/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* $Header: b3fil.h,v 1.4 85/08/22 16:43:58 timo Exp $ */ /* File accessing */ bool ws_writable(); /* enquire if write permission in workspace */ unsigned f_size(); /* size of a file */ bool f_exists(); /* enquire if a file exists */ value f_save(); /* temporarily copy a file to somewhere safe */ #ifndef INTEGRATION bool f_interactive(); /* enquire if a file is the keyboard/screen */ #endif value new_fname(); /* devise a filename for a unit or target */ extern value file_names; /* list of file names */ /* Procedure f_edit(); */ /* call the editor for a file */ /* Procedure f_rename(); */ /* rename a file */ /* Procedure f_delete(); */ /* delete a file */