  84: int sacktbl[64];            /* sequence # ack table */
  86: #ifdef DYNAMIC
  87: struct pktinfo *s_pkt = NULL;       /* array of pktinfo structures */
  88: struct pktinfo *r_pkt = NULL;       /* array of pktinfo structures */
  89: #else
  90: struct pktinfo s_pkt[MAXWS];        /* array of pktinfo structures */
  91: struct pktinfo r_pkt[MAXWS];        /* array of pktinfo structures */
  92: #endif /* DYNAMIC */
  94: #ifdef DEBUG
  95: char xbuf[200];             /* For debug logging */
  96: #endif /* DEBUG */
  98: #ifdef DYNAMIC
  99: CHAR *bigsbuf = NULL, *bigrbuf = NULL;
 100: #else
 101: char bigsbt[8];             /* Protection (shouldn't need this). */
 102:                     /* BUT DON'T REMOVE IT! */
 103: CHAR bigsbuf[SBSIZ + 5];        /* Send-packet buffer area */
 104: char bigrbt[8];             /* Safety padding */
 105: CHAR bigrbuf[RBSIZ + 5];        /* Receive-packet area */
 106: #endif
 107: int bigsbsiz = SBSIZ;           /* Sizes of big send & rcv buffers. */
 108: int bigrbsiz = RBSIZ;
 110: /* FUNCTIONS */
 112: /* For sanity, use "i" for buffer slots, "n" for packet numbers. */
 114: /* I N I B U F S */
 116: /*
 117:   Allocates the big send and receive buffers.
 118:   Call with size for big send buffer (s) and receive buffer (r).
 119:   These sizes can be different.
 120:   Attempts to allocate buffers of the requested size, but if it can't,
 121:   it will allocate smaller ones.
 122:   Sets global variables bigsbsiz and bigrbsiz to the actual sizes,
 123:   and bigsbuf and bigrbuf pointing to the actual buffers.
 124:   Designed to be called more than once.
 125:   Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
 126: */
 128: CHAR *bigbufp = NULL;
 130: int
 131: inibufs(s,r) int s, r; {
 132: #ifdef DYNAMIC
 133:     int size, x;
 134:     long z;
 136:     if (s < 80 || r < 80) return(-1);   /* Validate arguments. */
 138:     if (!s_pkt) {           /* Allocate packet info structures */
 139:     if (!(s_pkt = (struct pktinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct pktinfo)*MAXWS)))
 140:       fatal("ini_pkts: no memory for s_pkt");
 141:     }
 142:     for (x = 0; x < MAXWS; x++)
 143:       s_pkt[x].pk_adr = NULL;       /* Initialize addresses */
 145:     if (!r_pkt) {
 146:     if (!(r_pkt = (struct pktinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct pktinfo)*MAXWS)))
 147:       fatal("ini_pkts: no memory for s_pkt");
 148:     }
 149:     for (x = 0; x < MAXWS; x++)
 150:       r_pkt[x].pk_adr = NULL;       /* Initialize addresses */
 152:     if (!srvcmd) {          /* Allocate srvcmd buffer */
 153:     srvcmd = (CHAR *) malloc(r + 100);
 154:     if (!srvcmd) return(-1);
 155:     }
 156:     if (bigbufp) {          /* Free previous buffers, if any. */
 157:     free(bigbufp);
 158:     bigbufp = NULL;
 159:     }
 160:     size = s + r + 40;          /* Combined requested size + padding */
 162:     /* Try to get the space.  If malloc fails, try to get a little less. */
 163:     /* (Obviously, this algorithm can be refined.) */
 165:     while (!(bigbufp = (CHAR *) malloc(size))) {
 166:     size = (size * 3) / 2;      /* Failed, cut size by 1/3. */
 167:     if (size < 200)         /* Try again until too small. */
 168:       return(-1);
 169:     }
 170:     debug(F101,"inibufs size","",size); /* OK, we got some space. */
 172: /*
 173:   Now divide the allocated space between the send and receive buffers in the
 174:   requested proportion.  The natural formula would be (s / (s + r)) * size
 175:   (for the send buffer), but that doesn't work with integer arithmetic and we
 176:   can't use floating point because some machines don't have it.  This can be
 177:   rearranged as (s * size) / (s + r).  But (s * size) can be VERY large, too
 178:   large for 32 bits.  So let's do it this way.  This arithmetic works for
 179:   buffer sizes up to about 5,000,000.
 180: */
 181: #define FACTOR 20L
 182:     z = ( (long) s * FACTOR ) / ( (long) s + (long) r );
 183:     x = ( z * ( (long) size / FACTOR ) );
 184:     if (x < 0) return(-1);      /* Catch overflow */
 186:     bigsbsiz = x - 5;           /* Size of send buffer */
 187:     bigsbuf = bigbufp;          /* Address of send buffer */
 188:     debug(F101,"inibufs bigsbsiz","",bigsbsiz);
 190:     bigrbsiz = size - x - 5;        /* Size of receive buffer */
 191:     bigrbuf = bigbufp + x;      /* Addresss of receive buffer */
 192:     debug(F101,"inibufs bigrbsiz","",bigrbsiz);
 194:     return(0);              /* Success */
 195: #else                   /* No dynamic allocation */
 196:     bigsbsiz = SBSIZ;           /* Just use the symbols */
 197:     bigrbsiz = RBSIZ;           /* ... */
 198:     return(0);              /* Success. */
 199: #endif /* DYNAMIC */
 200: }
 203: /* M A K E B U F  --  Makes and clears a new buffers.  */
 205: /* Call with: */
 206: /*  slots:  number of buffer slots to make, 1 to 31 */
 207: /*  bufsiz: size of the big buffer */
 208: /*  buf:    address of the big buffer */
 209: /*  xx:     pointer to array of pktinfo structures for these buffers */
 211: /* Subdivides the big buffer into "slots" buffers. */
 213: /* Returns: */
 214: /*  -1 if too many or too few slots requested,     */
 215: /*  -2 if slots would be too small.      */
 216: /*   n (positive) on success = size of one buffer. */
 217: /*   with pktinfo structure initialized for this set of buffers. */
 219: int
 220: makebuf(slots,bufsiz,buf,xx)
 221: /* makebuf */ int slots, bufsiz; CHAR buf[]; struct pktinfo *xx; {
 223:     CHAR *a;
 224:     int i, size;
 226:     debug(F101,"makebuf","",slots);
 227:     debug(F101,"makebuf bufsiz","",bufsiz);
 228:     debug(F101,"makebuf MAXWS","",MAXWS);
 230:     if (slots > MAXWS || slots < 1) return(-1);
 231:     if (bufsiz < slots * 10 ) return(-2);
 233:     size = bufsiz / slots;      /* Divide up the big buffer. */
 234:     a = buf;                /* Address of first piece. */
 236:     for (i = 0; i < slots; i++) {
 237:     struct pktinfo *x = &xx[i];
 238:     x->bf_adr = a;          /* Address of this buffer */
 239:     x->bf_len = size;       /* Length of this buffer */
 240:     x->pk_len = 0;          /* Length of data field */
 241:         x->pk_typ = ' ';        /* packet type */
 242:     x->pk_seq = -1;         /* packet sequence number */
 243:         x->pk_flg = 0;          /* ack'd bit */
 244:         x->pk_rtr = 0;          /* retransmissions */
 245:     *a = '\0';          /* Clear the buffer */
 246:     a += size;          /* Position to next buffer slot */
 247:     }
 248:     return(size);
 249: }
 251: /*  M A K S B U F  --  Makes the send-packet buffer  */
 253: int
 254: mksbuf(slots) int slots; {
 255:     int i, x;
 256:     sbufnum = 0;
 257:     if ((x = makebuf(slots,bigsbsiz,bigsbuf,s_pkt)) < 0) {
 258:     debug(F101,"mksbuf makebuf return","",x);
 259:     return(x);
 260:     }
 261:     debug(F101,"mksbuf makebuf return","",x);
 262:     for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {      /* Initialize sequence-number- */
