1: #ifndef lint
   2: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)1.recog.c	4.1	(Berkeley)	2/11/83";
   3: #endif not lint
   5: #include <stdio.h>
   6: #include "1.incl.h"
   7: #include "def.h"
  10: recognize(type, ifflag)         /* if ifflag = 1, statement is if()type; otherwise is type */
  11: int type, ifflag;               /* do whatever is needed for this statement */
  12:     {
  13:     int *arctype,   i,   sp;
  14:     VERT num, num1, nest, loophead;
  15:     extern long label();
  16:     long *arclab;
  17:     if (nlabs > 3) sp = nlabs; else sp = 3;
  18:     arctype = challoc(sizeof(*arctype) * sp);  arclab = challoc(sizeof(*arclab) * sp);
  19:     for( i=0; i < endbuf; i++)  {if (buffer[i] == '~')  buffer[i] = ' ';}
  20:     loophead = nest = innerdo(label(0));
  21:     if (DEFINED(nest))
  22:         {
  23:             /* this statement is last line of do loop */
  24:         nest = ARC(nest,0);     /* nest is ITERVX of the innermost do ending here */
  25:         }
  28:     if (ifflag)
  29:         {
  30:         if (type == ungo)
  31:             {
  32:             arctype[0] = -2;
  33:             arclab[0] = label(1);
  34:             }
  35:         else
  36:             arctype[0] = 0;
  38:         arctype[1] = (nest >= 0) ? nest : -2;
  39:         arclab[1] = implicit;
  40:         num1 = makenode(IFVX,TRUE,TRUE,label(0),2,arctype,arclab);
  41:         PRED(num1) = pred;
  42:         }
  44:     arctype[0] = (nest >= 0) ? nest : -2;
  45:     arclab[0] = implicit;
  47:     switch(type)
  48:         {
  49:         case ungo:
  50:             if (!ifflag)
  51:                 {
  52:                 connect(label(1),implicit);
  53:                 if (label(0) != implicit)  connect(label(1),label(0));
  54:                 }
  55:             break;
  56:         case RETVX:
  57:         case STOPVX:
  58:             if (type == RETVX)
  59:                 {
  60:                 if (retvert == UNDEFINED)
  61:                     retvert = makenode(type,FALSE,FALSE,implicit,0,arctype,arclab);
  62:                 num = retvert;
  63:                 }
  64:             else
  65:                 {
  66:                 if (stopvert == UNDEFINED)
  67:                     stopvert = makenode(type,FALSE,FALSE,implicit,0,arctype,arclab);
  68:                 num = stopvert;
  69:                 }
  70:             if (!ifflag)
  71:                 {
  72:                 fixvalue(implicit,num);
  73:                 clear(implicit);
  74:                 if (label(0) != implicit) fixvalue(label(0),num);
  75:                 }
  76:             break;
  79:         case contst:
  80:             contin(label(0),loophead);
  81:             break;
  83:         case FMTVX:
  84:             num = makenode(FMTVX,FALSE,TRUE,implicit,0,arctype,arclab);
  85:             BEGCODE(num) = comchar + 1 - rtnbeg;
  86:             ONDISK(num) = endline - endcom;
  87:             if (label(0) != implicit)
  88:                 fixvalue(label(0),num);
  89:             FMTLST = append(num,FMTLST);
  90:             break;
  91:         case STLNVX:
  92:             if (DEFINED(stflag) && !ifflag && (label(0) == implicit))
  93:                 {
  94:                 ++CODELINES(stflag);
  95:                 ONDISK(stflag) += endline - begline + 1;
  96:                 }
  97:             else
  98:                 {
  99:                 num = makenode(STLNVX,!ifflag,!ifflag,label(0),1,arctype,arclab);
 100:                 if (!ifflag)
 101:                     {
 102:                     stflag = num;
 103:                     BEGCODE(num) = comchar + 1 - rtnbeg;
 104:                     ONDISK(num) = endline - endcom;
 105:                     CODELINES(num) = 1;
 106:                     }
 107:                 else
 108:                     {
 109:                     BEGCODE(num) = stcode;
 110:                     ONDISK(num) = FALSE;
 111:                     CODELINES(num) = 1;
 112:                     }
 113:                 }
 114:             break;
 116:         case DOVX:
 117:             if (arctype[0] != -2)
 118:                 {
 119:                 error("illegal do range, ","","");
 120:                 fprintf(stderr," between lines %d and %d\n",begline, endline);
 121:                 exit(1);
 122:                 }
 123:             arctype[1] = UNDEFINED;
 124:             num1 = makenode(DOVX,TRUE,TRUE,label(0),2,arctype,arclab);
 125:             if (++doptr >= maxdo)
 126:                 {
 127:                 faterr("in parsing:\n","do loops nested deeper than allowed","");
 128:                 }
 129:             dostack[doptr] = label(1);
