1: /*
   2:  *	Copyright 1984, 1985 by the Regents of the University of
   3:  *	California and by Gregory Glenn Minshall.
   4:  *
   5:  *	Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these
   6:  *	programs and their documentation for any purpose and
   7:  *	without fee is hereby granted, provided that this
   8:  *	copyright and permission appear on all copies and
   9:  *	supporting documentation, the name of the Regents of
  10:  *	the University of California not be used in advertising
  11:  *	or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs
  12:  *	without specific prior permission, and notice be given in
  13:  *	supporting documentation that copying and distribution is
  14:  *	by permission of the Regents of the University of California
  15:  *	and by Gregory Glenn Minshall.  Neither the Regents of the
  16:  *	University of California nor Gregory Glenn Minshall make
  17:  *	representations about the suitability of this software
  18:  *	for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without
  19:  *	express or implied warranty.
  20:  */
  23: #ifndef LINT
  24: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)map3270.c	2.5";
  25: #endif	/* LINT */
  27: /*	This program reads a description file, somewhat like /etc/termcap,
  28:     that describes the mapping between the current terminals keyboard and
  29:     a 3270 keyboard.
  30:  */
  32: /* here is a sample (very small) entry...
  34: 	# this table is sensitive to position on a line.  In particular,
  35: 	# a terminal definition for a terminal is terminated whenever a
  36: 	# (non-comment) line beginning in column one is found.
  37: 	#
  38: 	# this is an entry to map tvi924 to 3270 keys...
  39: 	v8|tvi924|924|televideo model 924 {
  40: 		pfk1 =	'\E1';
  41: 		pfk2 =	'\E2';
  42: 		clear = '^z';		# clear the screen
  43: 	}
  44:  */
  45: #endif /* DOCUMENTATION_ONLY */
  47: #include <stdio.h>
  48: #include <ctype.h>
  49: #include <curses.h>
  51: #define IsPrint(c)  (isprint(c) || ((c) == ' '))
  53: #define LETS_SEE_ASCII
  54: #include "m4.out"
  56: #include "state.h"
  58: /* this is the list of types returned by the lex processor */
  59: #define LEX_CHAR    TC_HIGHEST      /* plain unadorned character */
  60: #define LEX_ESCAPED LEX_CHAR+1      /* escaped with \ */
  61: #define LEX_CARETED LEX_ESCAPED+1       /* escaped with ^ */
  62: #define LEX_END_OF_FILE LEX_CARETED+1       /* end of file encountered */
  63: #define LEX_ILLEGAL LEX_END_OF_FILE+1   /* trailing escape character */
  65: /* the following is part of our character set dependancy... */
  66: #define ESCAPE      0x1b
  67: #define TAB     0x09
  68: #define NEWLINE     0x0a
  69: #define CARRIAGE_RETURN 0x0d
  71: typedef struct {
  72:     int type;       /* LEX_* - type of character */
  73:     int value;      /* character this was */
  74: } lexicon;
  76: typedef struct {
  77:     int     length;     /* length of character string */
  78:     char    array[500]; /* character string */
  79: } stringWithLength;
  81: #define panic(s)    { fprintf(stderr, s); exit(1); }
  83: static state firstentry = { 0, TC_NULL, 0, 0 };
  84: static state *headOfQueue = &firstentry;
  86: /* the following is a primitive adm3a table, to be used when nothing
  87:  * else seems to be avaliable.
  88:  */
  90: #ifdef  DEBUG
  91: static int debug = 0;       /* debug flag (for debuggin tables) */
  92: #endif	/* DEBUG */
  94: static int doPaste = 1;         /* should we have side effects */
  95: static char usePointer;         /* use pointer, or file */
  96: static FILE *ourFile;
  97: static char *environPointer = 0;    /* if non-zero, point to input
  98: 					 * string in core.
