1: %{
   2: static  char *sccsid = "@(#)bc.y	4.3 (Berkeley) 85/11/28";
   3:     int *getout();
   4: %}
   5: %right '='
   6: %left '+' '-'
   7: %left '*' '/' '%'
   8: %right '^'
   9: %left UMINUS
  15: %term _AUTO DOT
  16: %term QSTR
  18: %{
  19: #include <stdio.h>
  20: int in;
  21: char cary[1000], *cp = { cary };
  22: char string[1000], *str = {string};
  23: int crs = '0';
  24: int rcrs = '0';  /* reset crs */
  25: int bindx = 0;
  26: int lev = 0;
  27: int ln;
  28: char *ss;
  29: int bstack[10] = { 0 };
  30: char *numb[15] = {
  31:   " 0", " 1", " 2", " 3", " 4", " 5",
  32:   " 6", " 7", " 8", " 9", " 10", " 11",
  33:   " 12", " 13", " 14" };
  34: int *pre, *post;
  35: %}
  36: %%
  37: start   :
  38:     |  start stat tail
  39:         = output( $2 );
  40:     |  start def dargs ')' '{' dlist slist '}'
  41:         ={  bundle( 6,pre, $7, post ,"0",numb[lev],"Q");
  42:             conout( $$, $2 );
  43:             rcrs = crs;
  44:             output( "" );
  45:             lev = bindx = 0;
  46:             }
  47:     ;
  49: dlist   :  tail
  50:     | dlist _AUTO dlets tail
  51:     ;
  53: stat    :  e
  54:         ={ bundle(2, $1, "ps." ); }
  55:     |
  56:         ={ bundle(1, "" ); }
  57:     |  QSTR
  58:         ={ bundle(3,"[",$1,"]P");}
  59:     |  LETTER '=' e
  60:         ={ bundle(3, $3, "s", $1 ); }
  61:     |  LETTER '[' e ']' '=' e
  62:         ={ bundle(4, $6, $3, ":", geta($1)); }
  63:     |  LETTER EQOP e
  64:         ={ bundle(6, "l", $1, $3, $2, "s", $1 ); }
  65:     |  LETTER '[' e ']' EQOP e
  66:         ={ bundle(8,$3, ";", geta($1), $6, $5, $3, ":", geta($1));}
  67:     |  _BREAK
  68:         ={ bundle(2, numb[lev-bstack[bindx-1]], "Q" ); }
  69:     |  _RETURN '(' e ')'
  70:         = bundle(4, $3, post, numb[lev], "Q" );
  71:     |  _RETURN '(' ')'
  72:         = bundle(4, "0", post, numb[lev], "Q" );
  73:     | _RETURN
  74:         = bundle(4,"0",post,numb[lev],"Q");
  75:     | SCALE '=' e
  76:         = bundle(2, $3, "k");
  77:     | SCALE EQOP e
  78:         = bundle(4,"K",$3,$2,"k");
  79:     | BASE '=' e
  80:         = bundle(2,$3, "i");
  81:     | BASE EQOP e
  82:         = bundle(4,"I",$3,$2,"i");
  83:     | OBASE '=' e
  84:         = bundle(2,$3,"o");
  85:     | OBASE EQOP e
  86:         = bundle(4,"O",$3,$2,"o");
  87:     |  '{' slist '}'
  88:         ={ $$ = $2; }
  89:     |  FFF
  90:         ={ bundle(1,"fY"); }
  91:     |  error
  92:         ={ bundle(1,"c"); }
  93:     |  _IF CRS BLEV '(' re ')' stat
  94:         ={  conout( $7, $2 );
  95:             bundle(3, $5, $2, " " );
  96:             }
  97:     |  _WHILE CRS '(' re ')' stat BLEV
  98:         ={  bundle(3, $6, $4, $2 );
  99:             conout( $$, $2 );
 100:             bundle(3, $4, $2, " " );
 101:             }
 102:     |  fprefix CRS re ';' e ')' stat BLEV
 103:         ={  bundle(5, $7, $5, "s.", $3, $2 );
 104:             conout( $$, $2 );
 105:             bundle(5, $1, "s.", $3, $2, " " );
 106:             }
 107:     |  '~' LETTER '=' e
 108:         ={  bundle(3,$4,"S",$2); }
 109:     ;
 111: EQOP    :  EQPL
 112:         ={ $$ = "+"; }
 113:     |  EQMI
 114:         ={ $$ = "-"; }
 115:     |  EQMUL
 116:         ={ $$ = "*"; }
 117:     |  EQDIV
