1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)stab.c	5.2 (Berkeley) 1/10/86";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: /*
  12:  * stab.c
  13:  *
  14:  * Symbolic debugging info interface for the f77 compiler.
  15:  *
  16:  * Here we generate pseudo-ops that cause the assembler to put
  17:  * symbolic debugging information into the object file.
  18:  *
  19:  * University of Utah CS Dept modification history:
  20:  *
  21:  * $Log:	stab.c,v $
  22:  * Revision 5.3  86/01/10  17:12:58  donn
  23:  * Add junk to handle PARAMETER variables.
  24:  *
  25:  * Revision 5.2  86/01/10  13:51:31  donn
  26:  * Changes to produce correct stab information for logical and logical*2 types
  27:  * (from Jerry Berkman) plus changes for dummy procedures.
  28:  *
  29:  * Revision 5.1  85/08/10  03:50:06  donn
  30:  * 4.3 alpha
  31:  *
  32:  * Revision 1.2  85/02/02  01:30:09  donn
  33:  * Don't put the 'program' name into the file; it only confuses dbx, sigh.
  34:  *
  35:  */
  37: #include "defs.h"
  39: #include <sys/types.h>
  40: #include <a.out.h>
  41: #include <stab.h>
  43: #define public
  44: #define private static
  45: #define and &&
  46: #define or ||
  47: #define not !
  48: #define div /
  49: #define mod %
  50: #define nil 0
  52: typedef enum { false, true } Boolean;
  54: static char asmline[128];
  55: int len;
  56: extern char *malloc();
  58: prstab(s, code, type, loc)
  59: char *s, *loc;
  60: int code, type;
  61: {
  62:     char *locout;
  64:     if (sdbflag) {
  65:     locout = (loc == nil) ? "0" : loc;
  66:     if (s == nil) {
  67:         sprintf(asmline, "\t.stabn\t0x%x,0,0x%x,%s\n", code, type, locout);
  68:     } else {
  69:         sprintf(asmline, "\t.stabs\t\"%s\",0x%x,0,0x%x,%s\n", s, code, type,
  70:         locout);
  71:     }
  72:         p2pass( asmline );
  73:     }
  74: }
  76: filenamestab(s)
  77: char *s;
  78: {
  79:    sprintf(asmline,"\t.stabs\t\"%s\",0x%x,0,0,0\n", s, N_SO);
  80:    p2pass( asmline );
  81: }
  83: linenostab(lineno)
  84: int lineno;
  85: {
  86:    sprintf(asmline,"\t.stabd\t0x%x,0,%d\n", N_SLINE, lineno);
  87:    p2pass( asmline );
  88: }
  90: /*
  91:  * Generate information for an entry point
  92:  */
  94: public entrystab(p,class)
  95: register struct Entrypoint *p;
  96: int class;
  97: {
  98: int et;
  99: Namep q;
 101:   switch(class) {
 102:     case CLMAIN:
 103:         et=writestabtype(TYSUBR);
 104:     sprintf(asmline, "\t.stabs\t\"MAIN:F%2d\",0x%x,0,0,L%d\n",
 105:                 et,N_FUN,p->entrylabel);
 106:     p2pass(asmline);
 107:     break;
 109:      case CLBLOCK:     /* May need to something with block data LATER */
 110:     break;
 112:      default :
 113:     if( (q=p->enamep) == nil) fatal("entrystab has no nameblock");
 114:     sprintf(asmline, "\t.stabs\t\"%s:F", varstr(VL,q->varname));
 115:     len = strlen(asmline);
 116:     /* when insufficient information is around assume TYSUBR; enddcl
 117: 	   will fill this in*/
 118:     if(q->vtype == TYUNKNOWN || (q->vtype == TYCHAR && q->vleng == nil) ){
 119:            sprintf(asmline+len, "%2d", writestabtype(TYSUBR));
 120:     }
 121:         else addtypeinfo(q);
 122:     len += strlen(asmline+len);
 123:     sprintf(asmline+len, "\",0x%x,0,0,L%d\n",N_FUN,p->entrylabel);
 124:     p2pass(asmline);
 125:         break;
 126:    }
 127: }
 129: /*
 130:  * Generate information for a symbol table (name block ) entry.
 131:  */
 133: public namestab(sym)
 134: Namep sym;
 135: {
 136:     register Namep p;
 137:     char *varname, *classname;
 138:     expptr ep;
 139:     char buf[100];
 140:     Boolean ignore;
 141:     int vartype;
 143:     ignore = false;
 144:     p = sym;
 145:     if(!p->vdcldone) return;
 146:     vartype = p->vtype;
 147:     varname = varstr(VL, p->varname);
 148:     switch (p->vclass) {
 149:         case CLPARAM:   /* parameter (constant) */
 150:         classname = buf;
 151:         if ((ep = ((struct Paramblock *) p)->paramval) &&
