To play backgammon, type the numbers of the points from which pieces are to be moved. Thus, if the roll is '3,5', typing '2 6' will move a piece from point 2 three spaces to point 5, and a piece from point 6 forward to point 11. If the moves must be made in the opposite order, the first character typed must be a minus ('-'). Thus, typing '-2 6' moves the piece on point 2 by 5, and the piece on point 6 by 3. If you want to move a single piece several times, the sequence of points from which it is to be moved must be typed. Thus '14 17' will move a piece from point 14 to point 17 and thence to to point 22. If a double is rolled, you should type four numbers. Red pieces that have been removed from the board by being hit by white are on point 0 and must be brought in before any other move can be made. White pieces that are hit are removed to point 25. You will not be allowed to make an illegal move, or to make too many moves. However, if you make too few moves, the program does not care. In particular you may skip your turn by typing a 'new-line' all by itself.