 118:         ={ $$ = "/"; }
 119:     |  EQREM
 120:         ={ $$ = "%%"; }
 121:     |  EQEXP
 122:         ={ $$ = "^"; }
 123:     ;
 125: fprefix :  _FOR '(' e ';'
 126:         ={ $$ = $3; }
 127:     ;
 129: BLEV    :
 130:         ={ --bindx; }
 131:     ;
 133: slist   :  stat
 134:     |  slist tail stat
 135:         ={ bundle(2, $1, $3 ); }
 136:     ;
 138: tail    :  '\n'
 139:         ={ln++;}
 140:     |  ';'
 141:     ;
 143: re  :  e EQ e
 144:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "=" );
 145:     |  e '<' e
 146:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, ">" );
 147:     |  e '>' e
 148:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "<" );
 149:     |  e NE e
 150:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "!=" );
 151:     |  e GE e
 152:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "!>" );
 153:     |  e LE e
 154:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "!<" );
 155:     |  e
 156:         = bundle(2, $1, " 0!=" );
 157:     ;
 159: e   :  e '+' e
 160:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "+" );
 161:     |  e '-' e
 162:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "-" );
 163:     | '-' e     %prec UMINUS
 164:         = bundle(3, " 0", $2, "-" );
 165:     |  e '*' e
 166:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "*" );
 167:     |  e '/' e
 168:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "/" );
 169:     |  e '%' e
 170:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "%%" );
 171:     |  e '^' e
 172:         = bundle(3, $1, $3, "^" );
 173:     |  LETTER '[' e ']'
 174:         ={ bundle(3,$3, ";", geta($1)); }
 175:     |  LETTER INCR
 176:         = bundle(4, "l", $1, "d1+s", $1 );
 177:     |  INCR LETTER
 178:         = bundle(4, "l", $2, "1+ds", $2 );
 179:     |  DECR LETTER
 180:         = bundle(4, "l", $2, "1-ds", $2 );
 181:     |  LETTER DECR
 182:         = bundle(4, "l", $1, "d1-s", $1 );
 183:     | LETTER '[' e ']' INCR
 184:         = bundle(7,$3,";",geta($1),"d1+",$3,":",geta($1));
 185:     | INCR LETTER '[' e ']'
 186:         = bundle(7,$4,";",geta($2),"1+d",$4,":",geta($2));
 187:     | LETTER '[' e ']' DECR
 188:         = bundle(7,$3,";",geta($1),"d1-",$3,":",geta($1));
 189:     | DECR LETTER '[' e ']'
 190:         = bundle(7,$4,";",geta($2),"1-d",$4,":",geta($2));
 191:     | SCALE INCR
 192:         = bundle(1,"Kd1+k");
 193:     | INCR SCALE
 194:         = bundle(1,"K1+dk");
 195:     | SCALE DECR
 196:         = bundle(1,"Kd1-k");
 197:     | DECR SCALE
 198:         = bundle(1,"K1-dk");
 199:     | BASE INCR
 200:         = bundle(1,"Id1+i");
 201:     | INCR BASE
 202:         = bundle(1,"I1+di");
 203:     | BASE DECR
 204:         = bundle(1,"Id1-i");
 205:     | DECR BASE
 206:         = bundle(1,"I1-di");
 207:     | OBASE INCR
 208:         = bundle(1,"Od1+o");
 209:     | INCR OBASE
 210:         = bundle(1,"O1+do");
 211:     | OBASE DECR
 212:         = bundle(1,"Od1-o");
 213:     | DECR OBASE
 214:         = bundle(1,"O1-do");
 215:     |  LETTER '(' cargs ')'
 216:         = bundle(4, $3, "l", getf($1), "x" );
 217:     |  LETTER '(' ')'
 218:         = bundle(3, "l", getf($1), "x" );
 219:     |  cons
 220:         ={ bundle(2, " ", $1 ); }
 221:     |  DOT cons
