1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1987 by Ed James, UC Berkeley.  All rights reserved.
   3:  *
   4:  * Copy permission is hereby granted provided that this notice is
   5:  * retained on all partial or complete copies.
   6:  *
   7:  * For more info on this and all of my stuff, mail edjames@berkeley.edu.
   8:  */
  10: %token <ival>   HeightOp
  11: %token <ival>   WidthOp
  12: %token <ival>   UpdateOp
  13: %token <ival>   NewplaneOp
  14: %token <cval>   DirOp
  15: %token <ival>   ConstOp
  16: %token <ival>   LineOp
  17: %token <ival>   AirportOp
  18: %token <ival>   BeaconOp
  19: %token <ival>   ExitOp
  20: %union {
  21:     int ival;
  22:     char    cval;
  23: }
  25: %{
  26: #include "include.h"
  28: int errors = 0;
  29: int line = 1;
  30: %}
  32: %%
  33: file:
  34:     bunch_of_defs { if (checkdefs() < 0) return (errors); } bunch_of_lines
  35:         {
  36:         if (sp->num_exits + sp->num_airports < 2)
  37:             yyerror("Need at least 2 airports and/or exits.");
  38:         return (errors);
  39:         }
  40:     ;
  42: bunch_of_defs:
  43:     def bunch_of_defs
  44:     | def
  45:     ;
  47: def:
  48:     udef
  49:     | ndef
  50:     | wdef
  51:     | hdef
  52:     ;
  54: udef:
  55:     UpdateOp '=' ConstOp ';'
  56:         {
  57:         if (sp->update_secs != 0)
  58:             return (yyerror("Redefinition of 'update'."));
  59:         else if ($3 < 1)
  60:             return (yyerror("'update' is too small."));
  61:         else
  62:             sp->update_secs = $3;
  63:         }
  64:     ;
  66: ndef:
  67:     NewplaneOp '=' ConstOp ';'
  68:         {
  69:         if (sp->newplane_time != 0)
  70:             return (yyerror("Redefinition of 'newplane'."));
  71:         else if ($3 < 1)
  72:             return (yyerror("'newplane' is too small."));
  73:         else
  74:             sp->newplane_time = $3;
  75:         }
  76:     ;
  78: hdef:
  79:     HeightOp '=' ConstOp ';'
  80:         {
  81:         if (sp->height != 0)
  82:             return (yyerror("Redefinition of 'height'."));
  83:         else if ($3 < 3)
  84:             return (yyerror("'height' is too small."));
  85:         else
  86:             sp->height = $3;
  87:         }
  88:     ;
  90: wdef:
  91:     WidthOp '=' ConstOp ';'
  92:         {
  93:         if (sp->height != 0)
  94:             return (yyerror("Redefinition of 'width'."));
  95:         else if ($3 < 3)
  96:             return (yyerror("'width' is too small."));
  97:         else
  98:             sp->width = $3;
  99:         }
 100:     ;
 102: bunch_of_lines:
 103:     line bunch_of_lines
 104:         {}
 105:     | line
 106:         {}
 107:     ;
 109: line:
 110:     BeaconOp ':' Bpoint_list ';'
 111:         {}
 112:     | ExitOp ':' Epoint_list ';'
 113:         {}
 114:     | LineOp ':' Lline_list ';'
 115:         {}
 116:     | AirportOp ':' Apoint_list ';'
 117:         {}
 118:     ;
 120: Bpoint_list:
 121:     Bpoint Bpoint_list
 122:         {}
 123:     | Bpoint
 124:         {}
 125:     ;
 127: Bpoint:
 128:     '(' ConstOp ConstOp ')'
 129:         {
 130:         if (sp->num_beacons % REALLOC == 0) {
 131:             if (sp->beacon == NULL)
 132:                 sp->beacon = (BEACON *) malloc((sp->num_beacons
 133:                     + REALLOC) * sizeof (BEACON));
 134:             else
