1: # include   "hangman.h"
   3: /*
   4:  * endgame:
   5:  *	Do what's necessary at the end of the game
   6:  */
   7: endgame()
   8: {
   9:     register char   ch;
  11:     prman();
  12:     if (Errors >= MAXERRS)
  13:         Errors = MAXERRS + 2;
  14:     prword();
  15:     prdata();
  16:     move(MESGY, MESGX);
  17:     if (Errors > MAXERRS)
  18:         printw("Sorry, the word was \"%s\"\n", Word);
  19:     else
  20:         printw("You got it!\n");
  22:     for (;;) {
  23:         mvaddstr(MESGY + 1, MESGX, "Another word? ");
  24:         leaveok(stdscr, FALSE);
  25:         refresh();
  26:         if ((ch = readch()) == 'n')
  27:             die();
  28:         else if (ch == 'y')
  29:             break;
  30:         mvaddstr(MESGY + 2, MESGX, "Please type 'y' or 'n'");
  31:     }
  33:     leaveok(stdscr, TRUE);
  34:     move(MESGY, MESGX);
  35:     addstr("\n\n\n");
  36: }

Defined functions

endgame defined in line 7; used 1 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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