#ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)wwinit.c 3.26 5/1/86"; #endif /* * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California, * All rights reserved. Redistribution permitted subject to * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement. */ #include "ww.h" #include "tt.h" #include #include #include "char.h" wwinit() { register i, j; char *kp; register char **p, **q; char **env, **termcap = 0; extern char **environ; int s; wwdtablesize = getdtablesize(); wwhead.ww_forw = &wwhead; wwhead.ww_back = &wwhead; s = sigblock(sigmask(SIGIO)); if (signal(SIGIO, wwrint) == BADSIG) return -1; if (wwgettty(0, &wwoldtty) < 0) return -1; wwwintty = wwoldtty; wwwintty.ww_sgttyb.sg_flags &= ~XTABS; wwnewtty.ww_sgttyb = wwoldtty.ww_sgttyb; wwnewtty.ww_sgttyb.sg_erase = -1; wwnewtty.ww_sgttyb.sg_kill = -1; wwnewtty.ww_sgttyb.sg_flags |= CBREAK; wwnewtty.ww_sgttyb.sg_flags &= ~(ECHO|CRMOD); wwnewtty.ww_tchars.t_intrc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_tchars.t_quitc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_tchars.t_startc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_tchars.t_stopc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_tchars.t_eofc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_tchars.t_brkc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_ltchars.t_suspc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_ltchars.t_dsuspc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_ltchars.t_rprntc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_ltchars.t_flushc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_ltchars.t_werasc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_ltchars.t_lnextc = -1; wwnewtty.ww_lmode = wwoldtty.ww_lmode | LLITOUT; wwnewtty.ww_ldisc = wwoldtty.ww_ldisc; wwnewtty.ww_fflags = wwoldtty.ww_fflags | FASYNC; if (wwsettty(0, &wwnewtty, &wwoldtty) < 0) goto bad; if ((wwterm = getenv("TERM")) == 0) { wwerrno = WWE_BADTERM; goto bad; } if (tgetent(wwtermcap, wwterm) != 1) { wwerrno = WWE_BADTERM; goto bad; } wwbaud = wwbaudmap[wwoldtty.ww_sgttyb.sg_ospeed]; if (ttinit() < 0) goto bad; wwnrow = tt.tt_nrow; wwncol = tt.tt_ncol; wwavailmodes = tt.tt_availmodes; wwwrap = tt.tt_wrap; (*tt.tt_init)(); if (wwavailmodes & WWM_REV) wwcursormodes = WWM_REV | wwavailmodes & WWM_BLK; else if (wwavailmodes & WWM_UL) wwcursormodes = WWM_UL; if ((wwib = malloc((unsigned) 512)) == 0) goto bad; wwibe = wwib + 512; wwibq = wwibp = wwib; if ((wwsmap = wwalloc(0, 0, wwnrow, wwncol, sizeof (char))) == 0) goto bad; for (i = 0; i < wwnrow; i++) for (j = 0; j < wwncol; j++) wwsmap[i][j] = WWX_NOBODY; wwos = (union ww_char **) wwalloc(0, 0, wwnrow, wwncol, sizeof (union ww_char)); if (wwos == 0) goto bad; for (i = 0; i < wwnrow; i++) for (j = 0; j < wwncol; j++) wwos[i][j].c_w = ' '; wwns = (union ww_char **) wwalloc(0, 0, wwnrow, wwncol, sizeof (union ww_char)); if (wwns == 0) goto bad; for (i = 0; i < wwnrow; i++) for (j = 0; j < wwncol; j++) wwns[i][j].c_w = ' '; wwtouched = malloc((unsigned) wwnrow); if (wwtouched == 0) { wwerrno = WWE_NOMEM; goto bad; } for (i = 0; i < wwnrow; i++) wwtouched[i] = 0; wwindex[WWX_NOBODY] = &wwnobody; wwnobody.ww_order = NWW; kp = wwkeys; wwaddcap("kb", &kp); wwaddcap("ku", &kp); wwaddcap("kd", &kp); wwaddcap("kl", &kp); wwaddcap("kr", &kp); wwaddcap("kh", &kp); if ((j = tgetnum("kn")) >= 0) { char cap[32]; (void) sprintf(kp, "kn#%d:", j); for (; *kp; kp++) ; for (i = 1; i <= j; i++) { (void) sprintf(cap, "k%d", i); wwaddcap(cap, &kp); cap[0] = 'l'; wwaddcap(cap, &kp); } } for (i = 0, p = environ; *p++; i++) ; if ((env = (char **)malloc((unsigned)(i + 3) * sizeof (char *))) == 0) goto bad; for (p = environ, q = env; *p; p++, q++) { if (strncmp(*p, "TERM=", 5) == 0) *q = WWT_TERM; else if (strncmp(*p, "TERMCAP=", 8) == 0) termcap = q; else *q = *p; } *(termcap ? termcap : q++) = wwwintermcap; *q = 0; environ = env; (void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); (void) sigsetmask(s); return 0; bad: /* * Don't bother to free storage. We're supposed * to exit when wwinit fails anyway. */ (void) wwsettty(0, &wwoldtty, &wwnewtty); (void) signal(SIGIO, SIG_DFL); (void) sigsetmask(s); return -1; } wwaddcap(cap, kp) register char *cap; register char **kp; { char tbuf[512]; char *tp = tbuf; register char *str, *p; if ((str = tgetstr(cap, &tp)) != 0) { while (*(*kp)++ = *cap++) ; (*kp)[-1] = '='; while (*str) { for (p = unctrl(*str++); *(*kp)++ = *p++;) ; (*kp)--; } *(*kp)++ = ':'; **kp = 0; } }