 222:         ={ bundle(2, " .", $2 ); }
 223:     |  cons DOT cons
 224:         ={ bundle(4, " ", $1, ".", $3 ); }
 225:     |  cons DOT
 226:         ={ bundle(3, " ", $1, "." ); }
 227:     |  DOT
 228:         ={ $$ = "l."; }
 229:     |  LETTER
 230:         = { bundle(2, "l", $1 ); }
 231:     |  LETTER '=' e
 232:         ={ bundle(3, $3, "ds", $1 ); }
 233:     |  LETTER EQOP e    %prec '='
 234:         ={ bundle(6, "l", $1, $3, $2, "ds", $1 ); }
 235:     | LETTER '[' e ']' '=' e
 236:         = { bundle(5,$6,"d",$3,":",geta($1)); }
 237:     | LETTER '[' e ']' EQOP e
 238:         = { bundle(9,$3,";",geta($1),$6,$5,"d",$3,":",geta($1)); }
 239:     | LENGTH '(' e ')'
 240:         = bundle(2,$3,"Z");
 241:     | SCALE '(' e ')'
 242:         = bundle(2,$3,"X"); /* must be before '(' e ')' */
 243:     |  '(' e ')'
 244:         = { $$ = $2; }
 245:     |  '?'
 246:         ={ bundle(1, "?" ); }
 247:     |  SQRT '(' e ')'
 248:         ={ bundle(2, $3, "v" ); }
 249:     | '~' LETTER
 250:         ={ bundle(2,"L",$2); }
 251:     | SCALE '=' e
 252:         = bundle(2,$3,"dk");
 253:     | SCALE EQOP e      %prec '='
 254:         = bundle(4,"K",$3,$2,"dk");
 255:     | BASE '=' e
 256:         = bundle(2,$3,"di");
 257:     | BASE EQOP e       %prec '='
 258:         = bundle(4,"I",$3,$2,"di");
 259:     | OBASE '=' e
 260:         = bundle(2,$3,"do");
 261:     | OBASE EQOP e      %prec '='
 262:         = bundle(4,"O",$3,$2,"do");
 263:     | SCALE
 264:         = bundle(1,"K");
 265:     | BASE
 266:         = bundle(1,"I");
 267:     | OBASE
 268:         = bundle(1,"O");
 269:     ;
 271: cargs   :  eora
 272:     |  cargs ',' eora
 273:         = bundle(2, $1, $3 );
 274:     ;
 275: eora:     e
 276:     | LETTER '[' ']'
 277:         =bundle(2,"l",geta($1));
 278:     ;
 280: cons    :  constant
 281:         ={ *cp++ = '\0'; }
 283: constant:
 284:       '_'
 285:         ={ $$ = cp; *cp++ = '_'; }
 286:     |  DIGIT
 287:         ={ $$ = cp; *cp++ = $1; }
 288:     |  constant DIGIT
 289:         ={ *cp++ = $2; }
 290:     ;
 292: CRS :
 293:         ={ $$ = cp; *cp++ = crs++; *cp++ = '\0';
 294:             if(crs == '[')crs+=3;
 295:             if(crs == 'a')crs='{';
 296:             if(crs >= 0241){yyerror("program too big");
 297:                 getout();
 298:             }
 299:             bstack[bindx++] = lev++; }
 300:     ;
 302: def :  _DEFINE LETTER '('
 303:         ={  $$ = getf($2);
 304:             pre = "";
 305:             post = "";
 306:             lev = 1;
 307:             bstack[bindx=0] = 0;
 308:             }
 309:     ;
 311: dargs   :
 312:     |  lora
 313:         ={ pp( $1 ); }
 314:     |  dargs ',' lora
 315:         ={ pp( $3 ); }
 316:     ;
 318: dlets   :  lora
 319:         ={ tp($1); }
 320:     |  dlets ',' lora
 321:         ={ tp($3); }
 322:     ;
 323: lora    :  LETTER
 324:     |  LETTER '[' ']'
 325:         ={ $$ = geta($1); }
 326:     ;
 328: %%
 329: # define error 256
 331: int peekc = -1;
 332: int sargc;
 333: int ifile;
 334: char **sargv;
 336: char funtab[52] = {
 337:     01,0,02,0,03,0,04,0,05,0,06,0,07,0,010,0,011,0,012,0,013,0,014,0,015,0,016,0,017,0,
 338:     020,0,021,0,022,0,023,0,024,0,025,0,026,0,027,0,030,0,031,0,032,0 };
