#ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)cmd.c 3.33 4/24/85"; #endif /* * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California, * All rights reserved. Redistribution permitted subject to * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement. */ #include "defs.h" #include "char.h" docmd() { register char c; register struct ww *w; char out = 0; for (;;) { while ((c = wwgetc()) >= 0) { if (!terse) wwputc('\n', cmdwin); switch (c) { default: if (c == escapec) goto foo; break; case 'h': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case ctrl(y): case ctrl(e): case ctrl(u): case ctrl(d): case ctrl(b): case ctrl(f): case ctrl(s): case ctrl(q): case ctrl([): foo: if (selwin == 0) { error("No window."); continue; } } switch (c) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if ((w = window[c - '1']) == 0) { error("%c: No such window.", c); break; } setselwin(w); if (checkproc(selwin) >= 0) out = 1; break; case '%': if ((w = getwin()) != 0) setselwin(w); break; case ctrl(^): if (lastselwin != 0) { setselwin(lastselwin); if (checkproc(selwin) >= 0) out = 1; } else error("No previous window."); break; case 'c': if ((w = getwin()) != 0) c_close(w); break; case 'w': c_window(); break; case 'm': if ((w = getwin()) != 0) c_move(w); break; case 'M': if ((w = getwin()) != 0) movewin(w, w->ww_alt.t, w->ww_alt.l); break; case 's': if ((w = getwin()) != 0) c_size(w); break; case 'S': if ((w = getwin()) != 0) sizewin(w, w->ww_alt.nr, w->ww_alt.nc); break; case ':': c_colon(); break; case 'h': (void) wwwrite(selwin, "\b", 1); break; case 'j': (void) wwwrite(selwin, "\n", 1); break; case 'k': (void) wwwrite(selwin, "\033A", 2); break; case 'l': (void) wwwrite(selwin, "\033C", 2); break; case ctrl(e): wwscroll(selwin, 1); break; case ctrl(y): wwscroll(selwin, -1); break; case ctrl(d): wwscroll(selwin, selwin->ww_w.nr / 2); break; case ctrl(u): wwscroll(selwin, - selwin->ww_w.nr / 2); break; case ctrl(f): wwscroll(selwin, selwin->ww_w.nr); break; case ctrl(b): wwscroll(selwin, - selwin->ww_w.nr); break; case ctrl(s): stopwin(selwin); break; case ctrl(q): startwin(selwin); break; case ctrl(l): wwredraw(); break; case '?': c_help(); break; case ctrl([): if (checkproc(selwin) >= 0) out = 1; break; case ctrl(z): wwsuspend(); break; case 'q': c_quit(); break; /* debugging stuff */ case '&': if (debug) { c_debug(); break; } default: if (c == escapec) { if (checkproc(selwin) >= 0) { (void) write(selwin->ww_pty, &escapec, 1); out = 1; } } else { if (!terse) wwbell(); error("Type ? for help."); } } } if (out || quit) break; if (terse) wwsetcursor(0, 0); else { wwputs("Command: ", cmdwin); wwcurtowin(cmdwin); } while (wwpeekc() < 0) wwiomux(); } if (!quit) setcmd(0); } struct ww * getwin() { register int c; struct ww *w = 0; if (!terse) wwputs("Which window? ", cmdwin); wwcurtowin(cmdwin); while ((c = wwgetc()) < 0) wwiomux(); if (debug && c == 'c') w = cmdwin; else if (debug && c == 'f') w = framewin; else if (debug && c == 'b') w = boxwin; else if (c >= '1' && c < NWINDOW + '1') w = window[c - '1']; if (w == 0) wwbell(); if (!terse) wwputc('\n', cmdwin); return w; } checkproc(w) struct ww *w; { if (w->ww_state != WWS_HASPROC) { error("No process in window."); return -1; } return 0; } setcmd(new) char new; { if (new && !incmd) { if (!terse) wwadd(cmdwin, &wwhead); if (selwin != 0) wwcursor(selwin, 1); wwcurwin = 0; } else if (!new && incmd) { if (!terse) { wwdelete(cmdwin); reframe(); } if (selwin != 0) wwcursor(selwin, 0); wwcurwin = selwin; } incmd = new; } setterse(new) char new; { if (incmd) if (new && !terse) { wwdelete(cmdwin); reframe(); } else if (!new && terse) wwadd(cmdwin, &wwhead); terse = new; } /* * Set the current window. */ setselwin(w) struct ww *w; { if (selwin == w) return; if (selwin != 0) lastselwin = selwin; if ((selwin = w) != 0) front(selwin, 1); }