 135:                 sp->beacon = (BEACON *) realloc(sp->beacon,
 136:                     (sp->num_beacons + REALLOC) *
 137:                     sizeof (BEACON));
 138:             if (sp->beacon == NULL)
 139:                 return (yyerror("No memory available."));
 140:         }
 141:         sp->beacon[sp->num_beacons].x = $2;
 142:         sp->beacon[sp->num_beacons].y = $3;
 143:         check_point($2, $3);
 144:         sp->num_beacons++;
 145:         }
 146:     ;
 148: Epoint_list:
 149:     Epoint Epoint_list
 150:         {}
 151:     | Epoint
 152:         {}
 153:     ;
 155: Epoint:
 156:     '(' ConstOp ConstOp DirOp ')'
 157:         {
 158:         int dir;
 160:         if (sp->num_exits % REALLOC == 0) {
 161:             if (sp->exit == NULL)
 162:                 sp->exit = (EXIT *) malloc((sp->num_exits +
 163:                     REALLOC) * sizeof (EXIT));
 164:             else
 165:                 sp->exit = (EXIT *) realloc(sp->exit,
 166:                     (sp->num_exits + REALLOC) *
 167:                     sizeof (EXIT));
 168:             if (sp->exit == NULL)
 169:                 return (yyerror("No memory available."));
 170:         }
 171:         dir = dir_no($4);
 172:         sp->exit[sp->num_exits].x = $2;
 173:         sp->exit[sp->num_exits].y = $3;
 174:         sp->exit[sp->num_exits].dir = dir;
 175:         check_edge($2, $3);
 176:         check_edir($2, $3, dir);
 177:         sp->num_exits++;
 178:         }
 179:     ;
 181: Apoint_list:
 182:     Apoint Apoint_list
 183:         {}
 184:     | Apoint
 185:         {}
 186:     ;
 188: Apoint:
 189:     '(' ConstOp ConstOp DirOp ')'
 190:         {
 191:         int dir;
 193:         if (sp->num_airports % REALLOC == 0) {
 194:             if (sp->airport == NULL)
 195:                 sp->airport=(AIRPORT *)malloc((sp->num_airports
 196:                     + REALLOC) * sizeof(AIRPORT));
 197:             else
 198:                 sp->airport = (AIRPORT *) realloc(sp->airport,
 199:                     (sp->num_airports + REALLOC) *
 200:                     sizeof(AIRPORT));
 201:             if (sp->airport == NULL)
 202:                 return (yyerror("No memory available."));
 203:         }
 204:         dir = dir_no($4);
 205:         sp->airport[sp->num_airports].x = $2;
 206:         sp->airport[sp->num_airports].y = $3;
 207:         sp->airport[sp->num_airports].dir = dir;
 208:         check_point($2, $3);
 209:         check_adir($2, $3, dir);
 210:         sp->num_airports++;
 211:         }
 212:     ;
 214: Lline_list:
 215:     Lline Lline_list
 216:         {}
 217:     | Lline
 218:         {}
 219:     ;
 221: Lline:
 222:     '[' '(' ConstOp ConstOp ')' '(' ConstOp ConstOp ')' ']'
 223:         {
 224:         if (sp->num_lines % REALLOC == 0) {
 225:             if (sp->line == NULL)
 226:                 sp->line = (LINE *) malloc((sp->num_lines +
 227:                     REALLOC) * sizeof (LINE));
 228:             else
 229:                 sp->line = (LINE *) realloc(sp->line,
 230:                     (sp->num_lines + REALLOC) *
 231:                     sizeof (LINE));
 232:             if (sp->line == NULL)
 233:                 return (yyerror("No memory available."));
 234:         }
 235:         sp->line[sp->num_lines].p1.x = $3;
 236:         sp->line[sp->num_lines].p1.y = $4;
 237:         sp->line[sp->num_lines].p2.x = $7;
