1: #
   2: /*      Re-coding of advent in C: data structure routines               */
   4: static char sccsid[] = "	vocab.c	4.1	82/05/11	";
   6: # include "hdr.h"
   8: dstroy(object)
   9: int object;
  10: {       move(object,0);
  11: }
  13: juggle(object)
  14: int object;
  15: {       register int i,j;
  16:     i=place[object];
  17:     j=fixed[object];
  18:     move(object,i);
  19:     move(object+100,j);
  20: }
  23: move(object,where)
  24: int object,where;
  25: {       register int from;
  26:     if (object<=100)
  27:         from=place[object];
  28:     else
  29:         from=fixed[object-100];
  30:     if (from>0 && from<=300) carry(object,from);
  31:     drop(object,where);
  32: }
  35: put(object,where,pval)
  36: int object,where,pval;
  37: {       move(object,where);
  38:     return(-1-pval);
  39: }
  43: carry(object,where)
  44: int object,where;
  45: {       register int temp;
  46:     if (object<=100)
  47:     {       if (place[object]== -1) return;
  48:         place[object] = -1;
  49:         holdng++;
  50:     }
  51:     if (atloc[where]==object)
  52:     {       atloc[where]=link[object];
  53:         return;
  54:     }
  55:     for (temp=atloc[where]; link[temp]!=object; temp=link[temp]);
  56:     link[temp]=link[object];
  57: }
  62: drop(object,where)
  63: int object,where;
  64: {   if (object>100) fixed[object-100]=where;
  65:     else
  66:     {       if (place[object]== -1) holdng--;
  67:         place[object]=where;
  68:     }
  69:     if (where<=0) return;
  70:     link[object]=atloc[where];
  71:     atloc[where]=object;
  72: }
  75: vocab(word,type,value)                  /* look up or store a word      */
  76: char *word;
  77: int type;       /* -2 for store, -1 for user word, >=0 for canned lookup*/
  78: int value;                              /* used for storing only        */
  79: {       register int adr;
  80:     register char *s,*t;
  81:     int hash, i;
  82:     struct hashtab *h;
  83:     for (hash=0,s=word,i=0; i<5 &&*s; i++)  /* some kind of hash    */
  84:         hash += *s++;           /* add all chars in the word    */
  85:     hash = (hash*3719)&077777;      /* pulled that one out of a hat */
  86:     hash %= HTSIZE;                 /* put it into range of table   */
  88:     for(adr=hash;; adr++)           /* look for entry in table      */
  89:     {       if (adr==HTSIZE) adr=0; /* wrap around                  */
  90:         h = &voc[adr];          /* point at the entry           */
  91:         switch(type)
  92:         {   case -2:            /* fill in entry                */
  93:             if (h->val)     /* already got an entry?        */
  94:                 goto exitloop2;
  95:             h->val=value;
  96:             h->atab=malloc(length(word));
  97:             for (s=word,t=h->atab; *s;)
  98:                 *t++ = *s++ ^ '=';
  99:             *t=0^'=';
 100:             /* encrypt slightly to thwart core reader       */
 101:         /*      printf("Stored \"%s\" (%d ch) as entry %d\n",   */
 102:         /*              word, length(word), adr);               */
 103:             return(0);      /* entry unused                 */
 104:             case -1:            /* looking up user word         */
 105:             if (h->val==0) return(-1);   /* not found    */
 106:             for (s=word, t=h->atab;*t ^ '=';)
 107:                 if ((*s++ ^ '=') != *t++)
 108:                     goto exitloop2;
 109:             if ((*s ^ '=') != *t && s-word<5) goto exitloop2;
 110:             /* the word matched o.k.                        */
 111:             return(h->val);
 112:             default:            /* looking up known word        */
 113:             if (h->val==0)
 114:             {       printf("Unable to find %s in vocab\n",word);
 115:                 exit(0);
 116:             }
 117:             for (s=word, t=h->atab;*t ^ '=';)
 118:                 if ((*s++ ^ '=') != *t++) goto exitloop2;
 119:             /* the word matched o.k.                        */
 120:             if (h->val/1000 != type) continue;
 121:             return(h->val%1000);
 122:         }
 124:         exitloop2:                  /* hashed entry does not match  */
 125:         if (adr+1==hash || (adr==HTSIZE && hash==0))
 126:         {       printf("Hash table overflow\n");
 127:             exit(0);
 128:         }
 129:     }
 130: }
 133: copystr(w1,w2)                          /* copy one string to another   */
 134: char *w1,*w2;
 135: {       register char *s,*t;
 136:     for (s=w1,t=w2; *s;)
 137:         *t++ = *s++;
 138:     *t=0;
 139: }
 141: weq(w1,w2)                              /* compare words                */
 142: char *w1,*w2;                           /* w1 is user, w2 is system     */
 143: {       register char *s,*t;
 144:     register int i;
 145:     s=w1;
 146:     t=w2;
 147:     for (i=0; i<5; i++)             /* compare at most 5 chars      */
 148:     {       if (*t==0 && *s==0)
 149:             return(TRUE);
 150:         if (*s++ != *t++) return(FALSE);
 151:     }
 152:     return(TRUE);
 153: }
 156: length(str)                             /* includes 0 at end            */
 157: char *str;
 158: {       register char *s;
 159:     register int n;
 160:     for (n=0,s=str; *s++;) n++;
 161:     return(n+1);
 162: }
 164: prht()                                  /* print hash table             */
 165: {       register int i,j,l;
 166:     char *c;
 167:     struct hashtab *h;
 168:     for (i=0; i<HTSIZE/10+1; i++)
 169:     {       printf("%4d",i*10);
 170:         for (j=0; j<10; j++)
 171:         {       if (i*10+j>=HTSIZE) break;
 172:             h= &voc[i*10+j];
 173:             putchar(' ');
 174:             if (h->val==0)
 175:             {       printf("-----");
 176:                 continue;
 177:             }
 178:             for (l=0, c=h->atab; l<5; l++)
 179:                 if ((*c ^ '=')) putchar(*c++ ^ '=');
 180:                 else putchar(' ');
 181:         }
 182:         putchar('\n');
 183:     }
 184: }

Defined functions

carry defined in line 43; used 4 times
copystr defined in line 133; used 4 times
dstroy defined in line 8; used 10 times
juggle defined in line 13; used 5 times
length defined in line 156; used 2 times
move defined in line 23; used 28 times
prht defined in line 164; never used
put defined in line 35; used 13 times

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 4; never used
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