 263:     sseqtbl[i] = -1;        /* to-buffer-number table. */
 264:         sacktbl[i] = 0;
 265:     }
 266:     for (i = 0; i < MAXWS; i++)
 267:       sbufuse[i] = 0;           /* Mark each buffer as free */
 268:     sbufnum = slots;
 269:     return(x);
 270: }
 272: /*  M A K R B U F  --  Makes the receive-packet buffer  */
 274: int
 275: mkrbuf(slots) int slots; {
 276:     int i, x;
 277:     rbufnum = 0;
 278:     if ((x = makebuf(slots,bigrbsiz,bigrbuf,r_pkt)) < 0) {
 279:     debug(F101,"mkrbuf makebuf return","",x);
 280:     return(x);
 281:     }
 282:     debug(F101,"mkrbuf makebuf return","",x);
 283:     for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {      /* Initialize sequence-number- */
 284:     rseqtbl[i] = -1;        /* to-buffer-number table. */
 285:     }
 286:     for (i = 0; i < MAXWS; i++)
 287:       rbufuse[i] = 0;           /* Mark each buffer as free */
 288:     rbufnum = slots;
 289:     return(x);
 290: }
 292: /*  W I N D O W  --  Resize the window to n  */
 294: int
 295: window(n) int n; {
 296:     debug(F101,"window","",n);
 297:     if (n < 1 || n > 31) return(-1);
 298:     if (mksbuf(n) < 0) return(-1);
 299:     if (mkrbuf(n) < 0) return(-1);
 300:     wslots = n;
 301: #ifdef DEBUG
 302:     if (deblog) dumpsbuf();
 303:     if (deblog) dumprbuf();
 304: #endif /* DEBUG */
 305:     return(0);
 306: }
 308: /*  G E T S B U F  --  Allocate a send-buffer.  */
 310: /*  Call with packet sequence number to allocate buffer for. */
 311: /*  Returns: */
 312: /*   -4 if argument is invalid (negative, or greater than 63) */
 313: /*   -3 if buffers were thought to be available but really weren't (bug!) */
 314: /*   -2 if the number of free buffers is negative (bug!) */
 315: /*   -1 if no free buffers. */
 316: /*   0 or positive, packet sequence number, with buffer allocated for it. */
 318: int
 319: getsbuf(n) int n; {         /* Allocate a send-buffer */
 320:     int i;
 321:     if (n < 0 || n > 63) {
 322:     debug(F101,"getsbuf bad arg","",n);
 323:     return(-4); /* Bad argument */
 324:     }
 325:     debug(F101,"getsbuf, packet","",n);
 326:     debug(F101,"getsbuf, sbufnum","",sbufnum);
 327:     if (sbufnum == 0) return(-1);   /* No free buffers. */
 328:     if (sbufnum < 0) return(-2);    /* Shouldn't happen. */
 329:     for (i = 0; i < wslots; i++)    /* Find the first one not in use. */
 330:       if (sbufuse[i] == 0) {        /* Got one? */
 331:       sbufuse[i] = 1;       /* Mark it as in use. */
 332:       sbufnum--;            /* One less free buffer. */
 333:       *s_pkt[i].bf_adr = '\0';  /* Zero the buffer data field */
 334:       s_pkt[i].pk_seq = n;      /* Put in the sequence number */
 335:           sseqtbl[n] = i;       /* Back pointer from sequence number */
 336:           sacktbl[n] = 0;       /* ACK flag */
 337:       s_pkt[i].pk_len = 0;      /* Data field length now zero. */
 338:       s_pkt[i].pk_typ = ' ';    /* Blank the packet type too. */
 339:       s_pkt[i].pk_flg = 0;      /* Zero the flags */
 340:       s_pkt[i].pk_rtr = 0;      /* Zero the retransmission count */
 341:       data = s_pkt[i].bf_adr + 7;   /* Set global "data" address. */
 342:       wcur = wslots - sbufnum;  /* Current number of window slots */
 343:       if (i+1 > wmax) wmax = i+1;   /* For statistics. */
 344:       return(n);            /* Return its index. */
 345:       }
 346:     sbufnum = 0;            /* Didn't find one. */
 347:     return(-3);             /* Shouldn't happen! */
 348: }
 350: int
 351: getrbuf() {             /* Allocate a receive buffer */
 352:     int i;
 353:     debug(F101,"getrbuf rbufnum","",rbufnum);
 354:     debug(F101,"getrbuf wslots","",wslots);
 355:     debug(F101,"getrbuf dum002","",dum002);
 356:     debug(F101,"getrbuf dum003","",dum003);
 357:     if (rbufnum == 0) return(-1);   /* No free buffers. */
 358:     if (rbufnum < 0) return(-2);    /* Shouldn't happen. */
 359:     for (i = 0; i < wslots; i++)    /* Find the first one not in use. */
 360:       if (rbufuse[i] == 0) {        /* Got one? */
 361:       rbufuse[i] = 1;       /* Mark it as in use. */
 362:       *r_pkt[i].bf_adr = '\0';  /* Zero the buffer data field */
 363:       rbufnum--;            /* One less free buffer. */
 364:       debug(F101,"getrbuf new rbufnum","",rbufnum);
 365: #ifdef COMMENT
 366:       wcur = wslots - rbufnum;  /* Current number of window slots */
 367: #endif /* COMMENT */
 368:       if (i+1 > wmax) wmax = i+1;   /* For statistics. */
 369:       return(i);            /* Return its index. */
 370:       }
 371:     debug(F101,"getrbuf foulup","",i);
 372:     rbufnum = 0;            /* Didn't find one. */
 373:     return(-3);             /* Shouldn't happen! */
 374: }
 376: /*  F R E E S B U F  --  Free send-buffer for given packet sequence number */
 378: /*  Returns:  */
 379: /*   1 upon success  */
 380: /*  -1 if specified buffer does not exist */
 382: int
 383: freesbuf(n) int n; {            /* Release send-buffer for packet n. */
 384:     int i;
 386:     debug(F101,"freesbuf","",n);
 387:     if (n < 0 || n > 63)        /* No such packet. */
 388:       return(-1);
 389:     i = sseqtbl[n];         /* Get the window slot number. */
 390:     if (i > -1 && i <= wslots) {
 391:     sseqtbl[n] = -1;        /* If valid, remove from seqtbl */
 392:     sbufnum++;          /* and count one more free buffer */
 393:     sbufuse[i] = 0;         /* and mark it as free, */
 394:     } else {
 395:     debug(F101," sseqtbl[n]","",sseqtbl[n]);
 396:     return(-1);
 397:     }
 399: /* The following is done only so dumped buffers will look right. */
 401:     if (1) {
 402:     *s_pkt[i].bf_adr = '\0';    /* Zero the buffer data field */
 403:     s_pkt[i].pk_seq = -1;       /* Invalidate the sequence number */
 404:     s_pkt[i].pk_len = 0;        /* Data field length now zero. */
 405:     s_pkt[i].pk_typ = ' ';      /* Blank the packet type too. */
 406:     s_pkt[i].pk_flg = 0;        /* And zero the flag */
 407:     s_pkt[i].pk_rtr = 0;        /* And the retries field. */
 408:     }
 409:     return(1);
 410: }
 412: int
 413: freerbuf(i) int i; {            /* Release receive-buffer slot "i". */
 414:     int n;
 416: /* NOTE !! Currently, this function frees the indicated buffer, but */
 417: /* does NOT erase the data.  The program counts on this.  Will find a */
 418: /* better way later.... */
 420:     debug(F101,"freerbuf, slot","",i);
 421:     if (i < 0 || i >= wslots) {     /* No such slot. */
 422:     debug(F101,"freerbuf no such slot","",i);
 423:     return(-1);
 424:     }
 425:     n = r_pkt[i].pk_seq;        /* Get the packet sequence number */
 426:     debug(F101,"freerbuf, packet","",n);
 427:     if (n > -1 && n < 64)       /* If valid, remove from seqtbl */
 428:       rseqtbl[n] = -1;
 429:     if (rbufuse[i] != 0) {      /* If really allocated, */
 430:     rbufuse[i] = 0;         /* mark it as free, */
 431:     rbufnum++;          /* and count one more free buffer. */