 238:         sp->line[sp->num_lines].p2.y = $8;
 239:         check_line($3, $4, $7, $8);
 240:         sp->num_lines++;
 241:         }
 242:     ;
 243: %%
 245: check_edge(x, y)
 246: {
 247:     if (!(x == 0) && !(x == sp->width - 1) &&
 248:         !(y == 0) && !(y == sp->height - 1))
 249:         yyerror("edge value not on edge.");
 250: }
 252: check_point(x, y)
 253: {
 254:     if (x < 1 || x >= sp->width - 1)
 255:         yyerror("X value out of range.");
 256:     if (y < 1 || y >= sp->height - 1)
 257:         yyerror("Y value out of range.");
 258: }
 260: check_linepoint(x, y)
 261: {
 262:     if (x < 0 || x >= sp->width)
 263:         yyerror("X value out of range.");
 264:     if (y < 0 || y >= sp->height)
 265:         yyerror("Y value out of range.");
 266: }
 268: check_line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
 269: {
 270:     int d1, d2;
 272:     check_linepoint(x1, y1);
 273:     check_linepoint(x2, y2);
 275:     d1 = ABS(x2 - x1);
 276:     d2 = ABS(y2 - y1);
 278:     if (!(d1 == d2) && !(d1 == 0) && !(d2 == 0))
 279:         yyerror("Bad line endpoints.");
 280: }
 282: yyerror(s)
 283: {
 284:     fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\": line %d: %s\n", file, line, s);
 285:     errors++;
 287:     return (errors);
 288: }
 290: check_edir(x, y, dir)
 291: {
 292:     int bad = 0;
 294:     if (x == sp->width - 1)
 295:         x = 2;
 296:     else if (x != 0)
 297:         x = 1;
 298:     if (y == sp->height - 1)
 299:         y = 2;
 300:     else if (y != 0)
 301:         y = 1;
 303:     switch (x * 10 + y) {
 304:     case 00: if (dir != 3) bad++; break;
 305:     case 01: if (dir < 1 || dir > 3) bad++; break;
 306:     case 02: if (dir != 1) bad++; break;
 307:     case 10: if (dir < 3 || dir > 5) bad++; break;
 308:     case 11: break;
 309:     case 12: if (dir > 1 && dir < 7) bad++; break;
 310:     case 20: if (dir != 5) bad++; break;
 311:     case 21: if (dir < 5) bad++; break;
 312:     case 22: if (dir != 7) bad++; break;
 313:     default:
 314:         yyerror("Unknown value in checkdir!  Get help!");
 315:         break;
 316:     }
 317:     if (bad)
 318:         yyerror("Bad direction for entrance at exit.");
 319: }
 321: check_adir(x, y, dir)
 322: {
 323: }
 325: checkdefs()
 326: {
 327:     int err = 0;
 329:     if (sp->width == 0) {
 330:         yyerror("'width' undefined.");
 331:         err++;
 332:     }
 333:     if (sp->height == 0) {
 334:         yyerror("'height' undefined.");
 335:         err++;
 336:     }
 337:     if (sp->update_secs == 0) {
 338:         yyerror("'update' undefined.");
 339:         err++;
 340:     }
 341:     if (sp->newplane_time == 0) {
 342:         yyerror("'newplane' undefined.");
 343:         err++;
 344:     }
 345:     if (err)
 346:         return (-1);
 347:     else
 348:         return (0);
 349: }

Defined functions

_check_adir defined in line 321; used 1 times
_check_edge defined in line 243; used 1 times
_check_edir defined in line 290; used 1 times
_check_line defined in line 268; used 1 times
_check_linepoint defined in line 260; used 2 times
_check_point defined in line 252; used 2 times
_checkdefs defined in line 325; used 1 times
  • in line 34
_yyerror defined in line 282; used 25 times
Last modified: 1987-03-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
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