1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)courier.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 4/3/86";
   9: #endif
  11: #define write cour_write
  12: /*
  13:  * Routines for calling up on a Hayes Smartmodem
  14:  */
  15: #include "tip.h"
  16: #include <stdio.h>
  18: #define MAXRETRY    5
  20: static  int sigALRM();
  21: static  int timeout = 0;
  22: static  jmp_buf timeoutbuf, intbuf;
  23: static  int (*osigint)();
  25: cour_dialer(num, acu)
  26:     register char *num;
  27:     char *acu;
  28: {
  29:     register char *cp;
  30:     register int connected = 0;
  31: #ifdef ACULOG
  32:     char line[80];
  33: #endif
  34:     if (boolean(value(VERBOSE)))
  35:         printf("Using \"%s\"\n", acu);
  37:     ioctl(FD, TIOCHPCL, 0);
  38:     /*
  39: 	 * Get in synch.
  40: 	 */
  41:     if (!coursync()) {
  42:         printf("can't synchronize with courier\n");
  43: #ifdef ACULOG
  44:         logent(value(HOST), num, "courier", "can't synch up");
  45: #endif
  46:         return (0);
  47:     }
  48:     fflush(stdout);
  49:     write(FD, "AT D", 4);
  50:     for (cp = num; *cp; cp++)
  51:         if (*cp == '=')
  52:             *cp = ',';
  53:     write(FD, num, strlen(num));
  54:     write(FD, "\r", 1);
  55:     connected = cour_connect();
  56: #ifdef ACULOG
  57:     if (timeout) {
  58:         sprintf(line, "%d second dial timeout",
  59:             number(value(DIALTIMEOUT)));
  60:         logent(value(HOST), num, "cour", line);
  61:     }
  62: #endif
  63:     if (timeout)
  64:         cour_disconnect();
  65:     return (connected);
  66: }
  68: cour_disconnect()
  69:   {
  70:     close(FD);
  71: }
  73: cour_abort()
  74:   {
  75:     write(FD, "\rAT Z\r", 6);
  76:     close(FD);
  77: }
  79: static int
  80: sigALRM()
  81: {
  82:     printf("\07timeout waiting for reply\n");
  83:     timeout = 1;
  84:     longjmp(timeoutbuf, 1);
  85: }
  87: static int
  88: cour_swallow(match)
  89:   register char *match;
  90:   {
  91:     char c;
  92:     int (*f)();
  94:     f = signal(SIGALRM, sigALRM);
  95:     timeout = 0;
  96:     do {
  97:         if (*match =='\0') {
  98:             signal(SIGALRM, f);
  99:             return 1;
 100:         }
 101:         if (setjmp(timeoutbuf)) {
 102:             signal(SIGALRM, f);
 103:             return (0);
 104:         }
 105:         alarm(number(value(DIALTIMEOUT)));
 106:         read(FD, &c, 1);
 107:         alarm(0);
 108:         c &= 0177;
 109:         if (boolean(value(VERBOSE)))
 110:             putchar(c);
 111:     } while (c == *match++);
 112:     if (boolean(value(VERBOSE)))
 113:         fflush(stdout);
 114:     signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL);
 115:     return (0);
 116: }
 118: struct baud_msg {
 119:     char *msg;
 120:     int baud;
 121: } baud_msg[] = {
 122:     "",     B300,
 123:     " 1200",    B1200,
 124:     " 2400",    B2400,
 125:     0,      0,
 126: };
 128: static int
 129: cour_connect()
 130: {
 131:     char c;
 132:     int nc, nl, n;
 133:     struct sgttyb sb;
 134:     char dialer_buf[64];
 135:     struct baud_msg *bm;
 136:     int (*f)();
 138:     if (cour_swallow("\r\n") == 0)
 139:         return (0);
 140:     f = signal(SIGALRM, sigALRM);
 141: again:
 142:     nc = 0; nl = sizeof(dialer_buf)-1;
 143:     bzero(dialer_buf, sizeof(dialer_buf));
 144:     timeout = 0;
