(Version 4.1 of 7/25/83) ****** Finish properly implementing SMTP: - check correct name in HELO exchange (?) ***** Add an accounting package. [acct.c] ***** When processing the queue, batch messages on the basis of receiving host rather than message -- so that if connections are expensive to complete, we get the most for our money. Unfortunately, this is a major change, and will probably wait for the next version. **** Put in some more performance hooks. *** Integrate a null name server for future hackers. [names.c] *** Have "Operating System Error" give more info (e.g., "cannot fork"). [It really seems like this is ok now -- but this is an old delivermail gripe -- check it out more?] ** Per-mailer timeouts. Invalidates old .cf files. ** Be able to generate a "response" (edit headers, etc.) given a message to respond to. * Have VRFY act as a limited name server (?). * Implement SEND and related commands in SMTP. * Extend full name matching. This should actually be done in a complete name server. Should the name server be integrated into sendmail (via a portal?) or should I "assume" that it has been called by the time I am called?