1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)nova.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 5/30/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: # include   "trek.h"
  13: /*
  15: **
  16: **	A nova occurs.  It is the result of having a star hit with
  17: **	a photon torpedo.  There are several things which may happen.
  18: **	The star may not be affected.  It may go nova.  It may turn
  19: **	into a black hole.  Any (yummy) it may go supernova.
  20: **
  21: **	Stars that go nova cause stars which surround them to undergo
  22: **	the same probabilistic process.  Klingons next to them are
  23: **	destroyed.  And if the starship is next to it, it gets zapped.
  24: **	If the zap is too much, it gets destroyed.
  25: */
  27: nova(x, y)
  28: int x, y;
  29: {
  30:     register int        i, j;
  31:     register int        se;
  33:     if (Sect[x][y] != STAR || Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].stars < 0)
  34:         return;
  35:     if (ranf(100) < 15)
  36:     {
  37:         printf("Spock: Star at %d,%d failed to nova.\n", x, y);
  38:         return;
  39:     }
  40:     if (ranf(100) < 5)
  41:         return (snova(x, y));
  42:     printf("Spock: Star at %d,%d gone nova\n", x, y);
  44:     if (ranf(4) != 0)
  45:         Sect[x][y] = EMPTY;
  46:     else
  47:     {
  48:         Sect[x][y] = HOLE;
  49:         Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].holes += 1;
  50:     }
  51:     Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].stars -= 1;
  52:     Game.kills += 1;
  53:     for (i = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++)
  54:     {
  55:         if (i < 0 || i >= NSECTS)
  56:             continue;
  57:         for (j = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++)
  58:         {
  59:             if (j < 0 || j >= NSECTS)
  60:                 continue;
  61:             se = Sect[i][j];
  62:             switch (se)
  63:             {
  65:               case EMPTY:
  66:               case HOLE:
  67:                 break;
  69:               case KLINGON:
  70:                 killk(i, j);
  71:                 break;
  73:               case STAR:
  74:                 nova(i, j);
  75:                 break;
  77:               case INHABIT:
  78:                 kills(i, j, -1);
  79:                 break;
  81:               case BASE:
  82:                 killb(i, j);
  83:                 Game.killb += 1;
  84:                 break;
  86:               case ENTERPRISE:
  87:               case QUEENE:
  88:                 se = 2000;
  89:                 if (Ship.shldup)
  90:                     if (Ship.shield >= se)
  91:                     {
  92:                         Ship.shield -= se;
  93:                         se = 0;
  94:                     }
  95:                     else
  96:                     {
  97:                         se -= Ship.shield;
  98:                         Ship.shield = 0;
  99:                     }
 100:                 Ship.energy -= se;
 101:                 if (Ship.energy <= 0)
 102:                     lose(L_SUICID);
 103:                 break;
 105:               default:
 106:                 printf("Unknown object %c at %d,%d destroyed\n",
 107:                     se, i, j);
 108:                 Sect[i][j] = EMPTY;
 109:                 break;
 110:             }
 111:         }
 112:     }
 113:     return;
 114: }

Defined functions

nova defined in line 27; used 2 times

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 8; never used
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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