 145:     for (nc = 0, nl = sizeof(dialer_buf)-1 ; nl > 0 ; nc++, nl--) {
 146:         if (setjmp(timeoutbuf))
 147:             break;
 148:         alarm(number(value(DIALTIMEOUT)));
 149:         n = read(FD, &c, 1);
 150:         alarm(0);
 151:         if (n <= 0)
 152:             break;
 153:         c &= 0x7f;
 154:         if (c == '\r') {
 155:             if (cour_swallow("\n") == 0)
 156:                 break;
 157:             if (!dialer_buf[0])
 158:                 goto again;
 159:             if (strcmp(dialer_buf, "RINGING") == 0) {
 160:                 printf("%s\r\n", dialer_buf);
 161:                 goto again;
 162:             }
 163:             if (strncmp(dialer_buf, "CONNECT",
 164:                     sizeof("CONNECT")-1) != 0)
 165:                 break;
 166:             for (bm = baud_msg ; bm ; bm++)
 167:                 if (strcmp(bm->msg,
 168:                     dialer_buf+sizeof("CONNECT")-1) == 0) {
 169:                     if (ioctl(FD, TIOCGETP, &sb) < 0) {
 170:                         perror("TIOCGETP");
 171:                         goto error;
 172:                     }
 173:                     sb.sg_ispeed = sb.sg_ospeed = bm->baud;
 174:                     if (ioctl(FD, TIOCSETP, &sb) < 0) {
 175:                         perror("TIOCSETP");
 176:                         goto error;
 177:                     }
 178:                     signal(SIGALRM, f);
 179:                     if (boolean(value(VERBOSE)))
 180:                         printf("%s\r\n", dialer_buf);
 181:                     return (1);
 182:                 }
 183:             break;
 184:         }
 185:         dialer_buf[nc] = c;
 186: #ifdef notdef
 187:         if (boolean(value(VERBOSE)))
 188:             putchar(c);
 189: #endif
 190:     }
 191: error1:
 192:     printf("%s\r\n", dialer_buf);
 193: error:
 194:     signal(SIGALRM, f);
 195:     return (0);
 196: }
 198: /*
 199:  * This convoluted piece of code attempts to get
 200:  * the courier in sync.  If you don't have FIONREAD
 201:  * there are gory ways to simulate this.
 202:  */
 203: static int
 204: coursync()
 205: {
 206:     int already = 0;
 208:     /*
 209: 	 * Toggle DTR to force anyone off that might have left
 210: 	 * the modem connected, and insure a consistent state
 211: 	 * to start from.
 212: 	 *
 213: 	 * If you don't have the ioctl calls to diddle directly
 214: 	 * with DTR, you can always try setting the baud rate to 0.
 215: 	 */
 216:     ioctl(FD, TIOCCDTR, 0);
 217:     sleep(2);
 218:     ioctl(FD, TIOCSDTR, 0);
 219:     while (already++ < MAXRETRY) {
 220:         ioctl(FD, TIOCFLUSH, 0);    /* flush any clutter */
 221:         write(FD, "\rAT Z\r", 6);   /* reset modem */
 222:         sleep(2);
 223:         verbose_read();
 224:         write(FD, "AT E0\r", 6);    /* turn off echoing */
 225:         sleep(2);
 226:         verbose_read();
 227:         ioctl(FD, TIOCFLUSH, 0);    /* flush any clutter */
 228:         sleep(1);
 229:         write(FD, "AT C1 E0 H0 Q0 X6 V1\r", 21);
 230:         if (cour_swallow("\r\nOK\r\n")) {
 231:             ioctl(FD, TIOCFLUSH, 0);
 232:             return 1;
 233:         }
 234:         sleep(2);
 235:         write(FD, "+++", 3);
 236:         sleep(2);
 237:     }
 238:     write(FD, "\rAT Z\r", 6);
 239:     return 0;
 240: }
 242: #undef write
 244: cour_write(fd, cp, n)
 245: int fd;
 246: char *cp;