 432:     debug(F101,"freerbuf, new rbufnum","",rbufnum);
 433:     }
 435: /* The following is done only so dumped buffers will look right. */
 437:     if (1) {
 438:      /* *r_pkt[i].bf_adr = '\0'; */ /* Zero the buffer data field */
 439:     r_pkt[i].pk_seq = -1;       /* And from packet list */
 440:     r_pkt[i].pk_len = 0;        /* Data field length now zero. */
 441:     r_pkt[i].pk_typ = ' ';      /* Blank the packet type too. */
 442:     r_pkt[i].pk_flg = 0;        /* And zero the flag */
 443:     r_pkt[i].pk_rtr = 0;        /* And the retries field. */
 444:     }
 445:     return(1);
 446: }
 448: /* This is like freerbuf, except it's called with a packet sequence number */
 449: /* rather than a packet buffer index. */
 451: VOID
 452: freerpkt(seq) int seq; {
 453:     int k;
 454:     debug(F101,"freerpkt seq","",seq);
 455:     k = rseqtbl[seq];
 456:     debug(F101,"freerpkt k","",k);
 457:     if (k > -1) {
 458:     k = freerbuf(k);
 459:     debug(F101,"freerpkt freerbuf","",k);
 460:     }
 461: }
 464: /*  C H K W I N  --  Check if packet n is in window. */
 466: /*  Returns: */
 467: /*    0 if it is in the current window,  */
 468: /*   +1 if it would have been in previous window (e.g. if ack was lost), */
 469: /*   -1 if it is outside any window (protocol error),   */
 470: /*   -2 if either of the argument packet numbers is out of range.  */
 472: /* Call with packet number to check (n), lowest packet number in window */
 473: /* (bottom), and number of slots in window (slots).  */
 475: int
 476: chkwin(n,bottom,slots) int n, bottom, slots; {
 477:     int top, prev;
 479:     debug(F101,"chkwin packet","",n);
 480:     debug(F101,"chkwin winlo","",bottom);
 481:     debug(F101,"chkwin slots","",slots);
 483: /* First do the easy and common cases, where the windows are not split. */
 485:     if (n < 0 || n > 63 || bottom < 0 || bottom > 63)
 486:       return(-2);
 488:     if (n == bottom) return(0);     /* In a perfect world... */
 490:     top = bottom + slots;       /* Calculate window top. */
 491:     if (top < 64 && n < top && n >= bottom)
 492:       return(0);            /* In current window. */
 494:     prev = bottom - slots;      /* Bottom of previous window. */
 495:     if (prev > -1 && n < bottom && n > prev)
 496:       return(1);            /* In previous. */
 498: /* Now consider the case where the current window is split. */
 500:     if (top > 63) {         /* Wraparound... */
 501:     top -= 64;          /* Get modulo-64 sequence number */
 502:     if (n < top || n >= bottom) {
 503:         return(0);          /* In current window. */
 504:     } else {            /* Not in current window. */
 505:         if (n < bottom && n >= prev) /* Previous window can't be split. */
 506:           return(1);        /* In previous window. */
 507:         else
 508:           return(-1);       /* Not in previous window. */
 509:     }
 510:     }
 512: /* Now the case where current window not split, but previous window is. */
 514:     if (prev < 0) {         /* Is previous window split? */
 515:     prev += 64;         /* Yes. */
 516:     if (n < bottom || n >= prev)
 517:       return(1);            /* In previous window. */
 518:     } else {                /* Previous window not split. */
 519:     if (n < bottom && n >= prev)
 520:       return(1);            /* In previous window. */
 521:     }
 523: /* It's not in the current window, and not in the previous window... */
 525:     return(-1);             /* So it's not in any window. */
 526: }
 528: int
 529: dumpsbuf() {                /* Dump send-buffers */
 530: #ifdef DEBUG
 531:     int j, x;               /* to debug log. */
 533:     if (! deblog) return(0);
 534:     x = zsoutl(ZDFILE,"SEND BUFFERS:");
 535:     if (x < 0) {
 536:     deblog = 0;
 537:     return(0);
 538:     }
 539:     x=zsoutl(ZDFILE,"buffer inuse address length data type seq flag retries");
 540:     if (x < 0) {
 541:     deblog = 0;
 542:     return(0);
 543:     }
 544:     for ( j = 0; j < wslots; j++ ) {
 545:     sprintf(xbuf,"%4d%6d%10d%5d%6d%4c%5d%5d%6d\n",
 546:            j,
 547:            sbufuse[j],
 548:            s_pkt[j].bf_adr,
 549:            s_pkt[j].bf_len,
 550:            s_pkt[j].pk_len,
 551:            s_pkt[j].pk_typ,
 552:            s_pkt[j].pk_seq,
 553:            s_pkt[j].pk_flg,
 554:            s_pkt[j].pk_rtr
 555:            );
 556:     if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0)  {
 557:         deblog = 0;
 558:         return(0);
 559:     }
 560:     if (s_pkt[j].pk_adr) {
 561:         x = (int)strlen((char *) s_pkt[j].pk_adr);
 562:         if (x)
 563:           sprintf(xbuf,"[%.72s%s]\n",s_pkt[j].pk_adr, x > 72 ? "..." : "");
 564:         else
 565:           sprintf(xbuf,"[(empty string)]\n");
 566:     } else {
 567:         sprintf(xbuf,"[(null pointer)]\n");
 568:     }
 569:     if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0) {
 570:         deblog = 0;
 571:         return(0);
 572:     }
 573:     }
 574:     sprintf(xbuf,"free: %d, winlo: %d\n", sbufnum, winlo);
 575:     if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0) {
 576:     deblog = 0;
 577:     return(0);
 578:     }
 579:     return(0);
 580: #endif /* DEBUG */
 581: }
 582: int
 583: dumprbuf() {                /* Dump receive-buffers */
 584: #ifdef DEBUG
 585:     int j, x;
 586:     if (! deblog) return(0);
 587:     if (zsoutl(ZDFILE,"RECEIVE BUFFERS:") < 0) {
 588:     deblog = 0;
 589:     return(0);
 590:     }
 591:     x=zsoutl(ZDFILE,"buffer inuse address length data type seq flag retries");
 592:     if (x < 0) {
 593:     deblog = 0;
 594:     return(0);
 595:     }
 596:     for ( j = 0; j < wslots; j++ ) {
 597:     sprintf(xbuf,"%4d%6d%10d%5d%6d%4c%5d%5d%6d\n",
 598:            j,
 599:            rbufuse[j],
 600:            r_pkt[j].bf_adr,
 601:            r_pkt[j].bf_len,
 602:            r_pkt[j].pk_len,
 603:            r_pkt[j].pk_typ,
 604:            r_pkt[j].pk_seq,
 605:            r_pkt[j].pk_flg,
 606:            r_pkt[j].pk_rtr
 607:            );
 608:     if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0) {
 609:         deblog = 0;
 610:         return(0);
 611:     }
 612:     x = (int)strlen((char *)r_pkt[j].bf_adr);
 613:     sprintf(xbuf,"[%.72s%s]\n",r_pkt[j].bf_adr, x > 72 ? "..." : "");
 614:     if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0)  {
 615:         deblog = 0;
 616:         return(0);
 617:     }
 618:     }
 619:     sprintf(xbuf,"free: %d, winlo: %d\n", rbufnum, winlo);
 620:     if (zsout(ZDFILE,xbuf) < 0)  {
 621:     deblog = 0;
 622:     return(0);
 623:     }
 624:     return(0);
 625: #endif /* DEBUG */
 626: }
 628: /*** Some misc functions also moved here from the other ckcfn*.c modules ***/
 629: /*** to even out the module sizes. ***/
 631: /* Attribute Packets. */
 633: /*
 634:   Call with xp == 0 if we're sending a real file (F packet),
 635:   or xp != 0 for screen data (X packet).
