1: /*
   2:  * Routines which deal with the characteristics of the terminal.
   3:  * Uses termcap to be as terminal-independent as possible.
   4:  *
   5:  * {{ Someday this should be rewritten to use curses. }}
   6:  */
   8: #include "less.h"
   9: #if XENIX
  10: #include <sys/types.h>
  11: #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  12: #endif
  14: #if TERMIO
  15: #include <termio.h>
  16: #else
  17: #include <sgtty.h>
  18: #endif
  20: /*
  21:  * Strings passed to tputs() to do various terminal functions.
  22:  */
  23: static char
  24:     *sc_pad,        /* Pad string */
  25:     *sc_home,       /* Cursor home */
  26:     *sc_addline,        /* Add line, scroll down following lines */
  27:     *sc_lower_left,     /* Cursor to last line, first column */
  28:     *sc_move,       /* General cursor positioning */
  29:     *sc_clear,      /* Clear screen */
  30:     *sc_eol_clear,      /* Clear to end of line */
  31:     *sc_s_in,       /* Enter standout (highlighted) mode */
  32:     *sc_s_out,      /* Exit standout mode */
  33:     *sc_u_in,       /* Enter underline mode */
  34:     *sc_u_out,      /* Exit underline mode */
  35:     *sc_b_in,       /* Enter bold mode */
  36:     *sc_b_out,      /* Exit bold mode */
  37:     *sc_visual_bell,    /* Visual bell (flash screen) sequence */
  38:     *sc_backspace,      /* Backspace cursor */
  39:     *sc_init,       /* Startup terminal initialization */
  40:     *sc_deinit;     /* Exit terminal de-intialization */
  41: static int dumb;
  42: static int hard;
  44: public int auto_wrap;       /* Terminal does \r\n when write past margin */
  45: public int ignaw;       /* Terminal ignores \n immediately after wrap */
  46: public int erase_char, kill_char; /* The user's erase and line-kill chars */
  47: public int sc_width, sc_height; /* Height & width of screen */
  48: public int sc_window = -1;  /* window size for forward and backward */
  49: public int bo_width, be_width;  /* Printing width of boldface sequences */
  50: public int ul_width, ue_width;  /* Printing width of underline sequences */
  51: public int so_width, se_width;  /* Printing width of standout sequences */
  53: /*
  54:  * These two variables are sometimes defined in,
  55:  * and needed by, the termcap library.
  56:  * It may be necessary on some systems to declare them extern here.
  57:  */
  58: /*extern*/ short ospeed;    /* Terminal output baud rate */
  59: /*extern*/ char PC;     /* Pad character */
  61: extern int quiet;       /* If VERY_QUIET, use visual bell for bell */
  62: extern int know_dumb;       /* Don't complain about a dumb terminal */
  63: extern int back_scroll;
  64: char *tgetstr();
  65: char *tgoto();
  67: /*
  68:  * Change terminal to "raw mode", or restore to "normal" mode.
  69:  * "Raw mode" means
  70:  *	1. An outstanding read will complete on receipt of a single keystroke.
  71:  *	2. Input is not echoed.
  72:  *	3. On output, \n is mapped to \r\n.
  73:  *	4. \t is NOT expanded into spaces.
  74:  *	5. Signal-causing characters such as ctrl-C (interrupt),
  75:  *	   etc. are NOT disabled.
  76:  * It doesn't matter whether an input \n is mapped to \r, or vice versa.
  77:  */
  78:     public void
  79: raw_mode(on)
  80:     int on;
  81: {
  82: #if TERMIO
  83:     struct termio s;
  84:     static struct termio save_term;
  86:     if (on)
  87:     {
  88:         /*
  89: 		 * Get terminal modes.
  90: 		 */
  91:         ioctl(2, TCGETA, &s);
  93:         /*
  94: 		 * Save modes and set certain variables dependent on modes.
  95: 		 */
  96:         save_term = s;
  97:         ospeed = s.c_cflag & CBAUD;
  98:         erase_char = s.c_cc[VERASE];
  99:         kill_char = s.c_cc[VKILL];
 101:         /*
 102: 		 * Set the modes to the way we want them.
 103: 		 */
 104:         s.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO|ECHOE|ECHOK|ECHONL);
 105:         s.c_oflag |=  (OPOST|ONLCR|TAB3);
 106:         s.c_oflag &= ~(OCRNL|ONOCR|ONLRET);
 107:         s.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
 108:         s.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
 109:     } else
 110:     {
 111:         /*
 112: 		 * Restore saved modes.
 113: 		 */
 114:         s = save_term;
 115:     }
 116:     ioctl(2, TCSETAW, &s);
 117: #else
 118:     struct sgttyb s;
 119:     static struct sgttyb save_term;
 121:     if (on)
 122:     {
 123:         /*
 124: 		 * Get terminal modes.