  99: 					 */
 100: static char keys3a[] =
 101: #include "default.map3270"      /* Define the default default */
 102:             ;
 104: static  int Empty = 1,      /* is the unget lifo empty? */
 105:         Full = 0;       /* is the unget lifo full? */
 106: static  lexicon lifo[200];      /* character stack for parser */
 107: static  int rp = 0,         /* read pointer into lifo */
 108:         wp = 0;         /* write pointer into lifo */
 110: static int
 111: GetC()
 112: {
 113:     int character;
 115:     if (usePointer) {
 116:     if (*environPointer) {
 117:         character = 0xff&*environPointer++;
 118:     } else {
 119:         character = EOF;
 120:     }
 121:     } else {
 122:     character = getc(ourFile);
 123:     }
 124:     return(character);
 125: }
 127: static lexicon
 128: Get()
 129: {
 130:     lexicon c;
 131:     register lexicon *pC = &c;
 132:     register int character;
 134:     if (!Empty) {
 135:     *pC = lifo[rp];
 136:     rp++;
 137:     if (rp == sizeof lifo/sizeof (lexicon)) {
 138:         rp = 0;
 139:     }
 140:     if (rp == wp) {
 141:         Empty = 1;
 142:     }
 143:     Full = 0;
 144:     } else {
 145:     character = GetC();
 146:     switch (character) {
 147:     case EOF:
 148:         pC->type = LEX_END_OF_FILE;
 149:         break;
 150:     case '^':
 151:         character = GetC();
 152:         if (!IsPrint(character)) {
 153:         pC->type = LEX_ILLEGAL;
 154:         } else {
 155:         pC->type = LEX_CARETED;
 156:         if (character == '?') {
 157:             character |= 0x40;  /* rubout */
 158:         } else {
 159:             character &= 0x1f;
 160:         }
 161:         }
 162:         break;
 163:     case '\\':
 164:         character = GetC();
 165:         if (!IsPrint(character)) {
 166:         pC->type = LEX_ILLEGAL;
 167:         } else {
 168:         pC->type = LEX_ESCAPED;
 169:         switch (character) {
 170:         case 'E': case 'e':
 171:             character = ESCAPE;
 172:             break;
 173:         case 't':
 174:             character = TAB;
 175:             break;
 176:         case 'n':
 177:             character = NEWLINE;
 178:             break;
 179:         case 'r':
 180:             character = CARRIAGE_RETURN;
 181:             break;
 182:         default:
 183:             pC->type = LEX_ILLEGAL;
 184:             break;
 185:         }
 186:         }
 187:         break;
 188:     default:
 189:         if ((IsPrint(character)) || isspace(character)) {
 190:         pC->type = LEX_CHAR;
 191:         } else {
 192:         pC->type = LEX_ILLEGAL;
 193:         }
 194:         break;
 195:     }
 196:     pC->value = character;
 197:     }
 198:     return(*pC);
 199: }
 201: static
 202: UnGet(c)
 203: lexicon c;          /* character to unget */
 204: {
 205:     if (Full) {
 206:     fprintf(stderr, "attempt to put too many characters in lifo\n");
 207:     panic("map3270");
 208:     /* NOTREACHED */
 209:     } else {
 210:     lifo[wp] = c;
 211:     wp++;
 212:     if (wp == sizeof lifo/sizeof (lexicon)) {
 213:         wp = 0;
 214:     }
 215:     if (wp == rp) {
 216:         Full = 1;
 217:     }
 218:     Empty = 0;
 219:     }
 220: }
 222: /* compare two strings, ignoring case */
 224: ustrcmp(string1, string2)
 225: register char *string1;
 226: register char *string2;
 227: {
 228:     register int c1, c2;
 230:     while (c1 = (unsigned char) *string1++) {
