F77(1)		    UNIX Programmer's Manual		   F77(1)

     f77 - Fortran77 compiler

     f77 [ option ] ... file ...

     F77 is the UNIX Fortran77 compiler.  It accepts several
     types of arguments:

     Arguments whose names end with `.f' are taken to be For-
     tran77 source programs; they are compiled, and each object
     program is left on the file in the current directory whose
     name is that of the source with `.o' substituted for '.f'.

     Arguments whose names end with `.r' or `.e' are taken to be
     Ratfor or EFL source programs, respectively; these are first
     transformed by the appropriate preprocessor, then compiled
     by f77.

     In the same way, arguments whose names end with `.c' or `.s'
     are taken to be C or assembly source programs and are com-
     piled or assembled, producing a `.o' file.

     The following options have the same meaning as in cc(1).
     See ld(1) for load-time options.

     -c   Suppress loading and produce `.o' files for each source

     -p   Prepare object files for profiling, see prof(1)

     -O   Invoke an object-code optimizer.

     -S   Compile the named programs, and leave the assembler-
	  language output on corresponding files suffixed `.s'.
	  (No `.o' is created.).

     -f   Use a floating point interpreter (for PDP11's that lack
	  11/70-style floating point).

     -o output
	  Name the final output file output instead of `a.out'.

     The following options are peculiar to f77:

	  Compile DO loops that are performed at least once if
	  reached.  (Fortran77 DO loops are not performed at all
	  if the upper limit is smaller than the lower limit.)

     -u   Make the default type of a variable `undefined' rather

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F77(1)		    UNIX Programmer's Manual		   F77(1)

	  than using the default Fortran rules.

     -C   Compile code to check that subscripts are within
	  declared array bounds.

     -w   Suppress all warning messages.  If the option is
	  `-w66', only Fortran 66 compatibility warnings are

     -F   Apply EFL and Ratfor preprocessor to relevant files,
	  put the result in the file with the suffix changed to
	  `.f', but do not compile.

     -m   Apply the M4 preprocessor to each `.r' or `.e' file
	  before transforming it with the Ratfor or EFL prepro-

     -Ex  Use the string x as an EFL option in processing `.e'

     -Rx  Use the string x as a Ratfor option in processing `.r'

     -U   Do not convert upper case letters to lower case.

     -I2  Make default integer size 16 bit.

     -I4  Make default integer size 32 bit (default).

     -v   Verbose.  Print information showing what compiler is

     -d   Debug prints out intermediate information, leaves tem-
	  porary files in /tmp and often produces a core file.

     Other arguments are taken to be either loader option argu-
     ments, or F77-compatible object programs, typically produced
     by an earlier run, or perhaps libraries of F77-compatible
     routines.	These programs, together with the results of any
     compilations specified, are loaded (in the order given) to
     produce an executable program with name `a.out'.

     file.[fresc]	 input file
     file.o		 object file
     a.out		 loaded output
     /usr/libexec/f77pass1compiler pass 1
     /lib/c1		 compiler pass 2
     /lib/c2		 optional optimizer
     /usr/lib/libF77.a	 intrinsic function library
     /usr/lib/libI77.a	 Fortran I/O library
     /usr/lib/libU77.a	 Fortran system call library

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F77(1)		    UNIX Programmer's Manual		   F77(1)

     /lib/libc.a	 C library, see section 3
     /temp/fortPID.[xsad SopzA]temporary files

     Different versions of the compiler tools may be used with
     the following flags followed immediately (no space) by the
     path name of the desired module:

     -T1	pass1		 /lib/f77pass1
     -T2	pass2		 /lib/c1
     -Ta	assembler	 /bin/as
     -Tl	loader		 /bin/ld
     -TF	footname	 /lib/crt0.o
     -TM	macro pack	 m4

     S. I. Feldman, P. J. Weinberger, A Portable Fortran77 Com-
     cc(1), ld(1), prof(1)

     The diagnostics produced by f77 itself are intended to be
     self-explanatory.	Occasional messages may be produced by
     the loader.

     -d   causes the intermediate files to be saves in /tmp and
	  causes the compiler to print out what it is doing.

