/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)c_dfe.c 5.2 7/30/85 */ /* * direct formatted external i/o - common read/write routines */ #include "fio.h" c_dfe(a,flag,str) cilist *a; char *str; { int n; sequential = NO; external = YES; formatted = FORMATTED; lfname = NULL; elist = NO; cursor=scale=recpos=reclen=0; radix = 10; signit = YES; fmtbuf = a->cifmt; errflag = a->cierr; endflag = a->ciend; lunit = a->ciunit; if(not_legal(lunit)) err(errflag,F_ERUNIT,str); curunit = &units[lunit]; if(!curunit->ufd && (n=fk_open(flag,DIR,FMT,(ftnint)lunit))) err(errflag,n,str) cf = curunit->ufd; elist = YES; lfname = curunit->ufnm; if(!curunit->ufmt) err(errflag,F_ERNOFIO,str) if(!curunit->useek || !curunit->url) err(errflag,F_ERNODIO,str) recnum = a->cirec - 1; fseek(cf, (long)curunit->url * recnum, 0); cblank = curunit->ublnk; cplus = NO; return(OK); } y_tab() { int n; if(curunit->url==1) { if(cursor < 0 && -cursor > ftell(cf)) rewind(cf); else fseek(cf,(long)cursor,1); return(cursor=0); } else { if(reclen < recpos) reclen = recpos; if((recpos + cursor) < 0) cursor = -recpos; /* BOR */ n = reclen - recpos; /* n >= 0 */ if(!reading && (cursor-n) > 0) { recpos = reclen; cursor -= n; fseek(cf,(long)n,1); while(cursor--) if(n=(*putn)(' ')) return(n); return(cursor=0); } recpos += cursor; if(recpos >= curunit->url) err(errflag,F_EREREC,"dfe") } fseek(cf,(long)cursor,1); return(cursor=0); }