 636:   Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
 637: */
 638: int
 639: sattr(xp) int xp; {         /* Send Attributes */
 640:     int i, j, aln;
 641:     char *tp;
 642:     struct zattr x;
 644:     if (zsattr(&x) < 0) return(-1); /* Get attributes or die trying */
 645:     if (nxtpkt() < 0) return(-1);   /* Next packet number */
 646:     i = 0;              /* i = Data field character number */
 647:     if (atsido) {           /* System type */
 648:     data[i++] = '.';
 649:     data[i++] = tochar(x.systemid.len); /*  Copy from attr structure */
 650:     for (j = 0; j < x.systemid.len; j++)
 651:       data[i++] = x.systemid.val[j];
 652:     }
 653:     if (attypo) {           /* File type */
 654:     data[i++] = '"';
 655:     if (
 656: #ifdef VMS
 657:     binary == XYFT_I || binary == XYFT_L || /* IMAGE or LABELED */
 658:     !strncmp(x.recfm.val,"F",1)     /* or RECFM=Fxxxxxx */
 659: #else
 660:     binary              /* User said SET FILE TYPE BINARY  */
 661: #endif /* VMS */
 662:         ) {             /* Binary */
 663:         data[i++] = tochar(2);  /*  Two characters */
 664:         data[i++] = 'B';        /*  B for Binary */
 665:         data[i++] = '8';        /*  8-bit bytes (note assumption...) */
 666: #ifdef VMS
 667:         if (binary != XYFT_I && binary != XYFT_L) binary = XYFT_B;
 668: #endif /* VMS */
 669:     } else {            /* Text */
 670:         data[i++] = tochar(3);  /*  Three characters */
 671:         data[i++] = 'A';        /*  A = (extended) ASCII with CRLFs */
 672:         data[i++] = 'M';        /*  M for carriage return */
 673:         data[i++] = 'J';        /*  J for linefeed */
 674: #ifdef VMS
 675:         binary = XYFT_T;        /* We automatically detected text */
 676: #endif /* VMS */
 678: #ifdef NOCSETS
 679:         data[i++] = '*';        /* Encoding */
 680:         data[i++] = tochar(1);  /* Length of value is 1 */
 681:         data[i++] = 'A';        /* A for ASCII */
 682: #else
 683:         if (tcharset == TC_TRANSP)  /* Transfer character set */
 684:           tp = NULL;
 685:         else
 686:           tp = tcsinfo[tcharset].designator;
 687:         if ((tp != NULL) && (aln = (int)strlen(tp)) > 0) {
 688:         data[i++] = '*';    /* Encoding */
 689:         data[i++] = tochar(aln+1); /*  Length of charset designator. */
 690:         data[i++] = 'C';    /*  Text in specified character set. */
 691:         for (j = 0; j < aln; j++) /*  Designator from tcsinfo struct */
 692:           data[i++] = *tp++;      /*  Example: *&I6/100 */
 693:         }
 694: #endif /* NOCSETS */
 695:     }
 696:     }
 697:     if ((xp == 0) && (x.length > -1L)) { /* If it's a real file */
 699:     if (atdato && (aln = x.date.len) > 0) { /* Creation date, if any */
 700:         data[i++] = '#';
 701:         data[i++] = tochar(aln);
 702:         for (j = 0; j < aln; j++)
 703:           data[i++] = x.date.val[j];
 704:     }
 705:     if (atleno) {
 706:         data[i] = '!';          /* File length in K */
 707:         sprintf((char *) &data[i+2],"%ld",x.lengthk);
 708:         aln = (int)strlen((char *)(data+i+2));
 709:         data[i+1] = tochar(aln);
 710:         i += aln + 2;
 712:         data[i] = '1';          /* File length in bytes */
 713:         sprintf((char *) &data[i+2],"%ld",x.length);
 714:         aln = (int)strlen((char *)(data+i+2));
 715:         data[i+1] = tochar(aln);
 716:         i += aln + 2;
 717:     }
 718:     if (atblko && fblksiz) {        /* Blocksize, if set */
 719:         data[i] = '(';
 720:         sprintf((char *) &data[i+2],"%d",fblksiz);
 721:         aln = (int)strlen((char *)(data+i+2));
 722:         data[i+1] = tochar(aln);
 723:         i += aln + 2;
 724:     }
 725:     }
 726: #ifndef NOFRILLS
 727:     if ((rprintf || rmailf) && atdiso) { /* MAIL, or REMOTE PRINT?  */
 728:     data[i++] = '+';        /* Disposition */
 729:         data[i++] = tochar((int)strlen(optbuf) + 1); /* Options, if any */
 730:     if (rprintf)
 731:       data[i++] = 'P';      /* P for Print */
 732:     else
 733:       data[i++] = 'M';      /* M for Mail */
 734:     for (j = 0; optbuf[j]; j++) /* Copy any options */
 735:       data[i++] = optbuf[j];
 736:     }
 737: #endif /* NOFRILLS */
 738:     data[i] = '\0';         /* Make sure it's null-terminated */
 739:     aln = (int)strlen((char *)data);    /* Get overall length of attributes */
 741: /* Change this code to break attribute data up into multiple packets! */
 743:     j = (spsiz < 95) ? (92 - bctl) : (spsiz - 2 - bctl);
 744:     if (aln > j) {          /* Check length of result */
 745:     spack('A',pktnum,0,(CHAR *)""); /* send an empty attribute packet */
 746:     debug(F101,"sattr pkt too long","",aln); /* if too long */
 747:     debug(F101,"sattr spsiz","",spsiz);
 748:     } else {                /* Otherwise */
 749:     spack('A',pktnum,aln,data); /* send the real thing. */
 750:     debug(F111,"sattr",data,aln);
 751:     }
 753:     return(0);
 754: }
 756: static char *refused = "";
 758: static char *reason[] = {
 759:     "size", "type", "date", "creator", "account", "area", "password",
 760:     "blocksize", "access", "encoding", "disposition", "protection",
 761:     "protection", "origin", "format", "sys-dependent", "size" };
 762: static int nreason = sizeof(reason) / sizeof(char *);
 764: char *
 765: getreason(s) char *s; {         /* Decode attribute refusal reason */
 766:     char c, *p;
 767:     p = s;
 768:     if (*p++ != 'N') return("");    /* Should start with N */
 769:     if ((c = *p) > SP) {        /* get reason, */
 770:     c -= '!';           /* get offset */
 771:     p = ((unsigned int) ((CHAR) c) <= nreason) ? reason[c] : "unknown";
 772:     }
 773:     return(p);
 774: }
 776: int
 777: rsattr(s) CHAR *s; {            /* Read response to attribute packet */
 778:     debug(F111,"rsattr: ",s,*s);
 779:     if (*s == 'N') {            /* If it's 'N' followed by anything, */
 780:     refused = getreason((char *)s); /* they are refusing, get reason. */
 781:     debug(F110,"refused",refused,0);
 782:     tlog(F110,"refused",refused,0L);
 783:     return(-1);
 784:     } else refused = "";
 785:     return(0);
 786: }
 788: int
 789: gattr(s, yy) CHAR *s; struct zattr *yy; { /* Read incoming attribute packet */
 790:     char c;
 791:     int aln, i;
 792: #define ABUFL 40            /* Temporary buffer for conversions */
 793:     char abuf[ABUFL];
 794: #define FTBUFL 10           /* File type buffer */
 795:     static char ftbuf[FTBUFL];
 796: #define DTBUFL 40           /* File creation date */
 797:     static char dtbuf[DTBUFL];
 798: #define TSBUFL 10           /* Transfer syntax */
 799:     static char tsbuf[TSBUFL];
 800: #define IDBUFL 10           /* System ID */
 801:     static char idbuf[IDBUFL];
 802: #ifndef DYNAMIC
 803: #define DSBUFL 100          /* Disposition */
 804:     static char dsbuf[DSBUFL];
 805: #define SPBUFL 512          /* System-dependent parameters */