 125: 		 */
 126:         ioctl(2, TIOCGETP, &s);
 128:         /*
 129: 		 * Save modes and set certain variables dependent on modes.
 130: 		 */
 131:         save_term = s;
 132:         ospeed = s.sg_ospeed;
 133:         erase_char = s.sg_erase;
 134:         kill_char = s.sg_kill;
 136:         /*
 137: 		 * Set the modes to the way we want them.
 138: 		 */
 139:         s.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
 140:         s.sg_flags &= ~(ECHO|XTABS);
 141:     } else
 142:     {
 143:         /*
 144: 		 * Restore saved modes.
 145: 		 */
 146:         s = save_term;
 147:     }
 148:     ioctl(2, TIOCSETN, &s);
 149: #endif
 150: }
 152:     static void
 153: cannot(s)
 154:     char *s;
 155: {
 156:     char message[100];
 158:     if (know_dumb)
 159:         /*
 160: 		 * He knows he has a dumb terminal, so don't tell him.
 161: 		 */
 162:         return;
 164:     sprintf(message, "WARNING: terminal cannot \"%s\"", s);
 165:     error(message);
 166: }
 168: /*
 169:  * Get terminal capabilities via termcap.
 170:  */
 171:     public void
 172: get_term()
 173: {
 174:     char termbuf[1024];
 175:     char *sp;
 176:     static char sbuf[150];
 178:     char *getenv();
 180:     /*
 181: 	 * Find out what kind of terminal this is.
 182: 	 */
 183:     if (tgetent(termbuf, getenv("TERM")) <= 0)
 184:         dumb = 1;
 186:     /*
 187: 	 * Get size of the screen.
 188: 	 */
 189:     if (dumb || (sc_height = tgetnum("li")) < 0 || tgetflag("hc"))
 190:     {
 191:         /* Oh no, this is a hardcopy terminal. */
 192:         hard = 1;
 193:         sc_height = 24;
 194:     }
 195:     /*
 196: 	 * This is terrible - the following if "knows" that it is being
 197: 	 * executed *after* command line and environment options have
 198: 	 * already been parsed.  Should it be executed in the main program
 199: 	 * instead?
 200: 	 */
 201:     if ((sc_window <= 0) || (sc_window >= sc_height))
 202:         sc_window = sc_height-1;
 203:     if (dumb || (sc_width = tgetnum("co")) < 0)
 204:         sc_width = 80;
 206:     auto_wrap = tgetflag("am");
 207:     ignaw = tgetflag("xn");
 209:     /*
 210: 	 * Assumes termcap variable "sg" is the printing width of
 211: 	 * the standout sequence, the end standout sequence,
 212: 	 * the underline sequence, the end underline sequence,
 213: 	 * the boldface sequence, and the end boldface sequence.
 214: 	 */
 215:     if ((so_width = tgetnum("sg")) < 0)
 216:         so_width = 0;
 217:     be_width = bo_width = ue_width = ul_width = se_width = so_width;
 219:     /*
 220: 	 * Get various string-valued capabilities.
 221: 	 */
 222:     sp = sbuf;
 224:     sc_pad = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("pc", &sp);
 225:     if (sc_pad != NULL)
 226:         PC = *sc_pad;
 228:     sc_init = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("ti", &sp);
 229:     if (sc_init == NULL)
 230:         sc_init = "";
 232:     sc_deinit= (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("te", &sp);
 233:     if (sc_deinit == NULL)
 234:         sc_deinit = "";
 236:     sc_eol_clear = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("ce", &sp);
 237:     if (hard || sc_eol_clear == NULL || *sc_eol_clear == '\0')
 238:     {
 239:         cannot("clear to end of line");
 240:         sc_eol_clear = "";
 241:     }
 243:     sc_clear = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("cl", &sp);
 244:     if (hard || sc_clear == NULL || *sc_clear == '\0')
 245:     {
 246:         cannot("clear screen");
 247:         sc_clear = "\n\n";
 248:     }
 250:     sc_move = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("cm", &sp);
 251:     if (hard || sc_move == NULL || *sc_move == '\0')
 252:     {
 253:         /*
 254: 		 * This is not an error here, because we don't
 255: 		 * always need sc_move.
 256: 		 * We need it only if we don't have home or lower-left.