     Run-time diagnostics for the input/output library are as

     /* 100 */	"error in format"
				 See error message output for the location
				 of the error in the format. Can be caused
				 by more than 10 levels of nested (), or
				 an extremely long format statement.

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F77(1)		    UNIX Programmer's Manual		   F77(1)

     /* 101 */	"illegal unit number"
				 It is illegal to close logical unit 0.
				 Negative unit numbers are not allowed.
				 The upper limit is system dependent.

     /* 102 */	"formatted io not allowed"
				 The logical unit was opened for
				 unformatted I/O.

     /* 103 */	"unformatted io not allowed"
				 The logical unit was opened for
				 formatted I/O.

     /* 104 */	"direct io not allowed"
				 The logical unit was opened for sequential
				 access, or the logical record length was
				 specified as 0.

     /* 105 */	"sequential io not allowed"
				 The logical unit was opened for direct
				 access I/O.

     /* 106 */	"can't backspace file"
				 The file associated with the logical unit
				 can't seek. May be a device or a pipe.

     /* 107 */	"off beginning of record"
				 The format specified a left tab off the
				 beginning of the record.

     /* 108 */	"can't stat file"
				 The system can't return status information
				 about the file. Perhaps the directory is

     /* 109 */	"no * after repeat count"
				 Repeat counts in list-directed I/O must be
				 followed by an * with no blank spaces.

     /* 110 */	"off end of record"
				 A formatted write tried to go beyond the
				 logical end-of-record. An unformatted read
				 or write will also cause this.

     /* 111 */	"truncation failed"
				 The truncation of external sequential files
				 on 'close', 'backspace', or 'rewind' tries
				 to do a copy. It failed. Perhaps the temp
				 file couldn't be created.

     /* 112 */	"incomprehensible list input"

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				 List input has to be just right.

     /* 113 */	"out of free space"
				 The library dynamically creates buffers for
				 internal use. You ran out of memory for this.
				 Your program is too big!

     /* 114 */	"unit not connected"
				 The logical unit was not open.

     /* 115 */	"read unexpected character"
				 Certain format conversions can't tolerate
				 non-numeric data. Logical data must be
				 T or F.

     /* 116 */	"blank logical input field"

     /* 117 */	"'new' file exists"
				 You tried to open an existing file with

     /* 118 */	"can't find 'old' file"
				 You tried to open a nonexistent file
				 with "status='old'".

     /* 119 */	"unknown system error"
				 Shouldn't happen, but .....
				 (Send me a documented example.)

     /* 120 */	"requires seek ability"
				 Direct access requires seek ability.
				 Sequential unformatted I/O requires seek
				 ability on the file due to the special
				 data structure required. Tabbing left
				 also requires seek ability.

     /* 121 */	"illegal argument"
				 Certain arguments to 'open', etc. will be
				 checked for legitimacy. Often only non-
				 default forms are looked for.

     /* 122 */	"negative repeat count"

     /* 123 */	"illegal operation for channel or device"

     The Fortran66 subset of the language has been exercised
     extensively; the newer features have not.

     Fortran style read/write routines take up 23 Kbytes of
     addressing space.

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F77(1)		    UNIX Programmer's Manual		   F77(1)

     The compiler is not intelligent enough to know when to split
     up assemblies and loads. Occasionally this causes the loader
     ld(1) to produce the informative local symbol botch error
     message when local symbols like argument names are defined
     with different types. Thus one must split up such offensive
     modules into separate compilations.

     All mathematics for reals is done in double precision.
     Integer*4 byte alignment is unlike DEC and everyone else's.
     There is no symbolic debugger.

     The optimizer should be used with caution.  It is known to
     occasionally produce incorrect code.

     f77  -O  -c  myprog.f
	  creates myprog.o using C optimizer

     f77  -i  -O myprog.f  another.f  anon.o  -lplot
	  compiles .f files, loads all files using separate i&d
	  space and linking in routines in the plot library.

     f77 myprog.f  mine.c  >&errors
	  Compiles and loads both files putting error output into
	  file called errors. This is the C shell (csh) version.
	  The Bourne shell (sh) version is:

     f77  myprog.f  mine.c  2>errors  1>errors

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