 806:     static char spbuf[SPBUFL];
 807: #else
 808: #define DSBUFL 100          /* Disposition */
 809:     static char *dsbuf = NULL;
 810: #define SPBUFL 512          /* System-dependent parameters */
 811:     static char *spbuf = NULL;
 812: #endif /* DYNAMIC */
 813: #define RPBUFL 20           /* Attribute reply */
 814:     static char rpbuf[RPBUFL];
 816:     char *rp;               /* Pointer to reply buffer */
 817:     int retcode;            /* Return code */
 819: /* fill in the attributes we have received */
 821:     rp = rpbuf;             /* Initialize reply buffer */
 822:     *rp++ = 'N';            /* for negative reply. */
 823:     retcode = 0;            /* Initialize return code. */
 825:     while (c = *s++) {          /* Get attribute tag */
 826:     aln = xunchar(*s++);        /* Length of attribute string */
 827:     switch (c) {
 828:       case '!':         /* File length in K */
 829:         for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < ABUFL); i++) /* Copy it */
 830:           abuf[i] = *s++;
 831:         abuf[i] = '\0';     /* Terminate with null */
 832:         if (i < aln) s += (aln - i); /* If field was too long for buffer */
 833:         yy->lengthk = atol(abuf);   /* Convert to number */
 834:         break;
 836:       case '"':         /* file type */
 837:         for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < FTBUFL); i++)
 838:           ftbuf[i] = *s++;      /* Copy it into a static string */
 839:         ftbuf[i] = '\0';
 840:         if (i < aln) s += (aln - i);
 841:         if (attypi) {       /* TYPE attribute is enabled? */
 842:         yy->type.val = ftbuf;   /* Pointer to string */
 843:         yy->type.len = i;   /* Length of string */
 844:         debug(F101,"gattr file type",tsbuf,i);
 845:         if (
 846:             *ftbuf != 'A' && *ftbuf != 'B' /* Unknown type? */
 847: #ifdef VMS
 848: /* or (VMS) our FILE TYPE is LABELED and the incoming file is text... */
 849:             || binary == XYFT_L && *ftbuf == 'A'
 850: #endif /* VMS */
 851:             ) {
 852:             discard = 1;    /* Reject the file */
 853:             retcode = -1;
 854:             *rp++ = c;
 855:             break;
 856:         }
 857: /*
 858:   The following code moved here from opena() so we set binary mode
 859:   as soon as requested by the attribute packet.  That way when the first
 860:   data packet comes, the mode of transfer can be displayed correctly
 861:   before opena() is called.
 862: */
 863:         if (bsavef) {       /* If somehow file mode */
 864:             binary = bsave; /* was saved but not restored, */
 865:             bsavef = 0;     /* restore it. */
 866:             debug(F101,"gattr restoring binary","",binary);
 867:         }
 868:         if (yy->type.val[0] == 'A') { /* Check received attributes. */
 869:             bsave = binary; /* ASCII.  Save global file type */
 870:             bsavef = 1;     /* ( restore it in clsof() ) */
 871:             binary = XYFT_T;    /* Set current type to Text. */
 872:             debug(F100,"gattr attribute A = text","",binary); /*  */
 873:         } else if (yy->type.val[0] == 'B') {
 874:             bsave = binary; /* Binary.  Save global file type */
 875:             bsavef = 1;
 876: #ifdef VMS
 877:             if (binary != XYFT_L && binary != XYFT_U) /* VMS cases */
 878: #endif /* VMS */
 879:               binary = XYFT_B;
 880:             debug(F101,"gattr attribute B = binary","",binary);
 881:         }
 882:         }
 883:         break;
 885:       case '#':         /* File creation date */
 886:         for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < DTBUFL); i++)
 887:           dtbuf[i] = *s++;      /* Copy it into a static string */
 888:         if (i < aln) s += (aln - i);
 889:         dtbuf[i] = '\0';
 890:         if (atdati) {
 891:         yy->date.val = dtbuf;   /* Pointer to string */
 892:         yy->date.len = i;   /* Length of string */
 893:         if (fncact == XYFX_U) { /* Receiving in update mode? */
 894:             if (zstime(filnam,yy,1) > 0) { /* Compare dates */
 895:             discard = 1;    /* If incoming file is older, */
 896:             *rp++ = c;  /* discard it, reason = date. */
 897:             retcode = -1;   /* Rejection notice. */
 898:             }
 899:         }
 900:         }
 901:         break;
 903:       case '(':         /* File Block Size */
 904:         for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < ABUFL); i++) /* Copy it */
 905:           abuf[i] = *s++;
 906:         abuf[i] = '\0';     /* Terminate with null */
 907:         if (i < aln) s += (aln - i);
 908:         if (atblki)
 909:           yy->blksize = atol(abuf); /* Convert to number */
 910:         break;
 912:       case '*':         /* Encoding (transfer syntax) */
 913:         for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < TSBUFL); i++)
 914:           tsbuf[i] = *s++;      /* Copy it into a static string */
 915:         if (i < aln) s += (aln - i);
 916:         tsbuf[i] = '\0';
 917:         if (atenci) {
 918:         yy->encoding.val = tsbuf; /* Pointer to string */
 919:         yy->encoding.len = i;   /* Length of string */
 920:         debug(F101,"gattr encoding",tsbuf,i);
 921:         switch (*tsbuf) {
 922: #ifndef NOCSETS
 923:           case 'A':     /* Normal (maybe extended) ASCII */
 924:             tcharset = TC_USASCII; /* Transparent chars untranslated */
 925:             break;
 926:           case 'C':     /* Specified character set */
 927:             for (i = 0; i < ntcsets; i++) {
 928:             if (!strcmp(tcsinfo[i].designator,tsbuf+1)) break;
 929:             }
 930:             debug(F101,"gattr xfer charset lookup","",i);
 931:             if (i == ntcsets) { /* If unknown character set, */
 932:             debug(F110,"gattr: xfer charset unknown",tsbuf+1,0);
 933:             if (!unkcs) {   /* and SET UNKNOWN DISCARD, */
 934:                 retcode = -1; /* reject the file. */
 935:                 *rp++ = c;
 936:             }
 937:             } else {
 938:             tcharset = tcsinfo[i].code; /* if known, use it */
 939:             rx = xlr[tcharset][fcharset]; /* xlation function */
 940:             }
 941:             debug(F101,"gattr tcharset","",tcharset);
 942:         break;
 943: #endif /* NOCSETS */
 944:           default:          /* Something else. */
 945:         debug(F110,"gattr unk encoding attribute",tsbuf,0);
 946:         if (!unkcs) {       /* If SET UNK DISC */
 947:             retcode = -1;   /* reject the file */
 948:             *rp++ = c;
 949:         }
 950:         break;
 951:         }
 952:         }
 953:         break;
 955:       case '+':         /* disposition */
 956: #ifdef DYNAMIC
 957:         if (!dsbuf)
 958:         if ((dsbuf = malloc(DSBUFL+1)) == NULL)
 959:             fatal("gtattr: no memory for dsbuf");
 960: #endif /* DYNAMIC */