 257: 		 */
 258:         sc_move = "";
 259:     }
 261:     sc_s_in = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("so", &sp);
 262:     if (hard || sc_s_in == NULL)
 263:         sc_s_in = "";
 265:     sc_s_out = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("se", &sp);
 266:     if (hard || sc_s_out == NULL)
 267:         sc_s_out = "";
 269:     sc_u_in = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("us", &sp);
 270:     if (hard || sc_u_in == NULL)
 271:         sc_u_in = sc_s_in;
 273:     sc_u_out = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("ue", &sp);
 274:     if (hard || sc_u_out == NULL)
 275:         sc_u_out = sc_s_out;
 277:     sc_b_in = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("md", &sp);
 278:     if (hard || sc_b_in == NULL)
 279:     {
 280:         sc_b_in = sc_s_in;
 281:         sc_b_out = sc_s_out;
 282:     } else
 283:     {
 284:         sc_b_out = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("me", &sp);
 285:         if (hard || sc_b_out == NULL)
 286:             sc_b_out = "";
 287:     }
 289:     sc_visual_bell = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("vb", &sp);
 290:     if (hard || sc_visual_bell == NULL)
 291:         sc_visual_bell = "";
 293:     sc_home = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("ho", &sp);
 294:     if (hard || sc_home == NULL || *sc_home == '\0')
 295:     {
 296:         if (*sc_move == '\0')
 297:         {
 298:             cannot("home cursor");
 299:             /*
 300: 			 * This last resort for sc_home is supposed to
 301: 			 * be an up-arrow suggesting moving to the
 302: 			 * top of the "virtual screen". (The one in
 303: 			 * your imagination as you try to use this on
 304: 			 * a hard copy terminal.)
 305: 			 */
 306:             sc_home = "|\b^";
 307:         } else
 308:         {
 309:             /*
 310: 			 * No "home" string,
 311: 			 * but we can use "move(0,0)".
 312: 			 */
 313:             strcpy(sp, tgoto(sc_move, 0, 0));
 314:             sc_home = sp;
 315:             sp += strlen(sp) + 1;
 316:         }
 317:     }
 319:     sc_lower_left = (dumb) ? NULL : tgetstr("ll", &sp);
 320:     if (hard || sc_lower_left == NULL || *sc_lower_left == '\0')
 321:     {
 322:         if (*sc_move == '\0')
 323:         {
 324:             cannot("move cursor to lower left of screen");
 325:             sc_lower_left = "\r";
 326:         } else
 327:         {
 328:             /*
 329: 			 * No "lower-left" string,
 330: 			 * but we can use "move(0,last-line)".
 331: 			 */
 332:             strcpy(sp, tgoto(sc_move, 0, sc_height-1));
 333:             sc_lower_left = sp;
 334:             sp += strlen(sp) + 1;
 335:         }
 336:     }
 338:     /*
 339: 	 * To add a line at top of screen and scroll the display down,
 340: 	 * we use "al" (add line) or "sr" (scroll reverse).
 341: 	 */
 342:     if (dumb)
 343:         sc_addline = NULL;
 344:     else if ((sc_addline = tgetstr("al", &sp)) == NULL ||
 345:          *sc_addline == '\0')
 346:         sc_addline = tgetstr("sr", &sp);
 348:     if (hard || sc_addline == NULL || *sc_addline == '\0')
 349:     {
 350:         cannot("scroll backwards");
 351:         sc_addline = "";
 352:         /* Force repaint on any backward movement */
 353:         back_scroll = 0;
 354:     }
 356:     if (dumb || tgetflag("bs"))
 357:         sc_backspace = "\b";
 358:     else
 359:     {
 360:         sc_backspace = tgetstr("bc", &sp);
 361:         if (sc_backspace == NULL || *sc_backspace == '\0')
 362:             sc_backspace = "\b";
 363:     }
 364: }
 367: /*
 368:  * Below are the functions which perform all the
 369:  * terminal-specific screen manipulation.
 370:  */
 373: /*
 374:  * Initialize terminal
 375:  */
 376:     public void
 377: init()
 378: {
 379:     tputs(sc_init, sc_height, putc);
 380: }
 382: /*
 383:  * Deinitialize terminal
 384:  */
 385:     public void
 386: deinit()
 387: {
 388:     tputs(sc_deinit, sc_height, putc);
 389: }
 391: /*
 392:  * Home cursor (move to upper left corner of screen).
 393:  */
 394:     public void
 395: home()
 396: {
 397:     tputs(sc_home, 1, putc);
 398: }
 400: /*
 401:  * Add a blank line (called with cursor at home).
 402:  * Should scroll the display down.
 403:  */
 404:     public void
 405: add_line()
 406: {
 407:     tputs(sc_addline, sc_height, putc);
 408: }
 410: /*
 411:  * Move cursor to lower left corner of screen.
 412:  */
 413:     public void
 414: lower_left()
 415: {
 416:     tputs(sc_lower_left, 1, putc);
 417: }
 419: /*
 420:  * Ring the terminal bell.