 339: char atab[52] = {
 340:     0241,0,0242,0,0243,0,0244,0,0245,0,0246,0,0247,0,0250,0,0251,0,0252,0,0253,0,
 341:     0254,0,0255,0,0256,0,0257,0,0260,0,0261,0,0262,0,0263,0,0264,0,0265,0,0266,0,
 342:     0267,0,0270,0,0271,0,0272,0};
 343: char *letr[26] = {
 344:   "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j",
 345:   "k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t",
 346:   "u","v","w","x","y","z" } ;
 347: char *dot = { "." };
 348: yylex(){
 349:     int c, ch;
 350: restart:
 351:     c = getch();
 352:     peekc = -1;
 353:     while( c == ' ' || c == '\t' ) c = getch();
 354:     if(c == '\\'){
 355:         getch();
 356:         goto restart;
 357:     }
 358:     if( c<= 'z' && c >= 'a' ) {
 359:         /* look ahead to look for reserved words */
 360:         peekc = getch();
 361:         if( peekc >= 'a' && peekc <= 'z' ){ /* must be reserved word */
 362:             if( c=='i' && peekc=='f' ){ c=_IF; goto skip; }
 363:             if( c=='w' && peekc=='h' ){ c=_WHILE; goto skip; }
 364:             if( c=='f' && peekc=='o' ){ c=_FOR; goto skip; }
 365:             if( c=='s' && peekc=='q' ){ c=SQRT; goto skip; }
 366:             if( c=='r' && peekc=='e' ){ c=_RETURN; goto skip; }
 367:             if( c=='b' && peekc=='r' ){ c=_BREAK; goto skip; }
 368:             if( c=='d' && peekc=='e' ){ c=_DEFINE; goto skip; }
 369:             if( c=='s' && peekc=='c' ){ c= SCALE; goto skip; }
 370:             if( c=='b' && peekc=='a' ){ c=BASE; goto skip; }
 371:             if( c=='i' && peekc == 'b'){ c=BASE; goto skip; }
 372:             if( c=='o' && peekc=='b' ){ c=OBASE; goto skip; }
 373:             if( c=='d' && peekc=='i' ){ c=FFF; goto skip; }
 374:             if( c=='a' && peekc=='u' ){ c=_AUTO; goto skip; }
 375:             if( c == 'l' && peekc=='e'){ c=LENGTH; goto skip; }
 376:             if( c == 'q' && peekc == 'u'){getout();}
 377:             /* could not be found */
 378:             return( error );
 379:         skip:   /* skip over rest of word */
 380:             peekc = -1;
 381:             while( (ch = getch()) >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' );
 382:             peekc = ch;
 383:             return( c );
 384:         }
 386:         /* usual case; just one single letter */
 388:         yylval = letr[c-'a'];
 389:         return( LETTER );
 390:     }
 391:     if( c>= '0' && c <= '9' || c>= 'A' && c<= 'F' ){
 392:         yylval = c;
 393:         return( DIGIT );
 394:     }
 395:     switch( c ){
 396:     case '.':   return( DOT );
 397:     case '=':
 398:         switch( peekc = getch() ){
 399:         case '=': c=EQ; goto gotit;
 400:         case '+': c=EQPL; goto gotit;
 401:         case '-': c=EQMI; goto gotit;
 402:         case '*': c=EQMUL; goto gotit;
 403:         case '/': c=EQDIV; goto gotit;
 404:         case '%': c=EQREM; goto gotit;
 405:         case '^': c=EQEXP; goto gotit;
 406:         default:   return( '=' );
 407:               gotit:     peekc = -1; return(c);
 408:           }
 409:     case '+':   return( cpeek( '+', INCR, cpeek( '=', EQPL, '+') ) );
 410:     case '-':   return( cpeek( '-', DECR, cpeek( '=', EQMI, '-') ) );
 411:     case '<':   return( cpeek( '=', LE, '<' ) );
 412:     case '>':   return( cpeek( '=', GE, '>' ) );
