/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* $Header: b1tlt.c,v 1.4 85/08/22 16:53:20 timo Exp $ */ /* generic routines for B texts, lists and tables */ #include "b.h" #include "b0fea.h" #include "b1obj.h" #ifndef INTEGRATION #include "b0con.h" #include "b1btr.h" #include "b1val.h" #endif #include "b1tlt.h" #include "b3err.h" #ifndef INTEGRATION /* From b1lta.c */ int l2size(); value l2min(), l2max(); Visible value mk_elt() { /* {}, internal only */ value e = grab_tlt(ELT, Lt); Root(e) = Bnil; return e; } Visible bool empty(v) value v; { /* #v=0, internal only */ switch (Type(v)) { case ELT: case Lis: case Tex: case Tab: return Root(v) EQ Bnil; default: return No; /* Some routines must test empty(t) end return an error message if it fails, before testing Type(t). In this way, they won't give the wrong error message. */ } } /* return size of (number of items in) dependent tree */ Hidden value treesize(pnode) btreeptr pnode; { int psize; value vsize, childsize, u; intlet l; psize = Size(pnode); if (psize EQ Bigsize) { switch (Flag(pnode)) { case Inner: vsize = mk_integer((int) Lim(pnode)); for (l = 0; l <= Lim(pnode); l++) { childsize = treesize(Ptr(pnode, l)); u = vsize; vsize = sum(vsize, childsize); release(u); release(childsize); } break; case Irange: u = diff(Upbval(pnode), Lwbval(pnode)); vsize = sum(u, one); release(u); break; case Bottom: case Crange: syserr(MESS(1700, "Bigsize in Bottom or Crange")); } return(vsize); } return mk_integer(psize); } Visible value size(t) value t; { /* #t */ int tsize; switch (Type(t)) { case ELT: case Lis: case Tex: case Tab: tsize = Tltsize(t); if (tsize EQ Bigsize) return treesize(Root(t)); return mk_integer(tsize); default: reqerr(MESS(1701, "in #t, t is not a text, list or table")); return zero; } } Visible value th_of(num, v) value num, v; { /* num th'of v */ value m= Vnil; if (!Is_tlt(v)) error(MESS(1702, "in n th'of t, t is not a text, list or table")); else if (!Is_number(num)) error(MESS(1703, "in n th'of t, n is not a number")); else if (empty(v)) error(MESS(1704, "in n th'of t, t is empty")); else if (numcomp(num, one) < 0) error(MESS(1705, "in n th'of t, n is < 1")); else { /*RANGES?*/ m= thof(intval(num), v); if (m == Vnil && still_ok) error(MESS(1706, "in n th'of t, n exceeds #t")); } return m; } /* * 'Walktree' handles functions on texts and associates of tables. * The actual function performed is determined by the 'visit' function. * The tree is walked (possibly recursively) and all items are visited. * The return value of walktree() and visit() is used to determine whether * the walk should continue (Yes == continue, No == stop now). * Global variables are used to communicate the result, and the parameters * of the function. The naming convention is according to "e func t". */ Hidden intlet tt; /* type of walked value t */ Hidden intlet wt; /* width of items in walked value t */ Hidden value ve; /* value of e, if func is dyadic */ Hidden char ce; /* C char in e, if t is a text */ Hidden int count; /* result of size2 */ Hidden bool found; /* result for in */ Hidden intlet m_char; /* result for min/max on texts */ Hidden value m_val; /* result for min/max on tables */ #define Lowchar (-Maxintlet) /* -infinity for characters */ #define Highchar (Maxintlet) /* +infinity */ Hidden bool walktree(p, visit) btreeptr p; bool (*visit)(); { intlet l; if (p EQ Bnil) return Yes; /* i.e., not found (used by in() !) */ for (l=0; l < Lim(p); l++) { switch (Flag(p)) { case Inner: if (!walktree(Ptr(p, l), visit) || !still_ok) return No; if (!(*visit)(Piitm(p, l, wt)) || !still_ok) return No; break; case Bottom: if (!