 247: int n;
 248: {
 249:     struct sgttyb sb;
 250:     if (boolean(value(VERBOSE)))
 251:         write(1, cp, n);
 252:     ioctl(fd, TIOCGETP, &sb);
 253:     ioctl(fd, TIOCSETP, &sb);
 254:     cour_nap();
 255:     for ( ; n-- ; cp++) {
 256:         write(fd, cp, 1);
 257:         ioctl(fd, TIOCGETP, &sb);
 258:         ioctl(fd, TIOCSETP, &sb);
 259:         cour_nap();
 260:     }
 261: }
 263: verbose_read()
 264: {
 265:     int n = 0;
 266:     char buf[BUFSIZ];
 267:     if (!boolean(value(VERBOSE)))
 268:         return;
 269:     if (ioctl(FD, FIONREAD, &n) < 0)
 270:         return;
 271:     if (n <= 0)
 272:         return;
 273:     if (read(FD, buf, n) != n)
 274:         return;
 275:     write(1, buf, n);
 276: }
 278: /*
 279:  * Code stolen from /usr/src/lib/libc/gen/sleep.c
 280:  */
 281: #include <sys/time.h>
 283: #define mask(s) (1<<((s)-1))
 284: #define setvec(vec, a) \
 285:         vec.sv_handler = a; vec.sv_mask = vec.sv_onstack = 0
 287: static napms = 50; /* Give the courier 50 milliseconds between characters */
 289: static int ringring;
 291: cour_nap()
 292: {
 294:         static int cour_napx();
 295:     int omask;
 296:         struct itimerval itv, oitv;
 297:         register struct itimerval *itp = &itv;
 298:         struct sigvec vec, ovec;
 300:         timerclear(&itp->it_interval);
 301:         timerclear(&itp->it_value);
 302:         if (setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, itp, &oitv) < 0)
 303:                 return;
 304:         setvec(ovec, SIG_DFL);
 305:         omask = sigblock(mask(SIGALRM));
 306:         itp->it_value.tv_sec = napms/1000;
 307:     itp->it_value.tv_usec = ((napms%1000)*1000);
 308:         setvec(vec, cour_napx);
 309:         ringring = 0;
 310:         (void) sigvec(SIGALRM, &vec, &ovec);
 311:         (void) setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, itp, (struct itimerval *)0);
 312:         while (!ringring)
 313:                 sigpause(omask &~ mask(SIGALRM));
 314:         (void) sigvec(SIGALRM, &ovec, (struct sigvec *)0);
 315:         (void) setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &oitv, (struct itimerval *)0);
 316:     (void) sigsetmask(omask);
 317: }
 319: static
 320: cour_napx()
 321: {
 322:         ringring = 1;
 323: }

Defined functions

cour_abort defined in line 73; never used
cour_connect defined in line 128; used 1 times
  • in line 55
cour_dialer defined in line 25; never used
cour_disconnect defined in line 68; used 1 times
  • in line 64
cour_nap defined in line 291; used 2 times
cour_napx defined in line 319; used 2 times
cour_swallow defined in line 87; used 3 times
cour_write defined in line 244; used 1 times
  • in line 11
coursync defined in line 203; used 1 times
  • in line 41
sigALRM defined in line 79; used 3 times
verbose_read defined in line 263; used 2 times

Defined variables

baud_msg defined in line 121; used 1 times
ringring defined in line 289; used 3 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
timeout defined in line 21; used 5 times

Defined struct's

baud_msg defined in line 118; used 2 times
  • in line 135(2)

Defined macros

MAXRETRY defined in line 18; used 1 times
mask defined in line 283; used 2 times
setvec defined in line 284; used 2 times
write defined in line 11; used 13 times
Last modified: 1986-04-04
Generated: 2016-12-26
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