This is a patched up RT-11 binary which ran on an LSI-11. This program was originally distributed on a Purdue mailing and was full of bugs. Many bugs in that distribution have been fixed. This is not a pristine, elegent implemention but it works! DUNGEON expects following files: /usr/chris/dungeon/zork UNIX a.out file for Dungeon root segment and RT-11 Fortran Runtime /usr/chris/dungeon/dtext.dat Text file in random access-format /usr/chris/dungeon/dindex.dat Indicies (probably into dtext.dat) /usr/chris/dungeon/doverlay Original RT-11 DUNGEO.SAV (reads overlays from here) If you don't like these pathnames, "dungeon.c" may be modified to reflect the desired names. Pathnames were originally in "o.s" but "dungeon.c" was implemented at Purdue as an easier way to change them than patching binaries. However, we have standardized the d/o.s interface. It now would be an simple task to put pathnames in o.s if one so desired. Other files of interest: dungeon.c C program with date and UID check and exec of dungeon. o.s Assembler driver to make dungeon run under UNIX. Loads overlays, save/restore games, etc. This must be relocated to 0146000 and stuck on the end of the dungeon binary file "d". (We don't have sources) p1 sh file to patch up a.out file "dung" so interface between "d" and "o.s" works. 1.s kludge file to achive . = .+ 0146000 mkovl sh file to make overlay driver, attach it to "d", and make a UNIX a.out file by attaching the proper header. --ccw