TAP2FILE(1) Retro Project Manual TAP2FILE(1) NNAAMMEE tap2file - split a tap format tape container into individual files SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ttaapp22ffiillee [----pprreeff==pp] [----vv] _F_I_L_E ttaapp22ffiillee ----hheellpp DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Reads the tap format tape container _F_I_L_E and creates for tape file an individual disk file. The created files are named _p_r_e_f_nn.dat, where _p_r_e_f is either the prefix given with the ----pprreeff option or the stem of _F_I_L_E. ttaapp22ffiillee writes to _s_t_d_o_u_t a one-line message for each created file which gives the filename, the number of tape records, and the record length. In case the record length is variable the minimal and the max- imal record length is given. OOPPTTIIOONNSS --pprreeff=_p use _p as a prefix to generate the names of all generated files. If not specified the stem of the input file name is taken. --vv verbose mode, prints a message per processed record which con- tains file number, record number, record length, and the first 16 bytes as hex dump. EOF and EOT markers are also indicated. Can be useful for tapes with varying record length files or for debugging. --hheellpp print full help text and exit. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS ttaapp22ffiillee ttmmssccppttaappee..ttaapp reads the file _t_m_s_c_p_t_a_p_e_._t_a_p and creates a file for each tape file. Because no ----pprreeff option is given the output files will be named "tmscptape_nn.dat". The _s_t_d_o_u_t output might look like tmscptape_00.dat: 73 records, length 512 tmscptape_01.dat: 38 records, length 1024 tmscptape_02.dat: 34 records, length 1024 tmscptape_03.dat: 36 records, length 1024 tmscptape_04.dat: 33 records, length 1024 tmscptape_05.dat: 501 records, length 10240 tmscptape_06.dat: 3516 records, length 10240 tmscptape_07.dat: 903 records, length 10240 tmscptape_08.dat: 4168 records, length 10240 which indicates that the first file had 512 byte records, the next four 1024 byte records, and the remaining ones 10240 byte records. In the case of a tape generated by a Unix system a record length of 10240 is a good hint this the file contains a ttaarr(1) archive. ttaapp22ffiillee --vv tteesstt..ttaapp reads the file _t_e_s_t_._t_a_p and writes a one-line trace info for each record. The _s_t_d_o_u_t output might look like 0, 0 : 80 : 00 00 00 00 50 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 0, 1 : 80 : 00 00 01 00 50 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 0, 2 : 160 : 00 00 02 00 a0 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 0, 3 : 160 : 00 00 03 00 a0 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 0, 4 : ---EOF--- test_00.dat: 4 records, length min= 80, max= 160 1, 0 : 92 : 01 00 00 00 5c 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 1, 1 : 92 : 01 00 01 00 5c 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 1, 2 : 92 : 01 00 02 00 5c 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 1, 3 : 100 : 01 00 03 00 64 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 1, 4 : 100 : 01 00 04 00 64 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 1, 5 : 96 : 01 00 05 00 60 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 1, 6 : 96 : 01 00 06 00 60 00 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d ... 1, 7 : ---EOF--- test_01.dat: 7 records, length min= 92, max= 100 5, 0 : ---EOF--- 6, 0 : ---EOT--- SSEEEE AALLSSOO ffiillee22ttaapp(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Walter F.J. Mueller Retro Project 2019-07-08 TAP2FILE(1)