 231:     if (isupper(c1)) {
 232:         c1 = tolower(c1);
 233:     }
 234:     if (isupper(c2 = (unsigned char) *string2++)) {
 235:         c2 = tolower(c2);
 236:     }
 237:     if (c1 < c2) {
 238:         return(-1);
 239:     } else if (c1 > c2) {
 240:         return(1);
 241:     }
 242:     }
 243:     if (*string2) {
 244:     return(-1);
 245:     } else {
 246:     return(0);
 247:     }
 248: }
 251: static stringWithLength *
 252: GetQuotedString()
 253: {
 254:     lexicon lex;
 255:     static stringWithLength output; /* where return value is held */
 256:     char *pointer = output.array;
 258:     lex = Get();
 259:     if ((lex.type != LEX_CHAR) || (lex.value != '\'')) {
 260:     UnGet(lex);
 261:     return(0);
 262:     }
 263:     while (1) {
 264:     lex = Get();
 265:     if ((lex.type == LEX_CHAR) && (lex.value == '\'')) {
 266:         break;
 267:     }
 268:     if ((lex.type == LEX_CHAR) && !IsPrint(lex.value)) {
 269:         UnGet(lex);
 270:         return(0);      /* illegal character in quoted string */
 271:     }
 272:     if (pointer >= output.array+sizeof output.array) {
 273:         return(0);      /* too long */
 274:     }
 275:     *pointer++ = lex.value;
 276:     }
 277:     output.length = pointer-output.array;
 278:     return(&output);
 279: }
 281: #ifdef  NOTUSED
 282: static stringWithLength *
 283: GetCharString()
 284: {
 285:     lexicon lex;
 286:     static stringWithLength output;
 287:     char *pointer = output.array;
 289:     lex = Get();
 291:     while ((lex.type == LEX_CHAR) &&
 292:             !isspace(lex.value) && (lex.value != '=')) {
 293:     *pointer++ = lex.value;
 294:     lex = Get();
 295:     if (pointer >= output.array + sizeof output.array) {
 296:         return(0);      /* too long */
 297:     }
 298:     }
 299:     UnGet(lex);
 300:     output.length = pointer-output.array;
 301:     return(&output);
 302: }
 303: #endif	/* NOTUSED */
 305: static
 306: GetCharacter(character)
 307: int character;      /* desired character */
 308: {
 309:     lexicon lex;
 311:     lex = Get();
 313:     if ((lex.type != LEX_CHAR) || (lex.value != character)) {
 314:     UnGet(lex);
 315:     return(0);
 316:     }
 317:     return(1);
 318: }
 320: #ifdef  NOTUSED
 321: static
 322: GetString(string)
 323: char    *string;        /* string to get */
 324: {
 325:     lexicon lex;
 327:     while (*string) {
 328:     lex = Get();
 329:     if ((lex.type != LEX_CHAR) || (lex.value != *string&0xff)) {
 330:         UnGet(lex);
 331:         return(0);      /* XXX restore to state on entry */
 332:     }
 333:     string++;
 334:     }
 335:     return(1);
 336: }
 337: #endif	/* NOTUSED */
 340: static stringWithLength *
 341: GetAlphaMericString()
 342: {
 343:     lexicon lex;
 344:     static stringWithLength output;
 345:     char *pointer = output.array;
 346: #   define  IsAlnum(c)  (isalnum(c) || (c == '_')|| (c == '-'))
 348:     lex = Get();
 350:     if ((lex.type != LEX_CHAR) || !IsAlnum(lex.value)) {
 351:     UnGet(lex);
 352:     return(0);
 353:     }
 355:     while ((lex.type == LEX_CHAR) && IsAlnum(lex.value)) {
 356:     *pointer++ = lex.value;
 357:     lex = Get();
 358:     }
 359:     UnGet(lex);
 360:     *pointer = 0;
 361:     output.length = pointer-output.array;
 362:     return(&output);
 363: }
 366: /* eat up characters until a new line, or end of file.  returns terminating
 367: 	character.