 152:             ep->tag == TCONST) {
 153:           switch(ep->constblock.vtype) {
 154:             case TYLONG:
 155:             case TYSHORT:
 156:             case TYLOGICAL:
 157:             case TYADDR:
 158:               sprintf(buf, "c=i%d", ep->constblock.const.ci);
 159:               break;
 160:             case TYREAL:
 161:             case TYDREAL:
 162:               sprintf(buf, "c=r%f", ep->constblock.const.cd[0]);
 163:               break;
 164:             default:
 165:               /* punt */
 166:               ignore = true;
 167:               break;
 168:           }
 169:         } else {
 170:           ignore = true;
 171:         }
 172:         break;
 174:         case CLVAR:     /* variable */
 175:         case CLUNKNOWN:
 176:         if(p->vstg == STGARG) classname = "v";
 177:             else classname = "V";
 178:         break;
 180:         case CLPROC:    /* external or function or subroutine */
 181:         if(p->vstg == STGARG) {
 182:             classname = "v";
 183:             break;
 184:         }
 185:         /* FALL THROUGH */
 186:         case CLMAIN:    /* main program */
 187:         case CLENTRY:   /* secondary entry point */
 188:         case CLBLOCK:       /* block data name*/
 189:         ignore = true;  /* these are put out by entrystab */
 190:         break;
 193:     }
 194:     if (not ignore) {
 195:         sprintf(asmline, "\t.stabs\t\"%s:%s", varname, classname);
 196:         len = strlen(asmline);
 197:             addtypeinfo(p);
 198:         len += strlen(asmline+len);
 199:         switch(p->vstg) {
 201:           case STGUNKNOWN :
 202:           case STGCONST :
 203:           case STGEXT :
 204:           case STGINTR :
 205:           case STGSTFUNCT :
 206:           case STGLENG :
 207:           case STGNULL :
 208:           case STGREG :
 209:           case STGINIT :
 210:           if (p->vclass == CLPARAM) {
 211:               /* these have zero storage class for some reason */
 212:               sprintf(asmline+len, "\",0x%x,0,0,0\n", N_LSYM);
 213:               break;
 214:           }
 215:               sprintf(asmline+len,
 216:           "\",0x%x,0,0,0 /* don't know how to calc loc for stg %d*/ \n",
 217:                    N_LSYM,p->vstg);
 218:           break;
 220:           case STGARG :
 221:           sprintf(asmline+len,"\",0x%x,0,0,%d \n",
 222:                   N_PSYM,p->vardesc.varno + ARGOFFSET );
 223:           break;
 225:           case STGCOMMON :
 226:           sprintf(asmline+len, "\",0x%x,0,0,%d\n",
 227:                N_GSYM, p->voffset);
 228:           break;
 230:           case STGBSS :
 231:           sprintf(asmline+len, "\",0x%x,0,0,v.%d\n",
 232:                  (p->inlcomm ? N_LCSYM : N_STSYM),
 233:                          p->vardesc.varno);
 234:           break;
 236:           case STGEQUIV :
 237:           sprintf(asmline+len, "\",0x%x,0,0,%s + %d \n",
 238:                  (p->inlcomm ? N_LCSYM : N_STSYM) ,
 239:                          memname(STGEQUIV,p->vardesc.varno),(p->voffset)) ;
 240:           break;
 242:           case STGAUTO :
 243:           sprintf(asmline+len, "\",0x%x,0,0,-%d \n",
 244:                 N_LSYM, p->voffset);
 246:         }
 247:         p2pass(asmline);
 248:     }
 249: }
 251: static typenum[NTYPES+1]; /* has the given type already been defined ?*/
 253: private writestabtype(type)
 254: int type;
 255: {
 256:  char asmline[130];
 257:  static char *typename[NTYPES+1] = {
 258:  "unknown", "addr", "integer*2", "integer", "real", "double precision",
 259:  "complex", "double complex", "logical", "char", "void", "error", "logical*2" };
 261:  static int typerange[NTYPES+1] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };
 263:  /* compare with typesize[] in init.c */
 264:  static int typebounds[2] [NTYPES+1] ={
 265:  /* "unknown", "addr","integer*2", "integer",    "real", "double precision", */
 266:     { 0      ,   0   ,   -32768,    -2147483648,   4,       8,
 267:  /* "complex", "d-complex", "logical", "char", "void", "error", "logical*2" */