 413:     case '!':   return( cpeek( '=', NE, '!' ) );
 414:     case '/':
 415:         if((peekc = getch()) == '*'){
 416:             peekc = -1;
 417:             while((getch() != '*') || ((peekc = getch()) != '/'));
 418:             peekc = -1;
 419:             goto restart;
 420:         }
 421:         else if (peekc == '=') {
 422:             c=EQDIV;
 423:             goto gotit;
 424:         }
 425:         else return(c);
 426:     case '*':
 427:         return( cpeek( '=', EQMUL, '*' ) );
 428:     case '%':
 429:         return( cpeek( '=', EQREM, '%' ) );
 430:     case '^':
 431:         return( cpeek( '=', EQEXP, '^' ) );
 432:     case '"':
 433:          yylval = str;
 434:          while((c=getch()) != '"'){*str++ = c;
 435:             if(str >= &string[999]){yyerror("string space exceeded");
 436:             getout();
 437:         }
 438:     }
 439:      *str++ = '\0';
 440:     return(QSTR);
 441:     default:     return( c );
 442:     }
 443: }
 445: cpeek( c, yes, no ){
 446:     if( (peekc=getch()) != c ) return( no );
 447:     else {
 448:         peekc = -1;
 449:         return( yes );
 450:     }
 451: }
 453: getch(){
 454:     int ch;
 455: loop:
 456:     ch = (peekc < 0) ? getc(in) : peekc;
 457:     peekc = -1;
 458:     if(ch != EOF)return(ch);
 459:     if(++ifile > sargc){
 460:         if(ifile >= sargc+2)getout();
 461:         in = stdin;
 462:         ln = 0;
 463:         goto loop;
 464:     }
 465:     fclose(in);
 466:     if((in = fopen(sargv[ifile],"r")) != NULL){
 467:         ln = 0;
 468:         ss = sargv[ifile];
 469:         goto loop;
 470:     }
 471:     yyerror("cannot open input file");
 472: }
 473: # define b_sp_max 3000
 474: int b_space [ b_sp_max ];
 475: int * b_sp_nxt = { b_space };
 477: int bdebug = 0;
 478: bundle(a){
 479:     int i, *p, *q;
 481:     p = &a;
 482:     i = *p++;
 483:     q = b_sp_nxt;
 484:     if( bdebug ) printf("bundle %d elements at %o\n",i,  q );
 485:     while(i-- > 0){
 486:         if( b_sp_nxt >= & b_space[b_sp_max] ) yyerror( "bundling space exceeded" );
 487:         * b_sp_nxt++ = *p++;
 488:     }
 489:     * b_sp_nxt++ = 0;
 490:     yyval = q;
 491:     return( q );
 492: }
 494: routput(p) int *p; {
 495:     if( bdebug ) printf("routput(%o)\n", p );
 496:     if( p >= &b_space[0] && p < &b_space[b_sp_max]){
 497:         /* part of a bundle */
 498:         while( *p != 0 ) routput( *p++ );
 499:     }
 500:     else printf( p );    /* character string */
 501: }
 503: output( p ) int *p; {
 504:     routput( p );
 505:     b_sp_nxt = & b_space[0];
 506:     printf( "\n" );
 507:     fflush(stdout);
 508:     cp = cary;
 509:     crs = rcrs;
 510: }
 512: conout( p, s ) int *p; char *s; {
 513:     printf("[");
 514:     routput( p );
 515:     printf("]s%s\n", s );
 516:     fflush(stdout);
 517:     lev--;
 518: }
 520: yyerror( s ) char *s; {
 521:     if(ifile > sargc)ss="teletype";
 522:     printf("c[%s on line %d, %s]pc\n", s ,ln+1,ss);
 523:     fflush(stdout);
 524:     cp = cary;
 525:     crs = rcrs;
 526:     bindx = 0;
 527:     lev = 0;
 528:     b_sp_nxt = &b_space[0];
 529: }
 531: pp( s ) char *s; {
 532:     /* puts the relevant stuff on pre and post for the letter s */
 534:     bundle(3, "S", s, pre );