 368:  */
 370: static lexicon
 371: EatToNL()
 372: {
 373:     lexicon lex;
 375:     lex = Get();
 377:     while (!((lex.type != LEX_ESCAPED) && (lex.value == '\n')) &&
 378:                 (!(lex.type == LEX_END_OF_FILE))) {
 379:     lex = Get();
 380:     }
 381:     if (lex.type != LEX_END_OF_FILE) {
 382:     return(Get());
 383:     } else {
 384:     return(lex);
 385:     }
 386: }
 389: static void
 390: GetWS()
 391: {
 392:     lexicon lex;
 394:     lex = Get();
 396:     while ((lex.type == LEX_CHAR) &&
 397:             (isspace(lex.value) || (lex.value == '#'))) {
 398:     if (lex.value == '#') {
 399:         lex = EatToNL();
 400:     } else {
 401:         lex = Get();
 402:     }
 403:     }
 404:     UnGet(lex);
 405: }
 407: static void
 408: FreeState(pState)
 409: state *pState;
 410: {
 411:     free((char *)pState);
 412: }
 415: static state *
 416: GetState()
 417: {
 418:     state *pState;
 419:     char *malloc();
 421:     pState = (state *) malloc(sizeof *pState);
 423:     pState->result = TC_NULL;
 424:     pState->next = 0;
 426:     return(pState);
 427: }
 430: static state *
 431: FindMatchAtThisLevel(pState, character)
 432: state   *pState;
 433: int character;
 434: {
 435:     while (pState) {
 436:     if (pState->match == character) {
 437:         return(pState);
 438:     }
 439:     pState = pState->next;
 440:     }
 441:     return(0);
 442: }
 445: static state *
 446: PasteEntry(head, string, count, identifier)
 447: state           *head;      /* points to who should point here... */
 448: char            *string;    /* which characters to paste */
 449: int         count;      /* number of character to do */
 450: char            *identifier;    /* for error messages */
 451: {
 452:     state *pState, *other;
 454:     if (!doPaste) {     /* flag to not have any side effects */
 455:     return((state *)1);
 456:     }
 457:     if (!count) {
 458:     return(head);   /* return pointer to the parent */
 459:     }
 460:     if ((head->result != TC_NULL) && (head->result != TC_GOTO)) {
 461:     /* this means that a previously defined sequence is an initial
 462: 	 * part of this one.
 463: 	 */
 464:     fprintf(stderr, "Conflicting entries found when scanning %s\n",
 465:         identifier);
 466:     return(0);
 467:     }
 468: #   ifdef   DEBUG
 469:     if (debug) {
 470:         fprintf(stderr, "%s", unctrl(*string));
 471:     }
 472: #   endif	/* DEBUG */
 473:     pState = GetState();
 474:     pState->match = *string;
 475:     if (head->result == TC_NULL) {
 476:     head->result = TC_GOTO;
 477:     head->address = pState;
 478:     other = pState;
 479:     } else {        /* search for same character */
 480:     if (other = FindMatchAtThisLevel(head->address, *string)) {
 481:         FreeState(pState);
 482:     } else {
 483:         pState->next = head->address;
 484:         head->address = pState;
 485:         other = pState;
 486:     }
 487:     }
 488:     return(PasteEntry(other, string+1, count-1, identifier));
 489: }
 491: static
 492: GetInput(tc, identifier)
 493: int tc;
 494: char *identifier;       /* entry being parsed (for error messages) */
 495: {
 496:     stringWithLength *outputString;
 497:     state *head;
 498:     state fakeQueue;
 500:     if (doPaste) {
 501:     head = headOfQueue; /* always points to level above this one */
 502:     } else {
 503:     head = &fakeQueue;  /* don't have any side effects... */
 504:     }
 506:     if (!(outputString = GetQuotedString())) {
 507:     return(0);
 508:     } else if (IsPrint(outputString->array[0])) {
 509:     fprintf(stderr,
 510:      "first character of sequence for %s is not a control type character\n",
 511:         identifier);
 512:     return(0);
 513:     } else {
 514:     if (!(head = PasteEntry(head, outputString->array,
 515:                 outputString->length, identifier))) {
 516:         return(0);
 517:     }
 518:     GetWS();
 519:     while (outputString = GetQuotedString()) {
 520:         if (!(head = PasteEntry(head, outputString->array, outputString->length, identifier))) {
 521:         return(0);
 522:         }
 523:         GetWS();
 524:     }
 525:     }
 526:     if (!doPaste) {
 527:     return(1);
 528:     }
 529:     if ((head->result != TC_NULL) && (head->result != tc)) {
 530:     /* this means that this sequence is an initial part
 531: 	 * of a previously defined one.