(*visit)(Pbitm(p, l, wt)) || !still_ok) return No; } } return Flag(p) EQ Bottom || walktree(Ptr(p, l), visit); } /* Common code for min/max-1/2, size2, in. */ Hidden Procedure tlt_func(e, t, where, li_func, te_visit, ta_visit) value e, t; /* [e] func t */ string where; /* "in [e] func_name t" */ value (*li_func)(); /* func for lists */ bool (*te_visit)(), (*ta_visit)(); /* 'visit' for walktree */ { m_val = Vnil; if (empty(t)) { error3(MESSMAKE(where), Vnil, MESS(1707, ", t is empty")); return; } wt = Itemwidth(Itemtype(t)); tt = Type(t); switch (tt) { case Lis: m_val = (*li_func)(e, t); break; case Tex: if (e NE Vnil) { if (!Character(e)) { error3(MESSMAKE(where), Vnil, MESS(1708, ", t is a text, but e is not a character")); return; } ce = Bchar(Root(e), 0); } found = !walktree(Root(t), te_visit); if (m_char NE Lowchar && m_char NE Highchar) m_val = mkchar(m_char); break; case Tab: ve = e; found = !walktree(Root(t), ta_visit); break; default: error3(MESSMAKE(where), Vnil, MESS(1709, ", t is not a text list or table")); } } Hidden value li2size(e, t) value e, t; { count = l2size(e, t); return Vnil; } Hidden bool te2size(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (ce EQ Charval(pitm)) count++; return Yes; } Hidden bool ta2size(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (compare(ve, Ascval(pitm)) EQ 0) count++; return Yes; } Visible value size2(e, t) value e, t; { /* e#t */ if (empty(t)) /* Must check here because tlt_func would complain */ return copy(zero); m_char = Lowchar; count = 0; tlt_func(e, t, "in e#t", li2size, te2size, ta2size); return mk_integer(count); } Hidden value li_in(e, t) value e, t; { found = in_keys(e, t); return Vnil; } Hidden bool te_in(pitm) itemptr pitm; { return Charval(pitm) NE ce; } Hidden bool ta_in(pitm) itemptr pitm; { return compare(ve, Ascval(pitm)) NE 0; } Visible bool in(e, t) value e, t; { if (empty(t)) /* Must check here because tlt_func would complain */ return No; m_char = Lowchar; found = No; tlt_func(e, t, "in the test e in t", li_in, te_in, ta_in); return found; } Hidden value li_min(e, t) value e, t; { return th_of(one, t); } Hidden bool te_min(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (m_char > Charval(pitm)) m_char = Charval(pitm); return Yes; } Hidden bool ta_min(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (m_val EQ Vnil || compare(m_val, Ascval(pitm)) > 0) { release(m_val); m_val = copy(Ascval(pitm)); } return Yes; } Visible value min1(t) value t; { m_char = Highchar; tlt_func(Vnil, t, "in min t", li_min, te_min, ta_min); return m_val; } Hidden value li_max(e, t) value e, t; { value v= size(t); m_val = th_of(v, t); release(v); return m_val; } Hidden bool te_max(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (m_char < Charval(pitm)) m_char = Charval(pitm); return Yes; } Hidden bool ta_max(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (m_val EQ Vnil || compare(Ascval(pitm), m_val) > 0) { release(m_val); m_val = copy(Ascval(pitm)); } return Yes; } Visible value max1(t) value t; { m_char = Lowchar; tlt_func(Vnil, t, "in max t", li_max, te_max, ta_max); return m_val; } Hidden bool te2min(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (m_char > Charval(pitm) && Charval(pitm) > ce) { m_char = Charval(pitm); } return Yes; } Hidden bool ta2min(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (compare(Ascval(pitm), ve) > 0 && (m_val EQ Vnil || compare(m_val, Ascval(pitm)) > 0)) { release(m_val); m_val = copy(Ascval(pitm)); } return Yes; } Visible value min2(e, t) value e, t; { m_char = Highchar; tlt_func(e, t, "in e min t", l2min, te2min, ta2min); if (m_val EQ Vnil && still_ok) reqerr(MESS(1710, "in e min t, no element of t exceeds e")); return m_val; } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ Hidden bool te2max(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (ce > Charval(pitm) && Charval(pitm) > m_char) { m_char = Charval(pitm); } return Yes; } Hidden bool ta2max(pitm) itemptr