 535:     pre = yyval;
 536:     bundle(4, post, "L", s, "s." );
 537:     post = yyval;
 538: }
 540: tp( s ) char *s; { /* same as pp, but for temps */
 541:     bundle(3, "0S", s, pre );
 542:     pre = yyval;
 543:     bundle(4, post, "L", s, "s." );
 544:     post = yyval;
 545: }
 547: yyinit(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[];{
 548:     signal( 2, (int(*)())1 );   /* ignore all interrupts */
 549:     sargv=argv;
 550:     sargc= -- argc;
 551:     if(sargc == 0)in=stdin;
 552:     else if((in = fopen(sargv[1],"r")) == NULL) {
 553:         yyerror("cannot open input file");
 554:         in = stdin;
 555:     }
 556:     ifile = 1;
 557:     ln = 0;
 558:     ss = sargv[1];
 559: }
 560: int *getout(){
 561:     printf("q");
 562:     fflush(stdout);
 563:     exit();
 564: }
 566: int *
 567: getf(p) char *p;{
 568:     return(&funtab[2*(*p -0141)]);
 569: }
 570: int *
 571: geta(p) char *p;{
 572:     return(&atab[2*(*p - 0141)]);
 573: }
 575: main(argc, argv)
 576: char **argv;
 577: {
 578:     int p[2];
 581:     if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-') {
 582:         if((argv[1][1] == 'd')||(argv[1][1] == 'c')){
 583:             yyinit(--argc, ++argv);
 584:             yyparse();
 585:             exit();
 586:         }
 587:         if(argv[1][1] != 'l'){
 588:             printf("unrecognizable argument\n");
 589:             fflush(stdout);
 590:             exit();
 591:         }
 592:         argv[1] = "/usr/lib/lib.b";
 593:     }
 594:     pipe(p);
 595:     if (fork()==0) {
 596:         close(1);
 597:         dup(p[1]);
 598:         close(p[0]);
 599:         close(p[1]);
 600:         yyinit(argc, argv);
 601:         yyparse();
 602:         exit();
 603:     }
 604:     close(0);
 605:     dup(p[0]);
 606:     close(p[0]);
 607:     close(p[1]);
 608:     execl("/bin/dc", "dc", "-", 0);
 609:     execl("/usr/bin/dc", "dc", "-", 0);
 610: }

Defined functions

_bundle defined in line 478; used 93 times
_conout defined in line 512; used 4 times
_cpeek defined in line 445; used 10 times
_geta defined in line 570; used 17 times
_getch defined in line 453; used 11 times
_getf defined in line 566; used 3 times
_getout defined in line 560; used 5 times
_main defined in line 575; never used
_output defined in line 503; used 2 times
_pp defined in line 531; used 2 times
_routput defined in line 494; used 3 times
_tp defined in line 540; used 2 times
_yyerror defined in line 520; used 5 times
_yyinit defined in line 547; used 2 times
_yylex defined in line 348; never used

Defined variables

_atab defined in line 339; used 1 times
_b_sp_nxt defined in line 475; used 6 times
_b_space defined in line 474; used 6 times
_bdebug defined in line 477; used 2 times
_dot defined in line 347; never used
_funtab defined in line 336; used 1 times
_ifile defined in line 333; used 6 times
_letr defined in line 343; used 1 times
_peekc defined in line 331; used 33 times
_sargc defined in line 332; used 5 times
_sargv defined in line 334; used 5 times

Defined macros

b_sp_max defined in line 473; used 3 times
error defined in line 329; used 2 times
Last modified: 1985-11-29
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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