 532: 	 */
 533:     fprintf(stderr, "Conflicting entries found when scanning %s\n",
 534:         identifier);
 535:     return(0);
 536:     } else {
 537:     head->result = tc;
 538:     return(1);      /* done */
 539:     }
 540: }
 542: static
 543: GetTc(string)
 544: char *string;
 545: {
 546:     register TC_Ascii_t *Tc;
 548:     for (Tc = TC_Ascii;
 549:         Tc < TC_Ascii+sizeof TC_Ascii/sizeof (TC_Ascii_t); Tc++) {
 550:     if (!ustrcmp(string, Tc->tc_name)) {
 551: #	    ifdef DEBUG
 552:         if (debug) {
 553:             fprintf(stderr, "%s = ", Tc->tc_name);
 554:         }
 555: #	    endif	/* DEBUG */
 556:         return(Tc->tc_value&0xff);
 557:     }
 558:     }
 559:     return(0);
 560: }
 561: static
 562: GetDefinition()
 563: {
 564:     stringWithLength *string;
 565:     int Tc;
 567:     GetWS();
 568:     if (!(string = GetAlphaMericString())) {
 569:     return(0);
 570:     }
 571:     string->array[string->length] = 0;
 572:     if (doPaste) {
 573:     if (!(Tc = GetTc(string->array))) {
 574:         fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown 3270 key identifier\n", string->array);
 575:         return(0);
 576:     }
 577:     if (Tc < TC_LOWEST_USER) {
 578:         fprintf(stderr, "%s is not allowed to be specified by a user.\n",
 579:             string->array);
 580:         return(0);
 581:     }
 582:     } else {
 583:     Tc = TC_LOWEST_USER;
 584:     }
 585:     GetWS();
 586:     if (!GetCharacter('=')) {
 587:     fprintf(stderr,
 588:         "Required equal sign after 3270 key identifier %s missing\n",
 589:             string->array);
 590:     return(0);
 591:     }
 592:     GetWS();
 593:     if (!GetInput(Tc, string->array)) {
 594:     fprintf(stderr, "Missing definition part for 3270 key %s\n",
 595:                 string->array);
 596:     return(0);
 597:     } else {
 598:     GetWS();
 599:     while (GetCharacter('|')) {
 600: #	    ifdef DEBUG
 601:         if (debug) {
 602:             fprintf(stderr, " or ");
 603:         }
 604: #	    endif	/* DEBUG */
 605:         GetWS();
 606:         if (!GetInput(Tc, string->array)) {
 607:         fprintf(stderr, "Missing definition part for 3270 key %s\n",
 608:                     string->array);
 609:         return(0);
 610:         }
 611:         GetWS();
 612:     }
 613:     }
 614:     GetWS();
 615:     if (!GetCharacter(';')) {
 616:     fprintf(stderr, "Missing semi-colon for 3270 key %s\n", string->array);
 617:     return(0);
 618:     }
 619: #   ifdef   DEBUG
 620:     if (debug) {
 621:         fprintf(stderr, ";\n");
 622:     }
 623: #   endif	/* DEBUG */
 624:     return(1);
 625: }
 628: static
 629: GetDefinitions()
 630: {
 631:     if (!GetDefinition()) {
 632:     return(0);
 633:     } else {
 634:     while (GetDefinition()) {
 635:         ;
 636:     }
 637:     }
 638:     return(1);
 639: }
 641: static
 642: GetBegin()
 643: {
 644:     GetWS();
 645:     if (!GetCharacter('{')) {
 646:     return(0);
 647:     }
 648:     return(1);
 649: }
 651: static
 652: GetEnd()
 653: {
 654:     GetWS();
 655:     if (!GetCharacter('}')) {
 656:     return(0);