 421:  */
 422:     public void
 423: bell()
 424: {
 425:     if (quiet == VERY_QUIET)
 426:         vbell();
 427:     else
 428:         putc('\7');
 429: }
 431: /*
 432:  * Output the "visual bell", if there is one.
 433:  */
 434:     public void
 435: vbell()
 436: {
 437:     if (*sc_visual_bell == '\0')
 438:         return;
 439:     tputs(sc_visual_bell, sc_height, putc);
 440: }
 442: /*
 443:  * Clear the screen.
 444:  */
 445:     public void
 446: clear()
 447: {
 448:     tputs(sc_clear, sc_height, putc);
 449: }
 451: /*
 452:  * Clear from the cursor to the end of the cursor's line.
 453:  * {{ This must not move the cursor. }}
 454:  */
 455:     public void
 456: clear_eol()
 457: {
 458:     tputs(sc_eol_clear, 1, putc);
 459: }
 461: /*
 462:  * Begin "standout" (bold, underline, or whatever).
 463:  */
 464:     public void
 465: so_enter()
 466: {
 467:     tputs(sc_s_in, 1, putc);
 468: }
 470: /*
 471:  * End "standout".
 472:  */
 473:     public void
 474: so_exit()
 475: {
 476:     tputs(sc_s_out, 1, putc);
 477: }
 479: /*
 480:  * Begin "underline" (hopefully real underlining,
 481:  * otherwise whatever the terminal provides).
 482:  */
 483:     public void
 484: ul_enter()
 485: {
 486:     tputs(sc_u_in, 1, putc);
 487: }
 489: /*
 490:  * End "underline".
 491:  */
 492:     public void
 493: ul_exit()
 494: {
 495:     tputs(sc_u_out, 1, putc);
 496: }
 498: /*
 499:  * Begin "bold"
 500:  */
 501:     public void
 502: bo_enter()
 503: {
 504:     tputs(sc_b_in, 1, putc);
 505: }
 507: /*
 508:  * End "bold".
 509:  */
 510:     public void
 511: bo_exit()
 512: {
 513:     tputs(sc_b_out, 1, putc);
 514: }
 516: /*
 517:  * Erase the character to the left of the cursor
 518:  * and move the cursor left.
 519:  */
 520:     public void
 521: backspace()
 522: {
 523:     /*
 524: 	 * Try to erase the previous character by overstriking with a space.
 525: 	 */
 526:     tputs(sc_backspace, 1, putc);
 527:     putc(' ');
 528:     tputs(sc_backspace, 1, putc);
 529: }
 531: /*
 532:  * Output a plain backspace, without erasing the previous char.
 533:  */
 534:     public void
 535: putbs()
 536: {
 537:     tputs(sc_backspace, 1, putc);
 538: }

Defined functions

add_line defined in line 404; used 2 times
backspace defined in line 520; used 3 times
bo_enter defined in line 501; used 2 times
bo_exit defined in line 510; used 2 times
cannot defined in line 152; used 5 times
clear defined in line 445; used 4 times
get_term defined in line 171; used 2 times
home defined in line 394; used 4 times
putbs defined in line 534; used 2 times
ul_enter defined in line 483; used 2 times
ul_exit defined in line 492; used 2 times
vbell defined in line 434; used 3 times

Defined variables

PC defined in line 59; used 1 times
auto_wrap defined in line 44; used 1 times
be_width defined in line 49; used 7 times
bo_width defined in line 49; used 7 times
dumb defined in line 41; used 20 times
erase_char defined in line 46; used 7 times
hard defined in line 42; used 14 times
ignaw defined in line 45; used 1 times
kill_char defined in line 46; used 7 times
ospeed defined in line 58; used 2 times
public defined in line 534; never used
sc_addline defined in line 26; used 8 times
sc_b_in defined in line 35; used 4 times
sc_b_out defined in line 36; used 5 times
sc_backspace defined in line 38; used 8 times
sc_clear defined in line 29; used 5 times
sc_deinit defined in line 40; used 4 times
sc_eol_clear defined in line 30; used 5 times
sc_height defined in line 47; used 23 times
sc_home defined in line 25; used 6 times
sc_init defined in line 39; used 4 times
sc_lower_left defined in line 27; used 6 times
sc_move defined in line 28; used 8 times
sc_pad defined in line 24; used 3 times
sc_s_in defined in line 31; used 6 times
sc_s_out defined in line 32; used 6 times
sc_u_in defined in line 33; used 4 times
sc_u_out defined in line 34; used 4 times
sc_visual_bell defined in line 37; used 5 times
sc_window defined in line 48; used 7 times
se_width defined in line 51; used 3 times
so_width defined in line 51; used 5 times
ue_width defined in line 50; used 8 times
ul_width defined in line 50; used 7 times
Last modified: 1990-07-10
Generated: 2016-12-26
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