 961:         for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < DSBUFL); i++)
 962:           dsbuf[i] = *s++;      /* Copy it into a static string */
 963:         dsbuf[i] = '\0';
 964:         if (i < aln) s += (aln - i);
 965:         if (atdisi) {
 966:         yy->disp.val = dsbuf;   /* Pointer to string */
 967:         yy->disp.len = i;   /* Length of string */
 968:         if (
 969: #ifndef datageneral         /* MAIL supported only for */
 970: #ifndef OS2             /* UNIX, VMS, and OS-9 */
 971: #ifndef MAC
 972: #ifndef GEMDOS
 973: #ifndef AMIGA
 974:             *dsbuf != 'M' &&
 975: #endif /* AMIGA */
 976: #endif /* GEMDOS */
 977: #endif /* MAC */
 978: #endif /* OS/2 */
 979: #endif /* datageneral */
 980:             *dsbuf != 'P') {
 981:             retcode = -1;
 982:             *rp++ = c;
 983:         }
 984:         }
 985:         break;
 987:       case '.':         /* Sender's system ID */
 988:         for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < IDBUFL); i++)
 989:           idbuf[i] = *s++;      /* Copy it into a static string */
 990:         idbuf[i] = '\0';
 991:         if (i < aln) s += (aln - i);
 992:         if (atsidi) {
 993:         yy->systemid.val = idbuf; /* Pointer to string */
 994:         yy->systemid.len = i;   /* Length of string */
 995:         }
 996:         break;
 998:       case '0':         /* System-dependent parameters */
 999: #ifdef DYNAMIC
1000:         if (!spbuf && !(spbuf = malloc(SPBUFL)))
1001:         fatal("gattr: no memory for spbuf");
1002: #endif /* DYNAMIC */
1003:         for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < SPBUFL); i++)
1004:           spbuf[i] = *s++;      /* Copy it into a static string */
1005:         spbuf[i] = '\0';
1006:         if (i < aln) s += (aln - i);
1007:         if (atsysi) {
1008:         yy->sysparam.val = spbuf; /* Pointer to string */
1009:         yy->sysparam.len = i;   /* Length of string */
1010:         }
1011:         break;
1013:       case '1':         /* File length in bytes */
1014:         for (i = 0; (i < aln) && (i < ABUFL); i++) /* Copy it */
1015:           abuf[i] = *s++;
1016:         abuf[i] = '\0';     /* Terminate with null */
1017:         if (i < aln) s += (aln - i);
1018:         yy->length = atol(abuf);    /* Convert to number */
1019:         debug(F111,"gattr length",abuf,(int) yy->length);
1020:         break;
1022:       default:          /* Unknown attribute */
1023:         s += aln;           /* Just skip past it */
1024:         break;
1025:     }
1026:     }
1028:     /* Check file length now, because we also need to know the file type */
1029:     /* in case zchkspa() differentiates text and binary (VMS version does) */
1031:     if (atleni) {           /* Length attribute enabled? */
1032:     if (yy->length > -1L) {     /* Length-in-bytes attribute rec'd? */
1033:         if (!zchkspa(filnam,(yy->length))) { /* Check space */
1034:         retcode = -1;
1035:         *rp++ = '1';
1036:         }
1037:     } else if (yy->lengthk > -1L) { /* Length in K attribute rec'd? */
1038:         if (!zchkspa(filnam,(yy->lengthk * 1024))) {
1039:         retcode = -1;       /* Check space */
1040:         *rp++ = '!';
1041:         }
1042:     }
1043:     }
1044:     if (yy->length > -1L) {     /* Get the file size */
1045:     fsize = yy->length;
1046:     } else if (yy->lengthk > -1L) {
1047:     fsize = yy->lengthk * 1024L;
1048:     } else fsize = -1L;
1050: #ifdef DEBUG
1051:     if (deblog) {
1052:     sprintf(abuf,"%ld",fsize);
1053:     debug(F110,"gattr fsize",abuf,0);
1054:     }
1055: #endif /* DEBUG */
1056:     if (retcode == 0) rp = rpbuf;   /* Null reply string if accepted */
1057:     *rp = '\0';             /* End of reply string */
1058:     yy->reply.val = rpbuf;      /* Add it to attribute structure */
1059:     yy->reply.len = (int)strlen(rpbuf);
1060:     debug(F111,"gattr return",rpbuf,retcode);
1061:     return(retcode);
1062: }
1064: /*  I N I T A T T R  --  Initialize file attribute structure  */
1066: int
1067: initattr(yy) struct zattr *yy; {
1068:     yy->lengthk = yy->length = -1L;
1069:     yy->type.val = "";
1070:     yy->type.len = 0;
1071:     yy->date.val = "";
1072:     yy->date.len = 0;
1073:     yy->encoding.val = "";
1074:     yy->encoding.len = 0;
1075:     yy->disp.val = "";
1076:     yy->disp.len = 0;
1077:     yy->systemid.val = "";
1078:     yy->systemid.len = 0;
1079:     yy->sysparam.val = "";
1080:     yy->sysparam.len = 0;
1081:     yy->creator.val = "";
1082:     yy->creator.len = 0;
1083:     yy->account.val = "";
1084:     yy->account.len = 0;
1085:     yy->area.val = "";
1086:     yy->area.len = 0;
1087:     yy->passwd.val = "";
1088:     yy->passwd.len = 0;
1089:     yy->blksize = -1L;
1090:     yy->access.val = "";
1091:     yy->access.len = 0;
1092:     yy->lprotect.val = "";
1093:     yy->lprotect.len = 0;
1094:     yy->gprotect.val = "";
1095:     yy->gprotect.len = 0;
1096:     yy->recfm.val = "";
1097:     yy->recfm.len = 0;
1098:     yy->reply.val = "";
1099:     yy->reply.len = 0;
1100:     return(0);
1101: }
1103: /*  A D E B U -- Write attribute packet info to debug log  */
1105: int
1106: adebu(f,zz) char *f; struct zattr *zz; {
1107: #ifdef DEBUG
1108:     if (deblog == 0) return(0);
1109:     debug(F110,"Attributes for incoming file ",f,0);
1110:     debug(F101," length in K","",(int) zz->lengthk);
1111:     debug(F111," file type",zz->type.val,zz->type.len);
1112:     debug(F111," creation date",zz->date.val,zz->date.len);
1113:     debug(F111," creator",zz->creator.val,zz->creator.len);
1114:     debug(F111," account",zz->account.val,zz->account.len);
1115:     debug(F111," area",zz->area.val,zz->area.len);
1116:     debug(F111," password",zz->passwd.val,zz->passwd.len);
1117:     debug(F101," blksize","",(int) zz->blksize);
1118:     debug(F111," access",zz->access.val,zz->access.len);
1119:     debug(F111," encoding",zz->encoding.val,zz->encoding.len);
1120:     debug(F111," disposition",zz->disp.val,zz->disp.len);
1121:     debug(F111," lprotection",zz->lprotect.val,zz->lprotect.len);
1122:     debug(F111," gprotection",zz->gprotect.val,zz->gprotect.len);
1123:     debug(F111," systemid",zz->systemid.val,zz->systemid.len);
1124:     debug(F111," recfm",zz->recfm.val,zz->recfm.len);
1125:     debug(F111," sysparam",zz->sysparam.val,zz->sysparam.len);
1126:     debug(F101," length","",(int) zz->length);
1127:     debug(F110," reply",zz->reply.val,0);
1128: #endif /* DEBUG */
1129:     return(0);
1130: }
1132: /*  O P E N A -- Open a file, with attributes.  */
1133: /*
1134:   This function tries to open a new file to put the arriving data in.  The
1135:   filename is the one in the srvcmd buffer.  File collision actions are:
1136:   OVERWRITE (the existing file is overwritten), RENAME (the new file is
1137:   renamed), BACKUP (the existing file is renamed), DISCARD (the new file is
1138:   refused), UPDATE (the incoming file replaces the existing file only if the
1139:   incoming file has a newer creation date).
