1: /*	diff.h	4.7	85/08/16	*/
   3: /*
   4:  * diff - common declarations
   5:  */
   7: #include <stdio.h>
   8: #include <ctype.h>
   9: #include <sys/param.h>
  10: #include <sys/stat.h>
  11: #include <sys/dir.h>
  12: #include <signal.h>
  14: /*
  15:  * Output format options
  16:  */
  17: int opt;
  19: #define D_NORMAL    0   /* Normal output */
  20: #define D_EDIT      -1  /* Editor script out */
  21: #define D_REVERSE   1   /* Reverse editor script */
  22: #define D_CONTEXT   2   /* Diff with context */
  23: #define D_IFDEF     3   /* Diff with merged #ifdef's */
  24: #define D_NREVERSE  4   /* Reverse ed script with numbered
  25: 				   lines and no trailing . */
  27: int tflag;          /* expand tabs on output */
  29: /*
  30:  * Algorithm related options
  31:  */
  32: int hflag;          /* -h, use halfhearted DIFFH */
  33: int bflag;          /* ignore blanks in comparisons */
  34: int wflag;          /* totally ignore blanks in comparisons */
  35: int iflag;          /* ignore case in comparisons */
  37: /*
  38:  * Options on hierarchical diffs.
  39:  */
  40: int lflag;          /* long output format with header */
  41: int rflag;          /* recursively trace directories */
  42: int sflag;          /* announce files which are same */
  43: char    *start;         /* do file only if name >= this */
  45: /*
  46:  * Variables for -I D_IFDEF option.
  47:  */
  48: int wantelses;      /* -E */
  49: char    *ifdef1;        /* String for -1 */
  50: char    *ifdef2;        /* String for -2 */
  51: char    *endifname;     /* What we will print on next #endif */
  52: int inifdef;
  54: /*
  55:  * Variables for -c context option.
  56:  */
  57: int context;        /* lines of context to be printed */
  59: /*
  60:  * State for exit status.
  61:  */
  62: int status;
  63: int anychange;
  64: char    *tempfile;      /* used when comparing against std input */
  66: /*
  67:  * Variables for diffdir.
  68:  */
  69: char    **diffargv;     /* option list to pass to recursive diffs */
  71: /*
  72:  * Input file names.
  73:  * With diffdir, file1 and file2 are allocated BUFSIZ space,
  74:  * and padded with a '/', and then efile0 and efile1 point after
  75:  * the '/'.
  76:  */
  77: char    *file1, *file2, *efile1, *efile2;
  78: struct  stat stb1, stb2;
  80: char    *malloc(), *talloc(), *ralloc();
  81: char    *savestr(), *splice(), *splicen();
  82: char    *mktemp(), *copytemp(), *rindex();
  83: int done();
  85: extern  char diffh[], diff[], pr[];

Defined variables

anychange defined in line 63; used 6 times
bflag defined in line 33; used 4 times
context defined in line 57; used 8 times
diffargv defined in line 69; used 8 times
efile1 defined in line 77; used 11 times
efile2 defined in line 77; used 11 times
endifname defined in line 51; used 7 times
file1 defined in line 77; used 41 times
file2 defined in line 77; used 42 times
hflag defined in line 32; used 3 times
ifdef1 defined in line 49; used 5 times
ifdef2 defined in line 50; used 6 times
iflag defined in line 35; used 4 times
inifdef defined in line 52; used 6 times
lflag defined in line 40; used 10 times
opt defined in line 17; used 38 times
rflag defined in line 41; used 2 times
sflag defined in line 42; used 3 times
start defined in line 43; used 3 times
stb1 defined in line 78; used 12 times
stb2 defined in line 78; used 12 times
tempfile defined in line 64; used 7 times
tflag defined in line 27; used 2 times
wantelses defined in line 48; used 4 times
wflag defined in line 34; used 5 times

Defined macros

D_EDIT defined in line 20; used 7 times
D_IFDEF defined in line 23; used 11 times
D_NORMAL defined in line 19; used 5 times
D_NREVERSE defined in line 24; used 1 times
D_REVERSE defined in line 21; used 2 times

Usage of this include

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