pitm; { if (compare(ve, Ascval(pitm)) > 0 && (m_val EQ Vnil || compare(Ascval(pitm), m_val) > 0)) { release(m_val); m_val = copy(Ascval(pitm)); } return Yes; } Visible value max2(e, t) value e, t; { m_char = Lowchar; tlt_func(e, t, "in e max t", l2max, te2max, ta2max); if (m_val EQ Vnil && still_ok) reqerr(MESS(1711, "in e max t, no element of t is less than e")); return m_val; } #else INTEGRATION Visible value mk_elt() { return grab_elt(); } Visible value size(x) value x; { /* monadic # operator */ if (!Is_tlt(x)) error(MESS(1712, "in #t, t is not a text, list or table")); return mk_integer((int) Length(x)); } #define Lisent(tp,k) (*(tp+(k))) Visible value size2(v, t) value v, t; { /* Dyadic # operator */ intlet len= Length(t), n= 0, k; value *tp= Ats(t); if (!Is_tlt(t)) { error(MESS(1713, "in e#t, t is not a text, list or table")); return mk_integer((int) n); } switch (Type(t)) { case Tex: {string cp= (string)tp; char c; if (Type(v) != Tex) error(MESS(1714, "in e#t, t is a text but e is not")); if (Length(v) != 1) error(MESS(1715, "in e#t, e is a text but not a character")); c= *Str(v); Overall if (*cp++ == c) n++; } break; case ELT: break; case Lis: {intlet lo= -1, mi, xx, mm, hi= len; relation c; bins: if (hi-lo < 2) break; mi= (lo+hi)/2; if ((c= compare(v, Lisent(tp,mi))) == 0) goto some; if (c < 0) hi= mi; else lo= mi; goto bins; some: xx= mi; while (xx-lo > 1) { mm= (lo+xx)/2; if (compare(v, Lisent(tp,mm)) == 0) xx= mm; else lo= mm; } xx= mi; while (hi-xx > 1) { mm= (xx+hi)/2; if (compare(v, Lisent(tp,mm)) == 0) xx= mm; else hi= mm; } n= hi-lo-1; } break; case Tab: Overall if (compare(v, Dts(*tp++)) == 0) n++; break; default: syserr(MESS(1716, "e#t with non text, list or table")); break; } return mk_integer((int) n); } Hidden bool less(r) relation r; { return r<0; } Hidden bool greater(r) relation r; { return r>0; } Hidden value mm1(t, rel) value t; bool (*rel)(); { intlet len= Length(t), k; value m, *tp= Ats(t); switch (Type(t)) { case Tex: {string cp= (string) tp; char mc= '\0', mm[2]; Overall { if (mc == '\0' || ((*rel)(*cp < mc ? -1 : (*cp > mc ? 1 : 0)))) mc= *cp; cp++; } mm[0]= mc; mm[1]= '\0'; m= mk_text(mm); } break; case Lis: if ((*rel)(-1)) /*min*/ m= copy(*Ats(t)); else m= copy(*(Ats(t)+len-1)); break; case Tab: {value dm= Vnil; Overall { if (dm == Vnil || (*rel)(compare(Dts(*tp), dm))) dm= Dts(*tp); tp++; } m= copy(dm); } break; default: syserr(MESS(1717, "min or max t, with non text, list or table")); } return m; } #ifdef NO_ABS Hidden int abs(i) int i; { return i >= 0 ? i : -i; } #endif Hidden value mm2(v, t, rel) value v, t; bool (*rel)(); { intlet len= Length(t), k; value m= Vnil, *tp= Ats(t); switch (Type(t)) { case Tex: {string cp= (string) tp; char c, mc= '\0', mm[2]; c= *Str(v); Overall { if ((*rel)(c < *cp ? -1 : c > *cp ? 1 : 0)) { if (mc == '\0' || (*rel)(*cp < mc ? -1 : *cp>mc ? 1 : 0)) mc= *cp; } cp++; } if (mc != '\0') { mm[0]= mc; mm[1]= '\0'; m= mk_text(mm); } } break; case Lis: {intlet lim1, mid, lim2; if ((*rel)(-1)) { /*min*/ lim1= 1; lim2= len-1; } else { lim2= 1; lim1= len-1; } if (!(*rel)(compare(v, Lisent(tp,lim2)))) break; if (len == 1 || (*rel)(compare(v, Lisent(tp,lim1)))) { m= copy(Lisent(tp,lim1)); break; } /* v rel tp[lim2] && !(v rel tp[lim1]) */ while (abs(lim2-lim1) > 1) { mid= (lim1+lim2)/2; if ((*rel)(compare(v, Lisent(tp,mid)))) lim2= mid; else lim1= mid; } m= copy(Lisent(tp,lim2)); } break; case Tab: {value dm= Vnil; Overall { if ((*rel)(compare(v, Dts(*tp)))) { if (dm == Vnil || (*rel)(compare(Dts(*tp), dm))) dm= Dts(*tp); } tp++; } if (dm != Vnil) m= copy(dm); } break; default: syserr(MESS(1718, "min2 or max2 with non text, list or table")); break; } return m; } Visible value min1(t) value t; { /* Monadic min */ value m= Vnil; if (!Is_tlt(t)) error(MESS(1719, "in min t, t is not