1: #
   2: /*
   3: **  IIGLOBALS.H -- Equel run-time library globals
   4: **
   5: **	In this file are defined the global variables,
   6: **	and manifest constants used in the Equel run-time
   7: **	routines. All globals must start with "II".
   8: **
   9: **	Requires:
  10: **		The "pipfrmt" structure is the ingres interprocess
  11: **		pipe buffer structure defined in ".../pipes.h".
  12: **		MAXDOM is defined in .../ingres.h.
  13: **
  14: **	Required By:
  15: **		.../source/equel/II*.c
  16: **
  17: **	History:
  18: **		Worked upon at various times by :
  19: **		jim ford
  20: **		eric allman
  21: **		mike ubell - v5 to v6
  22: **		4/78 -	rewritten [marc]
  23: */
  25: # define    opINT       1
  26: # define    opFLOAT     2
  27: # define    opSTRING    3
  28: # define    opDOUBLE    4
  29: # define    opCHAR      5
  30: # define    opLONG      6
  32: # define    EQUEL       '&'
  33: # define    ERRDELIM    '~'
  35: char        *IIproc_name;       /* file name */
  36: int     IIline_no;      /* line no */
  37: int     IIdebug;        /* debug flag */
  38: int     IIingpid;       /* process id of ingres */
  39: char        *IIoptn [9];        /* ingres options */
  40: int     IIin_retrieve;      /* set if inside a retrieve */
  41: int     IIndomains;     /* number of doamins in this retrieve */
  42: int     IIdomains;
  43: int     IInxtdomain;        /* index into source field of buffer */
  44: long        IItupcnt;       /* # tuples which satified last
  45: 					 * update query
  46: 					 */
  47: int     IIw_down, IIr_down; /* pipe descriptors for
  48: 					 * parser communcation
  49: 					 */
  50: int     IIr_front;      /* pipe descriptor for
  51: 					 * ovqp ommunication
  52: 					 */
  53: int     IIerrflag;      /* error flag.
  54: 					 * Set in IIerror, cleared in IIsync
  55: 					 */
  56: extern char IIPathname[];       /* initialized by
  57: 					 * IIgetpath() [IIingres.c]
  58: 					 */
  59: int     (*IIprint_err)();   /* wether or not error messgs should
  60: 					 * be printed
  61: 					 */
  62: int     IIret_err();        /* returns its integer arg for
  63: 					 * (*IIprint_err)()
  64: 					 */
  65: int     IIno_err();     /* returns 0 for (*IIprint_err)() */
  66: int     (*IIo_print)();     /* a one value stack for
  67: 					 * temporarily turned off printing of
  68: 					 * errors. Done in [IIw_left.c &
  69: 					 * IIw_right.c].
  70: 					 */
  71: char        *IImainpr;      /* "/usr/bin/ingres.c" usually,
  72: 					 * [ingres.c]
  73: 					 */
  75: /* buffer structure of get(III) */
  76: struct iob
  77: {
  78:     int     fildes;
  79:     int     nleft;
  80:     char        *nextp;
  81:     char        buff[512];
  82: };
  84: struct retsym
  85: {
  86:     char        type;
  87:     char        len;
  88:     char        *addr;
  89: };
  90: struct retsym   IIretsym[MAXDOM];   /* retrieve table */
  91: struct retsym   IIr_sym;        /* type, length fields used
  92: 					 * by new equel in IIn_ret and IIn_get
  93: 					 */
  95: struct pipfrmt  IIeinpipe;  /* the data pipe structure (IIR_front) */
  96: struct pipfrmt  IIinpipe;   /* the control pipe struct (IIR_down)  */
  97: struct pipfrmt  IIoutpipe;  /* the pipe for writing qrys (IIW_down)*/

Defined variables

IImainpr defined in line 71; used 3 times
IInxtdomain defined in line 43; never used
IIoptn defined in line 39; never used
IItupcnt defined in line 44; used 1 times

Defined struct's

Defined macros

EQUEL defined in line 32; used 1 times
ERRDELIM defined in line 33; used 2 times
opCHAR defined in line 29; never used
opFLOAT defined in line 26; used 1 times
opINT defined in line 25; used 1 times
opLONG defined in line 30; used 1 times
opSTRING defined in line 27; used 1 times

Usage of this include

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