1141:   Returns 0 on failure, nonzero on success.
1142: */
1143: int
1144: opena(f,zz) char *f; struct zattr *zz; {
1145:     int x;
1146:     static struct filinfo fcb;      /* Must be static! */
1148:     debug(F111,"opena discard",f,discard);
1150:     adebu(f,zz);            /* Write attributes to debug log */
1152:     ffc = 0L;               /* Init file character counter */
1154: #ifdef COMMENT
1155: /*
1156:   This code moved to sattr().
1157: */
1158:     if (bsavef) {           /* If somehow file mode */
1159:     binary = bsave;         /* was saved but not restored, */
1160:     bsavef = 0;         /* restore it. */
1161:     debug(F101,"opena restoring binary","",binary);
1162:     }
1163:     if (zz->type.val[0] == 'A') {   /* Check received attributes */
1164: #ifdef VMS
1165:     if (binary == XYFT_L)       /* Refuse to receive a file in */
1166:       return(0);            /* labeled mode if sent as text. */
1167: #endif /* VMS */
1168:     bsave = binary;         /* ASCII.  Save global file type */
1169:     bsavef = 1;         /* ( restore it in clsof() ) */
1170:     binary = XYFT_T;        /* Set current type to Text. */
1171:     debug(F100,"opena attribute A = text","",binary);
1172:     } else if (zz->type.val[0] == 'B') {
1173:     bsave = binary;         /* Binary.  Save global file type */
1174:     bsavef = 1;
1175: #ifdef VMS
1176:     if (binary != XYFT_L && binary != XYFT_U) /* Special VMS cases */
1177: #endif /* VMS */
1178:       binary = XYFT_B;
1179:     debug(F101,"opena attribute B = binary","",binary);
1180:     }
1181: #endif /* COMMENT */
1183:     /* Set up file control structure */
1185:     fcb.bs = fblksiz;           /* Blocksize */
1186: #ifndef NOCSETS
1187:     fcb.cs = fcharset;          /* Character set */
1188: #else
1189:     fcb.cs = 0;             /* Character set */
1190: #endif /* NOCSETS */
1191:     fcb.rl = frecl;         /* Record Length */
1192:     fcb.fmt = frecfm;           /* Record Format */
1193:     fcb.org = forg;         /* Organization */
1194:     fcb.cc = fcctrl;            /* Carriage control */
1195:     fcb.typ = binary;           /* Type */
1196:     fcb.dsp = (fncact == XYFX_A) ? XYFZ_A : XYFZ_N; /* Disposition */
1197:     fcb.os_specific = '\0';     /* OS specific info */
1198: #ifdef VMS
1199:     fcb.lblopts = lf_opts;      /* VMS Labeled file options */
1200: #else
1201:     fcb.lblopts = 0;
1202: #endif /* VMS */
1204:     if (x = openo(f,zz,&fcb)) {     /* Try to open the file. */
1205:     tlog(F110," as",f,0L);      /* OK, open, record name. */
1206:     if (binary) {           /* Log file mode in transaction log */
1207:         tlog(F101," mode: binary","",(long) binary);
1208:     } else {            /* If text mode, check character set */
1209:         tlog(F100," mode: text","",0L);
1210: #ifndef NOCSETS
1211:         tlog(F110," file character set",fcsinfo[fcharset].name,0L);
1212:         if (tcharset == TC_TRANSP)
1213:           tlog(F110," xfer character set","transparent",0L);
1214:         else
1215:           tlog(F110," xfer character set",tcsinfo[tcharset].name,0L);
1216: #endif /* NOCSETS */
1217:         debug(F111," opena charset",zz->encoding.val,zz->encoding.len);
1218:     }
1219:     if (fsize > -1L) screen(SCR_FS,0,fsize,"");
1221: #ifdef datageneral
1222: /* Need to turn on multi-tasking console interrupt task here, since multiple */
1223: /* files may be received. */
1224:         if ((local) && (!quiet))        /* Only do this if local & not quiet */
1225:             consta_mt();                /* Start the asynch read task */
1226: #endif /* datageneral */
1228:     } else {                /* Did not open file OK. */
1229: #ifdef ATTSV
1230:     screen(SCR_EM,0,0l,strerror(errno));
1231: #else
1232: #ifdef BSD4
1233:     screen(SCR_EM,0,0l,strerror(errno));
1234: #else
1235:     screen(SCR_EM,0,0l,"Can't open output file");
1236: #endif /* BSD4 */
1237: #endif /* ATTSV */
1239:         tlog(F110,"Failure to open",f,0L);
1242:     }
1243:     return(x);              /* Pass on return code from openo */
1244: }
1246: /*  C A N N E D  --  Check if current file transfer cancelled */
1248: int
1249: canned(buf) CHAR *buf; {
1250:     if (*buf == 'X') cxseen = 1;
1251:     if (*buf == 'Z') czseen = 1;
1252:     debug(F101,"canned: cxseen","",cxseen);
1253:     debug(F101," czseen","",czseen);
1254:     return((czseen || cxseen) ? 1 : 0);
1255: }
1258: /*  O P E N I  --  Open an existing file for input  */
1260: int
1261: openi(name) char *name; {
1262:     int x, filno;
1263:     char *name2;
1265:     if (memstr) return(1);      /* Just return if file is memory. */
1267:     debug(F110,"openi",name,0);
1268:     debug(F101," sndsrc","",sndsrc);
1270:     filno = (sndsrc == 0) ? ZSTDIO : ZIFILE;    /* ... */
1272:     debug(F101," file number","",filno);
1274:     if (server && !en_cwd) {        /* If running as server */
1275:     zstrip(name,&name2);        /* and CWD is disabled... */
1276:     if (                /* check if pathname was included. */
1277: #ifdef VMS
1278:     zchkpath(name)
1279: #else
1280:     strcmp(name,name2)
1281: #endif /* VMS */
1282:         ) {
1283:         tlog(F110,name,"authorization failure",0L);
1284:         debug(F110," openi authorization failure",name,0);
1285:         return(0);
1286:     } else name = name2;
1287:     }
1288:     if (zopeni(filno,name)) {       /* Otherwise, try to open it. */
1289:     debug(F110," ok",name,0);
1290:         return(1);
1291:     } else {                /* If not found, */
1292:     char xname[100];        /* convert the name */
1293:     zrtol(name,xname);      /* to local form and then */
1294:     x = zopeni(filno,xname);    /* try opening it again. */
1295:     debug(F101," zopeni","",x);
1296:     if (x) {
1297:         debug(F110," ok",xname,0);
1298:         return(1);          /* It worked. */
1299:         } else {
1300: #ifdef COMMENT
1301:         screen(SCR_EM,0,0l,"Can't open file");  /* It didn't work. */
1302: #endif /* COMMENT */
1303:         tlog(F110,xname,"could not be opened",0L);
1304:         debug(F110," openi failed",xname,0);
1305:         return(0);
1306:         }
1307:     }
1308: }
1310: /*  O P E N O  --  Open a new file for output.  */
1312: int
1313: openo(name,zz,fcb) char *name; struct zattr *zz; struct filinfo *fcb; {
1314:     char *name2;
1316:     if (stdouf)             /* Receiving to stdout? */
1317:       return(zopeno(ZSTDIO,"",zz,NULL));
1319:     debug(F110,"openo: name",name,0);
1321:     if (cxseen || czseen || discard) {  /* If interrupted, get out before */
1322:     debug(F100," open cancelled","",0); /* destroying existing file. */
1323:     return(1);          /* Pretend to succeed. */
1324:     }