 268:       8,         16,          4,        0,       0,      0,       2 },
 269:  /* "unknown", "addr","integer*2", "integer",    "real", "double precision", */
 270:     { 0  ,       -1,      32767,    2147483647,    0,       0,
 271:  /* "complex", "d-complex", "logical", "char", "void", "error", "logical*2" */
 272:       0,         0,           0,        127,     0,      0,       0 }
 273:  };
 276:     if (type < 0 || type > NTYPES)
 277:     badtype("writestabtype",type);
 279:     /* substitute "logical*2" for "logical" when "-i2" compiler flag used */
 280:     if (type == TYLOGICAL && tylogical == TYSHORT)
 281:     type = NTYPES;
 283:     if (typenum[type]) return(typenum[type]);
 284:     typenum[type] = type;
 285:     sprintf(asmline, "\t.stabs\t\"%s:t%d=r%d;%ld;%ld;\",0x%x,0,0,0 \n",
 286:     typename[type], type, typerange[type], typebounds[0][type],
 287:         typebounds[1][type], N_GSYM) ;
 288:     p2pass(asmline);
 289:     return(typenum[type]);
 290: }
 293: private getbasenum(p)
 294: Namep p;
 295: {
 297:   int t;
 299:   if (p->vclass == CLPROC && p->vstg == STGARG)
 300:     t = TYADDR;
 301:   else
 302:     t = p->vtype;
 304:   if (t < TYADDR || t > TYSUBR)
 305:     dclerr("can't get dbx basetype information",p);
 307:   if (p->vtype == TYCHAR || p->vdim != nil)
 308:     writestabtype(TYINT);
 309:   return(writestabtype(t));
 310: }
 312: /*
 313:  * Generate debugging information for the given type of the given symbol.
 314:  */
 316: private addtypeinfo(sym)
 317: Namep sym;
 318: {
 319:     Namep p;
 320:     int i,tnum;
 321:     char lb[20],ub[20];
 323:     p = sym;
 324:     if (p->tag != TNAME) badtag("addtypeinfo",p->tag);
 325:     if (p->vclass == CLPARAM)
 326:     return;
 328:     tnum = getbasenum(p);
 329:     if(p->vdim != (struct Dimblock *) ENULL) {
 331:       for (i = p->vdim->ndim-1; i >=0 ; --i) {
 332:          if(p->vdim->dims[i].lbaddr == ENULL) {
 333:           sprintf(lb,"%d", p->vdim->dims[i].lb->constblock.const.ci);
 334:      }
 335:      else  {
 336:           sprintf(lb,"T%d", p->vdim->dims[i].lbaddr->addrblock.memoffset->constblock.const.ci);
 337:          }
 338:          if(p->vdim->dims[i].ubaddr == ENULL) {
 339:           sprintf(ub,"%d",p->vdim->dims[i].ub->constblock.const.ci);
 340:      }
 341:      else  {
 342:           sprintf(ub,"T%d",p->vdim->dims[i].ubaddr->addrblock.memoffset->constblock.const.ci);
 343:          }
 344:          sprintf(asmline+len, "ar%d;%s;%s;", TYINT, lb, ub);
 345:      len += strlen(asmline+len);
 346:      }
 347:    }
 348:     if (p->vtype == TYCHAR) {
 349:     /* character type always an array(1:?) */
 350:         if( ! (p->vleng ) )
 351:            fatalstr("missing length in addtypeinfo for character variable %s", varstr(p->varname));
 353:         if (ISCONST(p->vleng)) sprintf(ub,"%d",p->vleng->constblock.const.ci);
 354:          else sprintf(ub,"A%d",p->vleng->addrblock.memno + ARGOFFSET);
 356:     sprintf(asmline+len,"ar%d;1;%s;", TYINT, ub);
 357:     len += strlen(asmline+len);
 358:     }
 359:     sprintf(asmline+len, "%d",tnum);
 360: }

Defined functions

addtypeinfo defined in line 316; used 2 times
entrystab defined in line 94; used 2 times
filenamestab defined in line 76; used 1 times
getbasenum defined in line 293; used 1 times
linenostab defined in line 83; used 1 times
writestabtype defined in line 253; used 4 times

Defined variables

asmline defined in line 54; used 34 times
len defined in line 55; used 22 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used

Defined macros

and defined in line 45; never used
div defined in line 48; never used
mod defined in line 49; never used
nil defined in line 50; used 5 times
not defined in line 47; used 1 times
or defined in line 46; never used
private defined in line 44; used 3 times
public defined in line 43; used 2 times
Last modified: 1986-01-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
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