 130:             doloc[doptr] = num1;            /* stack link to node after loop */
 131:             INC(num1) = inc;
 132:             num = makenode(ITERVX,TRUE,FALSE,implicit,1,arctype,arclab);
 133:             ARC(num1,0) = num;
 134:             FATH(num) = UNDEFINED;  /* number of DOVX can change so leave UNDEFINED until later */
 135:             break;
 136:         case arithif:
 137:             if (label(1) == label(2) || label(1) == 0L)
 138:                 makeif(1,label(0),concat(pred," > 0"),label(3),label(2));
 139:             else if (label(1) == label(3) || label(3) == 0L)
 140:                 makeif(1,label(0),concat(pred," == 0"),label(2),label(1));
 141:             else if (label(2) == label(3) || label(2) == 0L)
 142:                 makeif(1,label(0),concat(pred," < 0"),label(1),label(3));
 143:             else
 144:                 {
 145:                 makeif(1,label(0),concat(pred," < 0"),label(1),implicit);
 146:                 makeif(1,implicit,concat(pred," == 0"),label(2),label(3));
 147:                 }
 148:             break;
 150:         case IOVX:
 151:             if (endlab)
 152:                 {
 153:                 arctype[1] = -2;
 154:                 arclab[1] = endlab->labelt;
 155:                 }
 156:             else
 157:                 arctype[1] = UNDEFINED;
 158:             if (errlab)
 159:                 {
 160:                 arctype[2] = -2;
 161:                 arclab[2] = errlab->labelt;
 162:                 }
 163:             else
 164:                 arctype[2] = UNDEFINED;
 165:             num = makenode(IOVX,!ifflag,!ifflag,label(0),3,arctype,arclab);
 166:             PRERW(num) = prerw;
 167:             POSTRW(num) = postrw;
 168:             if (reflab)
 169:                 addref(reflab->labelt, &FMTREF(num));
 170:             else
 171:                 FMTREF(num) = UNDEFINED;
 172:             break;
 174:         case COMPVX:
 175:                 if (intcase)
 176:                     {
 177:                     num = compcase(ifflag);
 178:                     break;
 179:                     }
 180:         case ASGOVX:
 181:             for (i = 0; i < nlabs - 1; i++)
 182:                 {
 183:                 arctype[i] = -2;
 184:                 arclab[i] = label(nlabs-i-1);
 185:                 }
 186:             num = makenode(type,!ifflag,!ifflag,label(0),nlabs - 1, arctype, arclab);
 187:             EXP(num) = exp;
 188:             break;
 189:         case ASVX:
 190:             num = makenode(ASVX,!ifflag,!ifflag,label(0),1,arctype,arclab);
 191:             EXP(num) = exp;
 192:             addref(label(1),&LABREF(num));
 193:             break;
 194:         case entry:
 195:             num = makenode(STLNVX,FALSE,TRUE,label(0),1,arctype,arclab);
 196:             BEGCODE(num) = comchar + 1 - rtnbeg;
 197:             ONDISK(num) = endline - endcom;
 198:             CODELINES(num) = 1;
 199:             ENTLST = append(num,ENTLST);
 200:             break;
 201:         }
 202:     if (ifflag && type != ungo)
 203:         {
 204:         ARC(num1,0) = num;
 205:         }
 206:     if (DEFINED(loophead))  nesteddo(label(0), loophead);
 207:     if (ifflag || DEFINED(loophead) || type != STLNVX)  stflag = UNDEFINED;
 210:     chfree(arctype,sizeof(*arctype) * sp);  chfree(arclab,sizeof(*arclab) * sp);
 211:     if (debug)
 212:         {
 213:         fprintf(debfd,"line %d:  ", begline);
 214:         if (ifflag) fprintf(debfd,"if()  ");
 215:         switch(type)
 216:             {case RETVX:    fprintf(debfd,"return");    break;
 217:             case STOPVX:    fprintf(debfd,"stop");  break;
 218:             case contst:    fprintf(debfd,"continue");  break;
 219:             case ungo:  fprintf(debfd,"uncond. goto");  break;
 220:             case COMPVX:    fprintf(debfd,"comp. goto");    break;
 221:             case ASGOVX:    fprintf(debfd,"ass. goto, labs");   break;
 222:             case ASVX:  fprintf(debfd,"label assignment");  break;
 223:             case STLNVX:    fprintf(debfd,"simple statement");  break;
 224:             case arithif:   fprintf(debfd,"arith if");  break;
 225:             case DOVX:  fprintf(debfd,"do ");   break;
 226:             case FMTVX:  fprintf(debfd,"format st");  break;
 227:             case IOVX:  fprintf(debfd,"IOVX statement ");  break;
 228: case entry: fprintf(debfd,"entry statement ");  break;
 229:             }
 230:         fprintf(debfd,"\n%s\n", buffer);
 231:         }
 232:     }
 236: makeif(first,labe,test,arc1,arc2)           /* construct IFVX with arcs to labels arc1,arc2 */
 237: int first;
 238: long labe, arc1,arc2;
 239: char *test;
 240:     {