 657:     }
 658:     return(1);
 659: }
 661: static
 662: GetName()
 663: {
 664:     if (!GetAlphaMericString()) {
 665:     return(0);
 666:     }
 667:     GetWS();
 668:     while (GetAlphaMericString()) {
 669:     GetWS();
 670:     }
 671:     return(1);
 672: }
 674: static
 675: GetNames()
 676: {
 677:     GetWS();
 678:     if (!GetName()) {
 679:     return(0);
 680:     } else {
 681:     GetWS();
 682:         while (GetCharacter('|')) {
 683:         GetWS();
 684:         if (!GetName()) {
 685:         return(0);
 686:         }
 687:     }
 688:     }
 689:     return(1);
 690: }
 692: static
 693: GetEntry0()
 694: {
 695:     if (!GetBegin()) {
 696:     fprintf(stderr, "no '{'\n");
 697:     return(0);
 698:     } else if (!GetDefinitions()) {
 699:     fprintf(stderr, "unable to parse the definitions\n");
 700:     return(0);
 701:     } else if (!GetEnd()) {
 702:     fprintf(stderr, "no '}'\n");
 703:     return(0);
 704:     } else {
 705:     /* done */
 706:     return(1);
 707:     }
 708: }
 711: static
 712: GetEntry()
 713: {
 714:     if (!GetNames()) {
 715:     fprintf(stderr, "illegal name field in entry\n");
 716:     return(0);
 717:     } else {
 718:     return(GetEntry0());
 719:     }
 720: }
 722: /* position ourselves within a given filename to the entry for the current
 723:  *	TERM variable
 724:  */
 726: Position(filename, termPointer)
 727: char *filename;
 728: char *termPointer;
 729: {
 730:     lexicon lex;
 731:     stringWithLength *name = 0;
 732:     stringWithLength *oldName;
 733: #   define  Return(x) {doPaste = 1; return(x);}
 735:     doPaste = 0;
 737:     if ((ourFile = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
 738:     fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s\n", filename);
 739:     Return(0);
 740:     }
 741:     lex = Get();
 742:     while (lex.type != LEX_END_OF_FILE) {
 743:     UnGet(lex);
 744:     /* now, find an entry that is our type. */
 745:     GetWS();
 746:     oldName = name;
 747:     if (name = GetAlphaMericString()) {
 748:         if (!ustrcmp(name->array, termPointer)) {
 749:         /* need to make sure there is a name here... */
 750:         lex.type = LEX_CHAR;
 751:         lex.value = 'a';
 752:         UnGet(lex);
 753:         Return(1);
 754:         }
 755:     } else if (GetCharacter('|')) {
 756:         ;       /* more names coming */
 757:     } else {
 758:         lex = Get();
 759:         UnGet(lex);
 760:         if (lex.type != LEX_END_OF_FILE) {
 761:             if (!GetEntry0()) { /* start of an entry */
 762:             fprintf(stderr, "error was in entry for %s in file %s\n",
 763:                 (oldName)? oldName->array:"(unknown)", filename);
 764:             Return(0);
 765:         }
 766:         }
 767:     }
 768:     lex = Get();
 769:     }
 770:     fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find entry for %s in file %s\n", termPointer,
 771:             filename);
 772:     Return(0);
 773: }
 774: /* InitControl - our interface to the outside.  What we should
 775:     do is figure out terminal type, set up file pointer (or string
 776:     pointer), etc.