1325:     if (server && !en_cwd) {        /* If running as server */
1326:     zstrip(name,&name2);        /* and CWD is disabled, */
1327:     if (strcmp(name,name2)) {   /* check if pathname was included. */
1328:         tlog(F110,name,"authorization failure",0L);
1329:         debug(F110," openo authorization failure",name,0);
1330:         return(0);
1331:     } else name = name2;
1332:     }
1334:     if (zopeno(ZOFILE,name,zz,fcb) == 0) { /* Try to open the file */
1335:     debug(F110,"openo failed",name,0);
1336:     tlog(F110,"Failure to open",name,0L);
1337:     return(0);
1338:     } else {
1339:     debug(F110,"openo ok, name",name,0);
1340:     return(1);
1341:     }
1342: }
1344: /*  O P E N T  --  Open the terminal for output, in place of a file  */
1346: int
1347: opent(zz) struct zattr *zz; {
1348:     ffc = tfc = 0L;
1349:     if (bsavef) {           /* If somehow file mode */
1350:     binary = bsave;         /* was saved but not restored, */
1351:     bsavef = 0;         /* restore it. */
1352:     debug(F101,"opena restoring binary","",binary);
1353:     }
1354:     bsave = binary;
1355:     bsavef = 1;
1356:     binary = XYFT_T;
1357:     return(zopeno(ZCTERM,"",zz,NULL));
1358: }
1360: /*  C L S I F  --  Close the current input file. */
1362: int
1363: clsif() {
1364:     int x = 0;
1365: #ifdef datageneral
1366:     if ((local) && (!quiet))    /* Only do this if local & not quiet */
1367:         if (nfils < 1)          /* More files to send ... leave it on! */
1368:             connoi_mt();
1369: #endif /* datageneral */
1370:     if (memstr) {           /* If input was memory string, */
1371:     memstr = 0;         /* indicate no more. */
1372:     } else x = zclose(ZIFILE);      /* else close input file. */
1373:     if (cxseen || czseen)       /* If interrupted */
1374:       screen(SCR_ST,ST_INT,0l,"");  /* say so */
1375:     else if (discard)           /* If I'm refusing */
1376:       screen(SCR_ST,ST_REFU,0l,refused); /* say why */
1377:     else {              /* Otherwise */
1378:     fstats();           /* update statistics */
1379:     screen(SCR_ST,ST_OK,0l,""); /* and say transfer was OK */
1380:     }
1381:     hcflg = 0;              /* Reset flags */
1382:     *filnam = '\0';         /* and current file name */
1383:     return(x);
1384: }
1387: /*  C L S O F  --  Close an output file.  */
1389: /*  Call with disp != 0 if file is to be discarded.  */
1390: /*  Returns -1 upon failure to close, 0 or greater on success. */
1392: int
1393: clsof(disp) int disp; {
1394:     int x;
1396:     debug(F101,"clsof disp","",disp);
1397:     if (bsavef) {           /* If we saved global file type */
1398:     debug(F101,"clsof restoring binary","",binary);
1399:     binary = bsave;         /* restore it */
1400:     bsavef = 0;         /* only this once. */
1401:     }
1402: #ifdef datageneral
1403:     if ((local) && (!quiet))        /* Only do this if local & not quiet */
1404:         connoi_mt();
1405: #endif /* datageneral */
1406:     cxseen = 0;             /* Reset per-file interruption flag */
1407:     if ((x = zclose(ZOFILE)) < 0) { /* Try to close the file */
1408:     tlog(F100,"Failure to close",filnam,0L);
1409:     screen(SCR_ST,ST_ERR,0l,"");
1410:     } else if (disp) {          /* Interrupted or refused */
1411:     if (keep == 0) {        /* If not keep incomplete files */
1412:         if (*filnam) zdelet(filnam); /* Delete it */
1413:         debug(F100,"Discarded","",0);
1414:         tlog(F100,"Discarded","",0L);
1415:         screen(SCR_ST,ST_DISC,0l,"");
1416:     } else {            /* Keep incomplete copy */
1417:         if (ffc) ffc++;     /* This is off by one (why?) */
1418:         fstats();
1419:         debug(F100,"Incomplete","",0);
1420:         tlog(F100,"Incomplete","",0L);
1421:         screen(SCR_ST,ST_INC,0l,"");
1422:     }
1423:     } else {                /* Nothing wrong, just keep it */
1424:     debug(F100,"Closed","",0);  /* and give comforting messages. */
1425:     if (ffc) ffc++;         /* Correct off-by-1 error */
1426:     fstats();
1427:     screen(SCR_ST,ST_OK,0l,"");
1428:     }
1429:     return(x);              /* Send back zclose() return code. */
1430: }
1432: #ifdef SUNOS4S5
1433: tolower(c) char c; { return((c)-'A'+'a'); }
1434: toupper(c) char c; { return((c)-'a'+'A'); }
1435: #endif /* SUNOS4S5 */

Defined functions

adebu defined in line 1105; used 1 times
canned defined in line 1248; never used
chkwin defined in line 475; used 4 times
clsif defined in line 1362; used 1 times
dumprbuf defined in line 582; used 6 times
dumpsbuf defined in line 528; used 4 times
freerpkt defined in line 451; used 5 times
freesbuf defined in line 382; used 3 times
gattr defined in line 788; never used
getrbuf defined in line 350; used 1 times
getreason defined in line 764; used 1 times
initattr defined in line 1066; never used
makebuf defined in line 219; used 2 times
mkrbuf defined in line 274; used 2 times
mksbuf defined in line 253; used 2 times
opena defined in line 1143; never used
openi defined in line 1260; used 1 times
openo defined in line 1312; used 1 times
opent defined in line 1346; never used
rsattr defined in line 776; never used
sattr defined in line 638; never used
tolower defined in line 1433; never used
toupper defined in line 1434; never used
window defined in line 294; never used

Defined variables

bigbufp defined in line 128; used 6 times
bigrbt defined in line 104; never used
bigrbuf defined in line 105; used 3 times
bigsbt defined in line 101; never used
bigsbuf defined in line 103; used 2 times
dum001 defined in line 76; never used
dum002 defined in line 80; used 1 times
dum003 defined in line 78; used 1 times
nreason defined in line 762; used 1 times
r_pkt defined in line 91; used 34 times
rbufnum defined in line 79; used 12 times
rbufuse defined in line 81; used 6 times
reason defined in line 758; used 2 times
refused defined in line 756; used 5 times
rseqtbl defined in line 83; used 13 times
s_pkt defined in line 90; used 45 times
sacktbl defined in line 84; used 7 times
sbufnum defined in line 75; used 12 times
sbufuse defined in line 77; used 5 times
sseqtbl defined in line 82; used 13 times
winlo defined in line 73; used 57 times
xbuf defined in line 95; used 14 times

Defined macros

ABUFL defined in line 792; used 4 times
DSBUFL defined in line 808; used 3 times
DTBUFL defined in line 796; used 2 times
FACTOR defined in line 181; used 2 times
FTBUFL defined in line 794; used 2 times
IDBUFL defined in line 800; used 2 times
RPBUFL defined in line 813; used 1 times
SPBUFL defined in line 810; used 3 times
TSBUFL defined in line 798; used 2 times
Last modified: 1996-03-23
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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