 241:     int num, arctype[2];
 242:     long arclab[2];
 243:     arctype[0] = arctype[1] = -2;
 244:     arclab[0] = arc1;
 245:     arclab[1] = arc2;
 246:     num = makenode(IFVX,first,first,labe,2,arctype,arclab);
 247:     PRED(num) = test;
 248:     return(num);
 249:     }
 252: innerdo(labe)       /* return number of DOVX associated with labe, or UNDEFINED */
 253: long labe;
 254:     {
 255:     if (DEFINED(doptr))
 256:         {if (dostack[doptr] == labe)
 257:             return(doloc[doptr--]);
 258:         }
 259:     return(UNDEFINED);
 260:     }
 265: contin(labe,nest)       /* handle continue statements */
 266: long labe;
 267: int nest;
 268:     {
 269:     VERT y;
 271:     if (!DEFINED(nest))
 272:         {       /* not nested */
 273:         if (labe != implicit) connect(implicit,labe);   /* labe pts to next node */
 274:         }
 275:     else
 276:         {       /* nested */
 277:         y = ARC(nest,0);
 278:         fixvalue(labe,y);           /* labe pts to ITERVX */
 279:         fixvalue(implicit, y);      /* implicit links pt to ITERVX */
 280:         clear(implicit);
 281:         }
 282:     }
 287: nesteddo(labe,v)
 288:             /* if multiple do's end on same label, add arc from inner DOVX
 289: 				to enclosing DOVX;
 290: 			add implicit link out of outermost DOVX with this label */
 291: long labe;
 292: int v;
 293:     {
 295:     while (DEFINED(doptr) && dostack[doptr] == labe)
 296:         {
 297:         ARC(v,1) = ARC(doloc[doptr],0);     /*set inner DOVX to point to outer ITERVX */
 298:         v = doloc[doptr--];
 299:         }
 300:     addref(implicit, &ARC(v,1));
 301:     }
 305: compcase(ifflag)        /* turn computed goto into case statement */
 306: LOGICAL ifflag;
 307:     {
 308:     int *arctype, i, num, d, arct;
 309:     extern long label();
 310:     long *arclab;
 311:     char *str;
 312:     arctype = challoc(sizeof(*arctype) * nlabs);
 313:     arclab = challoc (sizeof(*arclab) * nlabs);
 315:     d = distinct(linelabs->nxtlab,arctype,arclab,nlabs-1);
 316:             /* puts distinct labels in arclab, count of each in arctype */
 317:     arct = -2;
 318:     for (i = 0; i < d; ++i)
 319:         arctype[i] = makenode(ICASVX,FALSE,FALSE,implicit,1,&arct,&arclab[i]);
 320:     num = makenode(SWCHVX,!ifflag,!ifflag,label(0),d,arctype,arclab);
 321:     EXP(num) = exp;
 323:     str = challoc(6*(nlabs-1)); /* 5 digits + , or \0 per label */
 324:     for (i = 0; i < d; ++i)     /* construct list of values for each label */
 325:         EXP(arctype[i]) = stralloc(str,accum(str,linelabs->nxtlab,arclab[i]));
 326:     chfree(str,6*(nlabs-1));
 327:     chfree(arctype,sizeof(*arctype) * nlabs);  chfree(arclab,sizeof(*arclab) * nlabs);
 328:     return(num);
 329:     }
 332: accum(str,vlist,f)      /* build string of indices in compnode  corr. to label f */
 333: char *str;  long f;  struct lablist *vlist;
 334:     {
 335:     int s,j;  struct lablist  *p;
 337:     s = 0;
 338:     j = 1;
 339:     for (p = vlist; p ; p = p->nxtlab)      /* search for occurrences of f */
 340:         {
 341:         if (p->labelt ==f)
 342:             {
 343:             if (s)
 344:                 {
 345:                 str[s] = ',';
 346:                 ++s;
 347:                 }
 348:             sprintf(&str[s],"%d",j);
 349:             while (str[s] != '\0') ++s;
 350:             }
 351:         ++j;
 352:         }
 353:     return(s+1);
 354:     }
 357: distinct(vlist,count,dlist,size)        /* make dlist into list of distinct labels in vlist */
 358: struct lablist *vlist;  long dlist[];       /*count[] gets count of each label;  d distinct labels */
 359: int count[],size;
 360:     {int d,i;
 361:     d = 0;
 362:     for(i = 0; i < size; i++)  count[i] = 0;
 364:     for (;vlist && vlist->labelt != 0L; vlist = vlist ->nxtlab)
 365:         {
 366:         for (i = 0; ;i++)
 367:             {
 368:             if (i == d)  dlist[d++] = vlist->labelt;
 369:             if (dlist[i] == vlist->labelt)
 370:                 {
 371:                 ++count[i];  break;
 372:                 }
 373:             }
 374:         }
 375:     return(d);
 376:     }

Defined functions

accum defined in line 332; used 1 times
compcase defined in line 305; used 1 times
contin defined in line 265; used 1 times
  • in line 80
distinct defined in line 357; used 1 times
innerdo defined in line 252; used 1 times
  • in line 20
makeif defined in line 236; used 5 times
nesteddo defined in line 287; used 1 times
recognize defined in line 10; used 15 times

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 2; never used
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