1: /* @(#)strfile.h	1.2 (Berkeley) 5/14/81 */
   3: # define    MAXDELIMS   3
   5: /*
   6:  * bits for flag field
   7:  */
   9: # define    STR_RANDOM  0x1
  10: # define    STR_ORDERED 0x2
  12: struct  strfile {       /* information table */
  13:     unsigned int    str_numstr;     /* # of strings in the file */
  14:     unsigned int    str_longlen;        /* length of longest string */
  15:     unsigned int    str_shortlen;       /* length of shortest string */
  16:     long        str_delims[MAXDELIMS];  /* delimiter markings */
  17:     int     str_flags;      /* bit field for flags */
  18: };
  20: typedef struct strfile  STRFILE;

Defined struct's

strfile defined in line 12; used 2 times
  • in line 20(2)

Defined typedef's

Defined macros

MAXDELIMS defined in line 3; used 2 times

Usage of this include

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