 777:  */
 779: state *
 780: InitControl()
 781: {
 782:     char *getenv();
 783:     int GotIt;
 784:     char *termPointer;
 786:     environPointer = getenv("MAP3270");
 788:     if ((!environPointer) || (*environPointer == '/')) {
 789:     usePointer = 0;
 790:     GotIt = 0;
 792:     termPointer = getenv("TERM");
 793:     if (!termPointer) {
 794:         fprintf(stderr,
 795:                 "TERM environment variable (that defines the kind of terminal you are using)\n");
 796:         fprintf(stderr,
 797:             "is not set.  To set it, say 'setenv TERM <type>'\n");
 798:     } else {
 799:         if (environPointer) {
 800:         GotIt = Position(environPointer, termPointer);
 801:         }
 802:         if (!GotIt) {
 803:         GotIt = Position("/etc/map3270", termPointer);
 804:         }
 805:     }
 806:     if (!GotIt) {
 807:         if (environPointer) {
 808:         GotIt = Position(environPointer, "unknown");
 809:         }
 810:         if (!GotIt) {
 811:         GotIt = Position("/etc/map3270", "unknown");
 812:         }
 813:     }
 814:     if (!GotIt) {
 815:         fprintf(stderr, "Using default key mappings.\n");
 816:         environPointer = keys3a;    /* use incore table */
 817:         usePointer = 1;     /* flag use of non-file */
 818:     }
 819:     } else {
 820:     usePointer = 1;
 821:     }
 822:     (void) GetEntry();
 823:     return(firstentry.address);
 824: }

Defined functions

EatToNL defined in line 370; used 1 times
FindMatchAtThisLevel defined in line 430; used 1 times
FreeState defined in line 407; used 1 times
Get defined in line 127; used 16 times
GetAlphaMericString defined in line 340; used 4 times
GetBegin defined in line 641; used 1 times
GetC defined in line 110; used 3 times
GetCharString defined in line 282; never used
GetCharacter defined in line 305; used 7 times
GetDefinition defined in line 561; used 2 times
GetDefinitions defined in line 628; used 1 times
GetEnd defined in line 651; used 1 times
GetEntry defined in line 711; used 1 times
GetEntry0 defined in line 692; used 2 times
GetInput defined in line 491; used 2 times
GetName defined in line 661; used 2 times
GetNames defined in line 674; used 1 times
GetQuotedString defined in line 251; used 2 times
GetState defined in line 415; used 1 times
GetString defined in line 321; never used
GetTc defined in line 542; used 1 times
GetWS defined in line 389; used 17 times
InitControl defined in line 779; used 4 times
PasteEntry defined in line 445; used 3 times
Position defined in line 726; used 4 times
UnGet defined in line 201; used 11 times
ustrcmp defined in line 224; used 2 times

Defined variables

Empty defined in line 104; used 3 times
debug defined in line 91; used 4 times
doPaste defined in line 94; used 6 times
environPointer defined in line 97; used 10 times
keys3a defined in line 100; used 1 times
lexicon defined in line 127; used 16 times
rp defined in line 107; used 6 times
sccsid defined in line 24; never used
usePointer defined in line 95; used 4 times

Defined macros

CARRIAGE_RETURN defined in line 69; used 1 times
ESCAPE defined in line 66; used 1 times
IsAlnum defined in line 346; used 2 times
IsPrint defined in line 51; used 5 times
LETS_SEE_ASCII defined in line 53; never used
LEX_CARETED defined in line 61; used 2 times
LEX_CHAR defined in line 59; used 12 times
LEX_END_OF_FILE defined in line 62; used 6 times
LEX_ESCAPED defined in line 60; used 3 times
LEX_ILLEGAL defined in line 63; used 4 times
NEWLINE defined in line 68; used 1 times
Return defined in line 733; used 4 times
TAB defined in line 67; used 1 times
panic defined in line 81; used 1 times
Last modified: 1986-01-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
page hit count: 2967
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