a text, list or table")); else if (Length(t) == 0) error(MESS(1720, "in min t, t is empty")); else m= mm1(t, less); return m; } Visible value min2(v, t) value v, t; { value m= Vnil; if (!Is_tlt(t)) error(MESS(1721, "in e min t, t is not a text, list or table")); else if (Length(t) == 0) error(MESS(1722, "in e min t, t is empty")); else if (Is_text(t)) { if (!Is_text(v)) error(MESS(1723, "in e min t, t is a text but e is not")); else if (Length(v) != 1) error(MESS(1724, "in e min t, e is a text but not a character")); } if (still_ok) { m= mm2(v, t, less); if (m == Vnil) error(MESS(1725, "in e min t, no element of t exceeds e")); } return m; } Visible value max1(t) value t; { value m= Vnil; if (!Is_tlt(t)) error(MESS(1726, "in max t, t is not a text, list or table")); else if (Length(t) == 0) error(MESS(1727, "in max t, t is empty")); else m= mm1(t, greater); return m; } Visible value max2(v, t) value v, t; { value m= Vnil; if (!Is_tlt(t)) error(MESS(1728, "in e max t, t is not a text, list or table")); else if (Length(t) == 0) error(MESS(1729, "in e max t, t is empty")); else if (Is_text(t)) { if (!Is_text(v)) error(MESS(1730, "in e max t, t is a text but e is not")); else if (Length(v) != 1) error(MESS(1731, "in e max t, e is a text but not a character")); } if (still_ok) { m= mm2(v, t, greater); if (m == Vnil) error(MESS(1732, "in e max t, no element of t is less than e")); } return m; } Visible value th_of(n, t) value n, t; { return thof(intval(n), t); } Visible value thof(n, t) int n; value t; { intlet len= Length(t); value w= Vnil; if (!Is_tlt(t)) error(MESS(1733, "in n th'of t, t is not a text, list or table")); else if (n <= 0 || n > len) error(MESS(1734, "in n th'of t, n is out of bounds")); else { switch (Type(t)) { case Tex: {char ww[2]; ww[0]= *(Str(t)+n-1); ww[1]= '\0'; w= mk_text(ww); } break; case Lis: w= copy(*(Ats(t)+n-1)); break; case Tab: w= copy(Dts(*(Ats(t)+n-1))); break; default: syserr(MESS(1735, "th'of with non text, list or table")); } } return w; } Visible bool found(elem, v, probe, where) value (*elem)(), v, probe; intlet *where; /* think of elem(v,lo-1) as -Infinity and elem(v,hi+1) as +Infinity. found and where at the end satisfy: SELECT: SOME k IN {lo..hi} HAS probe = elem(v,k): found = Yes AND where = k ELSE: found = No AND elem(v,where-1) < probe < elem(v,where). */ {relation c; intlet lo=0, hi= Length(v)-1; if (lo > hi) { *where= lo; return No; } if ((c= compare(probe, (*elem)(v, lo))) == 0) {*where= lo; return Yes; } if (c < 0) { *where=lo; return No; } if (lo == hi) { *where=hi+1; return No; } if ((c= compare(probe, (*elem)(v, hi))) == 0) { *where=hi; return Yes; } if (c > 0) { *where=hi+1; return No; } /* elem(lo) < probe < elem(hi) */ while (hi-lo > 1) { if ((c= compare(probe, (*elem)(v, (lo+hi)/2))) == 0) { *where= (lo+hi)/2; return Yes; } if (c < 0) hi= (lo+hi)/2; else lo= (lo+hi)/2; } *where= hi; return No; } Visible bool in(v, t) value v, t; { intlet where, k, len= Length(t); value *tp= Ats(t); if (!Is_tlt(t)) { error(MESS(1736, "in the test e in t, t is not a text, list or table")); return No; } switch (Type(t)) { case Tex: if (Type(v) != Tex) error(MESS(1737, "in the test e in t, t is a text but e is not")); else if (Length(v) != 1) error(MESS(1738, "in the test e in t, e is a text but not a character")); else return index((string) tp, *Str(v)) != 0; return No; case ELT: return No; case Lis: return found(list_elem, t, v, &where); case Tab: Overall if (compare(v, Dts(*tp++)) == 0) return Yes; return No; default: syserr(MESS(1739, "e in t with non text, list or table")); return No; } } Visible bool empty(v) value v; { switch (Type(v)) { case Tex: case Lis: case Tab: case ELT: return (Length(v) == 0); default: syserr(MESS(1740, "empty() on non tlt value")); return (No); } } #endif INTEGRATION